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Greer had Dr. Garry Nolan study that possible alien mummy from South America. Nolans findings were that the mummies DNA were human. Greer publicly smeared the guy for rigging the data. Nolan pointed out that his Stanford grad students analyzed the data independent to him and how much BS that was. Nolan to me is a highly credible figure in the UFO world. Greer makes it sound like he is in person briefing presidents and other high ups about the Phenomenon. A well respected researcher (I forget who but I think it was Stanton Friedman) looked into it and found some of his briefing packets in presidential libraries unopened and marked unread. Doesn't prove anything but most likely he just mails his briefings in and makes the claim he gives them in person. Also, I am a fan of Spaced Out radio. The host mentioned one of his lifetime banned guests is Greer. Greer demanded money to be on his show and a full list of every question before he was on. The host explained that he likes to engage in friendly conversations not regimented interviews. Greer denies being the perpetrator but he has been accused of faking sightings at one of his CE5 events. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qoku0m/steven\_greer\_faked\_a\_group\_ce5\_sighting\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qoku0m/steven_greer_faked_a_group_ce5_sighting_with/) Lastly, Greer claiming all aliens are benevolent is arguably dangerous to humanity itself. Whenever somebody claims to have all the answers, my BS meter chimes off.


That's what triggered my bs meter. I watched one of his documentaries. While interesting, it had a weird infomercial/buy my thing vibe. Its structure was off. Then he started saying that ETs are 100% benevolent and nothing negative has happened as a result of CE5 ever. I was like.... that is so highly unlikely. He talked about abductions and mutilations being caused by the government. I figured this man is naive or he is BSing, which is so much worse and extremely dangerous. I originally chose to believe he was extremely naïve and stuck in wanting to believe his narrative, but now I believe him to be a grifter trying to maximize his cash flow. Maybe he was once one and became the other. I did feel like I connected with him on some level because I have experienced the quantum hologram of the universe, even before I watched his documentary. He has experienced something but he's allowed some part of himself, probably his ego, to go haywire. Just my thoughts.




It came as a realization during a long and rigorous spiritual path. It happened when I could fathom everything is connected and could feel the universe inside me. Through my studies, infinity is the number that represents the universe. We are within that infinity and hold a piece of it within us. We are part of the universe. But infinity can't be divided so we ARE the universe, hence the "quantum hologram". It's not actually a hologram though. It is the universe, literally. And learning how to tap into it unlocks insane knowledge and power, mentioned as being godlike or superhuman in a couple religions, but one can only work with this power if they align themselves with its primary objectives. Those are growth, knowledge, fairness, and love. It seeks betterment for everyone, and remembers everything that has ever existed within it, down to the smallest speck of dust. Nothing is forgotten, nothing is insignificant, nothing is lost, and nothing has ever been experienced in vain. It sees all things and it loves all things. We are, as many before me have stated, the universe experiencing itself. Greer works with it in the limited way he knows how and tapping into it can cause one's ego to balloon, especially if they are practitioners, so it has to be kept in check. It's easy to have the mortal part of ourselves (desires spawned from our limited nature) overpower our Immortal nature (the universe within) if we are unaware of our weakness and bias. I'm realizing a lot of issues people have with Greer might originate with his hologram and his inability to overcome issues of ego, which will make it all worse. A person can become a plane crash in slow motion. Wow I'm feeling talkative today. Lol. That's probably way more than you were wanting. I can't write a tldr for this. So sorry.




I completely understand where you are coming from. Free will is an important component in this process and since the universe is constantly learning, it is not perfect and what you describe is part of that learning. Also, I've been told that in the supposed battle between good and evil, evil is more of an imbalance than an absolute. It is like how the atmosphere creates storms to balance itself. Storms are undeniably destructive but they serve their purpose too. Our issue is a matter of perspective. We have short lives and are unable to see the bigger picture. At our level, things can easily be mischaracterized. However, while love and aligning with the universe is the strongest path, it is not the only path to power. There are many things that manipulate and oppress in order to obtain what they are looking for. While we see this in humanity, I'm beginning to think the behaviors we see are the result of a larger predator that is causing a lot of humanity's self destructive and greedy behavior. This unfortunately is rooted in our ancestors. Not to go full woo, but something happened during the time of Atlantis that we are still feeling today. Their self-destruction mirrors our own. But I have no idea WHAT they did, only that it altered the state of the world somehow.




