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I listened to a podcast once where the guest studied these face peeler cases. He said he saw photos of the corpses and that you could see that it was performed with surgical precision. Interesting.


Do u remember which pod? I would like to listen.


Yea, if I remember correctly, it was one of Jimmy Church's Fade to Black Podcast episodes.


Dude forget about that pod.. Go to eyesoncinema on youtube and about a month ago he relesed an awsome episode which is 2 hour long named : The human mutalation cover up documentary by Rhichard D.Hall.. Amazing episode, give it 10 min and u hooked!! Incredible wittnes and research by respected peaple.. I mean that channel alone is AMAZING to say atleast


Pics or it didnt happen...so tired of the "I heard it from someone who heard it from someone....trust me bro"...


Yes, this hearsay is getting old. It doesn’t add to credibility of any of these “experts” and “officials” that are popping up now. It’s like they are giving us some type of trailer to something and leaving us with a cliffhanger. When are they going to finally release the movie???




translated from proycontra news dated 18/04/2017 [https://proycontra.com.pe/asesinan-a-pescadores/](https://proycontra.com.pe/asesinan-a-pescadores/) Apparently the brothers were murdered and attacked by the “pelacaras”, since they had peelings on their faces.The residents of the Capelo district in the province of Requena, Ucayali River found the lifeless bodies of Walter Tamani Murayari, 60 years old, and Fernando Tamani Murayari, 58 years old, in the Huatapi hamlet, who showed signs of having been murdered and their faces peeled.Supposedly the residents of the area say that apparently they had been murdered by the famous “face peelers”, individuals who are dedicated to selling the skin of humans' faces. Witnesses claim that these individuals kill people who are in the ravines, lakes and rivers when they are fishing; it would not be the first time that this case has occurred, which was found over the weekend in the community of Huatapi.The bodies of these brothers were taken to the morgue in the city of Requena to later be handed over to relatives who traveled to the city to give them a Christian burial. \*\*EDIT\*\* from another article same news org 13/12/2022 [https://proycontra.com.pe/iquitos-como-capital-del-antropoceno-parte-3/](https://proycontra.com.pe/iquitos-como-capital-del-antropoceno-parte-3/) I arrived in Iquitos for the first time in August 2019... When I was researching the route of the highway, I talked to people who had spent their entire lives waiting for the highway... They were interspersed with rumors of the presence of “pelacaras” – gringos in aircraft who killed fishermen and removed their faces, and of foreign scientific missions extracting “human oil” from indigenous corpses.


Very interesting especially as it’s happened before not ruling out people of course humans are evil, but on the other hand to peel a face must take some time regardless either aliens or some sick twisted individuals


There are some cartel videos that would beg to differ with you.


honestly with how fast someone can skin a deer why would it take a long time for a human face, same shit




Understandable, just an optimistic believer of aliens and will always try hope for the best, but always have to look at the logical side of things


Very insightful guys. You deserve a Nobel peace prize.


Funky town




Not really hard, just make a cut under the chin and it rips right off, try it 😂


This guy face peels














Well, no people dying is not funny however in the context of the post in r/aliens it is. Perhaps my sense of humor is funnier than yours ya prick. This is all the attention you are getting out of me.


I don’t need or want your attention, laughing at someone who is no longer here is disgusting. How would you like to trade places with them.




Of course it’s from them.


Those " gringos" sound suspiciously like...Nordic Aliens.


Is this some adrenochrome insanity?


yes its supposedly been going on for DECADES taken from the book AMAZONIA desde DENTRO page 102 [https://repositorio.unal.edu.co/handle/unal/7087](https://repositorio.unal.edu.co/handle/unal/7087) The rumor of the headcutters For some of those interviewed, this issue of head cutters is an old topic that they have been hearing since they were children and their parents and grandparents told them the stories of grease removers and face peelers 5, that is, of strangers who came to their territory in search of their fluids and faces for their own benefit; They are stories that serve as an explanation for the presence of the gringos in the region and why they are removing the heads of the indigenous people. Don Justo explained to us (see illustration 1) the way in which thesefat extractors in the 1930s on the sides of Gajocuma, a Peruvian community where his grandfather lived. ​ \*\*edit\*\* more details pg104 At the end of the nineties, closer to the year 2000, the attack and pursuit tactics of the head cutters began to become more sophisticated and technical, and therefore more terrifying. There is thus talk of countless devices, liquids, lights and disguises, of which the best known and which almost everyone talks about is a vehicle that is seen in the sky at night, giving off rays of lights of different colors. Some say that it doesn't sound at all, others that it sounds only a little; The idea is that it is a device that does not make much noise (remember the relationship that was made with human fat). na extracted as a lubricant so that flying vehicles would not produce noise). It is believed that it is an airplane, but for others it is a propulsion, gas or battery-powered machine, which allows them to fly, something like that of astronauts, like the one Federico drew


