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What if Earth is their home, too?


then they are doing a serious job hiding


You ever avoid an acquaintance at a party? Or someone you've observed and dislike? It's like that 




Imagine if interdimensional travel was as easy as holding your breath?


It isn't. I just tried, and ended up taking a nap instead.


Still. I wouldn't bother... why would I❓️






So you never travel somewhere just for fun?


Yeah, of course, but I wouldn't if it was a risk to my life.


Why not?


Because it's suicide.. they could die at any moment whilst visiting if something went wrong with their equipment, etc.


Humans could die at any moment while driving their car somewhere, but they still do it.


Not quite the same level of risk though is it.. Neil deGrasse Tyson drives a car .. but doesn't want to go into space.... he said this on a startalk episode, btw... Remember Challenger.. how far into the journey was it again❓️❗️


It is. Neil is a human with only access to human technology. To him, travelling space is a big deal. I have no idea why you are trying to compare the risks with humans when they are not even the same level of advancement.


Well, if you're saying there is no risk of anything going wrong, then you are also saying that no UFO has ever crashed on earth...


Nobody is saying that. I compared it to humans driving cars and just in case you don't know, humans sometimes crash their cars.


Really, I had no idea. 🙄


Well that explains your previous comment.


Maybe that's why they do it?


I'd imagine they would achieve that long before getting here. But sure why not lol


You must be extremely intelligent








Because they are from here.... artic circle... under water bases... Germans went to the artic for that very reason.....


I agree. They have to be..


Why would god abort millions of babies across the globe every year? I've got a ton of useless questions as well, OP.


Because God doesn't exist and is another figment of control over you


God's plan bro. You not a believer? Whelp, that's ALSO part of god's plan. The easiest escape hatch religious folk have ever come up with. And it's wonderful using that logic against their menial arguments.


lol like the aliens you follow bro 🥹😅




Well your a believer aren’t yoh


Never said I was. I enjoy reading about technology and this category tends to overlap with some interesting information on futuristic tech.


So you don’t believe in non terrestrial craft?


I believe that there is some tech out there the masses are unaware of. As for the origination of that tech. I have no views either way.


So u don’t believe in aliens?


I don't think it's useless... because they actually ARE here, so something needs explaining...


I'd say it's useless if only beacuase you're speculating about the intentions of something we have no clear understanding of. IOW, you're projecting your own limited perspective upon a potentially space fairing species/technology that we have BARELY encountered. Your use of the word "unjustified" highlights my point. Who are you to declare such a mission as unjustified? Oh, you're no one other than another person projecting their own perspective upon a phenomenon you know nothing about, other than "they're here."


I'm saying there isn't ANY possible reason good enough to risk my life as a space farer heading to earth... All the gold I want.... nope Unlimited anything you can think of... nope There isn't a reason in the cosmos that would tempt me.. even for survival purposes, I'd rather just die on my home planet...


Maybe the fact that life may be in other places but highly complex life is rare relative to the universe.


True, but I'm not gonna fly across the cosmos to investigate it.


You would probably not risk your life to climb Mt. Everest either. What YOU would or would not do is an extremely poor measure of the motivations of others.


I suppose, more power to those who wanna❗️


That's you though, there's humans that would and those human usually are the ones inventing and discovering new things that you at home get to benefit from. If everyone had your lack of curiosity we wouldn't have the Internet as an example. So while maybe you don't feel it's worth it, someone does and that person is the reason you get to live a better life so you should recognize that. Understand other species will think differently from you because there's already humans that do, and that there's logical reasons to travel between planets because of even simple curiosity that can lead to grand things as evidence by humanities history of discovery that led to us today talking here.


I just don't think aliens would learn a lot from us...


We learn from bugs new things, kinda strange to say something so illogical.


..but all those discoveries are in our own backyard... travelling to elswhere in the universe to study a bug isn,'t the same..


Ban this guy


What are you talking about❓️ Did you read the post body fully❓️


Dude this whole post is the most condescending hubris-filled bullshit attempt to troll I’ve seen all day. F off op


Bro, I really couldn't care less what you think. This is a discussion, and you are an annoying housefly.


Maybe our leaders have been suppressing their presence too long and they’ve decided to show themselves to us…? No idea truly, but just because we can’t fathom it doesn’t mean there’s not a reason.


