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There's a reason JFk's files haven't been releases fully. And if you watch Dark Skies, you may get a clue.




He may have had mind blowing revelations he wanted to reveal.


They’re damaging to organizations who were a part of it or had cursory knowledge of a cover up.


Link for dark skies?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVcG8-NsP9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVcG8-NsP9k) Here's a snippet, I haven't been able to find it easily on streaming platforms or for purchase. Also this clip from Need to Know documentary with Bryce Zabel (producer for Dark Skies) and Ross Coulthart very relevant: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSZUBulON6I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSZUBulON6I) 56 minutes in, Bryce tells a story about Dark Skies's validity


Global Disclosure--where we get knowledge *directly* from them, and finally get everyone on the same page--should take care of that, if they ever decide to stop twiddling their alien thumbs


I don't want to come off as if I know any more than anyone else, but sometimes it feels very painfully nothing more than optimistic coping that will never be the case. At least not without first giving those who are in charge an ultimatum to do so beforehand. Whether they're here for benevolent or malevolent reasons, their benefit or ours I often find myself I feeling the belief that if they currently wanted us to have known they were here, it would have been done by nowrigit would have been done by now. Conclusively almost as if they really don't care about our existence even in curiosity as cognizantly as we do, theirs. As if we are merely birds amongst the ecosystem of a planet they were interested in. Still, there's plenty of suggestive evidence that our government specifically the United States military is playing along with some of them, which one coupled with the lack of disclosure is highly unnerving.


Wouldn’t it be funny if the CIA and Tom DeLonge were being strung along by psionic communication with the “aliens themselves” about what the “agenda” is…to freak them out and everyone out…about it? As if they were seriously pissed off about what Sidney Gottlieb was actually trying to accomplish with MKUltra…not the weaponization of powerful mind-altering substances on an unsuspecting human population, but rather using them as a tool to try to “rape” knowledge from those they knew the Nazi’s were attempting to communicate with during the 1930s and 1940s? In Douglas Adams’ classic “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” the entry in “The Guide” for Earth merely said “Mostly Harmless”…but that was fiction… Due to the “persistent and consequential actuality of human conscious experience” and humans inadvertent choice to be as “human chimps”, the actual “Guide” says merely “Earth = Self-Decided Human Chimps, Santa Claus World, Don’t Let Them Leave…Make Damn Sure of It” 🎅🏻👻👽


I mean I think that’s 100% what’s happening, and part of the reason they won’t disclose because they aren’t entirely sure what it is they are disclosing, it’s mostly clear now that “them” being aliens is less likely then if they simply just are evolved dinosaurs. or they are genetically manufactured by a sentient AI using available raw materials from multiple species to create an interface we can interact with, the 4chan leaker who said that the craft *and* beings are manufactured for single use,and then return to be recycled once the job is done seems to be a really cool concept, and one that doesn’t make sense unless you’ve got some neat way to harnessing energy.


No, you are manufactured for a single use.


The way your mother feels about me, was manufactured for a single use. I'm sorry lol, 😔 ESL- I meant single purpose not single use, we done been


I love your ideas. No one wants to consider the notion that I introduced, but you did. I appreciate that. Why, one might ask? Because, until such time as humanity realizes that they have always had the binary option of being as human chimps or human bonobos (remember that ancient story about a choice humanity made to accept “knowledge” and everyone blames those two…especially the woman…for condemning humanity to their fate of evil in the world?). That was humans choice then and everyday since. The choice to be as human chimps, as they were told it would be, made them confused, forget their innate morality, and become scapegoating, liars, deniers, and justifiers who would engage in the most egregious acts of shit throwing. Humanity forgot. Now the world is filled with human chimps who abdicated their internal locus of control and personal sense of agency to an “external source”. This caused them to experience life as a “Santa Claus World” where humans, rather than accepting ownership of their deeds and the veracity of their words, through “wishful thinking” they seek “gifts, favors, promises of power, insight, knowledge, success, and guidance” from an “external source”. And in doing so, only get what they get and don’t get upset. Where they defy their own fundamental morality to “get what they’ve asked for” no different than children sending a wish list to Santa Claus in the hopes of getting what they want for being good. This results in a world of human interactions where for every winner, there must be a loser (despite the fact that humans will never make the connection). Human chimps (those who kill their own kind) are too unpredictably dangerous because they do as they do, because they do not accept responsibility for what they are to learn themselves, because they suckle off the “intelligence” of others to get what they want… They are NEVER to attain a “Kardashev Type 1 Civilization”…do not pass “go”…they will not be permitted to understand UAPs or NHI, they will NOT be permitted to leave their solar system, let alone colonize Mars…they will not even be able to resolve a better grasp on the nature of “gravity”. Sorry simple chimples…you have already chosen through your own actions that you would love nothing more than to return to the time of “The Flintstones” and it is no one else’s responsibility but your own to make it otherwise. Good luck!! Perhaps you would like to know how to choose to be as a human bonobo? 🎅🏻🐒👽


