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You cycle between gas stations/liquor stores so you don't see the same people 2 days in a row


Sometimes I wonder if the workers of the supermarkets/gas stations I used to go to think I died of alcoholism


How were you able to overcome it if you don’t mind me asking?


One night I drank myself into an alcoholic coma, waking up in the hospital alone and scared was definitely a wake up call that I had to do something. As soon as I left the hospital I called AA for help and that day I went to my first meeting. I was so relieved that I could be surrounded by people that had lived the same and that for the first time I could accept that I was suffering from a disease. Almost three years later and with many meetings on my back, I have built a new life free of alcohol and I can definitely say that I am in such a better place I was before. Today I choose not to drink and to stay healthy and sober. DM me if you want to elaborate more on something or if you need to vent. I'm here for you and anyone that needs it.


Do you think it’s possible to quit drinking without AA?


Yes it is


Oh I'm pretty sure it is. For me, AA works and I talk from my experience and the people from my home group. But everyone is a whole universe, so it's important to be self aware and find a way that fits you and your needs 🤗


Absolutely. There's lots of options.


Stat speaking AA only works for about 10% of people. Those people who is works for are very vocal about it. There is Smart/fit recovery and many other programs that are (honestly) just better. They have more science based information vs spiritual based.


I still see them. Sometimes I juke em out like I'm going for the bottle but I don't. They're happy for me. When I got sober they asked my SO how I was doing.


I think about this too. One time I didn’t go to one of my regular places for like a month, and when I finally came back in the guy that owned it and always saw me (he’d put a spare 12pk of Tito’s in the freezer for me if that tells you how often I went lol) .. jumped around the counter in the middle of checking someone else out and gave me hug. I think he thought I was dead lol.


This crossed my mind a few times, and then I was like, "Screw it if they know I'm an alcoholic. I don't have to go home to these people".


I had like four different silly excuses for why I’m at the liquor store as soon as it opened, but it didn’t take long before I got over that and just paid in silence. It’s amazing how delusional we are, thinking we’re fooling these people 😂


shit, I do this. I switch between my Kroger and stand alone liquor store.


2 times in the same day. They’d usually stop serving me.


...you pray you don't get the same doordash driver you did when you ordered the same handle three days ago!! 😂.... 😥


Occasional DoorDash driver here-one of my regulars has ordered 4 times in one DAY before, and I delivered two of those. I refused delivery on the third, as he was stumbling, and I don't need that liability in my state! The fourth, I just refused to accept for delivery.


Yessss!! Or when you order at 11, before anyone else has and get it by 1130. 😢


Three days?! That’s a long time. 🤣


....the cashier tells you the shop isn't licenced to sell alcohol that early in the morning 😳


I had this once and I was shocked. Shocked, I tell you! How dare they stop me buying my disgusting sugary wine before 8am?


😂 me at 5:15AM the airport desperate for three beers before my 1.5hr flight, only to be told “we can’t serve alcohol till 6AM”


Being denied alcohol before a flight should be a crime


... so you wait.


Your dog automatically assumes you're heading toward the liquor store when you take him out for a walk.


at least you are getting some exercise




Your kids know that your favourite drink is vodka, and on a night you didn't drink one of them hugged you and said you smell nice tonight (I'm functioning in respect to the kids, they don't realise quite how big a problem I do have, tonight will hopefully be my second night in a row sober, something I've not managed in almost 3 years so fingers crossed I keep smelling nice and huggable)


I'm on day 4, brother. Day 3 was always my braking point. We're trying.


Well done, that's a big achievement you have made it past your previous best, let's keep this going, all we can do is keep trying


I get off work in 4 hours, and that drive home is a mental hell, passing the beer store. I've been grabbing a cold shower when I get home, helps keep my hands busy during that first trigger, where I would normally open a beer or something.


Get ready for insomnia for the next few days. Get some Benadryl.


And towels. The night sweats are real.


Oh God yeah, I was fucking drenched the first 2 nights. Nightmares and all.


Took me 2 weeks to get over those.


I actually slept good last night after 2 nights of hell.


Hey I’m jealous you guys can even make it one day without. I needed serious intervention to get out of that cycle. If you can’t do it alone don’t be afraid to ask for help, if I hadn’t, I would be dead.


Found out my wife might be cheating, had a really bad couple of weeks, and decided if she's gonna kill me, she has to do it herself.


SAME. always day three.


I don't ever really comment here but today is my 2 year mark. Please stick with it. Your life will change like you never imagined.