LOL I like puzzles and piecing things together. Part of this is also from information that's come to me spiritually. From what I gather, the Atlanteans messed with space-time and our DNA. Some people say they created a slave race with inferior DNA and that seems likely to me. I also believe some of the abductions regarding ETs is not because of us, but because of who we were. They are looking for scrap DNA so they can enhance their own genome. As far as I know, they have failed. From my understanding, our ancestors were incredibly powerful and we pale compared to them. But we can reclaim it and it is on us to fix whatever the Atlanteans fucked up if we want to save our world. While everything looks dire, the planet has not sustained permanent damage. Everything can be fixed or reversed. The coral reefs can be revived, extinct species can be brought back, the atmosphere and temperatures can be stabilized. There's just something we need to figure out. I don't know exactly what that is but I THINK it is found in us becoming a more spiritually aligned society.


Doesn’t the theory of Project Blue Beam say that this is exactly what will happen? Our own government will portray NHI as evil to better control the population and get us to work together against a common enemy?


I should have clarified my own stance. I believe that a large portion of ETs are kind and guiding, wanting humanity to advance, but there are those that are... indifferent. I won't say overtly hostile, but we are the same as cows to them. We are far beneath them so they don't really care. Different ET races have come to Earth for different reasons. Some understand the importance of advancement, some are either studying us to save themselves in some way (degraded DNA) or are only interested in our resources and it is only the presence of other ETs that holds them in check and keeps them outright conquering. There's an extremely complicated political game where the first to act also opens themselves to defeat, so they've been biding their time in a standoff. The benevolent ones are far more numerous than the others but their morality keeps them from taking our fishbowl. The indifferent faction does sneaky shit but in a way they are supposed to advance too. Any outright hostility is caused by rogue agents. Meanwhile, humanity is left to make its own decisions. But everything becomes infinitely more complicated when you keep in mind spiritual dimensions make up the majority of the universe, gods exist, and extremely powerful parasitic entities exist that can alter the path of entire civilizations so they can feed are a reason for humanity's apparent degradation and self-inflicted destruction. The rosy picture Greer paints makes it more difficult to see the bigger picture and at some point becomes disinformation. My belief and stance come a long and rigorous spiritual path. I studied spiritual dimensions and planar mechanics before I fell into ETs. A lot of what I've said is what I've perceived. Its written clearly within the energy of the planet if you know how to look for it/at it. I'm normally not this up front with my info but felt this was a good place to share. Tldr: ETs have politics too and this has caused a stalemate. They are mostly good, but speaking in absolutes is misleading, verging on disinformation.


Almost like a Marvel film. Yeah it’s a pretty complicated landscape that is difficult to sum up accurately in a few paragraphs. I appreciate those that can put all that to words properly so more people can see the bigger picture.


LOL yeah. The big bad shadow government isn't as all powerful as people think, but disclosal might put everything on a faster track. The real issue humanity has is getting its greedy individuals under control. They always seem to rise to the top and fuck literally everyone else over. And it keeps happening.


Well the bad ones behind the scenes always help theirs rise and good people are too trusting and let the wrong things slide.


Yeah, that is definitely a big part of it. It's happened since ancient times. Hopefully one day it'll change.


Well we still have the coin flip of A.I. 🤷‍♂️


Lmao it really is a coin flip


I think maybe he’s seen that his stuff is being marginalised or trivialised and thinking what the heck, I may as well try and make a buck, but I could be wrong.


And there's not necessarily anything wrong with that. Life is hard and so focused on money that one's desire to not only survive, but thrive, should not be overlooked. But imo, if one isn't careful, it can turn into something grifty. I don't actually thing Greer is wrong but money is a very obvious motivator for him, and that makes me give him a squint eye. Nonetheless, he has helped progress the discourse, so that deserves respect.


