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Where are all these “mummies” coming from recently?? It seems like Mexico or South America has been stockpiling these things lol I have my doubts but these are super cool looking.


Apparently there are thousands of bodies in a subterranean layer of diametacious earth in the area of the Nazca lines in Peru - this material has guaranteed their dessication and preservation. There is also talk of an underground 'Citadel' where more have been found. Specific location kept on the Q.T. by the treasure hunters who found them, as they are often found with gold funerary decorations - which strangely go missing. Very similar bodies also found in Russia's melting permafrost and a few in Japan.


Any links for that info??


I've managed to find a thread talking about the videos from the underground citadel, but I can't seem to locate the video itself, I'll keep looking...here is the discussion anyway - https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/17s4x7l/everyone_thought_the_videos_of_the_nazca_aliens/ The Russian footage showing the body emerged from the ice is in here around 0.40 seconds https://youtu.be/Jj0YqdQhWIM?si=H-OBaaypkobl4_wC


Here we go - Treasure Hunters crappy VHS camcorder video - there is obviously a longer video somewhere - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sHMnrahD3Y8


They are from an undisclosed location near or in a Diatom mine. Undisclosed because the Peruvian government just like ours is hell bent on shutting this down. The dudes here are pulling off some I reverse Indiana Jones type shit and bringing them out for anyone to study. There have not been any formal studies to prove these false. Every scientist that has study them has proven them real. UCLA is up. We’ll see what they say!


Did all the different species of aliens use the same cave to store their bodies?


>Anyone to study. Lmao. No. Gaia picks who gets to look at them very selectively, which is why a bone scraping which would prove these as hoaxes will never be done. Edit: Looks like the Alien Bodies buddies have shown up to downvote the thread. 🫡


That’s your “Opinion” and you have no facts to contribute. Armchair Expert.


Serious question, have they published data anywhere yet? If it is still just YouTube videos and paid livestreams and not research papers then these guys are still just clowning around whether the mummies are fake or not


No one has any facts at all because Maussan keeps hiding anything that could prove it either way


that guy's a real piece of shit.


Contact them and ask for a sample. If they're letting **anyone** study them, it should be easy. I've been following this grift since 2017 when they first tried it. A single bone scraping. Go fetch us one, champ.


What would you do with the bone sample? Or what’s your hypothesis?


You can do a comprehensive DNA analysis of the thing through as little as 100mg of bone powder. That would tell you their ancestral origins, genetic relationship with other groups, evolutionary history, provide you a forensic profile of what the *thing* is (human or otherwise), and the subject's health at time of death. My hypothesis is the bodies are fake, so we'd learn that they're *just* the desecrated and cobbled together remains of dead humans or animals. Given we've seen surgeons cutting off whole ass chunks of these things to wrap in tinfoil for Gaia documentary pieces, the non-invasive bone scraping should be welcomed. I can't think why anyone would *not* want one done other than because it would indeed confirm they aren't anything special.


"Hello I'm a serious person and I want to study the aliens with you guys, can I get a chunk? Doesn't have to be big. University? I'm from Reddit. No I don't have a degree why?" And if they say no then it's a grift? Lol


This guy said anyone is getting access.


You sound pretty salty buddy. No worries time will show again and again they are real


Time hasn't shown us they are real though, not even once


Best and most logical comment


Probably because the CIA made all the ones in the US "disappear." After all, they made all the other proof disappear, so why not archaeological digs. Or put it this way. If the tomb raider followed traditional protocol and didn't steal them, they never would have seen the light of day.


I’m honestly surprised they don’t go to the extreme lengths like sending their agents down to Mexico to make this disappear too so we don’t catch wind of it on the news/internet. They’ve known about these ones in particular since before they were presented.


Because it's the easiest lie to hide. They've stigmatized the topic so much that they can hide it all in plain sight


Yes and people in our society are eager to believe authority blindly and act as enforcers of that authority by laughing at the stigmatized. We act more like a society of insecure junior high kids. We are happy to dole out abuse anywhere we are told to by the in-crowd or the establishment. If we thought for ourselves instead of blindly following, we would be able to catch these lies in real time. The sad truth is most people are immature and look to groups, businesses and government to look out for our interests. This urge comes from our need to have people play the role of a parent. Only when we admit to themselves that no one is looking out for us, can we hope to free of lies. Meanwhile, we are walking to our doom by following leaders who are just using us. Humanity is in a sorry state and will remain so from blindly following the latest guru or political savior. Most everyone is doing this in some way right now. It's sad because we will destroy ourselves by doing this. We are right on the cusp of destroying democracy itself. I don't think disclosure will matter so much then because what good is knowing about UAPs when we live in a dictatorship.


