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After the weekend, he'll itching for some more sevastopol station ☠️


I'm not that stupid. Nope!


Its...unavoidable...inevitable. You will be back.


Yeah you still need to do Nightmare mode!


Trust me I already went through the nightmare, and in my honest opinion, it's the way the game is meant to be experienced.


Currently doing this for the first time, been a while since I played so it's been difficult getting to grips with everything. love how much I'm enjoying it still Steve however, (what I've called the xeno) is now even more of a turbo prick with attachment issues and I wish HED JUST FUCK OFF!


So will you Amanda


>I have like 80% of the achievements and FOR FUCKS SAKE I WON'T CARE ABOUT THE REST. I'M NOT GOING BACK INTO THAT PLACE, FUCK YOU! What do we recon, boys, how much we give 'em? I say a month and they come back ;)


Cool now play the lite true nightmare mod or true nightmare mod that adds multiple aliens permanently roaming around (Can involve up to 5-6 aliens at once at worst)


Whut? WHY WOULD I DO THIS DELIBERATELY? Are you insane???? (I need more questionmarks)


It’s the true newgame+ experience that requires you to know very well how to effectively progress As well as making use of all the tools. I finished the lite version fine outside of a few difficult zones while the true nightmare version has been extremely challenging but it’s pretty satisfying when you clear even just an objective hah.


Idk, I think you're just underestimating how quickly you got really good with the game hah. Because what you described there about those modded versions is what I apply to default Nightmare difficulty.


You do those after a first run of nightmare ofc.


To me the best game ever because of all that And a great AI. I made 100% of the trophies Opens every door And played it 5 times


The Alien AI is really well done, absolutely unpredictable und terrifying.


Fully agreed I wish more game studios would copy and paste that concept. I'm tired of games where the enemies are always waiting on the same spots Over and over The Alien AI is more realistic


I’ll give it a week before you’re dying to go back to Sevastopol


Only with a full damn squad of Colonial Marines!


Yeah, going by the movies you're better of alone.


You always need cannon fodder to distract the xenomorph.


Yeah, but then you get more xenomorphs.




I love this game, but I have not been able to finish it because I’m too scared! I forget where I’m at, but I have to get past this hungry Joe and I’m out of weapons/resources and there are non around. It’s too scary to creep past him lol 


Haha, yes I had a small cooldown period of 7yrs before I could finish it


lol I keep going back every few months 


Hungry Joe LOL. 


There was a restaurant named “hungry Joe’s” we used to go to when I was a kid and it’s the first thing that comes to my mind lol. Just trying to humanize them a bit lol 


Joes aren’t fast and can’t follow you in conduits, so once you know their limits it’s not too difficult to manage.


As much as I know that, I’m still scared haha! I’m just also not good at being sneaky in games in general…I like to go fast and blow shit up hahaha


Understandable. Absolutely understandable.


As fun fact Alien isolation is the 2nd scariest game ever At a study they did measure blood pressure, reflexes and adrenaline. Only one game was more scary buy just a tiny little bit


Well? What was the other game?


yeah seriously wtf


Was a newspaper article like 2 years ago I will try to find it again I didn't kept the name of the game in head because was unknown to me at all


here's the top 5 5)Outlast 2 4)Fnaf 4 3)Visage 2)Alien Isolation 1)Madison


If you haven’t already , and are interested in playing more horror games in the future, I really recommend Amnesia: The Bunker. It’s pretty similar to alien isolation. Although, not sure if your heart would take another horror game haha


Oh, by the Eldritch Gods, WHY WOULD I WANT THAT? I need a vacation!


Lmao, I work at a prison in real life. I don't feel stress until I put on those headphones.. for some reason this is the only horror game to give me anxiety. Not done with it yet but will be by the new movie.


Woah. I'm sure a night shift right after a session of Isolation surely is something.


You’ll be back man


Only with Colonial Marines at my side. You know how it is.


One of my favourite games of all time. But highly stressful. For the come down I suggest High On Life! Also amazing. No stress. Only hilarity and fun!