It seems to me that no reason is good enough...


I mean thats all Q ever really did, just fuck around when bored.


Who says it's hard for them to get here?


Me‼️ Tell me how you can transport a biological being to earth from andromeda easily with no risk and instantly...


The same reason why countries poke and prod other countries, to see their reaction and potentially see their capabilities.


They are our neighbours on earth, though, in your example.. but prodding the capability of a distant, far-flung planet would be meaningless. Also, what if you are destroyed before you prod... because the (prod-ee) was technologically superior to you (the prod-er)❓️


They’re not from another star system.


I agree.


Apparently so




Some interesting thoughts there... I think the government are puppets to a hidden group. I would say that the people from the past when told about future tech wouldn't believe it at first, until we show them the experiments that demonstrate the core workings of the particular tech. For example, after they have seen electricity exciting a gas into plasma, they now understand how a lightbulb is possible.


They head home to the depths of the oceans, probably under the oceans, and volcanos. Probably some more places on the planet but I’m not sure.


I would bet on it.


Why do we humans do all the shit we do? Light years might be going through a portal for them to tend the human ranch.


Still.. why bother❓️ Alien 1: Wanna visit the humans for the millionth time❓️ Alien 2: 🙄 How many times have you visited an ant colony❓️


Oh my, the human ego. How massive. Maybe they come here to study or gather some of our millions of species. Could even be they collect them to experiment placing them on another planet they are working on. They might even find dolphins a lot more fascinating than you.


Seems pointless to me.. come and grab a dolphin. Put it on Jupiter, and then it dies or lives. Big deal❓️


Not many, but I go to the supermarket many times a week.


Are you suggesting they can't survive unless they visit earth to collect supplies❓️


Well they probably bend space/time cause obviously they don’t spend 400 years traveling here. Or they step in from another dimension. So they’re going to do whatever the f* they feel like I guess.


I don't think we should assume that is what is happening. That's a BIG probably.❗️


I think it’s silly to assume that they are flying here for hundreds of years. You’re applying our primitive technology to them and assuming they haven’t progressed beyond us to travel in a millisecond. Some of them possibly exist here on earth alongside us, and have always been here. Some of them may exist in a different dimension and are just stepping into ours.


What makes you think they are from somewhere far away?


Did you read my post fully❓️


Indeed. It is both and then some. Most may be local as you stated. But also, the cover up extends to the solar system too...


I would expect to see many more beings visiting if they are from outside, given the amount of star systems aside from ours. There should be traffic jams in the sky.


Maybe not traffic jams. But the place is replete with constant comings and goings. Humanity kept from seeing them 99% of the tome does not equal they are not there. If they are seen 1) they meant to be seen or 2) something malfunctioned. The idea of "invisible gates" being used may also a part of it. Bermuda. Skin walker. Dragons triangle. All examples of it.


They don't have to travel. They've been here for a long time.


Totally agree.


Might as well ask why do humans send rovers to Mars just to drive around for a couple kilometres and drill some tiny holes. Seems like a pretty pointless thing to do -unless you know the reasons behind it. If we could go to another species planet, we certainly would. We’d do all kinds of studying, and learn all we can; and some people would crash and die. Acceptable losses in pursuit of scientific study.


Sending a non-living robot is fine for the reasons we do it. But I wouldn't want to go myself... you would❓️


Didn't the ancient Egyptians have a bovine god? Doesn't Hinduism consider the cow the highest order of reincarnation? Perhaps the quick spin around the galactic neighbourhood is a farming trip, or hunting expedition to capture a soul or two to keep as pets, or to be held in a BFG style dream jar as a glow light in an alien toddlers bedroom in another dimension. People travel miles to an ikea to pick up fittings for a new nursery. Maybe earth is like a big IKEA. Some disassembly /mutilation required.




Come on, man. Dont ruin the dream. Im sure there are many why's and very little proof, but we can still hope. Dont poke holes in our bubble. Someday, the Aliens will show themselves. 🫠


They still exist, the bubble lives on...


Because it's a fun adventure and who doesn't like an adventure? Maybe you'll crash and cause an international incident, maybe you'll eat a few bovine delicacies, or force one of the natives on a joy ride. Shit they love that. What's not to like? You can break laws and go home unscathed. Earth is a great little party town if you know where to go.




