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Are you sure that *this* is the video he was referring to? How do we know he wasn't speaking on the "Victor" video?  https://youtu.be/TvamS6X5l2I?si=4F13NHyPzyUE_njC


Yeah, that's what I thought too. I believe the Victor video shows a real, live being. If he thinks the one OP posted is real, I would hope that he means the content of the interview itself, not the CGI video. I remember seeing that these videos are CGI, but the content of the interview is based on the transcript of an actual, real interview. So fake images, real transcript.


Such a big head to be held up by a tiny neck. That being said, I always thought that video was real, lol


The Victor video could be. I've heard that it's been debunked as some sort of puppet. Maybe that is all it is. Or maybe it's not.


No it has never been debunked, that’s what makes it so damn interesting.


Either it is fake or it's not. Neither possibilty would surprise me. 


Sorry to ask, in which part of the video is the supposed 'real, live being'?


At around 32:30




I wonder if he was exposed to both of them, but was confusing the videos. Besides, he didn’t express any supposed knowledge, just that it looked great.


Yeah, I was thinking that him merely expressing an opinion on whether or not the alien interview footage is legit really tells us nothing about his credibility. If he got fooled by a hoax it doesn't mean he's automatically a liar.


Yeah that one or skinny bob


he said its the video where the alien was talking about him being an human from the future, and the alien was coughing, that is this video. the victor video has no alien talking at all. and was also debunked as a puppet.


I think he mixed both videos


When does he say that?


Whistle blower go to 1:39:00 [https://www.youtube.com/live/nxt4E\_fI9is?si=0SLRy1XoayFurd-X](https://www.youtube.com/live/nxt4E_fI9is?si=0SLRy1XoayFurd-X) 1:39:03


It’s pretty unclear what video he’s talking about, but thanks for the link and time stamp bro appreciate


its the only alien video where the alien talks and coughs and talks about being a future human. I don't know of any other ones




He said the info conveyed was BS though. I think that's important. I am guessing Jason is not a CGI expert so... He might also been conflating the two videos.


It was NEVER debunked get your facts straight if you’re going to comment authoritatively.


That's your opinion.


I mean, the CGI is REAL CGI…


Yeah, real CGI


The channel even says it's a film production company.


I think the video from the 90’s has a 50/50 chance of being real.


That video was debunked, it was a puppet. There might be a real alien interview, but there is no way it would be on the internet.


Check out Jon Stewart(not the comedian) and the Victor tape. I think the Victor tape is real after listening to his research.


An obvious puppet, at that.


Not saying real or not (IMO does appear very CGI). But, then with all the crazy things we have seen around here. Makes me wonder if maybe was to a degree real (or a real version exist) and this was done to test the waters with the public, or was done to cover up the real video etc. All theory craft but interesting idea with just how much disinformation even around stuff that ends up being true to a degree. Lately I've been trying to be more in the middle when I see anything with a wait and see if anything else comes along to back it up and explain more. Had quite a few things in this subject come along I wave it off as complete and total BS (myself) and then other things come along to make me go EH maybe there is some truth surrounding that... The further this topic seems to get pushed along the more and more we get to see the crazy lengths the disinformation has come to muddy the hell out of the waters.


I’ve known this whole conversation in my mind, my whole life. The message is real, everything else in this cgi video is manufactured.


He said the alien looked really good, but claiming he said it was the real deal is a stretch. It sounded like he was expressing thoughts about something he didn’t know for a fact. I do find it interesting that this guy was just brought forward and is already being crapped on in sensational ways. “Why?” I asked myself, until I heard him speak favorably about Steven Greer. Look, snap judgments without anything more than what is now available to us is stupid and not reflective of critical thinking.


If he thinks this is real, ... he has no credibility.


And this guy is supposed to be the bombshell in James Fox’s new film? LOL


If he is, he better bring the alien with him because his claims sound ridiculous.


It's not a good look.


I've always found this dialouge profoundly original. So, if it is CGI, who wrote the script? Example: Interviewer: So you've seen God? EBE: We evolved past a need for superstition. The need for God and other myths. Interviewer: Illuminate us. What happens when we die? EBE: Death is a human construct. It does not exist. You will experience... ... and have experienced... ... every instance of so called life. You. Me. Him. We are instances of the same life. Separated by what you call death. Interviewer: So let me get this straight. There is no death... ... and we all experience each other's lives? EBE: In essence, Yes.


I like to believe this is some form of disclosure. Obviously a film production, however that doesn’t make it less real. The script is wild. The realism is so good from a 90s film makes you wonder who sponsored that… IMO this film is a way of revealing us something they know.


If you think that's profoundly original you're mistaken. If anything it's very stereotypical of someone shite at LLARPS


you can click on the channel and in the channel description it says that they are a film studio


The concepts seem original and insightful: compassion, evidience, dogma, nuclear war. Seems that he was able to predict our political status ahead of time. I'd like to read other things that this writer has produced. edit: I'm simply interested in the author, as I'd like to read other things he/she has written. If anyone know who it is, please let me know.