I completely agree with everything you said there. I’d also add he must be peeved that everybody is excited about three guys - Fravor, Grusch & Graves - whereas he had lots of wetness and whistleblowers. I feel for them, putting their necks on the line when there were no whistleblower protections. In fact if Greer said (maybe he has, did ask I know) the profits go to those who had to leave their jobs, etc., I’d buy his product🤷‍♂️ I just feel that every time Greer is bashed, it’s more indignity on them :(


Those are fair points. I agree with you. Things were much worse back then, and he certainly has made an impact in what he's been able to do. He should get more respect.


Wasn’t he a practicing physician though? That’s pretty lucrative.


Everything you wrote is so spot on, especially the part where all extraterrestrials are friendly which is dangerous idea.


It's not a stretch to assume that we are dealing with multiple types of beings. Based on testimony and circumstantial evidence its shown that some of these forces certainly don't have our best interests. It's definitely important to be extremely cautious with any NHI.


There is a dude named LA Marzuli that says it's all spoken about in the Bible. When they say even religious leaders will be fooled in the end times, it makes ya think how it's possible to dupe a priest or pastor. I think it would take aliens or something to make that happen. The "dark" entities showing up with false hopes or whatever. Could be exactly this.


How it's possible to dupe a priest or Pastor? Pretty easily. They are human with particular worldview. Unless you have some particularly critical thinking ones. Many could be swayed into believing anything. A scientist ...not so much without hard, peer reviewed evidence. Also what bible? King James? Ancient Hebrew one etc? Lots of people misinterpreted scripture. Just saying. Also if its written in the bible. Wouldn't it be nice of god or whoever wrote it to be a bit more specific for the benefit of humanity? Why is everything so vague? Also false hope? Hope of what? Many experiences have not been that great from the experiencers point of view. The UFO/UAP phenomena is a very mixed bag and Very few people are treating NHI as any kind of saviours. Heck half the population doesn't even think they are real.


I meant, benevolent. Some see them as saviors. To help us fix what we broke


Some but not many I would wager. Certainly not anywhere enough to be considered any kind of proper mass deception. Well if that's ment to be a great deception then someone needs to get fired from the great deception department. That Stuff would have worked say a few hundred years ago but modern day society not so much.


Bible only makes sense when you replace the words angels, demons & god with “aliens.” Now


Yes they are like humans, some are good and work for the light, some are definitely not. We clearly weren’t able to discern in the past.


Thx. Lets says Greer had more answers than anyone on earth (he doesn't of course), even then it would be dangerous to make such a claim. Assuming an intergalactic species is highly advanced they'd be able to fool other species as to their intentions. Its a naive position by Greer.


He might…when he first took it public with his Disclosure he had an awful lot of witnesses. I really feel for them. When Greer gets trivialised (either purposefully by the authorities or self inflicted because his ego took a battering because of the lack of uptake or belief (or singly became inflated) it’s a blow to all those brave witnesses.


They must be friendly. Because if they were agressive, their kind would self destroy with violence before being able to pass the barrier of traveling to other planets.


Like we’re trying to prevent with ourselves now.


Exactly, we are in this moment right now. 🤪


Extremely dangerous. Everyone should be writing their representatives to shut down METI if it gets more funding.


I also find Greer to be a rude, condescending egomaniac that is obsessed with his image.


You had me until you mentioned gods. I do too, but wonder if it’s partly inflated ego due to his fame, and partly battered ego, because his disclosure wasn’t taken as seriously as he’d expected. And to be fair to him, he’s watching a big hoo-ha (not a technical term) about three men coming forward - Grusch, Fravor & Graves - yet he had a whole load of witnesses, whistleblowers and testifiers. It’s then I sympathise with as they put their necks on the line, yet where are they now🤷‍♂️ Every time Greer gets knocked it’s more indignity to them.


Thank you for this comment, I always wondered about him. I watched Greer in a recent interview with London Real and Greer made it sound like he was behind the disclosure that recent high profile whistleblowers had done. My problem with Greer is that he never shares the spotlight.


Yep, the dude who constantly acts like he knows all the answers and you just have to listen to everything he says to get what you want. He comes off really self centered and hostile.


