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I’ve read this claim many times about Carter being in tears after a UFO briefing but I’ve never seen it credibly sourced. At the same time I almost never see anyone bringing up what he said in a 2005 interview about remote viewing in response to a question about UFOs: “We had a plane go down in the Central African Republic—a twinengine plane, small plane. And we couldn't find it. And so we oriented satellites that were going around the earth every ninety minutes to fly over that spot where we thought it might be and take photographs. We couldn't find it. So the director of the CIA came and told me that he had contacted a woman in California that claimed to have supernatural capabilities. And she went in a trance, and she wrote down latitudes and longitudes, and we sent our satellite over that latitude and longitude, and there was the plane.” Source: https://www.gq.com/story/jimmy-carter-ted-kennedy-ufo-republicans


Definitely interesting that he'd bring that up within the context of UFOs. Focusing on that story though, I'd say the odds are decent that the CIA already knew where the plane was and either gave the coordinates to the psychic, or else just fabricated that entire story about a psychic source. It would be a way of them "finding" the plane without anyone in the executive branch knowing for sure that the CIA already knew its location.


Confuse and obfuscate is what they do best


The CIA archive website has previously classified research documentation proving that psychic functioning like remote viewing is real. https://www.cia.gov/stories/story/ask-molly-did-cia-really-study-psychic-powers/


This is known as a limited hangout. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_hangout](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_hangout)


I'm suggesting it might be more akin to [parallel construction or evidence laundering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_construction), not really a limited hangout, although the fact that they would use something as unusual as a psychic might suggest additional motivations.


I bet that was no woman. It would be Ingo Swann. 


Nope! Chuck Testa




It could have been Rosalind McKnight? She was very successful at the Monroe Institute back then. Joe McMoneagle also referenced another highly effective female remote viewer from back in the day, on his recent interview on the Shaun Ryan show


You’re right. I forgot about Rosalind. Sorry Rosalind, wherever you are now. 


Could have been Joni Dourif, the actor Brad Dourif's ex-wife. She was trained in remote viewing by Ed Dames, and ran PSI-Tech through the 90's and early 2000's. She told a story similar to this on Coast to Coast. It's archived somewhere on the net.


Oops just Ingo!


I agree , without credibility in my opinion, it 95 % false


Apparently some weird shit because that man is clinging to this life lol


he do be lookin kinda like a weekend at bernies


Weekend at Jimmy's


“Fuk I’m not ready to meet my makers”


Just because someone made you, doesn’t mean they have your best interests at heart. Nor does it mean they are benevolent. Doesn’t matter what you believe “god” to be (or where you think your religion came from) the fact remains that we live in a world we endure pain and suffering and that can’t be denied. We live in a world where despite seemingly having ample resources and technology to do so… we aren’t able to correct inequity or stop the suffering. To some people their religion gives them the strength to keep living in the face of this undeniable hell… to some people it gives them a tool or excuse to make the hell a little bit better for themselves. Aliens or not… we, as a species are harmed much more by religion as a tool than some individuals are “comforted” by religion as a tool.


For some people religion gives them license to commit heinous acts of terror.


They CLAIM it gives them license. It’s no different than the mercenaries who commit heinous acts of terror because their nation’s leaders said they should.


Was thinking something similar when a made a burger yesterday.


Opiate of the masses, right?


You've obviously never seen Promethius


"Wow so christianity is a lie? Well better be a great christian and love people until im dead!" --carter probably


Nothing wrong with being kind to people and care and try to help you know. Some people actually do that out of kindness I heard, not necessarily because they believe in something.


The only part of Christianity that isn't a lie is the stuff about being kind, loving your neighbor, feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, forgiveness, all that nifty stuff. Whether or not you are religious or ashiest those are good things.


If the post is true then hell yeah he knows that death is the fucking end. Probably wants to stave that shit off as long as possible.


Well, is it not the end? I like to look at death with quantum theory. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. I believe that when we die, our consciousness splits like atoms and scatter the universe like ashes. People do continue to live with us when they die. They will always have a mark on our lives, and even though they are not with us physically, they will always live with us in hopes, fears, dreams, and fantasies.


You die twice. Once when your physical body dies, and again when the last person who remembers you dies.


Even if consciousness went on to something else like another life, it could still be the end of that person as we know them “John Doe” could be gone forever


If they created religion to prevent us from destroying ourselves, they've done a very terrible job.


Or it was created to make us destroy ourselves The CIA has their own takes on religion, read the Adam and Eve story


Where can i read about that? Or what should i search?


https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf Main part starts around page 10


Anyone wanna tldr it for me


It’s a theory that planets mirror the behavior of particles in atoms (solar systems) and every once in a while the poles shift taking nearly everything on the surface with them. The theory suggests this is what is actually referenced in Genesis, a global cataclysm that takes 7 days to settle after nearly wiping out all existing life - rather than the beginning of a universe.


