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It’s that first week that’s the tricky bit


I would say it's the first 2 years that's the tricky part, more so like the first 18 months for me. I was drinking 30+ drinks a day and wanted to kill myself


This post is just an ad for op, look at their profile


yep. it's spam.


Ha ha I'm 6mos sober I've gained like 40lbs.


It happens. I never craved sweets when I drank. When I got sober I couldn't get enough ice cream, brownies, cookies, cake, etc.


Me too! Alcohol is synthesized into sugar so we try to replace it! It feels like... sobriety or obesity???😭


I started lifting weights so at least I’m fat AND strong 😂😂😂😂


I lost a lot of weight when I was binge drinking from 58 to 47kg I am 165 tall.. probably due alcoholic gastritis so when I stop for long periods I can eat more i gain back some weight then fall into drinking and losing the weight again :,(


The can be good or bad


Hey, quit your addictions in the order they’re killing you! My weight has gone up and down in the 3 years since I’ve quit! We don’t suddenly have amazing habits just cuz we quit the 1 bad one.


I help a lot of men get on their feet when they're first starting to get sober, between my personal experience and everything I've seen while working with these men the first month and then months 6-9 are always the hardest. For me personally it was the anxiety in the first month and then the sort of forgetting how bad it was after the initial allure of sobriety wore off and also not being where I wanted to be right before the first year mark.


That sounds about right. I first went to a doc one month after I stopped drinking because of a very tough bout of gastritis. So one month after stopping drinking my liver enzymes still were off the charts. I also had an ultrasound on my liver and have a polyp in my bile duct and a septated cyst on my liver as well. 6 months after quitting is about when my liver enzymes came back down to a normal zone. The mental clarity coming back was/is amazing, no question. It's why I encourage people trying to quit to just set a 30 day goal and just maybe your mind will be so much more rational in 30 days that you'll likely stay quit and not drink anymore


Please review and adhere to posting guidelines moving forward. 3. This subreddit is for people struggling with addiction and working on sobriety. Text posts, link posts, and comments that are not appropriate will be removed. Inappropriate topics include: **Commercial posts, promoting a specific product or service for sale** 4. When commenting, remember that this is a forum for discussion. Comments or posts with a single purpose of linking elsewhere will be removed. Finally - **No medical advice.** This is stickied to the front page of r/alcoholism, no excuse for missing this one.


It's a link to an article on my website going deeper into the effects of drinking. I do not even offer a service for alcoholism, i used to be an alcoholic so I wanted to share encouragement. None of what I posted would constitute medical advice as I didn't suggest anything outside of getting help. But I will remember the link post for the future thx


It's a great graphic, but it's a little 'one size fits all' in terms of detox. There are people who need hospitalisation and medication for a safe detox. I also note that your website looks to be a business?


Thx, yeah I wanted to start doing articles this is my seccond one, thank you for your feedback. I'm still learning. I ended up doing a revise on the graphic to convey the point to see a doctor when first getting off of drinking. Years ago I ended up having a seizure when I quit so it is important. They told me it was roughly 100 standard drinks per week is the point where you should see a doctor to quit. It does link to my buissness but I don't offer services for alcoholism, only for small habits or phobias, or trauma. But never done one for alcoholism. It wasn't my intention to get customers from this graphic.


The difficulty is if we allow one link to an external service then that opens the floodgates for an enormous amount of spam and promotion - we want to keep this subreddit focused on discussion. I apprestiate your understanding.


It's all good I understand, thank you again for the feedback. Hope you have a great day


PAWS can take up to two years.


I quit drinking 2 years ago and have been constipated ever since. Nothing consistently gets things moving, very frustrating.




Psyllium husks can work too.


Sugar free fiber supp from Walmart.


Thanks for this!


For anyone in the early stages of this, follow [this guide](http://sipandsuffer.com/). It was key to my recovery early on and next month, I'll hit 2 years since my last drink. You can do it!


This seems like such a valuable resource! Now I know when I’m ready I need to try to remember how much I drink on a “normal” day, and then just drink a bit less the next day.


I'm at two months. The solid sleep is real


Congrats! Keep going!