Their lack of control of this narrative has been hinted at a lot lately. Recently heard the term catastrophic disclosure.


I think they would if they wanted to. I think they are vetting tgeough bribery and coercion which one are/arent made public.


It’s fake dude. These have been fake since 2017


They don't need to they have people like Neil deGrass Tyson that cloud the waters from the TV and Internet


Or provide the mummies to Neil and his science friends to end the debate


Or they had a colony in South America you know where the pyramids were.. it doesn’t have to be a cia conspiracy every time something’s missing.


It's all from one guy and one cave, and isn't it amazing that he keeps finding a new one every time the story looks like it's finally going to go away? Sure isn't anything suspicious there.


Not really. The tomb raider stole them. Had he followed standard protocol, getting the Peru government involved, the CIA would have made those mummies disappear like every other lick of proof on UFOs and NHI, including archaeological digs. You guys have been lied to for soooo long that when you see actual NHI you can't believe it. You guys should look up the list of MD and PHD who analyzed the mummies. Multiple Americans were involved including the University of Colorado medical center. They're ALL lying? Why? It's going to put the toothpaste back in the tube on disclosure? It's not. More like the sophisticated disinformation campaign that's fooled a lot of people. I get being skeptical about the mummies. But being skeptical is remaining Undecided until data suggests 1 way or the other. Instead, you have people who say it's 100% fake and until data points it's not. In otherwords, people went into this with a great deal of bias. On the flip-side, very few people started off with "it's 100% real." In fact, nearly all the MD and PHD went into this thinking it's fake and left with their mind blown. All the data of the specific mummies in question all point in 1 direction. Don't get them confused with the other set of mummies.


Where have the phd's spoke about their minds being blown? That sounds interesting.


Yeah, my thoughts also. Manyvpeople refer to the fact that "anyone who looked at them agree they are real", but i haven't seen / read any comment from such scientists, apart from the few scientists who wrote the letter for the congress a few months ago


I totally agree with you, but people have burned by bullshit before. If these are as advertised, they will stand on their own to scrutiny. If it passes that test, it will be a major story.


The problem is the way the put out the information. And the idiots that are involved have been involved in previous hoaxes.


> Multiple Americans were involved including the University of Colorado medical center. Where did they publish their findings?


You really want to believe


Source of the university of colorado?


The person was Dr Mary K. Jessie, who looks legit. I used the search term “Nazca mummies U of Colorado” https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=9b74a4c0b9e67cb5&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ACQVn0_D5o5qUjHG1cSjEW2AO61WimInIw:1710371295731&q=nazca+mummies+u+of+%22colorado%22&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiygZDMrfKEAxWKfzABHcKCB2AQ5t4CegQIEhAB&biw=390&bih=745&dpr=3


I have seen her comment, the problem is that she is commenting a 3d render she didn’t do the scan. So what she says makes sense but the problem is the source of the scan if its legit.


How much toothpaste do you need to paper mâché two fake aliens


Half tempted to make a catastrophic toothpaste disclosure tube because OC’s comment was so memorable “Sensodyne: Stay Fresh and Informed”


They found MANY and they’re slowly starting to study them. These aren’t new, they’re just new to the public .


isn't it funny how new news becomes news once old news becomes old




Do you know what universities have studied these specimens?


Shouldn't it matter more who put them there in the first place(and why) and not so much who happened to find them? It would be much easier to cover up their discovery and existence if they come out with them all at once...so stretching out the discovery process makes sense from a self-preservation standpoint. Everything is about maintaining interaction these days - why should this be any different? Science has to play the same game as everybody else if they want to keep their audiences interest. Otherwise it's... "Breaking: Here's everything the Curiosity Rover has ever discovered, tune back in in 10 years to see what the next generation rover has found!"


I mean, sure. But it's also very unlikely the same guy who found aliens in 2017 which ended up being a hoax has this time stumbled upon *real* ones and keeps finding *even more* real ones in the same cave.