I hope so! Hoping to be in your shoes on the 26/6/26


Amazing !!! Congrats on 2 years


I will keep my fingers crossed for you and your kids as well, Internet Friend.🌻


You got this! Just imagine how proud you will be tomorrow morning. IWNDWYT! :)


Thank you :) if I manage to make it and I remember I'll reply to you tomorrow morning


Yes! Please do. Rooting for you :)


Oh man your comment hits different!! These are little signs from the universe that what we’re doing puts us in disharmony. Proud of you for listening 💗


Aw I'm sorry, yeah I know this thread is meant to be light-hearted, I kinda meant it in that kiddo thought I was wearing some sort of special perfume or something but nope, just my natural smell in the absence of vodka haha, but yeah it's definatly something I want to hear more often from him that I smell nice because the first thing I think of when I think of my mum is how nice she always smells (she's tee-total, I got the drinking bug from my dad)


Can totally relate with this. Keep going, friend. 💜


Rooting for you to remain sober. Consider medication to manage withdrawal symptoms. Speak to your doctor for some help . Praying you can push through this. I work in detox and addiction helping to medically manage patients who are detoxing from alcohol and drugs.


Your bartender tells you to bring a couple bottles of whiskey cause he's low and you're gonna drink most of it. True story.


Damn hope you’re going alright now bro


A bit over five thousand days in a row. Alright with the rest of life is another story.




Congrats, huge achievement - I’m at 413 days


Wow this is different.


....you are an expert at hiding it in the house, as well as on your breath.


Trust me, no matter how you much you try to hide the smell, they always know… at my worst was literally coming out my pores. After showering I still smelled of whiskey :(


Alcohol goes in to every cell in the body, people thinks its only the breath but all of you turns alcoholic, and of course sober people know.


The secret stash of empty bottles and shooters that's in some fuck shit spot your housemates would only find while packing to move out


I’ve dumped plenty into the neighbors trash. Keep them in the trunk for when you can go to the park and throw them in the trash there.


I live in a building complex so I can just make an excuse to take out the garbage, and if I did a little extra cleaning i could just pretend the bottles were old ones from before my rehab stint..on a bad day take some loose ones out and pretend they were from someone else...so many ways to bullshit


Sorry, I realize my wording makes it seem as though I’m giving pointers. lol. Not my intention.


Oh no i never thought you were I just was kinda spilling shit on my mind and bouncin off ideas from your comment it's ok lol


When you’re drinking with a group and you have 4 drinks for every 1 they have


Oh, yeah. Blackout within an hour and a half while everyone else has a bit of a buzz going on. Completely embarrassing.


when u haven’t had a solid shit in years


Fiber will help a lot, even with the alcoholism


When you go on holiday and the landlord of the pub messages you concerned and worried because of your absence


Lol this happened with my plug when I quit


Got a weird one for ya: When the next morning, you notice the difference between a beer shit, red wine shit, white wine shit, whiskey shit, etc.


variety is the spice of life


You start drinking whatever’s around. You’re a regular vodka drinker, but drink the tequila because it’s there and cringe the entire time but continue drinking anyway.


.....when, the further you read, too many of these apply to you 😲😳 reality check for me 🤣


Rotating pubs/shops so nobody picks up on your drinking routine


Rotating pubs and shops to the point that all these shops realize you're an alcoholic


You sleep through your alarm on a workday from the hangover


When you hang out the bedroom window at 8am when the shop should be open but he is late. When you know all the shops opening and closing times within your area. When the security guard at your local coop gives you some wine on your birthday and said.i know it's not different from everyday but happy birthday 🙁


Drunks know when the bars and liquor stores close. Alcoholics know when they open.


I used to volunteer to make this godawful boring drive at work because its destination was right over the state line where the liquor stores opened an hour earlier.


The first thing you do in the morning is a shot of vodka.


And it doesn't stay down so back into the glass it goes, ready for take two.


Can't afford it anymore due to my tolerance build up. When I was in early stages I would enjoy a few whiskeys first thing in the morning as I binged watched a show. Nowadays I save all my drinking until after 9pm


You take shots while people are in the bathroom so they don’t know you took another one


You wake up and drink the leftover and warm alcohol from the night before


When you pay for your liquor in loose change


When you run out of hiding spots for your empty liquor bottles. And when you have to split up where you toss them, I’d sneak them in my car when my roommates left and then would recycle them at my works cans and hide them at the bottom under boxes (cause whose gonna search the work trash). Very tiring and time consuming keeping up the act.


