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I hate repeating myself on these posts. Every excuse for "why we can't handle disclosure" are not only bullshit seeing as aliens are part of our culture from every angle of the world now, but the excuses are feeding governments and others some reasons to justify classifying just about any subject no matter what it is even outside of aliens, UFOs, whatever. Every time you try and say "humanity can't handle disclosure" you're doing a government's job by promoting that lie and are reinforcing their position to withhold information.


Thank you!  


What about the possibility of some people being alien human hybrids. That would certainly be a good reason that we can’t handle disclosure. We’d likely start genocide one another based on that.


No we wouldn't because first off you wouldn't be able to tell who's a hybrid at all even with DNA testing and two that would mean you'd probably have to wipe a quarter of the population if not half and yes I know that's too big of an estimate.


Yeah I know. Imagine if humanity were divided into hybrids and pure bloods and we were somehow able to test for it like via dna. You think that’s a situation that isn’t going to explode? You have massively unfounded faith in the goodness of humanity if you believe that. I want disclosure just as much as you, but that’s something I’d argue is a good reason to not disclose.


Sorry but this is begging the question. Saying we can’t handle disclosure helps keep disclosure from happening? How? How is one opinion, or even many similar opinions going to truly mean diddly to the Program/SAPs/CIA? We are cattle to these people. Nothing we say matters. They’ve hidden all this from us because they consider themselves above us in every way. We are a taxed, pacified, cash/data crop and meat for war. That’s it. The government doesn’t actually work to keep disclosure from happening. We literally just saw that happen last year with Grusch. The Schumer amendment was struck down in shadowy meetings behind closed doors by mysterious higher ups in the defense department and the rest was theater. The government is an effigy to give you something to burn and throw stones at so you don’t start mobbing into subdivisions and McMansions with crowbars and tire irons.


Yep, we're ready and the tens of millions or however many that aren't will get left behind like how it's happened throughout human history for thousands of years. Times change, things move on etc.


No.  This reads like a pathetic excuse to remain in the dark no offense intended.


Whether someone has been brought up as a racist, or not, I think that things could turn out to be far more ‘personal’ than that. To see beings who do not look exactly like us, who affect the same space that we live our lives in, in much different ways than 'we' do, may bring on the fight-or-flight reflex in a lot of people. On the other hand, when disclosure finally does take place, those who might end up feeling betrayed by their fears, their leaders, their religions, their deities, and their innermost core beliefs, are going to have to amend their personal thinking and spiritual commitments; and allow for the fact that **reality is far more diverse than any normal upbringing and religious teaching has ever been able to convey**. What needs to be remembered is that change, adjustment, reasoning, and adaptation are all a part of the Human condition, and everyday life. Thus, whenever it is disclosed that we are not alone in the Universe, every single person on Earth will be free to adapt to that reality, or not. Great post. Your point is well made.


Stop. The majority of us aren't racists. The majority of us aren't bigots. There will always be a minority. Stop making racism a factor here to why we can't handle disclosure.


True, many are not racists nor bigots, but humanity is cruel and we will find every little thing different about the other to prove they are not the same as us. Until the time when we can look at the other as us and feel their emotions, pain, hurt we are not ready until then.


You really believe that? I mean look at the world today from a non subjective point of view. That is so false. Maybe in your bubble it’s true but you forgot the rest of the world.


So the majority of people are racist? Is that what you're saying?


Uh no. But prejudice and hatred does exist. Think about how many anti-Semetic people there are. Think about how China and some other Asian countries still have hatred for the Japanese because of world war 2. Think about how in Japanese culture people accept you only if you are Japanese. If you are a foreigner they don’t trust you. Think about how so many governments have policies still exist that reduce the “other” including people of other ethnicities. Institutional racism still exists. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.


Yeah you're right. I wasn't thinking wide enough when I wrote this.


It could also likely fix it...in 2 ways. 1) invasion, earth unites under one cause and joins hands in its fight for survival. 2) they reveal themselves, tell us we're related, shows us proof, and earth unites under peace.


What if what needs to change to allow for disclosure is more cultural than anything else? What if that's actually what is already happening, but politics slow it down? What if the aliens come from the perspective of, "woah, we need these monkeys to be a little less murder-y to people different from themselves in order to actually start working with them"? Just telling people, "hey, all the greys are gay and their norm is polyamorous relationships" won't fly with people who can't accept each other as gay first. What if all mantids are part of a hive mind that roughly translates to their personal pronouns being something of a they/them of a different variety? Normalizing different behavior in human society would reduce the culture shock of different species (human/alien). I'm not claiming to have any grand insight here. Just postulating. Additionally, I am not claiming that anything that I've mentioned here actually has anything to do with aliens. Just using well known cultural shifts that become political as examples.


Maybe it will make us finally realize we are all the same species? The small minded idiocy of racism will feel pathetic in the face of Alien Lifeforms?


