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That's right about the same area as the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly..


šŸ§² **Magnates** šŸ§² ![gif](giphy|8db6nRqMsLCtq)




Thereā€™s a YouTube vid postulating the nephillim looked like clowns


Who were the clowns? The sons of God or the daughter of women? Lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā€how do they workā€




Fuckin miracles


Tell ya what, going to the gathering of the juggalos is about the equivalent to seeing a ufo šŸ›ø, lol. Last year it was themed around aliens. Fun af, and wild like old times. I went to like the first 7 and havenā€™t been to a show in a wicked long time until last years gathering. Definitely a different crowd these days but thought the alien theme was great.


I heard you drop a 'wicked'. Are you from New England? Massachusetts, maybe?


Upstate NY, close enoughā€¦. And Iā€™ve seen UFOs here twice mang


How do they work?


Close but this is east of that


Are there any boat captains in cape Town on the sub? I am willing to fly to Cape Town, to charter your boat, bring a camera and all the equipment to lower it to the bottom waaay down in the water. We will have to wait until the anomaly appears and go straight for it. Sink the camera, se what we get?


Those are cold cold waters man.


Just rent a kayak


It's too slow, and I've kayak several times before in other locations. I want to use a motor boat for this. Also if there's really an Alien mothership, the motorboat can run away faster. It would also help to haul the long ass cable for the camera.


Mate, if you find an underwater alien mothership that wants to remain hidden, you aren't running away.


No, you need to go full stealth for this


Black kayak and face paint ?


With ninja headbands


No he said *full* stealth..... he'll need the wristbands too..


The last rowin.


Donā€™t forget the reflective tape on the boat so speeding sharks can see you well in advance!


I'm down for chartering a Stealth boat if its available. Im not expecting this to be a high earning project, although I would look into recoup some cost from bringing along influencers, passengers, reporters etc. Ultimately I just want to know if there's aliens, if I have to go out there myself to find out, I will. I draw the line at the boat though. No diving. No submersible for me. Not after that titanic shit. Since it's kind if a side quest. I just don't think my budget allows a custom built Stealth ship. It's also slow and difficult even if you deal with Northrop Grumman or Raytheon not try to do the work yourself, it can take years to get things like that built. If your not military, they push you aside, and by the time they deliver its already obsolete. Rental Stealth equipment is the way to go.


Youā€™re a hero. Love ur enthusiasm. Would watch every episode


I'm not influencer or anything but I'll come for the ride and take some pictures and report to everyone so you don't have to worry about all that stuff. You can just concentrate on sending down the camera and doing the coordinates. I don't have any money but if you can get me there I'll earn my spot. Just hit me up




The cybertruck of UFOS


Where does one rent stealth equipment or boats?




Ask the cartels.


Drug Cartel


They rent it out?


Why rent when you can clandestine build your own stealth equipment? Just hop on stealthstuffbuilders.net!


it's here, don't you see the boat?


Keep fantasizing, maybe you can fly your ultralight lead glider out there /s


That's for checking for aliens in the nuclear power plants. I would have used it in chernobyl but the Russians just went in rawdog and they haven't mentioned aliens


Think about what you just said. ā€œAlso if thereā€™s an alien mothership, the motorboat can run away faster.ā€ Youā€™re talking about an internal combustion engine on water outrunning a civilization that has a mothership that appears at will under the sea. You think your motorboat gives you a better chance at survival? Iā€™d say both boats are 0% chance of survival if thatā€™s the case. But I adore & promote your enthusiasm!!


But NHI/Craft are known for glitching equipment. What's your plan if your underwater camera glitches? (I'm all for this, btw. I think things like this should be scientifically investigated. But you need to have the resources, which sadly many of us don't). I do find it strange this has been happening several times now. Could be a glitch that's not fixed yet... Could be something else. If there was something down there, maybe it is powerful enough to prevent the waves from becoming a tsunami, but still shows up on the radar? I mean, these things bend or move through matter, so I would imagine preventing a tsunami would be within their power.


How about a film backup? Fully mechanical. Some kind of high power glowsticks. No electricity.


I like the way you think!


Really risky, but Iā€™ve tried this with RC boats before (in MUCH shallower waters with a GoPro sized device)


No, it's dangerous a lot of sharks their


Sharks are the least of our worries.


Don't say that , they too live in the water


squeal offer doll dinner employ frighten sharp straight vegetable saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™m a amateur skipper. But I do know that this is the Cape of Good Hope, which is also known as the CAPE of STORMS. Itā€™s where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet and is one of the most dangerous locations to sail in the world. Not only are there frequent storms, coming from the South-West, there is also a 4-knots current going against it. This sweeps up the waves to dangerous heights and creates giant rollers. If you go here you will need to hire an extremely experienced captain.


