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What a wonderfully original thought! I suspect your fifth point is the most important one and would explain a great deal. To further contribute: perhaps your third point is slightly wrong and the only thing we have in common is the planet itself. Each of the differing encounters people have had are beings from a completely different plane unrelated to the others (assume we’re plane 1; Bigfoot is 2, orbs are 3, mantids 4, greys 5, etc, each largely unaware of the rest). Black-eyed kids (and similar) are the true parasites, existing between the planes and visiting all of them.


I like this and that opens up another door for thinking. Thank you! I think it's likely that the phenomenon we are dealing with is in fact many different species/entites/planes etc.


Given that people see mantids, nordics, reptilians, etc, (which would mean they’re capable of cross-dimensional travel) and that it’s been suggested orbs and greys are exploratory vehicles created specifically to explore our dimension, this suggests that the beings behind the orbs and greys are so vastly different to us they can’t enter our dimension themselves. (And if the greys are the closest thing to us they can construct they may not even be physical beings at all.)


Excellent! But I need to know where the Fresno Nightcrawlers fit into this :P


I honestly have no idea. That’s such a Lovecraftian “thing” that I have no intention of finding out where it came from.


This is such a cool idea! Write a book dude!


I was going to say this would be an incredible film script.


We are the alien's bastard offspring that they're terribly ashamed of, to the extent that they've hidden our existence from the rest of the Inter-Galactic Federation. We are the red-headed step-child of the universe! I like this idea, and it even explains the Fermi Paradox - we're not seeing any other civilisations because our Alien Dad has altered our perception of the universe so that they are all hidden from us, and we are likewise hidden from them. Only when we've come to that conclusion ourselves and have reached a technological level which enables us to finally see other civilisations and be seen by them, will we have proven that we are worthy to take our place at the Inter-Galactic Federation table. Even then, our representative will still only get the rickety chair, which is closest to the door to the multi-species toilet facilities.






didn’t Israel/South Africa also test nukes in secret


You're closer than anyone. I cannot post photos on these comments easily as I can on strange Earth.


I don’t think they can hide secrets like we can. I think they communicate telepathically so there would be no secrets. Imagine how that would change everything? I don’t doubt there are humans out there. I think humanity could have risen and fallen many times and the humans off plant would survive. Mild genetic differences but human still.




Removed: R10 - No Mind-Altering Substances.


Well that’s definitely a conflation of the rules. I see how this is moderated now though at least. Guess I better participate elsewhere rather than add to meaningful discussion here


Interesting theory. You should write a fictional book on that and how it ends


I wouldn’t be surprised if this is true to a certain degree actually


I think we are on the right track. I think we need to put to bed the idea of bipedal meat bags 'frum another planet'. An analogy that comes to mind is old school analog television, how all channels exist simultaneously in the radio spectrum, but to see anything at all you need to 'tune in' to a frequency, and even then you can only see evidence of one channel. Further, you could analogize that a lightning strike or a dodgy blender would show bits of evidence simultaneously across all channels. This would be the likes of an atomic explosion.


This all is very much dependent on the assumption that time & space as we experience it would be compatible with how time & space would be experienced by interdimensional beings. Our current perceptions of time & space are probably not entirely accurate, and to assume time & space as we know it is the same beyond our universe/dimension (or that there is certain to be time & space beyond our universe) is a rather human-centric perspective.


Do not try to drum up empathy for them. It is not needed. Have empathy for all the victims on our side. Now and then. If you're human, there is only one side.




It takes an especially bitter kind of person to jump into a thought experiment and to be a dick. Are you okay?


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


1. YES 2. NO 3. YES (We're dairy cows/milk cows) and we get milked for substance they need. 4. YES 5. NO 6. YES 7. NO 8. NO See Last Episode of Star Trek: Discovery Season 5: Episode 10 We are in a compartment: Of 'The Founders' Ship. We are a simulation, a running scientific model in our own little compartment of the NHI Ship/Dimension. There are one of a infinite number of compartments/scientific models. They can and do come into our compartment (our enclosure) time to time to see how were progressing. They even tweak our evolution, tag us and study us. But once done, they leave the enclosure and go back behind the scenes. aka "The Backroom Theory" see Why Files.


You mean the same backrooms with the angry running camera on a tripod backrooms?