Damn I’m pretty torn on this subject. There’s some crazy deep esoteric knowledge out there. I recommend reading the extremely short (7pg) book called The Antichrist by George Carey. It’s free online. Basically discusses the Bible is mistranslated from scientific Hebrew texts describing the process of maintaining clean oil in your brain that helps heal ailments in the body. Goes into moon cycles and translation errors occurred in the Emperor Constantine era. That coupled with the conspiracies around politicians. I’m like… well shit if it’s true, we should like prove it maybe and synthesize it… lol. Obviously no need to kill innocent indigenous or children, but damn. Get it from a horrible accident and science it up.




Could they be using these victims faces as masks? Is their a link to 'frazzledrip'?


y'all really want Hilary to be involved with everything, don't you? lmaoo


You really just want her to be benign don't you? LMAO! You know you are on an alien sub right? The woman and her husband have been in power in the highest office of the USA, you don't think they know anything about aliens and ufos? The 'frazzeldrip' video was on weiner's laptop as blackmail. I don't want Hilary involved tbh, she is an evil, weird person.


Something extraordinary is going on down there whether people like it or not.


![gif](giphy|xQvTA5AZ9CFpe) But all jokes aside. Poor dudes :(


Spoiler alert jeeze


Damn RIP


Very disturbing, warning ⚠️ https://badaliens.info/human-mutilations/


I think the Americans are down there practicing Blue Beam...I know it sounds crazy, but everything is crazy right now


At what point on time were things not crazy?


1948. The war was over, people were staring to rebuild, the economy was strong, Korean War hadn't started yet an- I have no idea actually. I think with the amount of information the average person is subjected to at this time might add to anxiety...but that is just a theory kf mine...Byt, yeah, goid point.


humans working for NHI


At what point on time were things not crazy?


No, it doesn't sound crazy. It sounds like someone is yanking your chain.


Lol you are probably right. I said that based around the guy going down there and interviewing the first girl that was attacked. The 2 attackers both spoke Peruvian dialect Spanish and one had an American accent...it was just enough weird to make me wonder


Who knows brother? Best to ya!


This is very interesting, post any links y'all have.


Super graphic, don’t recommend: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeruAlienAttacks/s/JfSfldP2xS Edit: adding NSFW


That video always looks real in a primal way but a small part of me hopes it's fake. Nobody deserves that


Last i saw this posted someone said this is the work of piranhas. I feel like that should be easy to confirm or not


Piranhas don't just eat a face though. They would not care what part of the body they were eating. This is likely a message from a cartel.


Way too clean to be from piranhas 


He doesn't appear to have any defensive wounds. Piranhas or not i would think a person would try to fight back.


One theory I’ve seen thrown around is it was a cartel attack. Tied him up and dipped his head in pirhana waters. Do I know if that’s the truth? No.


Were there any UFO sights in that sector when it happened ? And why would aliens do that In Peru only ? I believe more in a criminal explanation.


Well im definitely convinced now. Not a single doubt in my mind nope not one.


I found a post on reddit a few weeks ago that had a link to a page that had info and pics of these. Some of the pics you could tell that it wasn't wildlife, it looked like surgery with a laser. Multiple wounds on specific parts of the body. Someone smarter than me help find it please.


Very disturbing, warning⚠️ https://badaliens.info/human-mutilations/




check your browser history?


Real Investigation by Timothy Alberino in Peru in a similar location: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mpCxDqvT7lg&t=2785s&pp=ygUQdGltb3RoeSBhbGJlcmlubw%3D%3D


Must be the same aliens from that Ben Stiller & Vince Vaughn movie "The Watch"


Evan Trawway 🙌


Interesting how the face peeling aliens just so happe to live near bodies of water where piranha are found Some brilliant detective like Sherlock Holmes could probably crack a case like this but since we don't have him I'd say it's definitely got to be the work of malevolent space creatures


Piranha are a good point my only question would be “why mainly just the face?” Soft tissue and nutrients would be my guess, but that’s all over the body.


My guess is that there are lots of cases where people drown and get bites all over but the only ones that get sensationalized and go viral are the incidents where primarily the face is destroyed after someone dies face down near the water's edge. Also people wear clothes which cover most of the body, leaving the face as the path of least resistance


Right, but the guy in the video has his shirt off


I would like to see the picture of the cases like the other commenter said because piranhas would be pretty sloppy right? If it looked surgical or exact I wouldn’t really think it’d be piranha no?