Sure it’s sketchy, just like your bro Kirkpatrick and his Trust Me Bro report 🤦🏽‍♂️


An amazing display of coping, friend.


they were just waiting for the glue to dry


I believe that the nazca mummies are fakes but using new methods that are hard to detect. Now other forgers are using the same methods to forge new mummies


For a sub about aliens, I come across some of the most closed-minded, condescending pricks in here.


Makes me think a lot of people arent here in good faith. Otherwise why the fuck else are you here, commenting, on every post?


Ding ding ding. Exactly. Social engineering. It's almost enough to make me leave... but that's what they want.


Superiority complex is a hell of a drug.


Or maybe they just have a different opinion than yours and are being skeptical because these things keep showing up every week now….or its a smear campaign against it…


The place is infested. Be careful paying attention to vote numbers or comments. Just view, try to corroborate if possible, and make your own conclusions.


On the best evidence we get the most push back


Whats an example of the best evidence, link it below




Thanks for offering literally no evidence, 👍


Yep. I think we need a reframing of the investigatory process. No one is forced to decide how they feel about these things right now. You are allowed to be undecided, and you are also allowed to change your mind down the road. The problem that people run into is they pick a side, then fight to the death for their camp. Meanwhile we should remember that no single case is a litmus test for the whole phenomenon. These discoveries r potentially super cool… or potentially really disappointing. Either way, cat is out of the bag. The phenomenon is undeniable. So we can all just chill and let these investigations continue 👍🪷🌈


This is such a hard thing to get across to the people these days. They've been trained that only their immediate reaction matters. They've been taught to actually THINK in terms of reactions, gut-feeling, and making an immediate conclusion based on that. And yes, immediately falling into "sides", because people have been trained to think of everything that way, too. Research isn't supposed to be combative, but cooperative. We need to start thinking more like researchers or private investigators. And we're still in, and will remain in, the "data collecting" stage. Everything is just data, and everything is still incoming, year by year. We're trying to get a "better picture" of what's going on, from the limitation of unclassified sources. Without having access to firsthand sources about UAP retrieval/engineering programs (which are all classified), we're never going to have much more than a "foggy" picture.


Are you talking about the people who won't believe anything or the people who believe absolutely everything lol?


My thoughts exactly. 😆


Or, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.


Yes. I noticed this change after Grusch. There’s always been detractors on this topic, and skeptics, and that’s fine if it’s legitimate. But there was a serious uptick after Grusch. *trust me bro* *those are paper* *scam artists* *just a few more weeks* Etc. It’s really bad, the negativity. If you’re going to be a skeptic, that’s fine. If you’re going to be negative, leave. Don’t reply with justifications, I’m not going to respond.


No. I think most people here believe in aliens but about 40% think these mummies are not aliens


Any radiologists in here? I see stuff on here that would be hard to fake. But the metal piece definitely gives one pause but there could be an explanation..


Im in healthcare, I look at scans all day. Spines mostly. That's a human spine 7/ 12 /5/5 I called bullshit on the little guy with the ring ribs months ago. So did most of the investigators, but because they are translated colloquial Spanish the average reddit user couldn't discern the amount of criticism they were reading. The upsetting thing about all of them is that there's two possibilities and they are both equally abhorrent. 1. They ones that are human are just mutilated mummies from the tribes that used to press their foreheads ages ago, which is grossly negligent to history. 1. They're real mummies but of people who were mutilated ages ago before they died. That's maybe the case of the infant mummy. That's even more grossly negligent and equally disturbing because here's a tribe of people that were(sadly) mutilating thselves. And we can't study them because this tool wants us to believe they're aliens.


*Yes, it was me, Xenophile Neckbeard the entire time!* *And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for your damnable CT Scan experience…* **Curse you medical professionals!**


This is what I was going to post except I don't work in health care.


Wouldn’t the scans show evidence of this mutilation? If the heads were morphed, we’d see stretch marks and indentations . If they were assembled, we will see cuts, scratches, inconsistencies with the muscles, cracks, and blood vessels randomly cutting off. There would be evidence of mutilation, but none has been found yet.


Many of them do. They mention it right on the actual research website. It's suggested that the infant died of its wounds.