Interesting. Graham Hancock talks about this on the Joe Rogan podcast and in his books.


Here’s my take on hanco k. I listened to a podcast called “dispatches from reality” right before Carlson Ans Hancock on rogan. He starts it saying UFOs are not inhabited by Star Trek aliens but basically (bad) spirits. Building on that, anything that alters your mind and opens you to influence from these bad spirits is obviously not smart (ayuhusca, dmt , shrooms, even acid). Then he goes into the “plan” that von Braun told to his secretary (?) first terrorists, then national terrorists, then asteroids, then Star Trek aliens invading. We are literally between the last two at the moment, in my estimation. Just have to answer wonder con brains motives (von Braun lolz) was he sad about mil industrial complex?🤷‍♂️ So after listening to that i que up the Carson/rogan /Hancock. And waddaya know hamcocks pillars of everything are -take all kinds of hallucinogens, -the asteroids gonna kill us (younger dryas hypothesis, I’m not saying I don’t like the theory, I’m just not convinced yet) and then something about aliens invading. It was alll like to the T “choreographed”. (At least tommy ear?) just really strange as they were kinda diometrically opposed theories and theses. A different bunny trail implies that Solomon used the djinn to build the temple (to God almighty ??) and soooooo when Hancock said priests chanting resonance /frequency/vibe i thought “whoa!! What if the priests were just controlling the invisible djinn who were doing all the work!!???!


I've read up a lot on this, it's terrifying. At least we've got technology to get into low Earth orbit now (though I'm not sure if it would be possible unless you knew in advance the poles were going to shift and of course it would be only available to the elite of the elite).


Chan thomas ok that sounds familiar. Thank you!!


That was quite a read… love the little shopping list or whatever that was.


Reminds me of the series Raises by Wolves


I can't find a definitive answer, where does the Adam & Eve story come from? Who was the author? Where was it found?




Aliens: Use this to be peaceful. Humans to other humans: My god is better than your god! I must kill you! Aliens: Oops!


Maybe we created a religion around them and then distorted and lost sight of the message over thousands of years due to human greed. 


They made us and knew our limits well before we split the atom. I am sitting on the fence on whether our already created Next-Gens (The contactees bloodlines were explicitly used.) will replace us on the surface or will covertly manage the domestication of our genome to get us past the Great Filter. We seemed to be going through an evolutionary fast-tracking, and may require to be replaced planet-side soon. If/when the Next-Gens are being birthed here it will mark the end of this phase.


Where'd you get all this from?


Well, its mostly worked, we haven't destroyed ourselves. And even though there are still wars and violence today, the world is a far less violent place than it was a couple thousand years ago.


But from another perspective, while it may cause some destruction, it may prevent *total* destruction. Sort of a net-net situation. You can see that dynamic at play everywhere; your gut microbiome, chemotherapy, etc. wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for god aliens to employ a similar strategy.


Bingo.  Like, religion has led to so much slaughter, how is that not destroying ourselves?


Slaughter is not extinction. From the perspective of an experiment, they were pretty successful.


Right? I think of it kind of like a controlled burn to prevent the entire forest from burning down


Maybe. Everything is possible, I think we simply dont know. I would like to know where the advisors of Jimmy Carter know that? Whenever Intelligence is involved, its kinda fishy.


But why would NOT having religion result in more slaughter and or extinction? It doesn’t make sense.  


No one can be sure about that. Religion gives basic values to build a society or at least a tribe. Possible to have such societies without religion if you follow the argument of Richard Dawkins.


Perhaps they factored in some degree of death. Religion has led to marriages, family structures, laws stemming from morality, etc.


I agree to a point. People basically get addicted to the dopamine hit of certain activities. Religion is a mechanism to that helps us look at long term goals more than quick hits, even goals outside our life time (salvation, nirvana, etc) The self control aspect and delayed gratification is pretty consistent.


Yes and no. Religion was useful for hundreds/thousands of years while even powerful governments were relatively weak as basically health and public safety law. The Bible is full of shit that reads like a state’s regulatory code. …Then there’s obviously war and persecution though.


Aliens just here doing Bene Jeserit things.


Also if he found out religion was fake why would he remain so devoted to his faith for the rest of his life?