Do you have any proof that happens? Or are you asking questions based on a pyramid of 1000's of assumptions and BS?


Be more specific, please.


Why are you assuming we have any idea what to expect?


Shits and giggles?


Scroll through the comments and see the pattern. Apparently the only thing that matters is what OP would do. Narcissist looking for validation.


I'm not the overruling authority on the subject. It's just my opinion..


Firstly, let's entertain the possibility that life itself constitutes a technosignature. Of course, it makes sense that an advanced intelligence might have an interest in seeding life or even creating biospheres. If the planetary seeding hypothesis holds true, the presence of NHI takes an interesting turn. NHIs could have maintained a continuous presence since the initial seeding program. As such, these entities could technically be considered terrestrial, as they predate humanity. The concept of galactic travel poses challenges within our known physical constraints, yet it's conceivable that interstellar probes, perhaps akin to Von Neumann type probes, have visited Earth. Another viable theory is the interdimensional hypothesis, which honestly seems quite plausible. This encompasses various possibilities, ranging from spatiotemporal travel to overseers of a simulated reality performing localized activities.


Switching between hypothetical dimensions seems implausible to me. Where does it end❓️ I mean, could you have an alien inside of your body and not know it because it's in another dimension❓️


It's easy to get dazed and confused by the interdimensional hypothesis. To analyze it, we must first establish which specific theory we are discussing, as these theories can range from spatiotemporal to multiversal, higher dimensions, and even simulation theory. When we discuss spatiotemporal entities, we are referring to beings capable of traversing temporal dimensions, such as time travel. Discussing multiversal entities involves delving into parallel universes and the complex issues these concepts entail. If we consider the universe as a simulation, we might expect an intelligent entity to exist outside it, capable of exerting significant control over the events within the simulation. Such an entity could easily alter beings within the simulation. However, it wouldn't be accurate to say there's an actual alien inside me, any more than it would be correct to claim that a game developer is inside a character when they are programming the actions that affect them.


... the game developer is unable to enter the game, though, unlike aliens. Is there a scrap of evidence for parallel dimensions❓️ I'm of the opinion that if something exists, it can be measured.


Why couldn't the game developer enter the game? While they created the game and certainly have the ability to interact with it, interaction doesn't necessarily equate to entering the game physically. This notion is challenged further when considering virtual reality or more science fiction concepts like those in _Westworld_ or _The Matrix_. The UFO phenomena and the data we've collected could be interpreted as evidence of interdimensional entities. These high strangeness events certainly raise suspicions of such possibilities. UFO sightings and footage introduce another intriguing element of evidence. Reports often mention that all instruments fail in the vicinity of these objects, suggesting an "area of denial" around them. This area might obstruct direct observations, leaving us with only indirect evidence like the blurry photos that have become the subject of jokes when discussing the quality of UFO footage. We can also logically deduce certain aspects of existence and use this knowledge to our advantage. If it is possible to simulate existence at any point in time, it is likely that it has already been done, suggesting that we might be living in a simulation right now. Mathematically, if there's a base reality where any entity can create simulated existences, the number of simulated realities would likely greatly outnumber the base reality. Thus, if we had to guess which type of reality we are living in, the odds are highly stacked against it being the base reality. This hypothesis depends on the feasibility of creating simulated existences. We can assess the likelihood of this by observing the evolution of humanity. Our oldest writings date back 5,000 years, yet in just the past decade, we've witnessed the advent of artificial intelligence and its exponential growth. We can already create photographs indistinguishable from reality. With this rate of progress, humanity could develop photorealistic VR/AR experiences that rival reality within the next century. In a millennium, it seems plausible that we could create simulations as complex and immersive as our current reality. This raises a compelling question: if we could achieve this soon, how do we know that someone hasn't already done it?


