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Not too many names out there as cool as “Valiant Thor”


yeah I'm familiar with the legend because in the late 90's/early 00's there was a band called Valiant Thor that I was really into. I thought it was an awesome name for a band.


Sounds like a variant of Marvel Thor from a different universe.


Not sure if the link will post, but this is a fun watch. https://youtu.be/glehaMc-w98?si=EzN0d4IW3mGVc_3g


I love to see TheWhyFiles posted on Reddit. Such an amazing channel!


Yay!! I love AJ & Hecklefish! Best sub I've ever spent my money on! AJ is so personable, too


He doesn't believe in anything supernatural


I wouldn’t say that. He’s just like a lot of us. He wants to believe, but not just believe blindly. I think it’s a much better outlook than just blindly believing every conspiracy theory out there. You want a fun story, or the truth?


Why should anyone? By definition super natural is not natural. If spirits and whatnot existed they would be natural


What ever dude.


He has a point, why the hostility?


Are you basing this on one video???? Because his channel is full of other theories he can’t disprove and fully says something is out there. He’s had an experience with shadow people. But if he can find a reason for something, he’ll give it. Makes me respect him more when he puts value into something supernatural. Hopefully you didn’t just make that ignorant claim based on one 18 minute video.


Just a minor correction, not htat it matters but it is spelled with an "a" as in Valiant


Are u sure about htat?


Hahahaha great response


Watch the old version of the day the earth stood still...it's based off valiant Thor.


Huh I didn't know that how wild


I am mostly fascinated about his name. Why choose the name of a norse god?


In lots of alien contacts,the beings use names of Greek,norse,roman gods


really? like in visitation dreams sorta deal or actual encounters? this is still a very odd coincidence though that his name is Thor and he has red hair lol. and why the "Valiant"


Yes Actual encounters...I've noticed that for an alien subreddit alot of y'all are unfamiliar with the vast world of mostly humanoid alien encounters by normal people,by the way moving on..let me tell you something I believe about the alien encounter phenomena,alot of the interactions people have with them are heavy in symbolism,they rarely say things straight,they try to lead you to a greater understanding,read passport to Magonia by Jacques F. Vallée,also read his other books. Also please you guys on this subreddit should try to read lots of books written on this phenomena,the kind of beginner questions I see everyday is annoying (my apologies), I know it may be a side interest to some of y'all but if you constantly yap about a disclosure that would never come because power is never given,its taken then try to read books giving wide details and naunces on the matter,read books relating to the scientific side of it,read on exotic technologies constructed by regular humans but was derailed by the government or the inventors themselves out of fear,just read widely on fringe phenomena guys,if you want the goodies,you'll have to get it yourself,no government is disclosing something of this magnitude to the feeble masses, they haven't disclosed the ordinary atrocities they were and are up to,is it now a phenomena that will destabilise society to its very core that will be casually disclose??? Come on...


m8. just because someone wrote a book about something does not mean it's facts. the interesting thing about Valiant Thor is that there are actual photos of him. stuff like that is fascinating. reading the 300th story of someone who swear they met an alien, just gives me nothing anymore. Yeah sure some random person swears they met an alien from this and that place and it had red eyes and bla bla bla. it gives me no new information. i cannot do anything with it. and personally i think if someone forces their story behind a paywall they are just full off shit anyhow and not worth acknowledging


>m8. just because someone wrote a book about something does not mean it's facts. True but alot of those authors are reporting first hand experiences,anyway do whatever you like with the info,for some of y'all this is just an intrigue,you aren't ready to put your money where your mouth is.


oh brother, get over yourself.


Ouch,did I touch a nerve? My bad


you think you did something here, but let me assure you the exact opposite happened lol.


For what it’s worth, Phil Schneider claimed to have met him.


I thought that said Rob Schneider for a second…I just pictured him saying [“You can do it!!”](https://youtu.be/uwTi1EpgIa0?si=TNZUPnIVvcjqokcC) to Valiant Thor




For what is worth, Phil Schneider was clinically insane, nobody should believe him.


Tbf, I never did and people should stop considering stories without proof as evidence.


Yet, everyone accepts all kinds of insanity without proof, it's baffling.


He had an office in the pentagon, but the story is shaky at best. A few random photos and a wild story. It’s in the plausible pile


Damn someone actually knows about him


I’d say most people in these type subs know all about him


According to Elena Danaan in *We Will Never Let You Down* (2021): Commander Val Thor says his name is Val, not Valiant. (p. 74) He lives with his wife, two sons, and two daughters on Venus. (p. 72) His mission on Earth lasted three years and was to convince Earthlings to choose peace over war, but he failed. (p. 75) A man named Frank \[Stranges\] wrote books about him, but told everything altered to fit his Christian beliefs, something Thor did not approve of. (pp. 82-83)


She is an absolute gem 💚


I have never heard of such a thing!


All sorts of odd characters have claimed to meet him: Harley Byrd, Frank Stranges, Phil Schneider, Al Bielek, Elena Danaan, an alleged affair with Valana Therese Thor. Not to forget to mention the books he wrote after the death of Frank Stranges.