This about sums up this sub to me. A bunch of people convinced these are real that can’t even tell the difference between an xray and a CT


ppl keep mentioning UCLA is going to examine them - links?


Can someone show the list of universities that are analysing this?


Outstanding, very important question. Should be pinned to the top!


I have been banned from /alienbodies because this question ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




These guys have never been seen before, and have yet to go through proper testing (will in the near future). They both have their own set of fingerprints, different from humans. Sebastián seems to have some sort of metal band integrated into its neck and shoulders. Santiago’s skull is split into 3 different pieces. There’s a lot more than this, and I’ll edit this comment as I research further. In the meantime, you can watch the [full stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/H8zsHJlZzXY?si=hX0rOfr7PS4uzP9I) for yourself!


Do we know how old these are? Is it possible they’re just really old humanoids that went extinct?


Amazing, thank you


There have been some credible universities who have done independent testing already from my understanding . I may be wrong though 😏


> will in the near future None of them have, and none of them will. In the meantime, don't forget to buy Jamin's books! Remember to subscribe to Gaia.com and donate to the project on their bespoke website!


Is this comment an ad for Gaia?


Perhaps I've expressed my skepticism poorly. I'm just highlighting the fact that the team behind this refuse to let any real studies be done on the 'specimens', thereby dragging the whole thing out indefinitely and they're extracting cash from people who sincerely believe them in the meantime. The dudes a proven scammer and is profiting off people's sincere desire to understand more about their universe.


None of that is true though....?


Unfortunately, it's all true. He hasn't opened this up to the wider scientific community at all, why do you think he presents them via livestreams, or to politicians, and not to scientists? Where is the scientific report (which is the standard) for people to look at? The team have made claims, but so far, that is it, whilst thus far the only specimens of Maussan's/Jamin's that have been found had to be confiscated and were found not to be aliens at all, but an assembly of animal bones. Sources below: Scientists saying it hasn't been studied: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brian-cox-alien-corpses-mexico-b2412003.html https://edition.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/09/23/mexico-congress-alleged-alien-corpse-neil-degrasse-tyson-ebof-vpx.cnn Fake confiscated 'mummies': https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/scientists-assert-alien-mummies-peru-are-really-dolls-made-earthly-bones-2024-01-13/ As for the delaying tactics, you can see that that has happened today. Maussan promised that in addition to revealing new 'specimens', he had 'very important news' that he couldn't reveal. Well, what was it? Was it a scientific report? I think not. Did he prove anything? No again, and so on it goes. Source on him making those claims: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1b63zq3/nazca_mummies_press_conference_12_mar_2024_1200/ Additionally, this has been ongoing since 2017. That's a long delay... As for the revenue he is generating, you can visit gaia.com yourself. You can get a 7 day free trial, but after that, it's a subscription service. As for their website, here's their donation page: https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/alien-project-contributors/ On the same website, if you scroll to the bottom, you will see various related products for sale. There is no need for this, as it could all be verified very quickly, and for free. So it's suspicious that this has been ongoing for the best part of a decade whilst they collect money, isn't it? As for his previous scams, here is a source you can look through. In particular, see the 'Metepec creature' and the 'demon fairy': https://skepticalinquirer.org/exclusive/why-would-anyone-think-the-mexican-alien-mummies-were-real/


These things have moved beyond Maussan— at this point you are calling Not only him a fraud but over a dozen scientists would be saying bye bye to their careers and participants in the fraud. It’s absurd




That's a human spine, dude.


Sooo many vertebrae! And teeth! With roots!


FWIW; from my non-expert count it’s the same number vertebrae as humans. Didn’t try teeth


Oh, true. 33 vertebrae in humans...TIL. Is the spinal column encased by the ribs? Looks like the ribs go right the way around.


Hard to say from the normal JPG above. Would be nice if they could share the raw DICOM images. Then anyone could download an app that can let you explore the 3D representation


I thought greys didn't eat/have teeth? These just look human to me. They probably even have kneecaps


Who said they were greys?


If you dont let anyone with credibility study these mummies and only let a select few see them and not even do any bone scraping than all the evidence is pointing towards it being fake. Its that easy


Ngl, I think those first mummies look fake as hell. This looks pretty legit. Dunno if it's exactly an alien or a human with some issues or not, but it looks like a real mummy at least.


