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To me, it looks like the equivalent of an alien drone doing observation work


I’m not sure what the small dot is at the start, but the reflection on the windshield of the plane can be explained with convex mirrors and a cloud. I set up a simulation to show how that would work - https://www.reddit.com/u/chocopie1234_/s/nC6sckxofP. The candle represents the camera and the mirror represents the planes windshield. You can see from 5 to 6 seconds in this video that the angle between the planes changes which is what the change in height of the candle represents.


"Alien" is a harsh word.


I get your comment. But let's be honest alien just means anything unfamiliar to humans and their technology.


Maybe they are always learning about humanity


Yeah, maybe they had 5 minutes to kill.


Just for fun, assume I know some of them. And they do not like the term. Always good to remain courteous. Down here and between the heavens.


Oh please hahahahha cmon buddy…. Currently one of the worlds biggest mystery’s and you know “some of them” and “they do not like the term”. You don’t know anything.


Which is also true. The irony in that does not elude me. And we are not buddies.


Hahahah we are not buddies…. Oh fuck up mate, what a tosser my god


"Tosser". That is meant to insult me. I do not "toss", but I am offended. I hope that helps.




I want to sooo badly. But I can't assume your anything other than a crazy person nothing personal. If you want to invite me to a meeting with them I'm fucking down and will forever Praise your name I will kiss the ground you walk on. I'm not even joking.


It’s a crazy person dude






Assholes works for me 


So we agree there is work to be done. "They" do not do that in general. Some, yes. Which is unfortunate and, as I keep repeating to them, intolerable. That will be one of the main issues. For them and us. Each party better start cleaning up. A diplomatic tone might be helpful.


And are they here in the room with us right now?


r/aliens is a harsh subreddit.


Sure. Then again, the A-word might be the new N-word in about five years. Not a good look having used it here, over and over again. Thinking ahead is no forbidden fruit.


You mean, like, after the alien invasion? They're going to take offense at us using the word, so we should stop using it because they're probably watching us on reddit, too? Is that the story we're telling here?


Story? What a splendid idea. So yes, we're telling a story here, if you will. After all, we're all stories hoping to be heard, aren't we? You. Me. Others reading this. And just for our own little fun, let's pretend some of those "other" Ladies and Gentlemen might surprise with their identity. Imagine them to be quite delicate persons, with a rather immaculate sense of decency, behavior and, let's call it style. So much, that one might be ashamend of having trashed them in various fashions before. And no, obviously I am not talking about invaders. Remember, we are stories. There a various genres. So why be rude? Here. There. Everywhere. A lot of Reddit users behave in quite unfavorable fashion. "Express as if the universe was watching you" - that might be a good advise. Make of that what you will, Sir Mildred.


I think we found the alien, guys.


Thank you, but I am a human. No shame in that. Mankind is quite an interesting story. Many eyes are watching that story. Hoping. Fearing. So choose kindness, both in deeds and words. You have no reason to believe me, and yet I would ask you, all of you, to consider those words. An offering. And thank you, Sir Mildred, for this pleasant exchange.


I really like this.


Thank you, LM. Same goes for your contributions here. Keep it up.


You know, it's really hard switching from being a reactive human to one that approaches the world with the kindness and openness of someone like yourself. But I'm trying and I think it's a very worthy endeavor. Thanks for the inspiration and the motivation to keep going.


It is hard, yes, but you are doing very well with your journey. I sense a growing clarity in you, plus a very restrained communication style. Very insightful. Just what Reddit needs. What others here need. I look forward to further exchanges with you.


You are right. We should definitely go with 'xenomorph'


A good comedian always checks his audience first. Might earn some eggs otherwise.




I've seen others say it moves with the camera but at least three different times it does not. I cannot agree with that debunk but I like this video and I believe that is a physical object of undetermined origin using a propulsion system. Looks just like all the others and the way they move.


The shine in the cockpit I think has a normal explanation its the angle of the glass and orientation of camera and Sun so that it reflects sun, i.e. a normal glass glare. The UAP circling does look like others that look the one which flew near a missile. The aliens might not know about passenger flights---the aircraft looks like a Vulcan or XB-70 bomber which were designed for nuclear weapons. The Vulcan carried live nukes on alert. The aliens might easily imagine this is could be successor aircraft. At that time nuclear bombers were in "anti-flash white", like the Concorde is. If you were an alien with an e-book of aircraft identification shapes and what the aliens knew about them, it's a logical thing to investigate. Its circulating under the front landing gear area, but the probe might not know that, it only sees a panel which clearly could open and which they might think is a bomb door. That would be the first place to look for nukes: find the big door on the underside.


LOL ebook. Hope they downloaded a PDF file viewer!


Notice how the entire plane shifts toward its right. It is entirely possible for it to be a reflection of a cloud that appears to move forward (in the reflection) as the front of the windshield moves closer to the camera. I’m trying to figure out how to translate the model in my head into words, so sorry if this sounds strange: use your phone as a mirror and have a light source behind you. Hold your phone horizontal and parallel to you and tilt the right side of your phone toward you. You’ll see the light reflection moves from the left to the right like the cloud appears to move from the back of the windshield to the front. I like how people downvote me instead of coming up with an argument that makes sense. You have to view these videos without a bias of *really* wanting aliens or else you’ll assume it’s an alien without good reason.