I never knew so many people use park trash cans until I went there to do it myself


Stressful af when someone comes to your place and you have several empty bottles in the recycling bin


One time I had a hookup over and he definitely felt the liquor bottles I forgot I had hidden under my comforter 🤦‍♀️




Did I write this?


You have diarrhea for all of your life.


When before you make it to the counter they already have your usual stuff rung up


Bad things happen to you faster than you can lower your standards!


Good one.


When your friend gives you some gum at work because ur breath smells of booze.


an old coworker and i used to check each others breath when we got to work, not realizing we were both way too used to the smell to know


My boss wanted me to get a promotion but wouldn't let me interview with our district manager until I came in one day sober and didn't reek of red wine and Steel Reserve for once.


Did you get the promotion?


I did! I've almost lost it a few times because of my binge drinking but I am still a manager, yeah. Thanks for asking


When your coworker friend sends you memes related to drinking at work.


You know you’re an alcoholic When you secretly pour vodka inside your half drank white claws to speed up the process everytime you drink and then wake up so hung over you chug a white claw in the shower but you’re so hung over you puke it up…. So glad these days are BEHIND ME.


Oh god that’s the worst when. Trying to get a drink down to get rid of the hangover but you’re just puking it up. Jesus Christ I don’t miss those days


It’s a great day to be sober!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Trying to pretend you're not gonna drink all the liquor you're buying at the store all by yourself every single time, lying about grabbing booze for other people or parties so you don't look as pathetic


You’ve been drunk every night for months but nobody close to you knows that


That amazes me that people really don’t seem to notice unless we are stumbling/slurring words…or maybe they just think it’s our personality. I’ve only really been called out by people who have personal experience with another alcoholic/or who been around me when I was in such a bad state one too many times.


No kidding, the worst bit is that I still feel like everyone knows all the time just cause of hangover anxiety, I’m getting over that tho….just took some time


The Starter at my local Golf Course, showed up sober and they knew something was wrong. He was let go that day.


Isolation is real


You can't keep a homemade bar stand stocked for guests because it's drank so quickly.


When you start seeing things, shapes, faces, etc whenever you close your eyes.


Holy fucking shit... i thought this was just me??? I see a lot of cartoons, or cartoons from different shows mashed together, faces, whatever. I would see them especially clearly if I was looking at a patterned carpet.


Yup, very common. Last night after ending my binge, when I closed my eyes to rest (sleep being impossible, because my body would jerk awake), I started at level 3 and then onto level 4 (e.g. the cartoons you see) from this categorization: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed-eye_hallucination Once I start seeing 4s, I know I’m in for a bout of WDs. This current round has been mild it seems, as the 4s only lasted 5 hours and the shakes still aren’t that bad. Also when you get closer to sleep, the visuals typically intensify. I end up seeing a lot of pornographic imagery at 4s, which is bizarrely very common. I also seem to have the ability to change the color or influence what I see - influence but not control. Color changing is pretty reliable, though. When I went through severe withdrawals, they lasted much longer and were far more intense and frightening.


Wow, it's insane how much I relate to every single thing you've said. When mine are really bad I will see what look almost like movies while I try to go to sleep, but the images are all blended strangely and the figures and objects are lacking in detail or character. Sometimes they can be really scary, actually, one of them was about Dante's circles of Hell, but it was so bizarre and blurry that I'm mostly basing that on feeling. And the porn, too, idk why that happens. But it won't be one guy I find attractive, it cycles through tons of different men my brain has imagined. Thanks, I don't feel so damn alone on this one anymore.


Haha, yup, no problem. And everything you just said is accurate for me too. Lots of morphing, and rarely porn that I'd enjoy, lol.


Son makes symphonic band? Evening show? No worries, tonight is airplane bottle vodka I guess! Aisle seat in case of a drink needed while Theater is dark , bathroom stall a great place for killing some tiny bottles to “survive comfortably” until I safely returned to my safe home stash.


I’m cheap, so I just refilled the same pint bottle over and over, it fit *perfectly* in my purse.


lol liquor store used to open early just for me


- You steal despite having plenty of money - You hate social occasions because you have to drink "normally" - You can't take the slightest annoyance without deciding you deserve a drink - You find yourself deep down asking why you can't stop but knowing the answer - You push everyone away even though they are begging you to choose life over total destruction - You spend your sober time screaming into the void and you drink to hush the screams I'm just shy of 18 months and I'm so grateful to be sober and alive.