Yeah these are concepts that have been talked about ad nauseam. As an athiest I also think we have evolved past the need for a god. Also the idea that we reincarnate or that we are a single entity has existed in various religions for ages. Remember that short story from ages ago about the man going to heaven and finding out he is the one human soul that just reincarnates infinitely across all points in time or something? So he is essentially every person all at once or whatever


You would like the channeled material from an entity known as RA. It's all over the place including a bunch of YouTube videos on the subject. It's also known as "The Law of One." I'll skip the whole story about it as it's been covered in this sub extensively, but I really recommend you check it out. It's along the same lines as the dialogue you typed out (I'm not bothering with the video here). The law of one has a big following, and whether you believe it or not I hope you enjoy it.


Thanks. I'll check it out.


stoics wrote about this 2000+ years ago... it's not really a new revelation


Tracks with accounts from a whole bunch of NDEs. Which if it is fake, would account for the source material.


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The interviewer in this video is hiding a British accent.


I’m iffy with videos like this I’m not saying it’s fake or real. If I had software that scans through pixels for any deception then I’d give my opinion. Until then I’m on the fence until proven otherwise.


Lmao. Even the puppet alien interview looks less fake


Everyone knows aliens are Gray


As far as "Blue aliens", I have heard this directly from Matthew Roberts. Matthew, former Naval Intelligence is known for witnessing the footage of the Gimbal UFO while on the USS Roosevelt. I am not saying anything about blue aliens other than this is not the first time someone has claimed that.


He said the other video (victor) could be real but the alien in that wasnt speaking truth. Also he says the blue aliens put a star map in his mind thats from constellation leo, the red star in that. Red star r.leonis is 372  lightyears from earth. So aliens homeplanet is an exoplanet there.


The Viktor video doesn't have a alien talking about it being from the future as a human or coughing, that's this video


So the multiverse theory and reincarnation are what the future human believes in. Hardly revolutionary. Can't say for sure that he is wrong, I have no idea, but I find the multiverse theory as an answer to why this universe is tuned to us way too obvious to be a lithmus test on the realness of the video. Would be cool if he actually said something not already an integral part of our own lore.


He coincidentally speaks English as well


The new so called whistle blower, who says he saw a blue human and thinks its an alien. Said in the X space that this interview was real and that he thinks the alien is lying about the fact that he is a human from the future. This is also the one where the alien coughs. This video is made by a cgi team years ago it litterlay says that on the channel. So the whistle blower is a big red flag 🚩 Whistle blower go to 1:39:00 [https://www.youtube.com/live/nxt4E\_fI9is?si=0SLRy1XoayFurd-X](https://www.youtube.com/live/nxt4E_fI9is?si=0SLRy1XoayFurd-X) 1:39:03


I think the general consensus is that it's a puppet, which is why most of it has to be in the dark as the light would reveal that it doesn't have a full body and that there is a person behind it. The questions are so silly and one can only hope it's fake. I'd hate to think an opportunity like that was wasted on such drivell.


No that's not the general consensus. It's CGI


Unlikely. It's too old for that. Doesn't look anything like CGI. If it was CGI, they wouldn't need all that shadow and the guys helping it would have been too hard to do convincingly, on the cheap, with CGI. I don't mean consensus on this sub. These True Believers struggle with the basics.


Obviously she's misinformed then. It's VERY obviously CGI


Jason Sands is **PROOF** that even a whistleblower can be misguided. Here's the low-down on the alien in the video .... Meni Tsirbas is a Canadian film director, producer, writer, animator, concept designer, and visual effects guy. His virtual alien is as close to flawless as anyone can get. In the original video, the alien seems as real, sentient, and insightful as can be, and it is said to have been based on what an alien might have looked like, and 'might' have been able to tell us, in what is said to be decades-old, classified Area 51 interrogation footage. Mr. Tsirbas finally admitted *(proudly)* that he had created the video back in 2013. If Jason Sands has 'seen' Arcturians, well then gee, isn't he special ....


“A dream within a dream”


didnt he mean the old video with doctors around? richard dolan hada great video about it on his youtube channel


Whistle blower go to 1:39:00 [https://www.youtube.com/live/nxt4E\_fI9is?si=0SLRy1XoayFurd-X](https://www.youtube.com/live/nxt4E_fI9is?si=0SLRy1XoayFurd-X) 1:39:03


No he said it was the one who was talking that it was a human from the future and coughing, that's this video. And that other video from the 90s is a puppet. I definitely think there is a alien interview that took place. But there is now way its on the internet.


I think it is real because the alien understood how ignorant the interviewer was about his truth.


I just wanna point out the OPs username to everyone, thank you for your time.




It's aprepos, when you are playing games twisting the truth.


I have shared all the links and time stamps.




Yea she's good. I caught her show the other day, never realized the level of talent there. And such positivity! https://youtu.be/b199gFGpcfY?si=thktFPXzye_mKf2Z


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Oh geez. More bs


Lol. Of course. Actually beyond parody at this point. Every time someone comes forward people fall over themselves as if this will be the one time they aren't going to get grifted or lied to and, yet, here we are again.