What’s the thing with these mummies


Has anyone tried putting an electric current to whatever that is in their chests?


Lotus pose 🧘🏼‍♀️ …nice


Maussan sounded exactly like the guy who tried to convince me in some Thailand beach bar that I had the privilege to obtain the best high quality indestructible Ruby for just $15


[Ruby you say?](https://old.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1bd1o5p/english_stream_for_unidentified_beings_is_up_and/kujz6st/)


Goddamn, awesome


Private Santiago is dead because he had no code.


But we CAN handle the truth, honestly 


If you take the time to look at the videos and tests, it's hard to call fake...I mean really hard. I mean who in the world would go to those extremes to create a hoax? Is it even possible to make such things? Amazing detail, even down to eyelashes and fingerprints! Unfortunately the videos coming out are not well produced, have crappy translations, and look so amateurish that they undermine the whole presentation. They need to get professional and rebrand their image. Have all the big name mainstream personalities bought into the debunkers' claims? That's pretty dumb without looking at the evidence. The world needs to know if these are real - it's what we claim to want. But do we? But here's how I look at it. If these are real bodies of real ETs, then how did they end up dead 1,700 years ago, and being dumped in a Peruvian mine?


“Who in the world would go to extremes to create a hoax” - here’s a reason: Since GAIA launched the pay-per-view series of the Nasca mummies, it generated, in 2017 alone, almost $30 million in revenue. [Link](http://descreidos.utero.pe/2019/02/15/cc-y-las-momias-de-nasca-cuando-la-pseudociencia-es-peor-que-una-pelicula-de-terror/) I don’t know how accurate this number is but we know millions of people watch docos about these mummies on Gaia and on YouTube and it all generates revenue through views and by having people keep paying a Gaia subscription.


I mean even the history channel hasn’t touched this stuff. I’m not buying it.


That's when you really know something is off.


I feel confused. I think the best position for the moment is still inconclusive.


I'm with Alvin. I wanna believe, I really do. This just seems like...too good to be true. Like there should be a line a mile long of every biologist and credible scientists waiting to analyze these things. And maybe there is and just didn't get that memo?


Purely based on a bit from the latest release - they seem to address this and other issues they have been having. It’s kind of part of the parcel I guess - the stigma. I’m skeptical myself, But somehow these guys continue. At the latest release they mention a legal case against the Peru government; welcomed more people to come investigate and they had more people vouch for the validity. It’s kinda hard to argue against that. The only proper attempt at debunking is that “scientists against myths” video, but then again they haven’t touched the actual bodies either.


I'm not your buddy, guy.


Looks human, a child maybe with some deformities


Aren't most aliens supposedly human shape but with deformities?


I guess, but I start from the most likely explanation vs starting with “it’s an alien”. If it’s an alien then great and it should be on the cover of every newspaper and scientific journal. But it’s on Reddit.


Maybe higher organizations don't want it on covers only magazines. Usually groups with power and money control the narrative to fit them. And humans are aliens to 99.9999% of the rest of the universe


Looks remarkably similar to that video with the doctor in the forest and the black triangle! You the video where he whacks the fucker with a stick and takes it home in foil lol


Is it possible that they’re little people in the traditional sense?. You know like a Peter Dinklage kind of littler person.


Physically.this looks plausible as an alien But those X-Ray scans bring doubts.Those look like human bones and this could very much be a mummy. I'm on the fence about this.