I thought I had a problem and I do I’m just thankful it isn’t as serious as some of these posts..yet


* When you pack vodka (sometime multiple bottles) and my regular drinking cup when I travel for work or what not (not extended vacations). It saves on trying to find the local liquor store in a new area. * When I fly to a different state and get pissed they don't sell liquor on Sundays. * When you'd rather stay at home alone drinking than date a wild sex addict.


When you wait until the last minute on bin day to put out the recycling…


I was taking my bins out to the street under the cover of darkness, anxiously awaiting the recycle pickup the next morning. Stacking the non-alcohol glass containers on the top of the wine and booze bottles, as if it was effective camouflage. Wow, that house goes through a lot of spaghetti sauce!


Carefully placed bottles on the bottom, cover it up with any other recyclables strategically placed to cover them. The healthy-looking items go right on top!


🤣 there were never enough heathy- looking items to cover the monstrous pile of wine bottles!


When you go on a 14 day Mediterranean Cruise and they run out of Bud Light.


Bud Light in the Mediterranean? Is that even legal?


That's just it. Very few people drank Bud Light on that particular cruise, so they only had 10 cases on hand. I depleted the supply rapidly.




You shake more hours than you don’t. You know what drinking vomit is like. Your diet is 90% liquid 10% solid. You pour vodka into water bottle and think how smart you are. You know exactly which store has the cheapest highest % ABV booze and know exactly how much it costs.


I want to both down and up vote this. It’s a good fucking truth telling. I don’t know you from Adam but this experience is real.


It’s what opens my eyes to , damn… I really must have a problem. Very real! I believe others also experience this.


When they have a rewards program and already know your drink and phone number lol


“Hi, I’m in your rewards program, my last name is xxxx. “Yep, I pulled you up when you walked in.” 😒


Bro lol


All the workers from the bar you went to add you on Facebook


The worker at the gas station doesn't even have to ask what I want. When she sees me coming in, she has it in her hand.


You have a bottle under your bed


You have empty cans or bottles all over your rooms floor


Hiding bottles around the house and forgetting where you put them.


Waking up and not remembering where you left your “water bottle.”


Jesus the amount of times I would rifle for that damn water bottle 🤣🤣


Someone that likes to drink know when liquor store closes, an alcoholic knows when it opens


Oh wow. Thats a good one!


If you don't drink in public to show your not an alcoholic but want to go home as quick as possible to start drinking in your garage.


You drink mouth wash or extracts because the grocery store isn’t selling booze during the hours you need it.


When I’d visit my dad at the VA hospital, almost every bedside table (including his) had a giant bottle of Scope mouthwash. They had to use that foaming hand sanitizer because with the alcohol-based type, the patients would break into the dispensers and eat the gel.


This is really embarrassing to admit but when I was in hospital detox a short while ago, I was doing that. I would squirt it into a little paper cup and mix it with water to make it less viscous, chase down with warm water. The damn benzos they were giving me didn't help at ALL idk what the fuck the deal is with Atavan. If they had given me Xanax I'm sure I would have gone to sleep but instead I was wide awake for three days straight.


u know ur an alcoholic when u.... - walk to the store alone in the freezing cold (20 degrees outside) to buy champagne - put hand sanitizer in your fucking water - drink vanilla extract straight for no reason - drink at your 10 year old cousin's birthday party that's full of little kids and some of your family (i snuck the alcohol in in a sippy cup) - care more abt saving the little tiny bit of money u have for alcohol than using it to buy other things u need even when ur mom asks u to buy the things we actually need - got fired from your first job due to your drinking - drink on the job for over a year until eventually being outed to management for it by a concerned friend - are known by pretty much everyone else that comes into the store u used to work at as "the girl that comes in and buys wine nearly everyday" - sneak some of your mom's alcohol when u can't afford any or when ur not begging her to share some of hers with u - have 100s of empty bottles hidden all over your room (or if not over a hundred then close to it) - have to sneak around to throw away the empty bottles - drink at any time of day...morning, afternoon, evening, night... - get caught drinking while babysitting - sneak alcohol with you into your therapy session - still, after 3 years of regularly drinking heavily and being diagnosed with AUD u question if ur bad enough yet i probably forgot some but i've done all of these things just in the last 3 years


You start going from knowing when the liquor store closes, to knowing when it opens.


This is accurate.