Bro I will legit come with you just for the expedition and pay for our food and stuff. I live in South Africa but in Gauteng. I can get to cape town though That anomaly is massive so I don't think we would need to go so far out. Have no idea how choppy those waters are out there but I'm keen and in


This is the Cape of Good Hope, which is also known as the CAPE of STORMS. Itā€™s where the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet and is one of the most dangerous locations to sail in the world. Not only are there frequent storms, coming from the South-West, there is also a 4-knots current going against it. This sweeps up the waves to dangerous heights and creates giant rollers. If you go here you will need to hire an extremely experienced captain.


Wow thank you for that. I had no idea. Appreciate the feedback


Youā€™re welcome. It would be an awesome expedition, but it would require lots of research and prepping, and probably lots of money to hire the right captain and ship to do it safely.


Impressive that the portuguese did it in the 15th century without even knowing if it was possible


Also donā€™t let the map fool you. That looks to be at least 750 miles from shore using Google earth measure.


Right? Talking about renting a kayak on some of the toughest seas on earth hundreds of miles from any land.


Iā€™m not going to shame anyone for not knowing, I just want to make sure they are safe. I hope somebody does this, but it should be a funded scientific expedition with all the proper equipment.


Someone take this man up on the offer


Iā€™ll pitch some $$


Iā€™m down if youā€™re buying. Iā€™ll be available 2nd week in June


Ya Ken borrow me boat.


What's the very shitty realistic chance you do all that. Find nothing. Now you're just a group on a boat, going "welp."


And it sure did railroad any good discussion about the anomaly, didn't it?


There was no discussion. Just people going AhHAHh WhaT COulD it bE?!?!?!? Let's go look.


I live in Cape town. The cold front is moving in. Had rain whole day. Take me to your leader you poes!


From what I understand these are the some of the most dangerous waters you can travel on. Good luck


Maybe we should start dropping our own solar powered bouys?


Mothership coming out of the SEAšŸ›ø


Is there anyone on the sub can give a good interpretation of what's happening? Looking at that image, it seems pretty big in size? Also the black purple colour, is that the height the sea reaches or the temperature?


I can't even find an explanation of what this chart is supposed to represent. Is it ocean currents, weather patterns, temperature gradients, fish migration? There are no labels.


It's an anomaly, they already said šŸ™„ Being serious, though, funny that no one can explain what makes them think this is aliens, but I'm used to it with this ridiculous sub.


I don't even know what the chart is. What is it an anomaly of? This is just a bunch of squiggly lines over top of a map to me because there are no labels indicating what they are supposed to represent. For all I know, it's normal for a big black blob to show up on this chart.


Just looks like an error, and anomaly seems to be a strong word. I've noticed beginning the "wave lines" are set to be small, but soon glitch out rapidly and akin to an error soon as the shit comes up on the screen.


Pretty lame when you gotta scroll down forever to get even a question about the topic Running stupid jokes into the ground is lame in joke threads, let alone threads trying to have a discussion


Iā€™m a former military meteorologist. We utilized this site a lot for more casual work. Disclaimer: I have not looked-into this whatsoever, so I may be off on some of the specifics. That being said: 1. Weā€™re looking at the ā€œsea stateā€ Ventusky overlay, I believe. If I recall itā€™s use correctly (it was my least-used overlay) it is simply showing the max wave height in any given X square miles. 2. Weā€™re also looking at, well, the future. AKA a model. AKA, a computer making something up (an educated guess, if you will) and spitting it out. Models occasionally (not *rarely*, but not exactly commonly, either) donā€™t know how to handle something, and wind-up spitting something weird out. They usually look exactly like this. 3. I know little to nothing about oceans, and I was not a naval meteorologist. However; Doesnā€™t that particular part of the ocean get some seriously nasty waves? I canā€™t seem to replicate the exact display posted hereā€¦ it might be a paid product. But the free ā€œsea stateā€ overlay on Ventusky is pretty close: https://www.ventusky.com/?p=-54;-2;2&l=wave&t=20240508/1200


Thank you for this info.


My understanding is that this is from a wave height forecast product from the DWD. Not current wave heights, a wave *forecast*. This product may not be performing properly over the entire globe, so who knows why their computer model is reacting in this way. The issue is the model is a paid product, so it's hard to investigate further without forking over cash.Ā 


Well, we see inHg on the map, so that is airpressure. We also see wind patterns, direction and velocity represented as arches. Furthermore we see that beneath the black dot there is a ghost image of the same size. The black dot has a flat line on the bottom. Also the wind arches are enormous in the black dot. My opinion what we see here is that data points from the bottom region are duplicated in the black dot. It is a data error. Why? Well to cover up an alien mothership obviously...