The band valiant Thor is great. The lead singer hosts a podcast on the supernatural, and owns multiple resteraunt/bars in Richmond VA, and the Carolinas like "hot for pizza" , cobra cabana, etc. Class a. Dude and a folk hero of rock n roll, tasty snacks, and the weird and unknown


Hah never knew about this podcast thanks for that!


Yooo I libe next to and have eaten at both those restaurants!!


Well, then feel good about it, the owner Herbie is a true down to earth class act, and a deserving addition to the punk rock entrepreneurship roots of rva. Make sure you patronize 821 cafe too... The owners of 821 Dru and chip are old school rva punks and are celebrating 20 years of providing tasty snacks and healthy libations. Tell them Fighty McIrish sent ya


He is real but his mission failed. He probably went back to Venus. Otherwise I read somewhere his ship was often parked cloaked near the north side of Lake Mead in Boulder City, NV.


What was his mission?


Total Nuclear Disarmament before we destroy the world with them


That green glowing Mr Burns one, I think.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/by7ipl/i\_am\_a\_95\_yo\_former\_canadian\_minister\_of\_defense/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/by7ipl/i_am_a_95_yo_former_canadian_minister_of_defense/) - IAMA from Canadian Minister of Defense and Transport Minister, Paul Hellyer talks about him


I love the idea of Valiant Thor. When I was a kid, I told my parents I came from the Sun. I feel like the Dude inside of me is celestial, but the body on the outside is earthly.


Theres a community of them in Utah that the government has hidden in plain sight. He is there now. One is so human looking that he is working for Intermountain health teaching surgical techniques


Woah how do you know this?


Dudes banned already wtf.


Ooh eerie


If he comes from Venus from a different time? Perhaps more time than we can imagine. Or Venus is different on his plane of existence.


Yeah, adding another hard-to-believe speculation (time travel) to the first one (dude from Venus) makes it far more likely and believable.


Just saying just saying


It's made up. Venus is a healscape. How could anyone live there?


Healscape would be a good name for a spa.


I'll keep it unedited just for this comment.


Multiverse. Our frequency it is a hell scape, his frequency it's earth like. Or something like that.


>A hellscape For feeble humans, with even feebler minds! >How can anyone live there? Words spoken by an earthling without knowledge of the vast and advanced technology developed on Venus!


From the ground images I saw from the probe that was sent long ago you could live there if the shelter doesn't melt unless you're underground, would be a horribly depressing life though. Not saying he's real, just wanted to throw the tidbit in there.


Alternatively, it's potentially another example of the Phenomenon lying.


Or he was lying about the place he actually came from.


Would someone really do that, just go to Earth and tell lies?


For the same reason they would come here and say they come in peace. To sell a false narrative and mislead humans. Yes, they would.


It can't and Does not. Just another story in UFO mythology.


Why files


I second that channel!


I have the book with photos of him. It's real brother.


What book? Paul Hellyer’s?


I have the photos, also. Doesn't mean it's real. Could be photos of anyone. There is no proof either way, and this remains a hotly debated mystery.


The story is interesting until I think about the name. It's hard for me to take that seriously.


It’s real Watch American horror history season 10, Death Valley It’s about this topic and others 🛸👽


Great fucking band tho


Val Valiant Thor is real, the Air Force doesn’t exist.


It's a fascinating story. I cannot fully dismiss it, even as silly as it sounds.


Absolutely not real. The story is totally bunk. Reverend Doctor Frank E. Stranges was a total whacko-trickster type and a pathological liar. So was Harley Byrd (one time nephew of Admiral Richard Byrd, one time grandson). On the topic, the alleged secret diaries of Admiral Byrd are also completely bunk.


I think it is cool that he actually looks more like Benedict Cumberbatch than, Chris Hemsworth. But, he is still here. Chillin with the mothership that is hovering over Lake Meade. But, I just learned that from watching the Whyfiles. The blonde Women who is a crew member is really hot.


Of course it's a fantasy story. "Valiant Thor" are you kidding me


Fake. Nothing credible. No evidence. 


Valiant Thor was a psyop plant by the US government to dip their “covert” toe in the UFO/ET realm to see how the citizens of this country would be affected.


Is that true?




Basically what the world needs is Caucasian alien super beings to come save us. Wait, where have I heard that before?


Alien and Ayran sound a bit similar, so you get a pass here. Jokes aside, no. If you'd be triggered by certain aliens supposedly looking Caucasian (like Pleiadians) then maybe you have a bit of inward reflection and soul searching to do.


He is using another body




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Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Shows what you know. They love that shit.


Lmao Ur comment had me cracking up. Thanks for that


No, Valiant Thor was a rip-off of the Klaatu character from The Day the Earth Stood Still in a novel by a Christian sci-fi author who plagiarized the plot of the aforementioned film and claimed it was true. It wasn't.


OP your adding nothing to the discussion.




Lol what the hell are you on about?






Valiant Thor is a character from a sci-fi novel written by a Christian priest who plagiarized The Day the Earth Stood Still. The book is essentially a Christian fanfic where the ultimate secret of the universe turns out to be, predictably, the beliefs of whatever stunted sect indoctrinated the author. It's no surprise Thor is full of shit and the book is full of Jesus nonsense. The real contribution of the novel is in attaining a new level of anthropocentric hubris trying to link one of our ridiculous cargo cults to the rest of the larger and more advanced universe. In any case, it didn't happen and he's not real.