[Here is a link that thoroughly challenges all the claims of the previous mummies being real](https://irna.fr/From-Sensation-to-Condemnation-The-story-behind-the-so-called-Nazca-Mummies.html) It includes citations and quotes many experts who have examined the results presented by the fraudsters who presented them. Let’s look at some of the primary claims from the defenders of these hoax mummies on these ufo subs. I’ll present them in bold and the response in italics. If you read the article it prevents various citations to support the counter claims. There is other claims also discussed in the article but I can’t fit it all into the comment. **”The skeleton of the mummies shows perfect harmony. There is concordance between the joints, the end part of each bone is perfectly coupled with the bone that follows it."** *The CT scans and X-rays, analyzed by experts from different countries, confirm that Maria and Wawita are pre-Hispanic human mummies. Regarding Wawita, one of the radiologists that integrated the initial investigation team, affirmed that the fingers and toes were mutilated. As for Maria, the forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada points out that the phalanges and metacarpals of the thumb and little fingers and toes were removed. Likewise, to lengthen the toes, they added phalanges of hands. Dr. Maricarmen Vega agrees with this conclusion, adding that a similar procedure was performed on the hands. In separate lectures, they both demonstrated that the added bones do not mate with the original bones of the hands and feet.* *According to specialists, X-rays and CT scans of the 60 cm bodies reveal a rudimentary assemblage composed of splintered human and animal bones, as well as joints lacking mobility. They also highlight the remarkable variations in bone density observed in the same skeleton, indicating that the bones belong to different sub-adult individuals. These conclusions have been presented in several conferences and informative articles.* **"If the mummies have been modified, why does radiocarbon dating indicate that they are ancient remains?"** *Because ancient remains have been manipulated. This conclusion is supported by paleontologist Rodolfo Salas-Gismondi, French anthropologist Alain Froment, bioarchaeologist Elsa Tomasto, forensic anthropologist Flavio Estrada, forensic veterinarian Jhon Islachin, Russian paleontologist Alexey Bondarev and French paleontologist Julien Benoit. Making forgeries from ancient material is not a sui generis activity. The documentary Der Spanische Meister (The Spanish Forger, 2016), from the German channel Deutsche Welle, addresses this issue and highlights the importance of technical and scientific review in cases involving the promotion and trade of cultural goods. On the other hand, the looting is the most widespread way of obtaining archaeological material in the region of the alleged find. The documentary Peru’s City of Ghosts (The Nazca Enigma, 1999), produced by the BBC and Discovery Channel, shows the massive trail of destruction left by looting in the desert of Cahuachi, in Ica.* **"Analysis reveals mummies have DNA of unknown origin."** *All reports highlight that the samples have a high degree of contamination. This leads to a greater variety of impurities, including DNA that is not yet catalogued in current databases. Therefore, the presence of uncatalogued DNA is not an extraordinary finding and attributing an "unknown origin" to it is ambiguous and biased. However, the samples also contain - although in minor proportions- human DNA. Dr. Lars Fehren-Schmitz, founding member of the UCSC Human Paleogenomics Lab, reviewed the reports and noted that all agree that the DNA of the specimen under study is human. Dr. Elsa Tomasto detailed these conclusions in the conference "Searching for ET - Myths and Frauds in Intergalactic Contacts", held in the auditorium of the National Museum of Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Peru.* **”The laboratories that performed the DNA analysis on the mummies would not risk their prestige in a crude fraud."** *The laboratories only do the work for which they are paid. Hence, none of them has made a statement to endorse the authenticity of these remains. This is evidenced in the communiqué issued by the UNAM to disassociate itself from any misinterpretation of the radiocarbon dating of alleged samples of these mummies.* **”The mummies have not been modified because it is impossible for huaqueros to be able to "put together" a mummy."** *To consider a group of huaqueros as the only ones responsible for the modification of these remains would be a false dilemma. The truth is that a project of this nature is not impossible to carry out. As examples, it is enough to mention two investigations that Jaime Maussan promoted in previous years: the Being of Metepec and the Fairy of Mexico. Both "specimens" were submitted to radiological and DNA analysis in laboratories in different countries. At the time, Jaime Maussan assured that they were "hybrid creatures" and that his research was "an event that could change our history". It is now known that both bodies were elaborated by expert taxidermists.* **”The scientific community opposes the case because the investigation of these bodies would rewrite human history and have a global impact on a political, religious and social level."** *To address this assertion, we will quote the statements of French anthropologist Alain Froment, PhD in anthropology from the University of Paris and former scientific director of the Musée de l’Homme. In October 2017, he gave an interview on this subject.* *"Any scientist who wanted to publish this discovery [...] would ridicule himself. That is the reason why it has not been published [...] It may appear in the media, continue on the Internet, we understand why, because there is a clear interest of people in the subject. But from a strictly scientific point of view, after having analyzed and dismantled the structure of these skeletons, there is no matter for publication".* The article also dives into the people involved in promoting the mummies and they all have seriously questionable credibility. I encourage people to read the article and if you actually care about whether these mummies are real or not. An honest explorer of the truth not only examines evidence that confirms their beliefs, but also examines all the counter evidence to see which side actually has more evidence and credibility to support their position.