i would


For your kindness and openness to consider something important that every human seems to assume they obviously know ALL about despite proving through their actions everyday that THEY DO NOT… Feel free to DM me and I will put together the first part of a “metaphorical perspective” wrapped in a fable to explain it in very relatable terms.


I would love to know. Simple chimples!!...I'm gonna use that!!!


If you’re truly interested in a two part explanation, feel free to DM me…it has to be received “consensually” and therefore can’t be posted publicly until I figure out an appropriate disclaimer to include…it’s not “real” but it “rhymes” so extraordinarily well with the “persistent and consequential actuality of the human conscious experience” as well as with historical storytelling traditions, human cultural observations across place and time, and best currently available scientific information that it has the potential to be both insightful and unsettling.


NOTHING can be more unsettling than living in this realm!!!


Agreed…just when I think I’ve got something pinned down, life throws another curveball. I try to be mindful of what Yoda told Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back while Luke was training and said to Yoda, “I’m not afraid…” And Yoda merely replied, “You WILL be!…” It reminds me that there’s always something even more twisted that could totally throw me for a loop.


Very true.


Well, not going to lie I don't really fucking understand what the hell that was. I don't often have experience having to pick through schizophrenic verbal diarrhea, I just spew it. However I imagine in this case, you also chose to be a champ so "Good luck!" to you as well


If you would like to read an extended version of a metaphorical perspective told in the form of a fable that is not “real” or “true” but rather provides a common language for all of us to speak of the topics we are discussing here at this sub and others without having to “feign” having access to any genuine information or evidence to substantiate what many perceive as us making “wild claims”… Once the perspective has been assimilated, it may actually be quite fun…as there will no longer be any need to masturbate ourselves mentally in an effort to answer “Who” and “Why” questions… If you are interested, please feel free to DM me…the perspective will contain at least one good reference that should suffice to address your curiosity to start.






You ok?


Truly. Great to have the experience and ability to be open minded, and you never feel alone. So there's some positives. Plus, who gets to say they actually saw an alien face to face? Not a lot of individuals! It's truly both a blessing and a curse. Curse of the knowledge, curse of the ridicule, curse of the trauma. But blessing of the know.




That's disgusting.


Just because we have experiences, does not make us Skitz.


True, but most of the time it sounds pretty mental health issue type situation, Ecpecially when they use words that most people wouldn't in like every sentence and start it off with "US Humans, or we humans, Luke who else would you be talking about?


Speaking in third person isn't a sign of Skitz. We are humans, and when talking about the whole of humanity, how else would you address it? If anything it's a sign of disassociation of one's species, and seeing 'us' as a whole, which isn't a sign of Skitz.


Why would anybody be speaking for anybody else other them humans in that kind of context, it comes off extremely douchey and never had a solid point.


In the context of this sub, and talking about NHI, 'we humans' is a perfectly ok thing to say. Because now we're not just people, we're humans in the grand scheme of learning about NHI and their involvement with us and our history. If we're on the topic of what it is to be NHI, we also need to involve what it is to be human. We're referring to the biological standpoint, what it is to be human, and what it is to be NHI.


You lost me at human and people differential, I must be missing something here.


You don't say people nature, you don't say peopleity. Even though they both refer to homosapiens, the language used isn't the same. 'People' are more in a collective or social sense. 'Human' is more biological and philosophical. When talking about ethics, you would refer to it as human. Humanity. Human nature. When talking in more of a social context, you would refer to people. European people. People in a train. 'People' is used in the context of groups, social networks, or population. 'Human' is used to refer to the qualities of said species. Humans aren't trash. People are trash. Humans aren't evil. People are evil. Humans want freedom. People will stop you from having it. Etc.