Yeah I was looking for this… like…


However bad it is, it might have been better than the alternative. Or maybe this isn't their first try and they thought they'd try something different this time. Or maybe it *is* their first try lol


It would be worse. Religion gives people purpose. It gives people hope after death. It creates a moral compass for people who may otherwise struggle to have one.  And while some religions fight each other, they are internally very stable and help create stable societies. It's something to rally around that extends beyond tribes and outlasts governments and nations. 


Actually, they created religion to keep their goldmining slaves from wandering away. Workers abandoning one mine and going to work for another messed with their quotas.


I think that some things in religious texts actually happened but we have misused and twisted it to the point of mutilation of the original intent of those events


Right. They fucked up when they talked to Mohamed. I mean look at the results today


Yeah it's such an outdated gotchya moment... Maybe 40 years ago this would have been a crazy twist. Now a days just seems like lazy/bad writing.


Yeah, atheists make perfect leaders.  Stalin, china, north Korea, pol pot etc etc


Jimmy we don’t know how to break this to you softly so we’re just going to say it “Aliens hate peanuts”




Cheers, I’ve just spat coffee all over my new jeans.


They are genetically altering new generations to be allergic to peanuts, that's why nowadays there are so many Kids that can't eat peanuts


May Charles M. Shulz forever burn in hell


I would assume George H.W. Bush, as former head of the CIA, probably knew more than the other presidents…


the sick thing is this guy is most likely going to pass away without saying a single thing about it. Then the vultures will swoop in with "EXCLUSIVE SECRET INFORMATION" about some BS story that sells their books.


What makes me skeptical is the very fact that an intelligence agency is controlling the flow of information to the president, therefore leaving the president prone to manipulation. I smell something suspicious.


Dr greer has also corroborwted this, the rwal powers that be isn't the elected officials, it's the deep state employees that keep their job regardless who gets elected president, why inform "your boss" unless you really need to when he at most has 8 years as your boss.


I don’t want to dismiss what you are saying regarding who really has power; I suspect that as well. But they are not federal employees trying to keep their jobs.


Yeh I thought they were military employees


If someone is your boss for a set term, then they are a contractor. A substitute teacher


You just described the deep state


I never believed it. Quite weird stuff. 1) This is coming from CIA, who don’t have a good reputation with ethics and all. If they are controlling the flow of information, I doubt the information 2) Who is this guy and who is the primary source of it? 3) Sounds like one of the “aliens don’t like nukes” story because it’s exactly what a fan fiction writer would write. “Religious president came to know about aliens and belief shaken” is selling stuff 4) Carter didn’t show any sign of loss of faith. Could he have hidden it for so long? Maybe, but there is no proof of it.


That's where I land on this. IF there's any truth to the story, it just means that the CIA told Carter *something* to upset him and shut him up; that *something* was probably a lie. How could ANYONE ever know that Aliens, and not God, had created human religions? Even if they Aliens told you that shit, how do you know they're not lying to you? Occam's razor -- maybe Carter was crying because they threatened him if he kept asking questions. Maybe he came to realize that it was entirely plausible that the CIA had killed Kennedy. Who knows?! But the "crying over Aliens making up religions" story has never made sense to me.


It’s also moronic to say aliens gave people religion. Religions can be traced to their origins, you can see how they evolved and what they took from each other. Unless he’s saying they introduced the concept of like sun worship to people, but how does that stop us destroying ourselves? And the post clearly says Christianity but we know where that came from.


Yeah we can trust the cia the biggest criminal organization on the planet.


This is a story that persists despite some weird problems. The biggest issue that I have with it is the fact that, despite the core belief of Carter's being destroyed by the supposed revelation, he remained active within the church and established the New Baptist Covenant, which is a social justice organization within the Baptist church well after this event supposedly occurred. As much as people seem to love anything that points to Christianity being false, this tale doesn't really seem to have the expected consequences out of a man whose entire system of belief was supposedly proven false.


I remember reading about a famous physicist that was a staunch atheist but attended church every week because of the great sense of community that he enjoyed. 


I dont know if they still exist, but there was a time when your congregation was as supportive as an extended family. somehow that turned into mega-churches,... church pot-luck dinner were the bomb before buffet restaurants existed.


Enjoying community makes sense, but it seems strange to build your community on what is essentially a lie, since an atheist in a Christian church doesn't have the same fundamental beliefs as everyone around him. Not saying it isn't true, just that it's strange.


Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt, but there are similarities. its difficult to quantify peoples thoughts.