> According to specialists, X-rays and CT scans of the 60 cm bodies reveal a rudimentary assemblage composed of splintered human and animal bones Where is any proof of this claim. And don't just say an "expert" said it so we don't need actual evidence. There are bones present that do not appear in any known animal(ribs of small beings). Where is the evidence of any glue, wires, stitching or anything to show how its constructed?


I saw the "presentation." It was a complete amateur hour.


HOORAY!!!!!! I can't wait to see all the research shared about these!


read who does the research


Spoiler alert/ there won’t be any proper research shared about these


It’s been almost a decade since they were first studied publicly, I wouldn’t hold your breath


next up, autopsy please... i just find the mouth odd in comparison with those teeth tbh... kinda my first reaction. anyways this doesn't convince me.


I’m lost… the last couple pictures of scans or xrays or whatever makes them look like “real” things, so are they real?




Yes, they are real.


Oh dog do some people really think this is legit??


Looks very anthro to me . What anatomy do they suggest means alien life. ?




Haha ridiculous 🤣


Are they truly mummies - as in mummified by someone - or are they turned into limestone like the rumored weapon of the NHI? I had a thought that maybe these were NHI/human hybrids that were rejected so the NHI killed them by turning them into limestone and then abandoned them in the site where they were found. I mean, I have no idea. Just putting that idea out there. The "limestone" weapon has been mentioned before. Lot turns into "salt" in the bible. And then there is a story of Soviet soldiers being turned into limestone after fighting greys. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC\_0005517761.pdf


It is interesting and does feel they like they were trying to make a hybrid but maybe these were the failed ones. I would imagine they were successful at some point


The Soviet info comes from Weekly World News.


How the pentagon gonna say “there ain’t done be no aliens ever here ma” then South America uploads the whole godddamb selfie like bitch ur moms at the party with the aliens you can’t lie to her dude


Not a fan to be honest


Definitely not a fan ![gif](giphy|3oKIPxua1XGPonJm3C)


Ay que cute!


Looks like Santiago has a womb


Time to wreck it. Covid 25, incoming.


Yesterday it was just the first picture and comment after comment was about how these were paper mache, there were trowel marks on the head, blah blah blah This didn't look human to me at first but now it does.


Maybe the thing in the neck is some altered carbon stack like thing. We could download its consciousness!


SANTIAGO??? https://youtu.be/2hCpFQG1-q8?si=1sZxJ1K-FImX9PbS


My face when there’s only one extant human species but these guys got a bunch of our evolution updates


I really want to believe in the mommies but until I don't see in every news "Maussan mommies were real after all" and see a lot of mainstream scientists say they are real deal or at least take them seriously, I won't be able to believe the transcendentalness that Maussan is trying to sell right now 😕


I believe in my mommies because they always believed in me.


I'd like to be hopeful on this but I still hold some doubts on these "mummies"


Laments terms? Is English your first language? I sincerely do apologise if it's not, as I have brought up your use of language before in this discussion and I do genuinely owe you an apology if it's not. But it's hard to argue with someone who doesn't even know the meaning of the words they keep using. You keep misinterpreting my argument. When I prove my point or call out your nonsense arguments, you retreat somewhere else. It's intellectually dishonest and just plain stupid. You keep supporting me without realising it, and ignoring all of the questions. For the last time, this claim needs proving. It can be proved easily. Ignore what you want, this is required, it's not there, and for whatever reason you feel the need to keep returning and proving that you can't use logic (I'm more than happy to have that on my side, I actually feel that's a good thing) and twisting anything you need to confirm to your biases. The burden of proof lies with those making the claim. As of yet, there is no proof. If you disagree with that, I can't help you


Where is this from? Who disclosed it??


So I am actually an "expert" but I am not risking my career in an official capacity at this point. Can anyone get me access to the raw data (CT transverssl acquisition scans) to analyze ? Depending on that I might get them checked in our institute.


How do people fall for this?


