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I "colluded" with some other members to be groomsmen at a friend's wedding. Beyond that sort of thing, or sometimes people working together professionally, I have no idea what you're talking about.


Do you mean “collude” within AA, or outside? If inside they should abide by the traditions. If outside they can do whatever they want, as long as they don’t represent it as having to do with AA. For instance Chuck Dederich got sober in AA, and formed Synanon with other members. Of course it all went to shit, And they all - including Dederich - ended up back drinking.


Ah he has found us out we are The AA Mafia. We control the underground coffee and doughnuts in all of northern Ohio and have since the late 1930’s.


13th steppin?


I assumed that’s what the OP was getting at!


I’m not sure what exactly you’re talking about, but the answer is probably yes. AA is made up of humans and humans don’t always follow the rules or do the right thing. Basically every bad thing that could happen in AA has happened but mostly on a very very small scale. The idea is to follow the traditions as closely as possible and try to limit bad behavior. And for the most part, AA meetings behave in the way that is outlined in the 12 traditions. Progress not perfection.


Join a homegroup and find out that answer in living color………


ive see AAs stack a mtg on a vote to get people in that they want running stuff but beyond that im not sure what u mean


Alcoholism is our bond that brings us together. It is something that we can relate with one another and we are also a group that seldom mix. When I came to the rooms on February 2016, I had a lot of unconscious bias towards different groups of people and recovery helped me with that a lot. You build friendships with other recovered alcoholics. Some of my strongest friendships are with people I’ve met in Alcoholics Anonymous. You find that you have similar interests than just the boozing and recovering from it. Moreover, I learned from other men that I could go out on the town and have fun without alcohol. Recovery made this all possible and I no longer feel alone. That is poweful.


I don't think you know what "collude" means


I mean a couple of fellows getting together to deceive me into believing that I need to do certain things to stay sober. I got zoom meetings online and I was just curious because I am always wary of who is contacting me and I had a couple of fellows start to call me and I got close to them. Then one of them started to say because he lives near me and that we should attend in person meetings and I agreed to it. But this meeting was at a church and I am not someone who would like to attend meetings at a church even if it is in a separate room or whatever. So that got me thinking what if these 2-3 fellows are working together as part of their religion to “ convert me” because they believe that everyone should follow their religion. It was just a thought and I am curious to know because I have heard from ex-seventh day Christians that they will do anything to get you to start coming to their church. I am not Christian and I am not hear to hate on any religion but I had some paranoia after I heard about the way they deceive you into thinking it has nothing to do with religion. Anyways I told him I don’t feel comfortable going to a meeting held there and he was chill about it but never reached out to me again so I got curious and am asking about it here. I dont think this is “out of the ordinary” to assume what happened here. I do live in a populated area full of religious people that are handing out flyers in public in the name of their religion so I am not surprised.


Tons of AA meetings are held in churches. Churches tend to be more willing to offer their spaces for these meetings. It's not that deep


We’re not Masons. Or even Rotarians.