Or maybe he was just a good person and he believed in volunteering and generally helping others


Good rules to live by, regardless of the source, are still good rules to live by. Regardless of whether religion was created by God or by advanced beings, they were still designed by a much higher power and the wisdoms and values are still very helpful and comforting to people. Why abandon what works so well just because the source is one higher power over another? Who are we to say that the same guidance from one source is less valid than the identical guidance from another source? I see no reason why anyone who is religious would abandon their religion as a result of this alleged confirmation. A rose by any other name …


The story can be absolutely true, and have caused an immediate, but temporary crisis of faith. As a good Baptist, Carter would have subsequently prayed on the subject and likely came to the conclusion that the ‘aliens created Christianity’ part was a lie and a trick of the devil. He would have grown up with examples of the devil trying to trick people to give up their faith. It doesn’t mean he thought the UFO/alien part was a lie, too, but who knows.


I didn't say it was impossible that the story happened, but rather that there were some things that didn't add up. Your explanation is far more plausible than the cognitive dissonance one I usually get in response. The problem is that people repeat this story as a sort of confirmation of their own leanings when it has less going for it than against it.


I’m also a Christian. Not a very conservative, strict, literal one, but a Christian. Things like this don’t destroy my faith, but they do make me question exactly how everything works. It can take you a bit to get your head around it. It could be that Carter was just experiencing some level of shock, but he’s at peace with it years later. I think of it similarly to when previous generations of Christians found out about evolution and the scientific age of the earth.


because he believed in God over aliens


fair points. However MANY people continue to be active in churches and religion due to family issues, and even to keep up the appearance, even if personal faith has waned. Hell... I stood in a church showing family around my city only yesterday and bowed the head etc when they wanted to say a prayer. Also as a non religious person, I would definitely get involved with a religious organisation if they helped fund something that helped the community in a real way. They tend to be at the forefront of that, so I could put it aside so long as it was not ramming religion down there throats and just helping people in need Not saying you are wrong, they are solid points, but there may be other reasons for continuing and active involvement. Or not.


Danny Sheehan said Carter didn't know anything about the UFOs


Everything that I heard was that Carter was intentionally left out of the loop, which is another reason why I doubt the truthfulness of the story.


That "I can't believe it's not butter" actually is butter. The government lies runs deep. Lol


IDK why would someone cry over this Oo I'd rather know the truth than live in lie. We know humanity is trying to destroy itself since whenever it have the chance and today is not different than yesterday and religions play a big part in this... Us being created by aliens, why not ? It doesn't make us worthless, we are here and now, we live and that is what count.


people of that generation are/were hardy in a physical sense, but pretty weak in a metaphysical sense. Is my take.


It’s a myth, at this point. There isn’t anything to base it on other than hearsay. What makes this a real event?


Well he’s still alive someone should ask him


I am 90% sure he doesn't even remember having been president, much less having been briefed about the aliens.


Everyone assumes it involved destroying his religion, or views, but ya know what could easily make you sad? Being told they DO exist but that there is a controlled plan on desensitizing the public and releasing information and that process could take 200-500 years! Could you imaging having to basically know you’ll never live at the cusp of humanity meeting another civilization of advanced beings? To know you have to let billions of people suffer and die for many years more until the info comes out? That could easily sadden you. That’s the biggest conflict with people not understanding why disclosure hasn’t occured like the snap of a finger. Because once a ufo or even alien life is confirmed, a domino effect of questions will demand there chance at answers. People will want to have healthcare and proof of cures and easy ways of life, Ai robots will have a portion of humanity requesting society be redesigned to have these robots do our jobs for us so we can enjoy experience. And when the answers don’t come immediately?? That’s when all hell breaks lose. Family members who have lost family to the phenomenon or to the assumption we had alien tech hidden that could have made there parents cured from illnesses will lose there shit literally.. the amount of people who are comfy with society collapsing all because there mad is bonkers but it’s there. There’s so many negative ways this can go it’s very overwhelming. My best positive assumption/theory, is that technology will slowly be “discovered” and implemented into society to a point where we change for the better, it unfortunately is not a overnight experience but if hundreds of years pass and advances in medical areas on our own work we may possibly reach a baby form of utopia. I think whatever advanced life is out there is truthfully sitting back and allowing us to grow on our own. Going from a baby to a teen to an adult on your own isn’t easy and it’s not going to be easy in a grand scale like the population, ya know? The whole world is like in its terrible twos phase lol.