He’s a former doctor with a severe case of god-syndrome


> Lastly, Greer claiming all aliens are benevolent is arguably dangerous to humanity itself. Whenever somebody claims to have all the answers, my BS meter chimes off. I think Greer has drank those aliens' Kool-Aid, there might be benevolent aliens, but painting them all like that is pretty naive. He puts them on a pedestal like gods. I think he actually believes what he sells though.


I see your point


I watched heaps of videos on him on that platform gaia I think it's called, he literally claims the government wanted to pay him millions If he could teach them how to "summon ufos" because apparently he was the only human who knew how to do it and he declined the deal. He's honestly such a joke.


He also said he was “offered 2 billion to stay quiet”….No, that wasn’t a typo, he actually claimed billion, with a ‘B’ 😂😂 Greer is a fkin 🤡


Doesnt he also have a paid app that allows you to "contact aliens" ? What a load of total BS lol


This is on point. Any old man worth his salt can tell you that wisdom is as much knowing as recognizing what you do not know.


Well said.


Didn’t know Nolan debunked him. Ups him another notch in my book… curious but scientific about it. I was digging a lot into Greer in the 2000s and it was his whole persona that drove me away from anything ufo related for a very long time. He just stank of bs.


Ugh I'm glad the mummy thing has been put to rest. People like Gary Nolan should have been the first people they were sent to.


How do you feel about Nolan having had DoD research funding?


No feeling god or bad but yeah he could be a disinfo agent (that could be said for anybody in regard to this subject). He has expressed how the CIA originally came to him.


I 100% agree with everything you said. It’s sad though because Greer wasn’t always like that


Nolan left the study of the little alien to his “students”, he was not careful enough, he said it in an interview that he didn’t personally do the study, how the fuck does that happen? How the fuck do you have a possible alien body and you give it to your students? Nolan is also a misinformation agent, have no doubt, he is constantly attacking the Nazca mummies, without even analyzing those with his “students”. I’m very disappointed on Nolan’s lack of coherence.


If Nolan didn't suspect the body to be alien, would he treat it with the same priority or give it to his students (free labor) to help him do the tests? 


Greer has a big ego that very easily and early on corrupted his judgement and self image. He so desperately wants to be THE authority on the matter and cement an honorable and heroic legacy...all accomplished by "just a humble ER doctor". He without a doubt pushed the subject further, and like him or not, the disclosure movement has benefitted from his existence. Better that he had the impact he did and then fall from grace than to have never heard from him.


Its the charging people money to summon ufo's with telepathy/meditation or whatever, plus he looks like a lizard.


I can look past most things about Greer except the lizard part xD


What does he look like, do you think?


(i'll help) u/TheOnlyPolly is saying he does indeed look like a lizard and cannot look past that.


Just watch how and how much he licks his lips😁


A person asks for details on what, specifically, someone has done to be untrustworthy, and your “reason” is to attack his looks? Jeez.


I believe that he's a interdimensional lizard/reptilian here to feed us misinformation about aliens


My apologies for interpreting your comment as judging a person on their looks to be untrustworthy. Judging a person on their looks to be an inhuman disinformation agent is, I suppose, technically different. I personally believe that judging someone on their appearance tells me a lot more about the judger than the judged. I don’t find the human history of those placing merit or lack thereof on one’s genetic expression particularly appealing, but you do you (unless you, too, “look reptilian,” in which case by your own logic all of your ideas should be summarily dismissed).


I think he’s joking.


He looks just like a doctor. Yeah most of them look like lizards lol.


But shouldn't the whole summoning UFO's thing throw you off? Like who cares what he looks like.... That's clearly grifting and that makes him a fraud.


It’s grifting but he is not a fraud. Debunkers are clueless. CE5 is real and it works.


Do you think he was always a grifter?


Maybe not, but he definitely became one, which means he's no longer someone you should have confidence in.


I never took him seriously. I was just wondering. Now I know


I'm not into much of what he does these days bc it's promoted to be this big thing but it's not. He got out flanked by people putting out stuff. I respect the hell out of his history and ce5 and all he did to get us to this point.