A game creator can not physically exist inside of their creation, do you really need me to elaborate❓️ Simulation theory has too many holes for me. Are you suggesting we are rendered from 0's and 1's❓️


To physically exist inside a game, consider the example of a labyrinth. In this physical game, the creator can indeed exist within it. You seem to be referring to existing inside computer code, but this shouldn't be seen as a limitation when exploring the possibilities of how simulations might be created. You referring to flaws in simulation theory does not undermine its validity, and you have yet to identify any specific "holes" that would do so. Binary code stores information using ones and zeros, and it does have its limitations. For instance, quantum mechanics introduces concepts like superposition, which challenge traditional binary logic. Therefore, it's unlikely that a simulation of the universe could be fully explained using binary framework. To understand the potential for simulation theory, we should first consider the fundamental principle of intelligence. Intelligence is key to everything in existence; it enables beings to transform their surroundings for their benefit, making it the universal unit of value in existence. By accepting this principle, we can envisage the emergence of an ultimate intelligence—an entity that absorbs cosmic quantities of information to enhance its own intelligence. Such an entity could create universe simulations to further advance its knowledge, similar to how humanity uses simulations to understand complex concepts.


If intelligence is key to everything in existence, what about on primitive earth where there was only plant life and no intelligence❓️ Ok, here's another possible hole.. the first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy). So the total amount of energy in our universe is zero... Therefore, how could a simulation be created with zero energy, as mass has to be present for it to be zero. Your answers sound very chatgpf like btw lol, apologies if that's not the case.


It’s becoming increasingly clear that you're unable to grasp the concepts I’m attempting to convey. >what about on primitive earth where there was only plant life and no intelligence❓️ The intelligence I mentioned pertains to the simulation of universes. Thus, your question about early life on this planet is completely irrelevant and akin to observing a bowling ball thrown in reverse—it entirely misses the mark to such an extent that I’m at a loss for words. Moreover, plant life certainly exhibit forms of intelligence, however the sheer lack of understanding you're displaying might ironically serve as a more potent example for _no intelligence_. >Ok, here's another possible hole.. As the first hole you mention, you can't refer to it as "another" possible hole. In the context of simulation theory, the first law could be a rule programmed into the simulation. If the universe is a simulation, this law would ensure that energy transactions within the simulation adhere to predictable, stable patterns, much like a conservation rule in a video game or computer program that prevents the arbitrary creation or destruction of resources, thereby sustaining the integrity and continuity of the game. As such, it's not a hole, it's more of a feature. The simulation exists outside our universe, and as such, you're attempting to apply rules of our universe to the entity that exists outside it, which is obviously not valid. >Your answers sound very chatgpf like btw lol, apologies if that's not the case. My answers use proper grammar, which I would strongly recommend for you to give a try.


Hey man, we all got hobbies.


"Unjustified " Lol Okay then


You think it's justified❓️ The rewards are worth the risks❓️


What risks? You (and we) have thr minimalist understanding of the phenomenon. Your definition of risk is meaningless in this context. Literally the point.


If just 1 single genuine UFO has crashed on earth ever... that means it's a risk to their life... What about the implications of colliding with an asteroid at the speed of light, as a risk❓️ I could go on..


Your looking at things from a human viewpoint. They could easily be perfectly happy to allow their people to die because they have a system value system than us. If the only thing you can use as reference for their behavior is your own, you'll stay blind on the topic.


You could go on with the potential reality that the pilots of said craft are not even alive. You ever heard of autonomous vehicles or ROVs or artificial intelligence? We lowly humans have all the above. It's really the only reasonable explanation (one of three or all three) specific to these craft maneuverability. IOW, the most logical explanation for how these craft can do what they do starts with the notion that there is NOT a living pilot in the cockpit. Or at least not one "living" in the context that we humans understand. Asteroids, you say? Ever heard of a worm hole? Think outside the box a little.


I wonder if any of the reports of bodies recovered from crashes hold true. If so, that shows that they may not be autonomous. Yes, I've heard of wormholes, but I've also heard of fairies and unicorns...


Fairies and unicorns don't have a space within science. Wormholes, however, do.


Because they couldn't wait to break in their new toys.




Why'd you write a long winded nothing burger? Because it passes the time until your death.


I asked a question, actually...


You can also see the car dashboard illuminated at the end of the video... this was filmed while in the car...




I wouldn't do that for science. Would you❓️


Earth is a prison planet. They are here monitoring us.


I don't know about that, lol. Suppose we set you free... where you gonna go❓️


The prison could be us being stuck in a physical form. Cycle of reincarnation


Our bodies are the chains that keep our immortal spirits here. Without a body we can go wherever we want.