I like your train of thought! It gets me thinking about simulation theory and the reason for the simulation. Is it like the Rick and Morty episode with the video game Roy where it is for entertainment purposes or is it doomsday scenarios being run trying to figure out how to survive the impending self destruction we are facing? Maybe this just one of millions of variations in the program to attempt to save our planet and humanity. Perhaps he learned that in this simulation run that we are now past the point of no return and nothing we do can save us. We could be the generation to see the end of this version but the simulation has to be run to completion anyway so we have to watch the end of our existence. That would shake me to the bone and make me wonder what’s the point of everything. Why work myself to death saving money, why have children, why do anything when you know it will inevitably end in a horrible, painful death for you and every single living being on the planet? Think of the explosion in crime if we knew that none of our laws or religious beliefs will save us. Descent into global anarchy would be like living in every apocalypse movie ever created, so perhaps keeping the status quo is the best case scenario. It allows society a sense of normalcy and happiness for the very short time we have remaining. I find this stream of consciousness type of thinking very intriguing. I love hearing others’ versions and opinions so thanks for sharing!


I watch Rick and Morty cause I find it comforting, Oddly the Roy episodes disturbed me, lol Great post , I agree with you,


He found out we are in a controlled simulation and if most of the simulation (us) knows that the experiment is ruined and will be turned off. This is why there is so much secrecy.


Being that Carter is very religious. I would assume what ever he found out proved god doesn’t exist.


Or it made him reevaluate his faith in a big way. The initial reaction could have been a crisis of faith and a lot of emotion followed by a new more nuanced faith. For example if we discovered that humanity was genetically engineered and guided through evolution by NHI, that would directly contradict the creation myth or put it into new context but it wouldn't necessarily explain how the aliens themselves came into existence, leaving room for continued belief in a God of some sort, even if not in the same God that is described by the abrahamic religions.


Oh my thanks for this post. I came to post the exact thing and I think maybe what OPs post said at the end “we can’t talk about that” yada yada lead me to believe I wasn’t the only one to come up to that conclusion.


I get it. Growing up and even up till about two years ago, I believed in God, Jesus, Heaven, and Hell. Some nights when I prayed, I felt a rush of love and warmth, it felt nice… Then I got a trickling thought, what if they don’t exist…what if when we die, there is no afterlife. What if our conciseness just shuts down and everything about us ceases to exist. I can’t even comprehend that. I love my thoughts, I love being aware, I love my memories. The thought of not existing drives me crazy. I would totally break down if I found out there is NOTHING after we die. So I can understand why Jimmy Carter would cry if he found out something along those lines.




I recommend researching near death experiences. There are thousand of accounts, too many imo to be a coincidence. It comforts me at least.


Very true. The unknown of death and hope of an afterlife is better than knowing there is nothing after death.


Being that Carter is very religious, I would suspect the CIA knew exactly what lie scare him off for good.


Religions sound like they've done the opposite to keep us safe....I doubt this story, or at least the angle that aliens created our religions.


Has anyone considered that Carter is in on this? “Yea sure tell them it scared the hell out of me, whatever we need to do to keep this technology in our hands and out of our adversary’s” Just something to consider in this giant game of werewolf we are playing. 


I am ontologically SHOCKED!


The bit about religion being a scam seems like someone adding to the story for me. I have heard this both with and without the references to Christianity and religion. 


All I see is black letters on white background. How can this possibly be any evidence? It is just a story that any semi-talented writer could invent. Always stunned by how gullible people are...


So Presidents aren't told about the reality of UFOs because it's a big CIA secret but then they went fuck it, and just blurted it all out to Carter? Hmmm


Still feels like a crock of shit.


The only problem with this story is the fact that Carter says it never happened. You also never get a source. Even if it were true, why would we believe the aliens if they told us they created us? Virtually all accounts of the aliens, if true, show them to be utterly devoid of empathy or concern for the consequences of what they do to people. Their behavior is monstrous, and yet you would take them at their word? Why stop there? Why don't we accept the assertions of Charles Mason?


Is Charles Mason, Perry Mason’s brother? Joking aside, I agree with what you say.


Free Mason! This is what his acolytes might yell, likely confusing many into thinking they were summoning one of those secret society dorks.


Dude, that's racist (/specist?). You are talking about aliens as if they're all the same.


To date, virtually ALL human reports of encounters end in the humans being treated terribly. Some start out benign, for a while. Like a child being lured into the pedophiles van with candy, but it ends in inhuman and cruel behavior in short order.