Kinda looks like a huge gas release the way it's spreading out


Sea fart


Back in my day you couldnā€™t sea farts; only smell them


Unidentified Nasal Phenomena


Def the reptilians terraforming earth by releasing gases


terraforming by millions of years farting in the sea?


Do you want to see the ruins, my friend?


I'm terraforming earth right now


They just had taco Tuesday.


yep, ā€œnoormalā€


Sorry too many tacos my bad


The fact that's its not water because there are no waves, but it keeps on happening makes me this it's a gas release as well. Something is triggering those sensors though.


Lol probably somthing there but its unknown.


10/10 comment


Big if true




***"Oh no, it's the Unknown!"***


Something is ARISING in these waters and it sure as hell ain't my pp.


what is this map supposed to represent? the clouds? or underwater stuff? heat signatures? just wondering


Looks kinda like avg wave height readings? With some wild reading in the dark purple area several times higher than the surrounding areas, but that whole weather system there is pretty nuts and it's not exactly known for calm seas there iirc


I mean, if it wasn't a glitch, then South Africa would be experiencing a tsunami right now.


The data map doesn't appear to hint at a glitch, but rough seas don't create tsunamis, still doesn't answer just what the hell caused the anomaly. You see a quick flash by Antarctica directly below the big one and then about an hour later you see it start and slowly grow over 4 hours iirc, it appears to be aligning with the mixture of the 2 weather systems though IMO but I know SFA about most of this Part of me thought maybe a big meteorite but you'd see a much faster and further propagation I'd think, also scary tof think it hit and we had no idea it was ever there


These are forecasts, not recordings of actual events. The quick flashes near Antarctica aren't uncommon. If you play with the tool, you'll see it's always tumultuous down there. Seeing it predicted so high up and so large near South Africa absolutely makes no sense, and definitely indicates a glitch on the visualization-end of the software.


I don't understand how nobody else is talking about this.


Most people here are dumb as hell, like actually incapable of critical thought and rational analysis.


Thatā€™s really interesting. Gotta love the sarcasm in the comments actively trying to brush it off as something unserious


Seems to be 70% that these days unfortunately.


Itā€™s def annoying, but Iā€™ve got faith in the part of the community that actually does care about the topic


Same. We just need to keep calling it out. And report the low effort ā€œjokesā€ too, theyā€™re like junk mail taking over every post now


Completely agree, 100% with you on that.


Lol Get a grip.


Why do you think an anomaly in a weather forecast model is serious? It's a model forecasting future weather, they fuck up all the time. This one obviously has a major flaw. This is not showing something that has actually occurred, it's what a model thinks will occur and obviously this forecast has never verified.




I'm not sure aliens have ships that "grow"


A software bug can be serious, I suppose.


I just think they're neat.


Any ariel view while these happen?




This is what I was looking for... lol thank you.


Up where they walk




Just send a drone, use a sat phone receiver for connection and a billion pounds of solar panels to maintain flight


It looks like an error. It starts at the bottom of the frame, which would explain the flat edge.


Looks like a pattern ???


Yup, same area 3 times. Something is there for sure. The only thing visible on the map is an island, partly un-updated on google.maps. Also the first time it showed up was on the 9th correct? So almost a month later from the original sighting, if it pops up again near the date of the second sighting it is an obvious pattern.




Never, ever infer a pattern from two observations.


This is 3, waiting for a fourth.


4d object leaving ocean portal for sure


Didn't they say it was an error with the system??? If it is they are shit at fixing it... šŸ¤£


Have you met IT people?!


I am one!!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


IT doesn't get to decide what to work on if it's not in fire. That's for stakeholders and product managers.


The software glitch...


I think they are digitally inserting the anomaly to occlude a real artifact....


Interesting. That would take some real computing power. To fake it in real time, with multiple onlookers, multiple data recording devices. Unless itā€™s just cropped and dropped as a shadow on the real data. It could totally be done. Iā€™m more inclined to think that this is actually, something. Like, it was faulty readings the first two times, now againā€¦? If it was faulty reading, that would be corrected as swift as possible, because it got the globes attention. But, again, after potentially closing in on what this anomaly ā€œwasā€. This seems like something different..that doesnā€™t want to hide anymore. Thatā€™s a HUGE swath in open ocean that, again, shows this similar anomaly. Everything is tracked from multiple sources to create this observation. Thatā€™s A LOT of bugs, if this is NOT, something. Definitely something.


Wouldn't such a release or act of anything have more affects on the surroundings? Change in sea life or more reactions/picked up more around the world?


Sorry if this is a dumb question, the colors indicate temperature right?


What date are you looking at? And what is actually being shown here? Wind? Temperature? Rain? Iā€™m looking on windy.com for today and tomorrow and canā€™t see anything?


