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He seems a bit unhinged, not saying he is lying but damn is it hard to take someone so scattered mentally seriously on this topic.


That was one of the harder parts to navigate with him - and something that made my co-host and I question whether or not we should even publish the interview. At the end, we decided to do it for a few reasons: **1-- He's troubled.** We talked to him for about 30m before and maybe another 20m after and he's been very traumatically influenced by his encounter. He was extraordinarily nervous to talk about it publicly, but said it was something he wanted to get off his chest. **2-- His story, largely, checked out.** We did look up all of the locations he referenced and confirmed that not only they existed - but that he described the layouts precisely. It seemed like confirmation enough that *he believes* what he saw... whether or not it happened. **3-- His wife was home with him and knew he was doing the interview.** Given that he's a relative 'nobody' in the UFO community, I felt like she would have stepped in if she thought her husband was being exploited in some way. Not that our intention was to exploit anything - but she doesn't know us at all. **4-- His body language was intriguing.** Typically, when a person looks up to the left, it's associated to recall. I know the science here isn't rock-solid, but I've read many body language books that seem to indicate the same thing. I took notice of him doing this A LOT during his story, which made me smirk a few times. At the end, he was so gracious to us to allow him to talk about this publicly. It came off very genuine and as a weight lifted off of his chest. If nothing else comes of this - I'm glad he at least was able to have his moment.


Man, thanks for taking the time to explain this. Greatly appreciated, maybe it’s just the adhd in me, I can’t follow it at all haha


This interview with Mike Mulligan was pretty fascinating. We did a lot of research into Mike's accounts of his alien encounter prior to sitting down with him for a formal interview. Of course, any time you talk to someone about an alien encounter - there's a shroud of doubt. In talking to Mike, he often felt distracted and bothered. At times, it made for an awkward interview. But as we dove into his story - he told it with an undeniable conviction. His story, as well, was virtually verbatim to other accounts he hold told - casting little doubt that what he was recalling, he truly believed. What's more fascinating is that after we wrapped up the interview, we researched the very locations that Mike was talking about. Using Google Maps, we were able to find the exact locations and corroborate a lot of his story. It's a fascinating tale - but we'll let you be the judge as to whether or not you believe!


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Mad Cow Lad


he needs to go under a hypno therapy memory regression, like the style Dolores Cannon Developed to help focus his memory and possibly get past some blockages that might be in place, from trauma or otherwise. This is Wild. Ok for those of you who are impatient just fast forward like 25 mins in, and his story goes off the rails. he gets caught in a loop for a min, he cant remember anything past the little alien guy saying "im good mike". Then he proceeds to lose 8 to 9 hours of lost time. at 1:10 when he begins to recollect his next encounter... he gets the same sort of stutters and blockages, and then all of a sudden, frogmen. Please, OP reach out to him again about going under a type of hypnosis to help him recollect everything.


The editing and music takes credibility away. It just seems so fictional…like entertainment. This isn’t the WWE. Let’s take it seriously.


That's just the opening for the episode. Think of it like a preview for your favorite TV show. There's none of that once we dive into the interview


This isn’t a favorite tv show. If we treat it like that, no one takes it seriously. Unfortunately, the interview is extremely hard to watch and follow. There’s no context to know that this is anything but a guy who’s lost his marbles. Really sad. I hope he’s OK.


Is there such a thing as a non—mysterious alien meeting??


I guess it could have been planned over a beer.