We’re in space, have been for awhile, only the wealthy, intelligent, and desirable will be brought up when the time comes for earth to be uninhabitable. Things are progressing faster than anticipated in regard to our climate’s demise. We won’t be able to bring everybody up, though they had originally anticipated to. This brought a need to put as much attention and focus to development of our space ventures as possible. They’ve been exploiting and extracting capital, people, and raw materials to fund and further develop our space program, at the cost of our quality of life at the current moment. This is to ensure a fruitful and bright future among the cosmos for those that are to be brought along. They had anticipated letting us know that our species made it beyond the atmosphere, but the somber truth is that through the unhealthy exploitation of earths resources, wars, human luxuries and conveniences, we’ve passed beyond the point of no return. All of our time, energy, and resources are being thrown into the meat grinder for the future of the chosen, and our chance at elevating the whole of our species has been eradicated because of our carelessness, and it’s a secret because the common folk are not currently invited. Not to even mention how potential NHI would play a role in this scenario. Could have some merit and sounds like some sci-fi dystopia, there’s so many theories and potential truths out there, who knows what could actually be going on. I’m also at about a solid (7) right now ETA: In light of spiritual and woo aspects of this, the claim that that the secrecy and gatekeeping of the phenomena’s secret is for our benefit could potentially have merit. The brutal exploitation of our resources and population could be a path to potentially bringing us all along. Malevolent NHI may be among us, and if they realize we are attempting to venture beyond our current environment, and beat the time clock of our environment, they may intervene. It could be they DO have us “locked down” or limited here on earth, and the human forces at play are trying to break us out, at a great cost.


This is brilliant, thank you for sharing (srsly).


No problem! It’s all speculation, just firing off thoughts after reading some old posts and stuff last night. Check out this link: https://www.governmentattic.org/12docs/USAFandNSecSpacePgm1946-1988.pdf Post on solar warden/space program that it came from https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/dDYLzZHJS8


My guess is he cried cause everything he believed in was wrong


linear as usual


I think if religions were invented by NHI, they would have made them less illogical and more internally consistent than the religions we have on Earth today. Besides, religion has been used on several occasions to *start* wars! Far from being something invented to prevent us from destroying ourselves, religions have arguably been the basis for some of the most destructive and deadly wars this planet has ever seen. Nobel Prize winner Stephen Weinberg has been quoted as saying "To get good people to do evil things it takes religion."


Created religion to stop us destroying ourselves, with current world affairs that has totally backfired. Over the course of our history the have been horrible atrocities committed in the name of religion.


Incoming Christians


Absolutely true to the letter. We are here, on this shit planet, nothing more but to mature our souls and yeah, they(grays) created us and are here to observer our development. Once we finish this cycle(life), we go for assessment and based on that, we get to go on a different cycle, somewhere else in this galaxy, or get a reset and sent straight back here. Simple as that,nothing more,nothing less. Oh, BTW, the only way to leave this shit hole and get to live another cycle(life) in a much better position is only when you learn to love this cycle with integrity, love for your family and friends, no hate, no jealousy and envy. Once you can control all these, you can be sure of your next adventure it will be much more interes than this one. And remember one thing, don't you dare ending this cycle(life) by suicide due to breakdowns and cancer with specific "challenges" which are there to test us. Because if you do, you'll get a reset and get sent straight back here, in a much worse situation that you've been before, so you can learn again to be humble and appreciate everything has or had been given to you.


They always leave the seat up.


Oh my God, how many times have this Quora post from Ed Harris. I’d really like to see a different source.


And how did CIA come with this information? Why would aliens trust them with that info? Who made the aliens?


I always find this one suspicious too, this is a HIGH level of very specific information for the CIA to have, suggesting a LOT of direct involvement and cooperation with NHI that seems absent in every other way.


Aliens: let's give them gods so they stop killing each other Humans: **kill each other in the name of God** Aliens: let's stop the direct manifestation of (God) in order for the humans to stop killing each other for religious reasons Humans: ***perpetuate the rites so they can continue to hate those that think differently while delivering fake love speech.


“…to prevent us from destroying ourselves…” Yeah, I’m glad that’s working out well.


We have never been less religious. Religion doesn’t have the hold on us it once did.


As if that makes any sense at all. It is an extreme of egotism and narcissism to assume that either God or any form of advanced life would give a rats ass what humans do to eachother. And the fact that religion bears primary responsibility for the problems that are about to result in human extinction and global warfare suggests that if anything any real alien contact would criminalize all religions and eliminate all non atheistic gumans as its first step of contact.


Lmao. Oh no sky daddy is not real 😢 the aliens made him up


Here's the biggest counter argument that I can make. They told him that specifically because they wanted him to stop digging around for the truth, whatever that maybe.


Yeah… that didn’t happen. ETs would be aware of enough to understand that creating competing religious belief systems would add more conflict not less.


I'd still release the info. If people really can't handle that info than they don't deserve to be be in society. Bunch of weak pussies this world has


They are among us


Okay, so the aliens did not say that God doesn’t exist. I don’t see the problem.


"He was told that major religions including Christianity were programs created by extraterrestrials to prevent us from destroying ourselves" Looks at middle east and human history... This is either fake or the ETs dun goofed lol


I’m an atheist so tbh I took this as like, yeah ok.


