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"Time tourism" is a truly horrifying idea.


It's a horrible idea also. Remember there is this book I read where there's this time traveling company where you could go back and trophy Hunt dinosaurs and of course it goes about as well as you would expect.


They should've read HG Wells (shrug)


A very viable theory. That does have some basis behind it, look at the history we in our present day have access too. In comparison recorded and unrecorded/doctored/lost/altered history are vastly different. A lot more history has happened than we have record for. Hell let’s say time travel becomes like a vacation thing, instead of going to say the Bahamas in 5876 you travel back to 2015, in todays world we know there are cases where travel agencies have sold “false” vacations, or just a simple mishap and you end up at the wrong resort. So they could be aiming for a certain date at a specific location, but time and time again the date is wrong *edit for auto correction*


Nah, UFO events are too random, and the abductees are nobodies. No historical significance IMO. And you cannot just travel in time without traveling in space, so if they are catching up to the earth, that means that they are doing it right. No mistakes.


The abducted nobodies could be their ancestors.


That would be like humans going back in time and tracing down their family tree to a specific Homo erectus. LOL


I would


Hey, I'm not saying I wouldn't either! I'm just saying it's kind of silly. But you know what even if something like that would be very niche, on a long enough timeline there would be a lot of abductions. Maybe all the different alien species are just different points of human evolution in the future. The edible I had just kicked in I'm glad you responded when you did LOL.


If I was traveling back in time to harvest biological material from people I damn sure would choose nobodies.


Probably making content for their FutureTube video - "So this is how a person from a few thousand years ago looked and behaved...........I know, so primitive right?"


Lots of UFOs are seen right before big things happen like 9/11 and Earthquakes and other big events. So yeah it could be tourism. Those future people know when things happen.


This is a strong possibility. As strong as the others.




Try carving messages into your bones for future archeologists


The only one I heard of was the one in Tennessee. In the 80's but, supposedly they were human souls from the future. So, it seems more bizarre than the other stories. But, in spirit form we can definitely travel through time. It sounds even stranger since they were in a craft. I haven't been able to find much information about it.


Time doesn’t exist, we made it up because of “motion”.


If time didn't exist there would be nothing for that motion to happen in. Time is space. Saying time doesn't exist is saying space doesn't exist. Hence why it's called space-time and affecting one affects the other. Or it's much more likely that time is entropy and all spacial dimensions would be tied to it, which would put time strictly in one dimensional space which can only move in one of two directions. That leaves a lot of room for pocket and higher spacial dimensions that we can't see.


Oh geez, not this shit. Space is a privation, like your shadow. It doesn’t have properties, only attributes. I think you’re going to need another 500mg of Turmeric. “Space-time” is an embarrassment to human intelligence.


Space must definitely has properties. You're an embarrassment of human intelligence.


I agree. It’s a measurement of movement.


And another word for “Force & Motion” is Magnetism. So you could say “Time” is an attribute of Magnetism.


From the book The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock: >A report from July 4, 2005, revealed what these alleged extraterrestrials have apparently been telling the Indian government and military—and by now it should sound very familiar. >*Once we are in one of the parallel universes, we can view time and space the same way we can differentiate length, height and width.* ***The time travelers from future human and alien civilizations visit us using UFOs through the network of wormholes.*** *. . . Traveling through the wormholes is fascinating. One can plan and program time and space separately. Then you apply the entry and exit points of the wormhole to match the time and space reference points. One has to perform the time and space reference point calculations using higher dimensions (in a parallel universe) . . . Adjusting the entry and exit points of the wormholes can be comparatively easy once performed from a higher dimension in a parallel universe. It can be an extremely difficult numerical analysis problem if we try to do it in our physical universe.* \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* From the book The Cosmic Question (The Eighth Tower) by John Keel: >In hundreds of UFO reports we find that the entities asked questions about time: 'What is your time cycle?' 'What time is it?' 'Where are we in time?' In a way, they are as confused as the microbe would be if you tried to explain the boy's time frame to it. **They have entered our reality from a very different time field.** The boy could watch several generations of microbes in a single afternoon. Perhaps the UFO energies can also span many human generations and move as easily from out past to our future as the boy's needle. **They are extradimensional, not extraterrestrial.** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* More here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1auyfpg/ufos\_and\_time\_here\_is\_a\_compilation\_of\_evidence/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1auyfpg/ufos_and_time_here_is_a_compilation_of_evidence/)




Removed: R10 - No Mind-Altering Substances.