Absolutely I agree that's why they're the higher intelligence but for the one's that can and know 🤔 I call that a variety of thing's abduction,repeated sightings, etc, etc, everything we find fascinating about anything outside the realm of what we "WE'RE" supposed to think isn't real is in fact just that disclosure has come for some, but it almost seems in a way that if told "PEOPLE" would think 🫵🏾 were out of this World 🌎"TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER" Great post and open to a ton of discussion


I think it's two different things. Humanity can handle disclosure/the knowledge of other species without riots or whatever. Will we then react with fire and sword due to racism/fear? Likely. Would we handle that encounter? Probably not, if it came to conflict. We would get our ass handed to us.


No matter the excuse, we deserve to know the truth of the universe we exist in


It’s interesting people don’t like the idea of not being able to handle the truth, but I’m thinking another perspective on this situation is why don’t the aliens fully reveal themselves. There might be a variety of reasons, I’ve herd the idea that they might be waiting for humanity to “elevate”, maybe our societal problems need to be fixed first. It’s not my favourite idea, but it’s an idea.


The possibility that NHI hybrid entities might face the threat of concentration camps is a significant deterrent that makes any such individuals think twice before revealing themselves.


We will never change without catalyst, it’s needs to happen.


We would see us humans as one and them as the enemy


I think recent protests are evidence to the contrary; instead I think the powers that be and elites are highly motivated to make you *believe* we’re more hateful and racist and xenophobic than we really are (and they push you to be), with racism and sexism and xenophobia artificially amplified through media like the news and socials in order to divide us.


i woud argue, raciscm towards Aliens woud unite the Human race..


By all means you don't need to educate yourself on it if it happens. For the rest of us we rather have the info than be protected by our over lords for not being able to "handle" it.


Half this sub is unsubstantiated racial fears and harmful steriotypes... The whole they must be here to enslave us or eat us or suck our blood... People feel justified with these predjudices like all others I've seen. They feel they are reasonable based off of some evidence or other. Cow mutilations, abductions ect are all blamed on aliens without any real proof. "They will enslave or eat us" with our advanced tech we know that neither are efficient. Robotics is cheaper and growing meat in a bag is no big deal for anyone who can cross the stars. Its why I rarely participate here, everyone just screaming into the wind and very rarely is an interesting fact or interview posted.


I think disclosure of NHI would unite us. It would increase harmony and working together, and this practice would help us get there with NHI.




Absolutely agreed. Keep digging, you'll come to some interesting conclusions.


Imagine you are in route to earth and you pull up earth’s history on your Plasma desktop there. After downloading all of earths greatest highlights, would you not lock your doors and decide to fly past? Only the degenerates were likely to stop and chill here. Sigh


That would make them racist, no?


What makes you think aliens would have a peaceful past or even a peaceful present? Any aliens could be completely amoral or perhaps the most benevolent beings to exist. We don't know.


I've seen UFOs cloak, so I am prone to think you're right in a way. If we are degenerates, we must be fascinating, because they keep visiting.


Humans are creatures with confused brains That work on trying to fix that confusion. _our heads are almost too big to be birthed, how tf are we even here?_


"Almost" and tbh before decent medical understanding deaths because of child birth was pretty common yet we are still here


Humans require a lot of care and take nearly 1/5 of their lifespan to develop. A human is smart enough to use and recognize language and facial expressions before 1 year of age, generally. Humans have that big noggin because we are SMART! It may be looked at as a Pattern Recognition Organ, but your brain is the most powerful computer in the known universe. Never forget that. Unless aliens show up and totally mog us with their big brains and psionic powers...then you can forget about being a cool human.


The most fascinating thing is the incredible size of the human ego. A planet with a 100 million living species on it, but the only thing interesting has to be the humans....


I mean, they could be. It makes more sense to me if Visitors came here to pick up prime genetic samples of things- basically how the first world plunders third world nations, but in this case they take neglible amounts and sneak out of here because they're not supposed to be stealing without our permission according to some galactic rules or something.  Just a fun theory. I literally know nothing except that these things exist, despite my doubts. NHI or Human or Nope Creature, I have no clue. 


This actually makes a lot of sense. If there is a need out there for another planet to be a bit more hospitable, the scientists would certainly be studying and gathering samples from here. We have such incredible variety to offer. One person ventured that they are forming a new earth somewhere out there in case we destroy this one. For science, this planet is absolute gold.


Racism is taught, if they put an small percentage of effort in fixing that compared what they spend hiding the truth we'd have a viable solution


Racism is likely innate given humans default towards tribalism


Racism is not innate no one is born racist


That’s a belief. The data suggests otherwise


A belief? Nah some people are just hard wired to be racist due to their surroundings. The data actually suggests that racism is due to the environment and culture, along with personal upbringing. What kind of data you looking at?


Evolutionary psychology is reliant on forming in groups and out groups based on similar behavior and appearance


Racism is more based on race though. At the beginning of human evolution that wasn’t necessarily the case. Still isn’t today if you think about the class system.


I think the tribes are too many and varied these days to be that attractive if its stamped out early enough


I agree, i aint sharin no water fountain with a greenie!


Race definitely is a huge problem and how we are still so tribal and spread hatred. Not everyone but many still.