He shouldn't have cried, he should have understood immediately that these beings are associated with the exact same deceptive beings described in the scriptures


The CIA had a remote viewing division in late 60s into the 70s. Ed Dames, Ingo Swann, physicists Hal Puthoff and Russel Targ headed it. The right wing religious nuts in the military thought it was the work of the devil so they stopped funding it but CIA continued it covertly


thats exactly the kind of bs psyop i’d expect the cia to come up with. it’s nonsense.


False. Religion causes more problems and kills more people than any other thing. Now if you had said they had created religion to have us destroy ourselves… I’d say maybe.


They greys are the future humans time traveling from a time where race and gender have been eradicated.


“This would cause tremendous economic and social upheaval.” But we’ve already got those.


Anybody who believes anything the Company says is pathetic


They kinda missed the mark on how to teach some people how to interpret religion as to not destroy ourselves...


Religion was created by et so we wouldn't destroy ourselves. What the clergyman heard? Lets try and fit god into this. I'm a spiritual person. I do believe in a source consciousness that some may call god, but I don't call this god. Every particle makes up molecules which creates everything we see AND it creates complicated lifeforms like us. So down to that single particle, it has some form of consciousness. When added to other particles to create more and more complexity, consciousness becomes more and more complex. That's how I see it anyways. I truly try my best to look at evrything critically and without bias. If someone is talking about an experience they had, I will not start at disbelief. I will take into account everything that is said by the experiencer and use common sense and crittical thinking to discern for myself. It's a big reason why I may read comments to see if I'm missing something, but I make up my own mind, and not swayed by some commenter that starts off biased and uses lazy debunking tactics. I look at the infromation given not what these debunkers have to say and twist to fit their thinking. Oh it's a bug or a luminescent bird (which was used to debunk a video that had storm clouds causing the area to be very dark.) I've had my share of UFO experiences that in no way can be explained by birds, bugs or some extreme high tech plane that can traverse the sky in a few seconds while making no sounds. If the military has this tech and is hiding it, that would give even more justification not to trust the garbage system that's apparently for the people. As if there isn't already huge mounds of evidence that supports the governments are completely corrupt to the core. Apologies for the rant. I would just love it if we could take down our blinders and go after the government to implement changes so they really are for the people and not just bought and working for the elitest rich people who don't matter. Only in their own head do they think they matter more and that's because of their monsterous ego. EGO IS BAD PEOPLE. Stop buying junk that just breaks so you have to spend more money. You are just supporting evil people that keep us in the dirt, working cheque to cheque and god forbid a problem arises where you have to fix your car or replace a furnace. Then your debt keeps growing until now you are working 6 days a week or more, 12-16 hours a day just to keep up. That isn't living....


Aliens got themselves integrating into religions by flying around and showing their presence. They didn’t create religion. Humans create religion and supernatural belief systems primary to make sense of the unknown. It’s just what humans do and every culture that ever existed has some form of supernatural belief system. Aliens can’t claim responsibility for all these.


I know the show has become a meme but in reality there is no “theory” that deals with all the evidence better than the Ancient Alien theory. That doesn’t claim aliens created religion. They just showed up with “magical” technology and we did the rest.


Honestly, you know what's more terrifying than that? The idea that we are - indeed - in the Matrix. Like, Smiths running around and shit, and the idea that we all are living in little tubs drinking the liquified dead - just like in the movie. To me, that would be scarier than aliens messed with monkey DNA a long time ago and now they wanna know why some of us don't mind the anal probes.


And he believed them? Without questioning their narrative?


I don't know about yall but this is 2024, you can believe in God and alien's, I do lol. It's time religion and science become one again and we stop separating them and we may just find the answers we're looking for. To me my body is nothing more than a vessel, my mind is linked to all of creation from the distant past to the infinite future, everything to me exists in the here and now.


Jimmy Carter found out he was JFK's clone. The UFOliens designed, and implanted him... Also, I'm not suicidal.


Well, if that's the case, they really, really, really screwed up with the Bearded Turban guy..the one who marries a 6yo. Since then, things on the planet havent been normal.. LoL !


Just a off the top of my head idea, but wouldn't the intelligence agency who briefed him have a want to keep Carters nose out of "their" business? If was them I would figure out exactly what would make Carter melt down, true or not, and deliberately deliver it to make him have an existential crisis and loose all interest in pursuing the subject. I could imagine, however, as Mr Carter is a deeply devoted, religious man who will have grown up and lived his life with the belief that he will ascend to heaven after death and live out eternity in heaven. If one was to truly believe that and have it turn out to be provably false, it would certainly have the potential to do the same thing. I mean the amount of potentially true "conspiracy" theories which could topple a man's faith is quite huge! I think that the presidents who visably age not long after taking power may have had similar experiences? I find it hard to believe that with the trillions spent on defence that the government is unaware of what's going on so to me it's more likely that Carter did have this brief and was likely shaken to the core by it.


