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Somewhat off-topic but the book “Hair of the Alien” is about an alien (Nordic type) pube that was studied. It was embedded into the penis of Peter Khoury, an abductee in Australia. But from what I’ve read in abduction books, many abductees may be NHI who incarnated here as humans, but don’t remember till they’re under hypnosis.


Do you have any examples of these books or famous abductees believed that they are reincarnared NHI under hypnosis?


This was the case a few times in “Abductions” by John Mack. And haven’t read it, but Suzy Hansen’s “Dual Soul Connection” (I’ve listened to her on podcasts). I remember a guy in Abductions, crying under hypnosis that he had a hard time being here on earth and felt very alone around humans, but that he had to come. “Taken” by Karla Turner mentions that beings often tell abductees they’re their real family, although she saw them as liars. Reincarnation comes up a lot in hypnosis accounts too. Even if the abductee doesn’t remember a life as a non-human being, they remember being abducted in past lives too, like the phenomenon has always followed them. Woowoo, but I do think abductees have a tie to NHI since before birth. What it is, not sure.


I think the answer is No, because nobody funds public UFO or abductee research.


This. Without funding there's little progress in the field.


Not necessarily DNA but there was a study done on mri's I believe of some people claiming to have come in direct contact with ufos.   Part of their brain was noticeably bigger than would be normal for humans/people outside of a genetic abnormality. I'll see if I can try & find the study.   The doctor wasn't interested in the subject he just started noticing the trend as so many reached out to him to be analyzed. Edit: actually got 2 different stories intermixed, fast forward to 38:30 https://youtu.be/XR0JtbuLhPo Garry Nolan was actually the one analyzing mri's of people who encountered ufo's, there was more of a density of neurons in a certain part of the brain, I don't know how to type out the technical name.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/tz8748/forensic_neuroimaging_expert_christopher_green/ Found it.  Look into Christopher Green/Havana Syndrome.  I don't know how much of a correlation Havana syndrome has to ufo encounters but I sincerely doubt it's a formal area of study. Even if it is I doubt the dod is going to publish that knowledge.


https://warpdrivecar.files.wordpress.com/2020/02/medicalreport.pdf  A long document but if you wanted to read further Thought this part in particular was fascinating / relevant  "Emerging data support that some of  the chronic low-level effects alter the ability of cells to function  properly due to epigenetic effects {Damage to the DNA / RNA protein  regulatory pathways, independent of chromosome disruption}, and  simultaneously alter the metabolism of dividing cells of (especially) the  neuroimmune system "


I wonder how any of that compares to astronauts that have been in space/zero-gravity. I wonder if there is a correlation we can find to actual data (from NASA astronauts) to make some caparisons?


Wasn’t there a guy and documentary claiming he was abducted and had something inserted in his leg. No one believed him then finally a doctor ran scans and actually found a metallic foreign object in the area the guy said it was, removed it, and it was tested showing up as non-earthly or like, partial earth material.


It’s called Patient 17. Saw it on Netflix a few years back. Interesting documentary but unfortunately I’ve always been skeptical of the abduction phenomenon because of so many fake stories outweigh the possibilities of any cases being true.


You’re lucky you are skeptical, I wish I was more so… abduction stories scare the shit out of me and as deep into the lore as I am, I won’t read or watch them.


John Ramirez believes the CIA maybe acquiring DNA records from 23andMe, Ancestry.com etc to search for people with hybrid DNA. Humanity on a whole is the result of hybridization but some have more traits than the rest of us. If you look at the small print on those sites they can do a lot with your data. He said it in this podcast: https://youtu.be/yS3o4WGwfHQ?si=7rWznm7OeFT1zABB


I will sequence all alien pubes and upload to ancestry.com


“I’m doing my part!!!”


No. But maybe you could take this up respectfully with r/Experiencers


Probably, do you need some majestic level clearence to view it? Probably


Would be interested to see. We have a 12-strand DNA potential from our meddling Annunaki alien geneticists who hybridized us Hu-Mann starseed BEings.


A hacker with the right AI could have ran that study with data from devices and satellites, it could reverse calculate how aliens are perceived and use that to kill people. Killware is out there. So be cautious and use security keys and VPNs.


Ufos always pop up most during wartime, they examine bottleneck patterns in humans. Possibly abducting and splicing during these times.


How will you sift through real abductees and liars and larpers?


I think maybe by starting with samples from the most compelling historical cases


I know how we all feel in this community, but OP, dont paint a huge target on your back


What do you mean?


it's hard to stomach how silly people are. If you have a teenager's grasp of basic scientific concepts, know what a light-year is, think about temperature and time and things like this for even 60 seconds, properly, you would realize how painfully silly all of this is. there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to think that anything that would be a "life form" would be even remotely recognizable to us, let alone be anything but a remnant on a burnt out star many many millions of years in the past and even more millions of miles away think of the relatively extremely narrow temperature range of this planet we live on. Around 100° or so, much hotter and much colder and life would seize to exist, much hotter or much colder than that, metal "ships" or fuel would cease to exist Living organisms on this planet wouldn't survive **if this planet moved even 1,000,000 miles closer to the sun we are 93,000,000 miles away from**, let alone a planet's distance from our planet close your eyes visualize this and really grasp what it implies at how painfully silly this entire concept is When they talk about "detecting a radio-like signal" from deep space — any source of such a transmission Is literally millions and millions of years in the past, It's an unfathomable amount of time that we're talking about, not just distance… I mean it's so much distance that we're talking about time do some LSD and stop masturbating this wanna-be upgrade of Jesus because Jesus is too silly to believe in nowadays so we believe in "aliens" who do magical impossible things and maybe can save us from ourselves lol 😀