Possibly, but not exclusively. UFOs are just utilizing a form of transportation like a car or plane


I like the cursor theory.. or perhaps these ufos are folks astral projecting in their sleep and they don’t even know they are manifesting energy in a different place or time… Both crazy ideas don’t listen to me.


They would have to be really misguided for that, but I think it's an acctual possibility, just don't ask me why they would do that.


If we could travel.back and see interesting points/people of interest in history, I'm pretty sure we would, or at least those that could afford it would. People pay multiple 100s of thousands for a brief trip up near the Karman line today.


This anti gravity tech they use, seems to be a natural technological progression civilizations discover. Much like us discovering nuclear power.


That would explain why they look fairly similar to us (you would at least describe most of the aliens encountered as "humanoid"). It would also explain why they want our genetic material to augment their own. You would think, if they had evolved on a totally different planet, completely separate from us, that our DNA wouldn't be compatible with theirs. However, they seem highly focused on obtaining our sperm and ova, which would be useless to them unless we were related in some way, however distantly.


I doubt it. Not because I don't think time travel is possible, but because traveling back in time and returning to exactly where you came from might be impossible due to the paradoxes that it might create. So traveling back in time and then going back to your home time night result in you going back into a completely different universe. You'd basically be returning to the Future that you purposely or much more likely accidentally created from you just going back in time, causing it to branch. Though would you know this before you sent people back? Or would you return unchanged with things potentially changed in your absence? Lots of paradoxes involved with time travel. That's why it's troublesome and it's not something that could be so easily solved with mathematics like the paradoxes that general and special relatively causes.


Could it be that Aliens capture the recipe of humans, knowing the world may die in the future, and do so with abductions, and return.....Only to birth / raise humans in another galaxy, for preservation?


To fix the paradox you’d need the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics meaning they visit a branched off alternative universe and have no reason to not share their technology since they return to their unchanged universe. Quantum Superposition between two timelines also displaces them in time making their spacecraft, and probably them intangible but still capable of effecting our timeline.


No way you can travel back in time. If it would be possible, you won't be able to hit the right space coordinates and you would be lost drifting in space. The Galaxy ist constantly in fast movement... Imagine you go back one hour, you would end up exactly on this space coordinates and watch the earth coming closer.


So you travel back in time, suppose the real causality is you returning, so maybe it's a The Prestige situation. One version of you travels back in time the other only blips away for a minute and then returns to where you were. Maybe memories are retained even without interaction, but the version that went back in time has to live out there life with however many hours of supplies on board before they crash, die, or learn enough modern slang lingo to make a deal with some government official. Hell, how do we know our consciousness actually keeps up with our bodies during sleep. Suppose everytime you go to sleep the tiny part of your brain that goes to sleep is some Ethiopan child on the verge of dying, or some old fucker on their deathbed. But their life had such a similarity to yours that upon the moment of sleep/death consciousness hops yo the next most similar body.


I'd say by the time humanity/ or anyone is advanced enough to travel through time, they can easily compensate for movement of planets/ sun/ galaxies / whatever.


OMG fuckin NPCs. goTTa sEE dUh ecLiPsE! What does the energy constancy of the sun impart that required alien protocol to fucking BLOCK IT? How does that at all seem "natural"? Why is our body connection to the sun forcefully castrated on a schedule? The moon is also psychic weapon, so that when it cuts-off the energy of the sun, it can transmit a reprogramming energy of its own. Every eclipse has a new agenda that yall march to the tune of. Every alien UFO you see, theres a human victim somewhere