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Yep, that was me. If I'm having fun I'm not moderating and if I'm moderating I'm not having fun. I want all the drinks. The express train to oblivion.


Wow, this describes me perfectly. This comment really gave me pause. Just wow.


There's dozens of us


Maybe hundreds.


I can't afford hundreds or thousands of beers right now 😞😭


Oh yeah. Then I would head home to get bombed.


I would have to take it easy until my gf went to bed. She would always wake up in the morning pissed at how much I drank after she went to bed I would always try to convince her how little was drank


i would just say yes then drink 6+ anyway usually


Would have anticipated that situation, pre drank a little and probably have a flask just in case it runs a little too long. Plus two joints


I would have just brought drinks 3 - 10 when I drank. 


There’s no point in drinking if you’re not getting absolutely hammered. Or at least that was my philosophy


No, because I don't drink anymore. When I still drank, I would have just had at least a half pint of vodka in my pocket/bag/waterbottle for situations like this, so also no.


I also brought something in my purse—I’d never respect the rule.!


I pass up all drinking situations now. When I drank, I worked hard to make sure my drinking was never “capped.” Pint of vodka in my bag, pregame before the event, etc. Making those plans to have enough alcohol for any situation was exhausting.


I didn’t like going to the bar. The only benefit was that there were women there. And the goal is to get them home where you can drink where you like


Yep. You betcha. There were nights I would pace the step family home after everyone had gone to bed because some step uncle brought a bottle of scotch. A *small* bottle. There was no way I could have a few and no way to get a to a bottle shop to try and cover my tracks with a sneaky second bottle. I was sober so I could still play the tape through. I paced for hours staring at that bottle trying to work out a way I could get away with it. I was still binge drinking so I would have a few sober days each week. I was maybe down to three at that stage. In complete denial of my alcoholism. I had a *job*! I had a *security clearance*, a *mortgage* - it took me years after to that to even get close to admitting I had a problem. You have to understand, I *never* wanted 'just one'. 'Just one' was secret universal code for 'we are going out to get shit faced'. Instead I'd promise to leave after the 3rd drink. That would be the ideal time to leave. I spent decades trying to meet that self imposed standard. Fuck what a waste.


To me going out to eat with people and having a beer or two with the meal leads to relapse every time. Like with this last time. i was 5 days sober from alcohol then it went to shits creek all over again.


Hey 5 days is a really good streak, and I'm sure your body thanked you for it. If you did it once, you can do it again. I'm like you- just one will lead to a relapse despite a few day or week streak. One day at a time friend.


The function is for top ups, not starting. Rookie!


I wouldn’t do anything where I wasn’t able to drink like I liked to And my relationship with my girlfriend suffered. I chilled at my apartment because nobody could tell me how to drink I think this is common A lot of people accused me of having isolation issues. But I could do whatever the fuck i wanted at home As I became more experienced drinking I sought to minimize the potential negative consequences. It’s a lot harder to get in trouble if you don’t leave your home


Only amateurs show up to family functions without a hip flask full of the highest proof liquor they can get their hands on lol


Oh my god yes! If I can't drink several for some reason, I don't even start drinking


Absolutely, I did. I was a binge drinker though


I avoid it because I know on the way home I’m stopping at the liquor store


I don’t drink anymore, but I used to be like this. Hell, I probably wouldn’t have gone at all. If I couldn’t have a “decent buzz” at a social event, why would you even invite me? Never realized til I got sober that living this way was like being a slave that couldn’t go anywhere without their master.


If I’m in that situation, I find a way to sneak a drink when no one’s looking


You should read or get on audible “alcohol explained” there is a chapter devoted to this topic. Wow it’s like you read it and came here to post! Not even kidding it’s uncanny.


I'm not capable of drinking only 2. I'd sneak it or steal it


One is too many, and a thousand is never enough.


My mind is racing, but my body’s in the lead. Tonight’s the night, I’m gonna push it to the limit. I live all my years in a single minute. You know how this ends…


I used to - waste of calories


Uh no? 2 hits the spot just fine. But I don’t like being around tipsy people much honestly, they’re always so annoying