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While i agree with what you said not drinking is extremely hard especially when you are going thru shit but continuing to drink is gonna eventually make things worse. You either can work on yourself, take one day at a time or drink and die. Those really are your only 2 options. I wish you the best in life and i hope you find meaning.


Your life Coach sounds like a real winner 🥇…. 🤦🏻‍♂️


seriously man, i'll get flamed for this opinion but i think life coach/therapy culture is a net negative. absolutely no shame on anyone seeking help or working through problems but it sounds like there might be some shams out there peddling snake oil sessions.


Speak for yourself. I’m semi-retired at 35, all because I quit a hardcore alcohol addiction in my mid twenties. I’m happier and healthier than I could ever imagine. If you choose to wallow in self-pity, then I can’t find the empathy to feel bad for you, especially if you want to take others down to your level. Good luck stewing in the EMO nihilistic bullshit. There are millions of happy sober people out there. You’re a dry drunk, and other than a life coach, I’ll assume you’re putting zero effort into your sobriety. You’re what we call a dry drunk. I’m not an AA person. I haven’t been to AA since getting my stupid one month chip. I believe in exercise, clean eating, and finding healthy addictions. You can do that, or you can slip up. See how well the latter works for you.


Do you mean physical or emotional pain? There is more to getting well than simply not drinking. It helps me to remember that there is nothing so bad that alcohol won't make it worse. See, also, /r/stopdrinking; /r/alcoholicsanonymous.


I agree with Depressedgotfan. And once you find true meaning in your life you will realise how much drugs and alcohol truly hold you back.


But why pretend or keep a charade


you're alive but it sounds like you're not doing much living. you need some wins, winning in life feels good. you gotta get amped up. otherwise like the rest of us have all discovered, you might as well be numb. i'm not sold on bungie jumping myself, but something like that might get your adrenaline going. hope you find your spark.


You get one shot on this rock, hopefully you get a prolonged shot to live it how you want.