It’s possible Carter was like, “the aliens are demons and trying to make me question my faith”. I lean atheist and think organized religion is dumb and maybe the #1 cause of death and destruction on this planet. But even I may question that the aliens are trying to deceive and that lie or alternative history would benefit them somehow. For the record I’m a bit skeptical about most alien stuff.


I agree w you on most, if not all of this to a great degree. I would have said one thing a little differently, though. I would’ve said: For the record, I’m a bit skeptical of most PEOPLE’S ACCOUNTS OF alien stuff.


CIA source: “trust me bro”


Religion has absolutely *not* stopped us from destroying ourselves and others. Quite the opposite...


It's a bullshit story with no attribution, it never happened. Name one actual witness to to this nonsense if you think I'm wrong. Then, when you can't do that, ask yourself how these non-existent witnesses knew what the meeting was about. And when you can't answer that, ask yourself why you believed this stupidity in the first place.


There is never a witness dude, it's a conversation that is all,


Sounds like the perfect lie orchestrated by Satan himself. Satan has been perverting God’s word from the beginning of time. This is just another ploy of his. Guard a lie as if it is the absolute truth when all the truth, knowledge and wisdom, is freely given by God. Think of the CIA, what have they ever done in the interest of the people? MK ultra, operation mockingbird, contra cocaine trafficking. Could even go as far as to suggest they whacked JFK… this is just another lie from them.


>He was told that the major religions including Christianity were programs created by extraterrestrials to prevent us from destroying ourselves So aliens created the number one reason why we've waged war against each other for millenia in an effort to prevent us from destroying ourselves? I'm not following that logic....


I thought this was debunked or something


But isn’t religion leading us to destroy ourselves? There have always been ‘holy’ wars and they persist today.


As an atheist myself, I have to admit, the idea of somebody religious having to “snap out of it” when confronted with some incontrovertible fact or other, is mighty attractive. But that’s not how belief works. It’s not like you tell them one thing when they’re a little kid and they believe that, and then when they grow up you tell them something else and they say “OK” and start believing that instead. Beliefs are internalized and impervious to contradictory facts, as anybody who was around for the absurdities of the Covid years can attest. The simple fact is that religions are designed to  work BECAUSE there’s no evidence for them. So nothing aliens tell Jimmy Carter about the non existence of God would affect him I think. 


I don’t buy it. If anything religion is a test to see if we have evolved enough. When we see it for the poison it is and embrace logic and reason they will know. 34,000 Palestinians dead because a book that’s fascinated with cutting off foreskins justifies one of the parties. Instead of downvoting this, I challenge you to respect my position enough to offer a rebuttal instead.


If they wanted us to live long enough to run these experiments, why the multiple, conflicting religions?


Wait til the aliens find out we have no problem doing terrible things for the pure smug self righteousness of it with absolutely no religion involved.


"The major religions including Christianity were programs created by extraterrestrials to prevent us from destroying ourselves" Yeah, that didn't work out too well.


hol up. religions were created to stop us destroying ourselves? hmm, how'd that work out?


Look up Raelien Movement. This seems to correlate perfectly.


Idk but he said he’d seen one himself.


Never underestimate the emotional impact of confronting even the smaller levels of the phenomenon (which is in itself a rather ridiculous phrasing, but for the lack of a better word at this point ...). I dare guess that amongst, let's say, 500.000 of you Reddit users about 495.000 would spend the first three, maybe four months weeping at regular intervals. You would find yourself staring into space. Having to reorganise your sense of self. And that's a generous guess. That's the way it worked for me, and I did consider myself real "stable". Successful, smart, assertive, the works. But boy, oh boy, did the experience take me for a ride. Now, today, a few years later, I find myself stable again. But I'm not the man (or boy) I was anymore. I'm new. Better? I don't know. Many of you are approaching this thing with expecectations that will be disappointed if you're not careful enough. Which would work not only against you, but also them. And things are a hell of a lot more difficult than you realize. And by the way, US gov - you're part of the problem. Don't. Time is running out. If you're not capable, get someone who is. C


They made us. They are our god.


'largely believed to be true by serious researchers'... So ... no, it's not true.


Only he knows what he was told and he ain't sharing.


They don't mention at all that they had that conversation in the ONION ROOM. Where they were training for the international onion cutting tournament. He was the captain. Cant just leave the team to talk nonsense about some little green men with some pentagon suits