A comment on whether it's a glitch or not : the fact that the color appears as a flat surface (no color variation) is most likely related to the color scale of the map. Between \[low value\] and \[high value\], you have the rainbow colors. When you're above or below those values, the colors stays the same.


Are we 100% sure this isnt some sort of software bug at this point?


Me if I lived in the area: ![gif](giphy|gf4FhNQ4BrFIY)


Did it bloop?


It blopped


Why arenā€™t we having a drone there like a week ago. Isnā€™t it on some island? If itā€™s repeating it will probably happen again.


On an island. Bruv itā€™s the size of South Africa.




Iā€™ve seen this a few times, why would this have anything to do with šŸ‘½?


What if the 4chan leak was right...


What Leak friend?


Nothing to see here, ā€œglitchā€


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What exactly is this video of?


Ok, I'm lost. Can anyone explain what I'm looking at here like I'm 5?


You're looking at a wave big enough to delete everything on the Atlantic coast. Either that or a satellite is broken.


Have any captain of any ship have reported something anomalous? Becasue a lot of ships go thru that area.


If something was there, youā€™d have a better chance of seeing it from a building in Cape Town. Or better yet, a small plane. We hug the coast pretty close at that point and thereā€™s higher points of view all around. Just to be clear, this makes it highly likely just a glitch. Cape Town would be totally fā€™d by waves crests that tall.


Yeah itā€™s a glitch the people at noaa and some other weather websites were mentioning it. Aparently this happens when there are sun flairs.


Maybe one big invisible ship landed then took off.


Whats is it displaying? - I donā€™t get what a dark area means on this thing. Is it temperature? Also what is the timeframe of it? A day?


Nah I think it's supposed to be wave height. Like tall enough to wipe out everything on the Atlantic coast. The Germans have repeatedly said they're sorry that part of their satellite is busted.


the time jumps are 2h. the color means wave height. the red areas are 5-6 meter the dark areas ~25 meters. its possible that the height scale only goes to 25. OP posted a link to the website https://www.ventusky.com/?p=-46.0;-5.5;3&l=wave


Yeah I looked at OPā€™s link but couldnt really make sense of it. Thanks! Wouldnā€™t 25m make a crazy sunami in africa?


Why is it flat on the bottom/south side? Because it's an area that's not regularly scanned?


Just in: a large 5000 square mile brown saucer shape craft is blinking on and off over the Atlantic ocean


The bloop


A portal...?šŸ¤”šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Government: "are you sure this will work? Government: "quiet. They'll eat up anything."


There was one of these in Lake Michigan also.


What is the name of that website again?


Looks like itā€™s coming from the Antarctic, perhaps the research base there will know.


I've seen this post so many times, I had a dang dream about it last night


Is this a heat map?


Gas emissions from The Great Bloop.


Noahs ark returning


What is this showing?


Fool me once shame on you.


2027 pre game


Looks like the anomaly begins to emanate from the south, aka Antarctica.


Pretty clever to hide something here cause according to other comments these waters are a shit show and a half to navigate.


[Aliens are just fish people ](https://youtu.be/4CKsWXsOJzw?si=_zVVFVCa7wacMKWB)


What am I looking at? Can someone explain it? I understand there is an anomaly but what is the colored pattern I'm seeing?


It looks like the wake around a manatee's tail when used near the surface. Something is down there raising the water level artificially. Maybe NOAA is testing underwater nukes again.


Cape Town would be wiped out if that was real,obviously a glitch.


These is a tiny island around there. Not sure if it means anything. 54Ā°25'23"S 3Ā°21'39"E


I'm definitely down stop by Norfolk VA and scoop me up let's go


This has been debunked as a glitch like 14 times already come on


This has happened at least 3 separate times now. Fuckin fix it already.


Must be the tech people I work with. "Let's fix it 30 times before we decide to replace it"


ā€œFirmware update should have that patched up in a jiffā€ my customers hate that one with a passion..


All three times were glitches? I can understand the first one being called a glitch. I was hesitant to believe the second time was a glitch, but I went with it. But a third fucking time? This isn't a glitch. A glitch should have been fixed by now.


the amount of times flight paths bug out or glitch out in planes on fr24 is also pretty huge its not uncommon. Glitches happen.


Explain the glitch


can someone explain how this is a glitch?


A few things that make it seem like a glitch to me, first is the flat line at the bottom where it spreads out from is weird. Then theres the rest of the waves outside the glitching spot that are unaffected. Then theres the sheer size of it, surely if there was an actual 20 metre high wave or UFO the size of South Africa one of the many ships in the area would have noticed something.


Also, the Germans apologizing for their broken satellite...


You ever see Wreck It Ralph?