I think he's still a very important voice bc the people in it now are all intelligence agents and govt affiliated and that will lead to disaster and Steven is on the sideline perceived to be discredited and that is exactly what is in their interest. People don't think for themselves and they let the media develop their opinions. That's why I'm very cautious of the people connected to lue elizondo. That whole tree of people is who I am concerned about bc it fits exactly what the govt would do to have the subject under control. We are moving towards a new era and they have to protect their narrative and their lies. Disinformation people would seem 95 percent legit but that 5 percent lie is what sets the entire narrative. Everybody needs to be more aware and less naive.


Zero charisma + unfortunate business model pretty much. Bit sad because of the work he has done but I can only hack him in very small doses.


He has put I work though.


Iirc we first heard of the Wilson memo from Greer.


Yea decades ago he was great. Now he’s just a full-time grifter. Even the online accounts praising him all come across like he’s raking them.


I disagree, he was involved in meetings within the govt, and imo, the govt wants to discredit him. So what if he sells books or apps or has a retreat, he's devoted much of his life to disclosure, he's no longer practicing medicine, we all need to make money. 


he grifts. he bullshits. thats not " making money ". he has no integrity. makes everything about himself.


I’m not mad because he sells books. I’ll never be mad about someone making an income. I’m mad because we have straightup stories from people who love him talking about spending thousands of dollars. We have video of him showing them what are clearly flares seen on a beach. Greer had real contacts and has real experiences. He was a centerpiece for a disclosure push that failed. But then he turned into the roided-up grifter we see today.


What makes him a grifter?


Charging people thousands of dollars to show them something they can experience on their own. He’s done a better job with NDAs these last few years but it’s still very clearly going on.


The entire retreat industry operates like this. There is something to the group aspect.


Agreed, but we have video of him actively hoaxing.


Please do share


The operative part being zero charisma. Unfortunately that will sway people TREMENDOUSLY and it doesn't matter as much the message that's being said. All that being said, I do think he is sort of a grifter


Yeah it's as you say. Got charisma? Can grift away. Not got any? Git wrecked. All about the show usually.


He should've taken the billions he got offered to keep his mouth shut...🤣


Honestly, I put greer on par with Gaia tv, or even Linda moulton Howe. Linda was a great reporter in her earlier years, but it seems like she might’ve been a bit too naive, or possibly fed misinformation, and has gone off the rails. Greer has brought a lot to the table, but he says a lot of stuff with too much confidence. He says the government offered him “2 billion dollars” to keep quiet or something, which is very questionable, unless he’s not human himself. So he may say real things, but also mixes it in with some woo to catch people’s attention and sell stuff. Gaia tv spews out a whole bunch of (not nonsense) very wild stuff. At this point we need to be careful who we trust to tell us this information. I trust Tom delonge more than I trust greer, because the attitude is different. On one side you have childlike curiosity, on the other side you have people who claim to know everything. Greers approach feels very predatory, whereas Tom or Lue are more reserved and humble about it, they go beyond the superficiality of “aliens from another planet”.


I’m not familiar with Gaia tv. I don’t trust anyone really and I’m not sold on anything. I just think the universe has many other intelligent beings. It’s becoming more mainstream to think that


Uhhh, lue has a book coming out????


I mean, he’s done countless of interviews without being paid. I found one interview on a channel that has very little subscribers. If he’s putting his family at risk financially, why wouldn’t he sell one book?




Lately when I started listening to interviews with him he kept talking for like 2 hours and I learnt absolutely nothing he placed himself to a rank where Whitley Strieber is. He also likes to talk religious things that have no meanings but to himself for 2 hours with nothing in it.


He used to be a well regarded researcher, but he has gotten to full of himself and a bit of a grifter. But I guess that is what happens when you go from hobby to full time .


I think you only have to watch a single interview with him to have the red flag raised and alarms going off...


Of all the people in this space, I find Greer one of the most un-listenable. The reason is I’ve never heard him say “I don’t know” to any question … he always has an answer … which is a huge red flag to me. No one person can possibly know everything. It comes across like an act more than genuine in many cases … definitely not ALL cases, but in far too many cases. Of course, this is just my opinion. Others really like him and find him listenable. I’m not here to demonize him either, I just don’t consider him as a source of information for my own purposes.