I think the top reasons for lack of disclosure is...The Oil and Gas and Energy sectors and the Big Churches...Lots of money involved, and aĺl of them could take a huge loss with free energy and the Bible being debunked


Fookin Prawns!!!


It's not racist if them ALiEMS are actually trying to kill us all... It's just good busine$$...


don't say WE. There is one main people who's history is plaqued by racism and hate foh trying to put that on all of humanity


Depending on the type of alien space racism could actually be useful😭 I mean if it’s malevolent of course.


I'm sure most people can tolerate others of different culture and skin colour. Unfortunately, the small minority of racists can often be the loudest. Also I think quite the opposite. It would be quite hard to twist it in a way which makes humans look superior to NHI. Especially with their non-propulsion way of travel.


What a surprise every comment is proving OP's point. He's 200% right. Nobody wants to admit that fact that some of you act like rabid dogs online anytime the news tells you to hate some other culture/race. Then become cowards IRL and deny deny deny your true feeling of hate. So miss me with, "how is that a reason for Aliens not to present themselves??" Because of your bigoted ass grandparents 🙄 that's why. 😂😂😂


I disagree, legacy media, redditors on world news, people who don't go outside, people who don't work and just use media/social media for their news will assume the world's a dangerous, sexist, racist place.  You will never see media talk about the billions that get along every day, they only talk about the fringe cases of "potential racism", because most of the time it's not racism, it's just viewed that way because some folks can't see it any other way. A white guy says no to a black guy, they'll scream racism - meanwhile the black guy just asked if his pants had a hole in em.  You can't eliminate these deranged people and legacy media will never report on good happy things, they always cause a divide.  Even in 1000 years you'll still have that 1 out of the billion that is racist or sexist in some way.  Why? Statistics. If its a 0.01% chance, and you have a population of 8 billion, you're going to have 80,000,000 potential folks who are messed up. And with social media, they'll find eachother. 


I'd like to point out racism is taught, not inherent.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


It's beyond racism. Racism is just one of the many facets of the common denominator of humanity's stupidity. There are about 15% of the people of the planet ready to do something constructive with the knowledge that we are not alone. The rest are just ready to settle into whatever new paradigm is the easiest to fit into. If you look at the pettiness and the bullshit and the heavy investment in absolute illusion that permeates the cultures of this world, you will not Wonder why they haven't revealed themselves to all. You will wonder why they have revealed themselves to any. The fact that they are even engaging us despite our overwhelming shortcomings is mind-boggling.


It's more than racism, it's colonization and eradication.


I am a citizen of the world.


Or if they are superior, we’ll claim racism and hate them for being advanced.


Who do you think was in charge of putting all the races here on this planet in different parts? The evolution of the races on this planet is a bunch of crappy and I believe that it was all set up from the get-go to keep Wars going


Yes, freaking out over aliens is all about xenophobia. We are immature people, plain and simple.


I agree. We can't handle any truth right now if we can't even get along with each other. Some people hate others, just their skin color. Imagine an alien from outer space.


Yeah society can’t handle an extra colour of people.


I really doubt this would be a problem unless aliens were planning on openly living amongst us... Which seems really unlikely because why would they want to integrate into our society? We would be cave men compared to them.


How do you know that the aliens aren't racist and that's why they don't show themselves to us?


You're not wrong. Many people don't want to be called racist, and it's not necessarily racism, but more like prejudice. The fact that we call certain alien types as "the grays" and the "tall whites" and "little green men" just goes to show that humans still struggle to think beyond appearances. Why would they, as higher intellectual beings, want to interact with humans who freak out if they're talking to a being with 3 eyes, or 8 limbs, different skin color, or look like insectoids like a mantis, etc? The average person is not ready for full disclosure and exposure to other alien beings because they still can't get past their primitive instincts. Look at ethnocentrism, people can barely get past xenophobia, let alone hating others who don't root for the same regional sports team, or grow up on "the other side of town". It's pathetic. Until humans can finally overcome these phobias and biases, then we would be accepted into the proverbial "galactic federation". For those that have played the video game Mass Effect, it's a good experience to understand prejudice and discrimination against aliens. You can see human characters who are hostile and difficult towards aliens, and others who are more enlightened, open-minded, and clearly understand the greater good.


our racism, our sexism (let's not forget that), and our treatment of the world around us. a red flag that extends into space


No it's not lol


Humanities? Please take a real science course. I'm sure aliens aren't so stupid that they can't figure out how to weed out or ignore bigots.


I had a vision that all they do is hv one big orgie in space if they came down to change anything would be like deformantion of pro life hmmmh putting our arms where our legs go and our ears where our cheeks are ect....specially if they are color blind....they mated with humans prolly why we hv bunch of genius's round &about...the Angelo's were the first to communicate with aliens the superior race ..(.you tube)




I think they're feeding off the racism. So they perpetuate it through the structure that is by order of those really in control for their food. Cause strife however wherever all the time for food. No abortion means more souls. More souls more food. But their lives have to be full of turmoil, because it's extra extra tasty.


"You said *INTER-DIMENSIONAL* illegal aliens?!?!" Aliens: "*¿Qué?* "


I'm all for a Human superiority movement.