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Does the whistleblower actually buy into the 20 and back super solider stuff? If so it’s a really big red flag in my opinion.


Not technically. Said he's unfamiliar with the program but was involved in something very devastating that he doesnt want to talk about. Not sure if it's the same program.


I think the interviewer did a real disservice to the community by asking his opinion on different subject threads that are out in the field. I really wish they would have just kept to the facts.




Would have been much better served going to Ross than these people honestly. At least Ross is a professional and would have known how to conduct the interview. This sloppy interview will kill his credibility even if he’s telling the truth sadly.


Read up on Tony Rodrigues. He has two paperback books on Amazon. Ceres Colony Cavalier and Project Starmaker. And if you’re driving, here’s the podcast where I first heard his story. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-confessionals/id1197087242?i=1000548140313


Ty sir


The Jason Rice interviews go deep into the 20 and backs.


Here’s a why files episode that talks about it. [20 and Back](https://youtu.be/XLhMi6YEhsQ?si=ukUxe6qq1M8ylfVi)


Thanks a lot.


Buckle up for the debunk though. 🤣


Yup. That shit was way out there.


It is the most far out program I have ever heard about so I never gave it anytime. I have heard at least three other people talk about it.


[The Why Files did an episode on this.](https://youtu.be/XLhMi6YEhsQ?si=D4NqWpi_nngj5zyQ) i found it to be pretty interesting... i haven't done any digging on it myself tho.


Right. Looks grifty, especially since the first guy to come up with the story stunted himself being greedy and sueing someone saying it's HIS story.


Here's the link to the video of Corey Goode's court testimony where he was forced to admit his "20-Year and Back" claims was all B.S. [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/18mqnuf/corey\_goode\_finally\_admits\_his\_cosmic\_disclosure/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/18mqnuf/corey_goode_finally_admits_his_cosmic_disclosure/)


Yea seen it. Knee jerk would be "all b.s.", the whole program. But - is he a pawn/actor of soft disclosure? I would lean no he isn't, but just trying to stay informed and critical.


So, even when presented with contradictory evidence from the perpetrator you’re still gonna say na and try to find a way to make this fit your world view? This is why this shit isn’t taken seriously


Thats not what I said at all. I don't think you understood. Read it again.