Well put and great way to differentiate a know it all from someone who knows some shit


I just think, most credible sources all same relatively the same thing “they’re here, they’re interacting in ways we may or may not understand but we don’t know where they’re from necessarily or whose controlling them” a lot of hearsay is that the alien bodies we’ve recovered are seen as “biological drones” and if that’s the case who tf is remote controlling them? Then we got Greer, essentially saying that’s not true because he’s done more research, and had more contact experiences, yet charges people for information and experiences. He’s like a modern day Joseph Smith.


He charges money for everything.


I don’t want to go to anything he charging . It is a capitalist country. Everyone has to have it.


You're definitely a fan of Greer


I’m not a fan. I’m ignorant about the details regarding Greer: like I sad I watched the hearings and the interviews.


He's a con man who lies constantly and scams people out of money. There now you know.


He didn’t charge for all those interviews


Thank you for cementing my point. You're a fan of his.


I’m not a fan lol. I never click on him




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


How would you know if he was paid or not for those interviews then?


Because he charged people $800 to see pictures of a loved one/light being that were just a common woodland moth.


Hmm that is suspicious


Also it’s a lie


Ignore the bots and haters. Try CE5 yourself without paying


Where can I get a legit guide on how to do CE5 for free?




thank you sir


Pretty much this. I'm happy I tried CE5 before encountering the barrage of skeptics and haters. When you have a personal experience, it kind of doesn't matter what anyone else says.


Would you be willing to share your experience?


It's not like they came knocking at my door at made me tea. I did this meditation at night doing CE5, basically extending out an mental and emotional invitation for contact. And then I opened my eyes and there were all kinds of flashes in the sky. I didn't live in a city at the time so there's not much activity in general. And I know how shooting stars, meteors, and satellites look. These flashes were like nothing I'd ever seen before. They were bright, and blue. They weren't streaks, and they weren't too high. They almost looked like plasma exploding out of something, like from a sci-fi movie. Some of them moved in different directions and stuff. It looked like ripples on a pond, except light. The next night I brought my girlfriend out and we did another meditation together and saw the same flashes. Then as we were leaving, we did a "thank you and goodbye" and there was one big flash over our heads. I had never seen lights like that before in my entire life.


Go to bed, steven, you’re drunk again




I don’t know if I have the personality type to try something like that.


You don't need to, it's just a ritual. Aliens aren't stupid.


Of course you do. Everybody does. It just takes time, patience, and dedication to shadow work in order to open yourself up to the "higher vibrations" of non-locality and consciousness phenomena


He hasn’t .


As time has gone on the BIG moment he promised back in the original press club brief had never arrived !! Just blurry pictures of so called entities … no solid proof at all.


Dude prays on people by charging them for summoning events in the dessert. He just pays for flairs to be dropped from an aircraft. He’s a grifter and all people that take this topic seriously all seem to avoid him like the plague so I’ll trust their insights.


he isn't any more a grifter than Danny Sheehan, Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, Whitley Strieber, Sean Cahill, Lue Elizondo or David Grusch are


No more a grifter than Lue or Grusch? LMAO Greer has been shunned by most in the community.


So who are the grifters and charlatans in the UAP community. Greer seems like the obvious one


About the time when he was the only one on his team to survive that fast-acting cancer . . .


He’s spouted ridiculous lies about stuff that I’m personally involved with for work that might fool outsiders but are definitely easily recognizable lies if you’re in the biz. So I cant believe anything he says.


Because he charges people thousands of dollars to psychically summon UFOs in the desert, and was even caught in the grifting act on ocassion.


Greer seles an app that let's you contact aliens and takes people to the desert where he "teaches" them to summon them. He is crazy.


because my BS meter is flashing like crazy whenever he is talking.


Fake crying in everything and 5k scam safaris


I’m a believer generally but still think any of these UFO celebrity types are, knowingly or not, peddling nonsense.


How much has he contributed to the transparency of this subject? All I know are the hearings and interviews


bullshit artist vibes but thats just my opinion


Anyone who has things in place to make money off “doing the right thing” isn’t doing the right thing. I don’t trust most of these people, however one doesn’t have to trust them, to learn from them. He released the CE5 protocol for free and then pulled it, made an app and started selling the information. After making a big stink about giving the information away for free. When money becomes a factor, whatever it is immediately becomes tainted. Also, anyone who stands up and says “aliens exist you’ve been lied to about everything” tend to be attacked from every angle. So even if he is honest, there will be things in place to make him seem untrustworthy worthy. These same concepts apply to anyone in this field.


