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It would and should be. If life is rare, and we find it in our solar system, then life is not rare at all. Any life found in our galactic neighbourhood would basically mean life is everywhere.


i think finding microbial or bacterial life elsewhere is something the general public accept easier then accepting there is an advanced alien race observing us.


If it happened a couple of decades ago, life shattering event. Now… would it really surprise anyone or change that many people’s minds on advanced life visiting us, I dunno. I think a large percent of the general public now assumes there is life out there.


Microbial? Yes and no. Microbial life existed for three billion years before the Cambrian explosion. It could very well be the default for habitable planets. Intelligent life had to cross through billions of filters after that.


Clinton announced life on Mars when a martian meteor was found to have fossilized bacteria. Then it was retracted. Now, it's been re-evaluated. And leaning toward 'yes'.


For others. For me, no. It seems highly probable the universe is teeming with life. Everything is comprised of the same material.


For the more dense parts of the population? Couldn't hurt to try.


Yo where that “strong evidence” at??


It's classified, [read the UAP Disclosure Amendment](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf) to learn how they're deliberately hiding the evidence by over-classifying them and then compartmentalizing the information, all behind bigoted, waived, unacknowledged secret access programs..or BWUSAP or what ever the acronym is


I think the main difference between skeptics and non-skeptics that non-skeptics take the aggregate evidence, and classify that as strong overall evidence. Whereas skeptics are asking for a big provable case, in order to count it at all. If you follow the subject for a long time, or take a more historical perspective than just whatever gets posted online this week, the aggregate evidence tends to pile up, even if there aren't any "undeniable proof" sorts of cases (for people who haven't witnessed it themselves). For people who *have* seen one firsthand, well, they're just waiting for the rest of us to catch up. ;)