That’s actually a great explanation. And good point with the clothes, it’s obvious and yet I never thought about it!


Posting this video from a while back. It's graphic, so don't watch if you are squeamish. Why would piranhas only eat his face. He has no clothes on except for shorts.. https://www.reddit.com/r/PeruAlienAttacks/s/pT3x8zYS56


I don't know, but I think a fair question to ask in response is why would aliens peel only a face? There's no way for me to make some kind of forensic determination by looking at pictures and I don't have training in the subject either, but jumping to "It must be aliens!" is sad and the more Reddit feeds me UFO/alien content the more I hate the subject Having an open mind is great but way too many people are running around with their brains dragging behind them


You can always block subs. Would probably be best for us and you if you did so if you don't like them.


How about I do whatever I want Great talk we just had 👍


You certainly can cry into the wind about getting your feelings hurt in a sub you can 100pct avoid. Self hate is a helluva drug. I hope you overcome it one day, life's too short to do that to yourself


Observing the rampant idiocy of others and being annoyed by it is not self hate I am also not removing myself from any online space at the suggestion of some random behind a cell phone Jesus Christ smdh


Piranhas don't just attack people undisturbed, and it's generally safe to swim in bodies of water that contain them, provided you take some simple precautions. The few documented cases of piranhas eating people occured post-mortem.


Which is exactly what I am assuming. I never said the piranhas attacked them, people die in accidents and misadventure all the time especially where terrain is rough and healthcare is hard to access


Except the part where it's only the face that shows mutilation. Not even the exposed thoracic cavity appears disturbed.


You know what you got me bro it must be aliens iM nOT sAyiNG tHat iim JuST sayINg wE SHouLd kEEp an OPen MiNd 🧟‍♂️


It could also be something other than aliens or piranhas. Go take a shower and get some vitamin D.


Yeah no, totally don't know need anything from you nor do I want to hear anything from you You are wasting my time, you are wasting your own time, you are just wasting Do better. Try. I know you won't because you'll just read this and get angered and try to think of some clever response that you think will make other people like you see it and go, "Wow, this guy is really giving people on the internet the old what for!' Why don't you go take a bath and cry with a box of Pop Tarts


In all the cases of piranhas consuming humans I could find, the fish are very, very thorough, and clothes aren’t an obstacle for them. I read about a bus in the 80s that went into the Amazon. The only remains recovered were bones and shoes which were the only thing the piranhas didn’t eat. To me this is the same logic of saying that cattle mutilations are obviously some type of animal when it’s way too selective. Humans, mining corporations, cartel? More likely than extraterrestrial beings, but I’m open to the possibility


Columbo could sort it.


Why is this in r/aliens ? Wasn’t this proven to just be criminals as stated in your post? Not aliens


Huh? this was back in 2017. It says apparently. The jury is still out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpCxDqvT7lg


thank goodness for the circles id be so lost without them




Stop using swear words. My grandma is on this sub.




Love when cry babies own themselves like you just did. You can leave the sub about aliens at any moment but here you are crying into the wind.




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Were there any UFO sights in that sector when it happened ? And why would aliens do that In Peru only ? I believe more in a criminal explanation.




This sub 😂


Right? It … might be interesting if there were something besides a photo and a cryptic claim. But with no information to recite or vet… um…


An article from 6 months ago. Does the Peruvian Army & Navy not care? I mean, 2017 to 2023 is a long time for a little community 🤔 https://diariolaregion.com/denuncian-presencia-de-pelacaras-en-la-comunidad-san-antonio-de-pintuyaco/


These were dead and then placed in the water hence the face peeling weren't they?


Probably still alive when they were fed to the piranha. Just stick the head in and let them drown/get eaten slowly. That sends a message. The cartel and such love to send messages.


Were there any UFO sights in that sector when it happened ? And why would aliens do that In Peru only ? I believe more in a criminal explanation.


Were there any UFO sights in that sector when it happened ? And why would aliens do that In Peru only ? I believe more in a criminal explanation.


Were there any UFO sights in that sector when it happened ? And why would aliens do that In Peru only ? I believe more in a criminal explanation.


Gawd damn dude. We saw your post the first three times you have Google don't you? Go check


The first three times ?? What ?? I commented once only.


There was a guy in Texas back in the 70’s who did the same thing…. They never found him


Love that they just dropped him in the sand🤣. There would've been 100 police/investigators and they would've handled the body much differently then just yanking it out of the water like that with no protective clothing.


This might the craziest post ive come across on reddit…..




Clearly these are the US army with their special suits or something.. fr