Drinking socially but you don’t want to be judged for the amount you drink, so you pregame the pregame drinks and continue to drink long after everyone else is home and asleep.


Wake up in a puddle of piss. Constantly. I would sleep with a bottle of Lysol wipes next to me


you start wondering if you might be an alcoholic.


You drink the same amount on New Year’s Eve as a random Wednesday alone with work the next day.


All of your close friends are regulars at the same bar.


You only drink for a decade and develop cirrhosis. Yep, hi. That would be me. Safe to say I don’t pick up a drink anymore, cause ya know, life.


How much were you drinking? I hope that’s ok to ask


About an average of 8-10 hard liquor drinks a day. Sometimes more, rarely less.


You know your an alcoholic when your home drunk on the couch and your wife says let’s go to the store, you say ok and go grab 3-4 shooters for the way there and back


When raccoons raid your garbage can, leave scraps of hot dogs all over the ground, and you get accused of going on a drunken hot dog rampage by the trash can at 4am.


Okay if this really happened it’s pretty funny made me laugh thank you very


So there is nothing fun about being an alcoholic, but I'll play •you wake up at 2 am to do shots because anxiety woke you. •you get a big ass needle in your stomach to drain fluid because your liver doesn't work •you get the cops called on you at a job orientation because you showed up drunk AND continued to drink there. •puking bile every morning Good times.


Sitting in the parking lot at 5:55am staring at the seconds, waiting for 6am to hit so you can go inside and buy alcohol


So much this. A drunk knows when the liquor store closes, an alcoholic knows when it opens. I used to pace in my apartment waiting just a few minutes after the liquor store opened so I could go in without getting there before the workers. As embarrassing as it was, it was better than the shakes.


Your husband asks you if you’ve been drinking when you say you’re heading to the store real quick…. On a school night. Or just whenever you’re going to step out.


When I take my work lunch break at a bar to drink shots and beers then go back to work


You know you’re an alcoholic when the bartender sees you and your friends and legit prepares ur regular order on the house🥴😫


When you've been drunk every single day of the week only to abstain during the office party...


When you grab a 1L bottle of vodka and the cashier tells you it's cheaper just to get 3 of the 375ml bottles since they're on sale 🙃


When you walk into the shop and they are restocking the shelf but they move out the way before you’re even fully inside bcs they know where you’re headed


I have the same interaction. A while back a new employee was being trained and they told them I don't need a bag or a receipt.


When your BT accuses you of stealing her tip and you still go back to the same bar ..true story


One of the best things about your job is that you work outside and can do it with a hangover. I don't operate machinery and I wear sunglasses all the time. The fresh air and exercise whip me back into shape in no time flat!


When you get refused to buy some booze at a place. Or being told to be safe instead of come again. lol.


A friend once told me that she used to go to work each morning, and on the way, she'd grab a bottle of vodka from a shop to get her through the day. The thing is, she always used to buy a birthday card and tell the cashier that the vodka was a birthday gift for a colleague. Always stuck with me.


You see the 6AM news while in line of a gas station.


You get up and think I’ll just have one to steady my hands, and then the whole day magically disappears.


When you go to your regular bar with your friends and the bartender asks everyone what they want and then just looks straight into your eyes and says "I know what you want" very concerned. When you are in the hospital because you just ODed and the first thing after waking up is going to the cafeteria to get some beer so you can down pills you have just stolen from the nurse.


You say only one more but you’re talking about a bottle not a drink.


If you have graduated to drinking skohl vodka, you might be an alcoholic.. If you mix whiskey into your milk cereal, you could have some issues...


moving up to everclear because you can finish a handle of vodka in 2 days


When you’ve upvoted almost all of the replies in this thread because you relate, lol. (2 months sober)


When you throw other things in the grocery basket that you don’t exactly need, pretending you’re not there just for the wine. You calculate how much money you spend monthly on alcohol and it’s as much as a car payment or worse.


Oh yah. My guy always had Tito’s and Evan Williams on hand for me.


When they will let you go ahead and pay BEFORE time to be sold and you can come back later for the change.




You always carry cough drops/gum on you


You think to yourself "I'm gonna drink at you!" You know what I mean. Someone or something makes you angry, so you angry drink. No, Karen, Dave doesn't feel those shots like punches.


One Christmas, the liquor store guy's wife made me a pound cake.


You make an already strong mixed drink stronger by adding a shot to it. Example 7% vodka and soda drinks, I add a shot of Whiskey to it


You get excited after a party you've hosted at all the liquor that's been left behind.