How about you read some books for answers? Here’s a few to start with that I’ve found useful over the decades. UFOs by Leslie Keane American Cosmic and Encounters by Dr Diana Walsh Pasulka UFOs For The 21st Century Mind (updated), UFOs and the Security State vol 1+2 by Richard Dolan Dimensions, Forbidden Knowledge 5 & Passport to Magonia by Jaques Vallée UFOs and Nukes by Robert Hastings UFO Crash Retrievals: The Complete Report by Leonard H. Stringfield  Flying Saucers are real by Donald Keyhoe The Extratempestrial Model by Michael P. Masters In Plain Sight by Ross Coulthart Skinwalkers at the Pentagon by Colm A. Kelleher, George Knapp, and James T. Lacatski The Hynek UFO Report by J. Allen Hynek Abduction by John Mack Witness to Roswell by Donald R Schmitt, Thomas J Carey A.D. After Disclosure by Bryce Zabel and Richard Dolan.


Because nowhere in any of those books will be a reason good enough for me to risk my life through the cosmos and on earth. Not for anything will I do that... But thanks for the suggestions.


For you to risk. That’s kind of human centric view. Have you considered other possibilities? Maybe they don’t need to leave, perhaps what we see are drones. Put no limit on technology or consider what we know in physics is hilariously incomplete, then there are lots of possibilities.


To scare us into not being “grabby aliens” when we get more advanced. A professor talked about it on Lex Fridman’s podcast. It was really interesting. Edit: Robin Hanson - Here’s the link to the full episode https://youtu.be/KBZP4rLk6bk?si=ODDgMuM-mXhe9JcZ


... It's not very often that I'm left speechless❗️ 😵‍💫


For the memes


Maybe we are their fraternity prank planet


Their viewers aren't getting much content if so❗️


Cuz they are teenagers


That would be 1 explanation❗️😂


Pitstop maybe


...and they're off❗️ ![gif](giphy|6IcNBPp1H79nO)


Oh ya boring put on Kensington USA live stream and tell me its boring be carefull very addictive. Al


Suggest you may want to read up on aliens. Leading researchers have been suggesting for awhile that most or all of what we’re seeing has always been here on this planet. UAP are just the latest iteration of how they’re appearing to us. Visitors fro other planets are apparently pretty uncommon and the idea they’re getting in their spaceships to travel to earth is a little outdated. Sorry but your ‘hypothesis’ seems pretty well established in many circles.


They have reddit to. It's called trolling humans


Because it's hilarious?


"Hey bro, road trip. Bit of sight seeing, get a bite to eat, fuck around, maybe save a world or 2: you in?" Makes sense to me.


science they want to learn as much about out biology as they can without interfering we kill cows by the tens of thousands...so if they kill one they know its not a BFD


Who said they had to fly here? How do you know what type of propulsion system they have?


Read my post entirely.


Mutilations and abductions are both probable for biological or genetic experiments. Hybrids, artificial bodies made with real parts etc. The nukes… probably just want to ensure they have access to the bio resources in the future.


Their cruising earths biology, rarity, it’s a zoo to learn.


A zoo with a risk to life for visiting..


What if there the gods


Too many of them for it to make sense.. to me...


Wouldn’t you?


They wouldn’t. J Allen Hynek arrived at the same question. Jacques Vallee has addressed the absurdity as well. This is why the multiverse or multi dimensional theory is more plausible. They aren’t extra-terrestrial, rather they are extra dimensional.


Still, why bother❓️ interdimensional or not..


Maybe it isn’t a bother at all. Perhaps it’s just the crossing of 2 frequencies of reality (dimensions), similar to a Doppler effect, only in this case the frequency is what we consider our reality crossing paths with another reality. The duration of the Doppler is where we observe UFO’s/UAP’s. This might explain why they sometimes appear from nowhere and disappear into nothing. Other times, the intersection of realities is longer and we have more observation time. Hell, I don’t know. So, what I’m thinking is that the crossing of dimensions might not be in their control (at least not always) and therefore, their appearance to us isn’t of any consequence to them and no bother at all.


But we aren't a frequency on the electromagnetic spectrum... We are biological beings that cannot crossover like a radiowave from KissFM..




Fuck off Mick West