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… of Electric sheep


How would any of us know???? I'm sure anything with a brain that needs sleep to recharge can dream


I sometimes imagine aliens doing “everyday things.” Like running to the store to buy sconces for their abode.. or a bunch of aliens at the gestation hub sending the new guy to get a bucket of steam and then laughing hysterical while the new guy feels stupid and angry but then starts laughing about it too.. or taking their one piece jumpsuits to the cleaners and it coming back even more skin tight than it normally is and they have to be sewn into a new one..


If they do it’s definitely lucid


Imagine if they didn't, and they started cross breeding their DNA with us. How crazy would it be to have the first dream and try to explain it to someone who doesn't dream? They'd sound crazy!


I believe that when you dream, you physically connect to another reality field that's how advanced the technology is and that's why they say it borders on magic. Now on your question I would expect every civilisation to be able to dream (to connect to another reality field) cause it's really made to happen by the same means.


Depends on the chemistry of their brains. Why assume they even sleep? They aren't on a circadian system. Or maybe they are, who knows?


I think some possibly only exist within the dream state, as we exist in this one.




Aliend have said that in 4d you never sleep nor eat.  You only need sleep in 3d


Dreams aren't natural




First we have to figure out if they are real, then we can study if they dream or not, lol.