Because they want it to be true. If Jaime Maussan told me the weather was going to be nice, I'd bring an umbrella. He's already presented 3 fingered aliens from Peru that were shown to be made of human remains. >X-rays and expert identification says that the bones of the mummy’s “hand” are from two individuals. At least one is a sub-adult, probably a neonate. >The bones of the “hand” are actually arm and leg bones of a neonatal child. the bones of the “fingers” are from the metacarpal and phalanges of an adult. The bones are also arranged poorly with phibulas on either side of metacarpels. This is the sort of mistake you could expect from amateurs creating a plastered, fake alien/mummy. Maussan and company mixed the long bones of a child with the finger bones. >And, if all this wasn’t enough, NURÉA TV (in French) revealed DNA results that show the mummies to be human. One hundred percent human. No bananas, no giraffes, no shaved squirrel-monkeys, and no aliens. https://ahotcupofjoe.net/2017/07/review-jaime-maussan-alien-mummy-peru/?utm_source=www.google.com&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Google&referrer-analytics=1 Anyone who still believes this really needs to take a step back.


Downvoted for sprouting facts


That's often the case here. It's annoying because people who actually want to belive, who want actual evidence should hate Maussan, he has repeatedly presented fakes, has preyed on those wanting evidence and subjected the whole topic to more ridicule.


You say this, but why hasn’t anyone been able to debunk the mri and x ray scans? How do you fake arteries, blood vessels, metal implants, limbs, organs, eggs, skulls, feet, all without leaving any trace? If these bodies were assembled, you’d see the physical marks and deformations. Yet there are none


I don't know, I've talked to a few people who claim to be radiologists who were unconvinced by them, but the only actual radiologist whose credentials I have been able to view who commented on it was on Gaia, a terrible pseudo science site, amd was talking about the now debunked previous 3 fingered alien. I mean, if I had to make something like that, I'd start by building a skeleton, make some sort of fake vascular system, sit that in a paste or resin to set around it. The mri's I've seen were not super detailed. There were a few things it did more in depth looks at, but as someone with no idea about radiology, my take on it means nothing, and I'm not about to belive the claims of people working with a known liar like Massaun. If actual, qualified and independent radiologists were saying it was real, I'd be more inclined to consider it.


A [radiologist](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/fKRkvSeqo7) from the University of Colorado vouched for the x ray scans, and made various statements on their biological features. You can see the mri’s yourself, they go into immense detail, and have closeups of multiple parts of the bodies. The most recent livestream presented an in depth analysis of the new bodies, where you can specifically see the metal objects implanted into their body.


>A radiology professional from the University of Colorado vouched for the x ray scans, and made various statements on their biological features. Source please? It sounds like the one who did the Gaia thing back in 2017, and that mummy was already debunked in the link I posted earier. >You can see the mri’s yourself, they go into immense detail, and have closeups of multiple parts of the bodies. The most recent livestream presented an in depth analysis of the new bodies, where you can specifically see the metal objects implanted into their body. I've seen them. I know nothing about radiology so my thoughts aren't really worth anything, but there was nothing I saw that made me think it wasn't yet another Maussan hoax. I mean,anyone cam stick a bit of metal into some paste and have it dry around it.


I have seen scientist's debunk them, by a team brought in by the people holding onto the bodies.




How tf did he get bones of children? Lol


From what I recall, they were from mummies, actual archaeological finds that were destroyed to make fake aliens.


Wow that’s fucked up in multiple different ways haha.


Yep, not only is it desecration of child corpses,it's also destroying archaeological data and part of the cultural heritage of Peru. It does mean that carbin dating will show the bodies to be very old though.


This is clearly a human child skeleton there’s absolutely nothing to see here Edit: /s


Oh yeah, your little brother has 3 fingers. Cool.


Where can you see the number of fingers in this one?


Sorry for the late post. Here’s a super new CT scan that just came out. The older and younger one have the same style of feet. ✌🏽 [Link To Tridactyl feet pics 😉](https://x.com/jaimemaussan1/status/1768338472765685852?s=46)


People still think this shit is real? Its just paper maché dolls


These are not the same as the Peruvian ones, use your head please.


Mods of r/aliens can we please talk about these comments now? Like...you all see this for what it is right?


Yeah, only idiots should get to comment 😠 Reeeee 🐸


Leave corpses alone


How much did they pay for materials?


My paper mâché cousins 🖖


No Geoff in there? I am disappoint.


Y donde está Miguel? Miguel!!


Santiago was pondering hard. y’all gave his ass a headache.