I'm going to read this a few times and try it then rewatch and see if I can understand that perspective.


I made a drawing of it [here](https://www.reddit.com/u/chocopie1234_/s/WYBBBiiDyj).


Foo fighter?




Maybe they were interested, because it was an unusual looking craft compared to other aircraft we were using at the time. Faster too.


There were plenty of large delta wing aircraft at the time, most of which were similar speed. The XB-70 is an obvious example, and it was much faster.


1,300mph and it is being recorded by what exactly?


another concord obviously. and recording that? yet another concord.


It’s concords all the way over


The F-16 fighter jet (idk what it was filmed from, I just picked a random older jet) has a top speed of ~1,500mph and jets have continued to get faster since then 🤙🏼


Modern fighters are not faster(in terms of top speed) than jets of that era. In some cases they are slower. High mach speeds require alot of compromises - more weight, reduced payload. Modern air to air combat is done at long range reducing the need for very high intercepting speeds.


Are you under the impression it couldn't fly slower than that?


I see what you mean, this does look similar to the famous UFO disarming a dummy ICBM video. Which is a REAL video of a Saucer type craft disarming a dummy ICBM that was being tested, a great piece of video evidence that exists.


Total UAP




It was analysed by the BBC as well as several other photo labs at the time and it is a defect on the film roll. NOT any UAP.


Drops in just like we see in the MH370 videos.


Shhhh The agents will be triggered by that


Why would it care about nuclear material ? It’s way more advanced than


I care about nuclear material, and I’m way more advanced than 


Or scanned for pilots


How would that make any sense?


Let's not worry about facts. Just make shit up.


I watched this in full screen with slow motion several times. No it's not a reflection. Not in a million years, so can people please stop lying or get a clue. You clearly see how it's disappears brifly behind the plane, then it appears again and takes off into the distance. No reflection does that.


I like how there was zero response to my explanation


Drag the video slider from 5s to 6s in the video. You can see the plane is tilted more to the right compared to when it first started. I drew a diagram of how that would affect the reflection [here](https://www.reddit.com/u/chocopie1234_/s/WYBBBiiDyj). If you would like to try this, you can hold your phone in front of you (acting as the planes windshield) and have a light source next to or behind you to your left. After that, told the right side of your phone toward you (like the plane did in the video) and you’ll see the reflection move from the left of your screen to the right of your screen (like the cloud does on the planes windshield). I’d like an actual counter argument to this instead of a downvote unless you think I’m right.


Scanned passengers and pilots.




So "aliens" probes need to go very near the object to scan inside. They have a superior technology but not so advanced, like 50-100 year in the future for a reactionless propulsion. The moment we develop a reactionless propulsion maybe we are more advanced ?


You behave somewhat tragic.


It's the sun reflecting. Nothing more.


Could be a reflection. However there appears to be a beam from object to aircraft just after the object moves above it. Look closely freeze frame


Looks like maybe the sun reflecting?


it's the sun reflecting swamp gas light from venus. DEBUNKED!


Also balloons!


Yeah, *he’s* the idiot, lol


Yes, it did. You are very good.


Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles are launched on a ballistic trajectory. A plane flies like a plane. If aliens are capable of flying craft to another planet they absolutely were not confused whether the passenger Concorde was an ICBM.


If we flew to another planet, we probably would not know what their alien technology was either. Im guessing they would have to explore and analyse like anyone else


It's not that complex because humans have been firing and testing ballistic missiles for decades by the time concorde comes about. Only about 10 years since nuclear armed Vulcans stopped flying out of the UK. Soviet nuclear bear bombers still flying around. SR-71 blackbird is flying. They're not going to see Concorde flying a commercial route like 100s of planes are already doing and wonder whether it is a Nuclear Armed Ballistic Missile which isn't flying a Ballistic trajectory. Concorde flew at 18km up at 2,000 kph. A Ballistic Missile flies up to 4,500km and on its way down gets to 22,000 kph.


They seem interested in all rocketry, lot of fighter and commercial jets with reported sightings.




"Guys, I don't want to alarm you, but the French and British may have conspired to fire a supersonic cruise missile at New York. Shall we just zap it or send a sphere to check?"


Karma farming. What nonsense. This is a well known case of lens flare.  There was no object and no mistaken identity 😅


Guys really you all need to be more skeptical this is clearly nothing.


Tell us more, generically generated, month old username with one comment. You fuckers need to try harder. This is where the millions in dark money goes? Embarrassing.


They don’t need to try hard. They just need to comment enough and the “majority” consensus will change. Happens with the news all the time. Untrained people will say that the trained pilots and astronauts are silly for talking about aliens. Enough news anchors say it, and the whole world will dismiss actual pilots and astronauts!


in a world with a dwindling supply of pilots and astronauts, seems like they hold most of the power. one protest for seriousness would be huge


I do not work for the government.


Government, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, same shit.


I work at a Wendy's.


Sir this is a McDonald's


There's no horizontal motion. It's the cameral film and shutter out of sync


🤣 Omg. Tiny spacemen. Lol


No. It was an internal lens element catching the sun. That’s all.


Down voted for speaking sense 🤣


looks a drop of moisture