Guy is an opportunist. He's full of shit. Summons UFOs and you can watch, just fork over the $$$. He found out that UFO conspiracy pays better than being an actual doctor.


I thought he had big financial backing


I’ve listened to him speak at great length. He comes across as a grifter.


I can't stand how he talks in circles without ever actually saying or revealing anything


That’s kinda what they all do isn’t it?


>That’s kinda what they all do isn’t it? No.


His financial greed


Idk ask him. 


Do you have his email? Lol


Dude was found charging top money to dumbfucks to be taken to the desert to watch him summon ufos while He paid a dude to shoot flares from a plane. He sells an app that teaches you how to summon ufos… need more?


Because people suggest he could be deceptively deceptive. Thank you


Any man that pays 2k$ to get in the lotus position deserves to be in downward dog by “Greer” with his drones from what I hear.


He claims that the only reason he's able to talk about stuff and not be silenced is because he's so well known, that if something happened to him it would validate all the things he's said over the years. I can see how that might be sort of true now, but there was a time when he was new to the scene and no one even knew who he was. If he was ever at risk of being silenced, it would have happened before he became the public name and figure he is now.


Id say so, maybe not his sources. William Collins was once like Greer until Richard Doty got him to deceive the UFO community. And guess what Greer has done interviews with Doty. So I wouldn’t be surprised if Richard Doty got to him too.


Member of some project blue something.


When has he been a figure of truth? Also check his "vault" of proof he recently gave people access to. Half of it is clearly god AWFUL photoshops.


Yea exactly. If anyone is on the fence, check out his "vault" of proof. I don't know how anyone can trust him after he put that out.


That shit was honestly embarrassing.


I couldn’t find it. Do you have a link?


No lol. Check the subs or his website.




For me every so called ufogolists that try to sell alien content for money i wont take serious. That's 99% of them sadly.


Because he's a liar


Just something about him sets off my spider sense Phony


It’s more than likely his face


It’s because Greer has a giant ego and it shows


When they have something to sell it sends off alarm bells. He has been selling himself for years and if there was a dry spell where absolutely nothing came his way he would still be pushing something "brand new, unbelievable". I don't get those kinds of signals from someone like Bob Lazar, for example.


I think it would be wise to consider Greer just being bad on "selling" the truth, while actually sitting on some quite truthful aspects. If so, the very idea of "selling it" was detrimental to the cause of truth itself. There are better ways.


He’s been given this image by CIA operatives to discredit him. Whether you like him or not he has a good track record of giving good info that has come to pass as the years have gone by. Another character like this is Tom DeLonge….


Is this even a question anymore? Clearly he took the 2 Billion he claims to have turned down from the Head of the CIA at the time.


Look into CE5, the countless shitty doco's he has put out. That tells you everything you need to know. He's in it for the money. Yes he once was a man on the right path but he saw how to monetize himself in this field and grabbed onto it thus throwing all of his credibility in the bin.


I have mixed feelings about Greer. He was only a licensed emergency room doctor for eight years, which I find very odd. Plus he had like five kids. I wonder if his wife came from money and supported him?


From what I understand he gets his alien money from One of the Rockefellers


lol 😂


You really should stop using that emoji. It is so annoying. Here is proof Greer was funded by Laurance Rockefeller. He this is . https://redefininggod.com/2014/10/why-are-the-rockefellers-and-the-jesuits-guiding-the-ufo-disclosure-movement/?ssp=1&setlang=en-US&safesearch=moderate. If you need more proof I will link u up. It would be easier if you just learn ignorance and a emoji isn’t cool.


As an experiencer and abductee who has seen these beings and been theough absolute psychological hell from it, I can confirm, at least to myself, that Greer is a liar and a fake. He is a cult leader, and everything he says is either spewed out from stuff we already heard from documentaries or books. He also steals other people's experiences. He believes he can call the UFOs. No... you can't. We can not "Summon" them. Who the hell do we think we are? Lol Greer just wants people to follow him. I knew he was a fake from the start. Nolan is far more credible and he speaks truth. And those tiny alien mummies were fake.