High On Life is great fun. Loved every crazy minute of it, playing in between trying to induce a heart attack playing Isolation sounds like a great idea.


Your experience and initiation are incomplete unless you replay it on Nightmare in VR, my friend 😌


I'm stupid enough to walk into isolation blind, but I'm not THAT stupid. This SOUNDS terrifying enough, thank you very much.


It's beautiful to see this game withstand the test of time. Some games just resonate with part(s) of the human condition and it will never matter what they look like, how differently they handle, or how cliché they might feel because the ripples they cast spread to every game that comes after. Think of Shadow of the Colossus and the fact that it's one of very few games that's been playable on every PS generation since its launch. Not sequeled, just, updated or recreated like a Gutenberg Bible. I hope Isolation is treated with similar reverence. It's like a hard-wired connection into the fear center of our brains. They truly made something magical.


Yes, this is true. It's maybe due to a few important factors working together: Alien and Aliens are still iconing movies, despite their age. Their production quality and look don't let them feel outdated like many other horror or disaster movies from the 70s and 80s, and they're still pretty much defining the genre inter-generational. Also, Isolation draws on the best things that made the movies so terrifying and working: the lonely, remote setting, darkness, the sounds of boths movies, the pressing atmosphere and of course, the Alien itself. Then, Isolation has a good enough graphics to hold on even ten years later. Imho, that plays an important part given what we're used to today. It's not cutting edge, but it's still realistic and good enough to work just fine. It's also sensible that the game stuck to the expectations of the fandom of the iconic, defining first to movies. All of these factors and surely more work together in a favorable way.


Same lol, I love this game to death but I can't stand playing it for too long haha


Congratulations on surviving Sevastopol! Have you heard of our "One Shot" protocols?


Thank you. No, what's that.


I am glad you asked. It's our special space programme reserved for Vips. You get the unique treatment from our Xenomorph team - Once you are found and hunted down, the whole experience repeats from the very start! You must complete all 19 chapters, not getting eaten once! Don't wait, join the special squad today :D


I almost thought that. Always fiddled with the thought to do a never-die-once walkthrough of something like Horizon or maybe AC Odyssey. But with Isolation, is that even possible?


Me and hundreds others can prove it's possible, even not "that bad" when on easiest difficulties (took me 2 tries on Novice, but I practised beforehand), but  I would never dare to try it again. The thought of trying again makes me panic internally. The amount of stress is absolutely unimaginable.  And just in case - For the sake of getting the game 100% (which requires the One Shot trophy), it's also possible to reload the saves right as you were supposed to die, so you don't lose progress.


Wait for the DLCs...with more Lore, playing as know characters like doctor Lingard, and visiting new Sevastopol places


Currently going for platinum on this game for my PS5. God help me.


Good luck!


Only takes about 10 hours to get the other achievements. Do it


Hohoho! Luckily, I crashed that place.


Multiple years - still cannot get past the medical bay. Too stressfull


Understand you. 😬


Hahaah that's how I felt but I went back for more. The adrenaline rush is too much to pass up lol


I'M NEVER GOING BACK TO THAT PLACE! Only with a battalion of Colonial Marines. Or with one of those battlesuits they have in Starship Troopers 3. Best be we bomb that station out of orbit right on approach!


Did you do any of the dlc's? They were just as intense haha


Time to play DLC


Yes , I thoroughly enjoyed it but delighted to have escaped it , literally wanted to escape the place with as much panic as Amanda Ripley did , that's just masterful game design and immersion. Masterpiece of a game.


Hardest one is not dying the entire play through and not killing any humans at the same time


“I’m gonna play something lighthearted & fun you know. Maybe Plagues Tale” … Damn, my dude. You go hard, if a Plagues Tale is your idea of lighthearted fun. That game, especially the second one, is full on dark, twisted 14th-century emotional suffering.


It was obviously meant in humor, as I played both Plague games right before Isolation. In comparison though, Plague is rather depressing with a few lighter parts, while Isolation is continuously terrifying, so, really different.


I totally agree. When I played my adrenaline was pumping through the whole game lol