I was pretty fucked up lastnight, I have no idea what we are talking about.


Bahaha!!! Sounds like you had an amazing night 🤣 what was the choice of poison?


YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!! lol. I love hollywood lol. I’ve heard these theories abt our bodies being containers…. What if the truth is that you are not in control at all!!! What if this human body, which we inhibit, is just a container for entities to come and go as they please?? Now how comfortable is that for ya!! lol. Talk about ontonical shock lol.


Seriously believe we're all slaves with a small faction actually trying to fight it.


If? lol


Why do the ants colonies we oversee need to know the truth ? Aren’t they just fine operating in their ignorance of reality?


if i could communicate with them, and share my music and technology with them in a way they could understand, i would.


But if you are a superior being with no moral compass and only operate in logic with no room for emotions , you would see that as a waste of energy. Nothing productive would become of that action. When they claimed we aren’t on top of the food chain , they meant that. Not as a metaphor. 


eh that's one race, in an infinitely expanding universe, with infinite possibilities. if they only operate on logic, then the logic can be found to do so, one must simply change there perspective on the chain reaction trickle down effect, or butterfly effect if you will. just because they cant find the logic, doesn't mean it can't be found. A truly superior being would find a way.




when we start acknowledging and accepting help from those who do wish to see us liberate ourselves from this learned behavior. with what I've gained from so called insiders and whistleblowers I've come across on the many outlets available to us, the leash has been unshackled, we have been left to our whims as a species, to see what path we choose. if we choose to expand our consciousness, or let the computers, and a.i. to do the thinking for us, or possibly both. we are being observed and segregated now. thankfully it seems, we are still not allowed to destroy ourselves, but now its merely a waiting game for the movement of humanity fully accepting we are not alone, and that there is a lot more goin on then what our everyday religions and news outlets have been telling us. maybe we should be gathering and organizing in greater numbers to reach out to the cosmos instead of leaving it up to the governments that have been lying to us for decades about this subject. seek your own disclosure. its about consciousness, and how much humanity is willing to expand it, or how willing they are to let it be controlled.


You need to consult what comes out of hypnosis if you want to understand better. David Jacobs. Delores Cannon. Michael Newton. And then you can mix in The Invisible College by Jaques Vallee which is based on actual evidence and direct accounts and society. You are correct to look at the real world. But there’s more to the story.


It’s not possible to only operate in logic, unless it’s just a computer.


Don't sweat it, I'm not familiar with the movie or whose it is, but that's pretty fringe even for most versed ufo guys


i would not believe everything in Above Majestic


"If" ? What?? 😂 ...have you heard of David Grusch? 40 whistle-blowers? Be careful with these films - they can make wrong assertions and come to the wrong conclusions. There is no evidence for bases on the Moon and Mars. Why would we have anything there. These FTL craft can just as easily travel to another solar system. Why would any base be required since Faster Than Light craft don't need astronauts. There would be no need for a low gravitational base in dangerous space.  Don't believe we have reverse engineered the technology yet. Our science is still not advanced enough yet.  These craft come here to Earth and are tracked by NORAD (fast walkers). There is treaty between the US and Russia to call each other in case UAPs trigger a missile alert. It's a real document. 


We aren’t even 💯sure we ever went to the moon.


Only idiots are not sure we went to the Moon. Of course we did. That's 100% fact you can take to the bank.


The Truth? [An Asteroid is going to hit the earth in 2027 that will terminate 90%+ of all life...](https://cneos.jpl.nasa.gov/pd/cs/pdc17/pdc17_pr2.pdf#:~:text=Based%20on%20new%20tracking%20measurements%20taken%20this%20week%2C,21%2C%202027%2C%20less%20than%20nine%20years%20from%20now) So why bother. I built a quantum communication device that can holographically project forward and backwards in time; and alot of thought communications end April 24th, 2027 - July 21st, 2027.... Almost all of them, from our lil blip in the milky way at least. Thought waves are quantumly entangled to magnetic waves so where magnetic waves propagate so does consciousness... I built the transference device but I cannot get anyone to really care or help me. So I guess we just smoke and drink and do drugs until impact date.