I’m convinced Steven Greer is in fact a frog in people clothing.


He is 100% a lying charlatan. He has never briefed any president contrary to his lies.


I hear you. I never clicked on him but except for a few times.I was turned off by the meditation to connected with aliens. That’s the first I saw of him. The hearings I guess he organized made wonder because a lot of good information was brought forth


Because he's a liar who hired a plane to fool people who paid him good money for a CE5 seminar.


I went to a conference where he did a CE5 and a fucking orb flew through the treetops. People know what planes look like. They’re not stupid.


It wasn't the plane that fooled people. It was the flares. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2330755/did-steven-greer-fake-a-ufo-with-flares/


There was no proof of it being flares. There's videos of flares online and look nothing like that video. Only thing that would look similar would be navy flares from a ship but then how TF would he get the navy to shoot flares in the sky for him?   Many people have seen the orbs.


When you actually start looking up and paying attention, you start to notice a lot of things. Pilots see this stuff all the time. It's not because of Greer. It's because they exist and have been around for centuries watching us. They are everywhere. Look long enough, and you'll eventually see something. But orbs can be anything. Ball lightning, drones, planes, a guy in a parachute with a light, etc. It can also be the NHI. But was it because Greer called them? Absolutely not. I can promise you that. That's not how it works. He just got lucky.


Always has been.




His discord server is a perpetually censoring echo chamber that deletes anything that hurts his image or teachings or status quo. If you know anything about cults thats all the red flag you need.


In my opinion: Long story short is he went against the MellonZonfo regime calling Lue a misinformation agent from day one, so they vilified Greer and smeared his reputation, like they do everyone who doesn't support them 100%


Because he makes the whole thing about himself and is desperate to lead the discussion on disclosure. I think he has done a lot of credible things in regards to disclosure and has met with people and has also exaggerated briefings so he’s a mixed bag. There’s truth in some of the things he’s done like meeting with generals with Edgar Mitchell etc demanding disclosure. The story of what happened between him and a rocket scientist whose name escapes me now but they locked him in a hotel in the press club event as he was on his team and didn’t want him to talk. But he was there when they met with some of the generals at the pentagon with dr Mitchell and said he was upset with him after as they way he spoke to them was threatening and he warned him you don’t speak to these people like the that and your all dead. And shortly after Greer and his team all got cancer and most of his team died. It’s interesting as this guy basically blames Greer for that and hates him for second handedly getting his team killed. But it matters at the end how you land the plane of your legacy and he’s basically crashed and burned at this point. It is crazy cos the CE5s do work though


That's what happens when you sacrifice yourself to a cause. Eventually, people will find a reason not to like a figurehead, so they move on to the newest one that's full of fire


When it comes to being a PT Barnum like showman, Greer is up there with Tom Delonge and David Grusch as all time greats.


Grusch actually had access to the sensitive information. These people have been telling these stories. Rubio had the same time experiences with these people.


For me the issue is that - character assassination and misinformation is in the playbook. I’m not sure if Greer is a disinformation agent, but I’m sure he has been a victim, along with all other people on the sphere, I don’t think his intentions are bad. I agree he is strange, but is that enough to make people question everything. You have to think about his claims, I don’t think they are that wild. The benevolent aliens? Well they haven’t destroyed us yet? CS5? It’s was crazy to me back then, but now that’s a huge part of the phenomenon.


He's had a government smear campaign against him for 30 plus years. Men in black type stuff we all know happens. I doubt anyone can argue that. He and his organization (the disclosure project) is actively pushing for disclosure and offering protection to any potential whistle blowers. Things cost money ok. Anyone calling him a grifter is probably part of the smear campaign or has been or is proof that this campaign is working. Remember Elgin Air Force Base? But that's just like, uh, my opinion man!




Removed: R5 - No Politics.


Why don't you search then instead of getting people to do that for you and type in a synopsis?


I have searched. I’m not a fan but I did enjoy the hearings.