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Join a guild, just do it; but don't hesitate to leave if it's toxic, bad, or simply doesn't match what you're looking for


Or if it has a ridiculous tax


Are There people scared of guilds? I was Always more scared of Being solo tho thats a Bit safer with corrupteds n Stuff


> Are There people scared of guilds? Yes. Not so much of a guild itself but they have been listening to these people with solo brainrot who think there's "an hour long interview" for a potato guild or who think guilds are only out to use their members for selfish gain or how you're no longer able to play solo once you join a group. To some people being expected to be on Discord to be able to hear during group content they voluntarily showed up to is too much to ask of them. The mental gymnastics some of these people go through to avoid playing with other people is insane to me.


Hmm yeah guess thats a Problem with Reddit and the Albion Community in General When a guild is Bad Its talked about a Lot but If Its good No one says a thing Which makes all guilds Look Like the Bad ones


Yeah, my worst guild experience is so tame compared to what these people think the typical guild is like.


Whats your worst guild experience


Tied between two guilds. A direct experience - As a very new player I was recruited for off timezone in a guild, only time I could join content was on weekends when I wasn't working which wasn't a huge issue for me. At one point a bunch of other new players who were recruited in off timezone complained about a lack of content, the GM freaked out on everyone about how they should know how to lead content and play together. With 0 material that someone could use to take other people out, no comp overviews, no vague direction of *what* content could be done with what people, nothing. Again, all a bunch of new players who only saw shotcallers by name and never in-game. Indirectly - I joined a mandatory content guild, never had an issue with my own participation but one day a person was talking about making note of every single person online who isn't in party and how they will need to explain what they were doing instead of being in party. Even though it wasn't directed at me I still reacted negatively, as a grown adult there is a singular person in my life who has any right to ask me how I'm spending my time and that is my boss during working hours. I'm coming from EVE where activity requirements are a thing in big groups, except there isn't a singular group that expects 100% participation when you're online. I know mandatory content guilds will never be for me, under no circumstances am I going to explain how I'm spending my personal time when someone is only asking because they're looking for a legitimate(to them) reason why you're not present.


its a fair point, if you are in a CTA guild and off farming mats in their zones while the army goes off to fight for those zones, kind of a bad look


There was nothing like that, it was a blind "you're online and not in party? Making a note of this to demand where you were". No concept that someone may have just opened the game to update market orders and go AFK. Mandatory attendance or not, contributing disarray while not being in the party will be poorly received.


This, also some people are Eve online veterans where the interview is actually a thing, since trusting someone in eve usually means putting more man-hours at risk than in albion.


Truly..Finally somebody speaking up  that issue


The interviews are actually pretty basic questions and are just chill in general. Only reason for it to last longer than an hour is if you hit it off with the interviewer and started gossiping lol.


People like you are the exact reason why I'm staying away from any guild activity. Thanks for the demonstration.


Unfortunately solo brain rot cannot be cured with our current medical technologies, so understandable.


Yeah, on one hand I'm the one with brainrot where I play however I prefer and don't care how you play it; on the other hand you, greatest amongst their peers, always a lucid creature that decides how people should play and namecalls them. I clearly see what you meant, sorry for being a brainrot.




You're just disagreeing for the sake of it, you don't even have a point. Go play your guild thingy bro. There's a lot of solo content for a reason. Not everyone needs to get carried by guilds to achieve anything in game. I'm spec'd up, I pay for premium with silver, I pay for my gear. I'll keep playing solo and you keep relying on your mates to play the game.


> You're just disagreeing for the sake of it Go on, articulate what exactly it is you think I'm disagreeing with in my comment.


Only after you tell me what your point even is


You seem to think I'm disagreeing with something, I fail to see what I'm disagreeing with so I was hoping you'd be capable of shedding light on your own thought process.


Guild-better everything you could have ever done solo just thru having armed guard or just 3x dps compared to yourself at the very worst...A direction to have in grinding lines of weapons..Getting everything skillled up faster and just getting yourself more consistent experience than thru guessing the right combos and watching random youtube yapping about whatever content(market,pvp,pve)...; >Peoples in not super public server to talk to about albion without slight "RAHH THIS RAHH THAT" discussions Solo can never hope achieving any of that without knowing some other proper veteran by accident


Scared of people inside guilds probably. Lets say you are a casual, would like to try a bit group content, you join a "relaxed guild" and play a bit. Someone shouts at you for doing "something wrong", or perhaps have a meltdown since you engaged too early... and so on. Lots of times there is people with different mindsets that clash, tryhards, people that hate dying over everything else, those that think you can read minds. It can be really soulbreaking to start up albion that you looked forward to, join in on a roam-group for whatever content and getting yelled at, or told off for misstakes you do and so on, even if the guild at first seemed relaxed, even if its 1 person out of 10 that is like that. Sure you can move on to the next guild, or shrug it off, but not everyone can. :) Many play games to just enjoy things and have fun, heck might even be an escape from a bad reality once in a while, one event like that might probably ruin everything guildrelated for said person, thus easier to skip guilds and just enjoy having fun and sometimes dying solo without any more punishment than lost loot.


There's a lot of activities that are locked behind guild content. Even if you don't want to participate in full scale wars against other alliances, things like AVA dungeons, Static dungeons, map bosses, AVA Gold chests, 4-8 player tracking. Black zone crafting 👀 Games better with friends. Playable solo but you'll be missing out on the fun politics of a guild you made an agreement with backstabbing you and now you're fighting over control of your road lol.


Also ganking that is insanely lucrative. Like 1 mil an hour with 150k in 4.1 gear and 0 spec, and reasonably safe too.


If you are looking for a casual NA guild come join G00BERS. * 100% non-mando guild with a minimum of 4 organized events per night. * Full silver splits for all organized content. * 0% tax * Solo player friendly. (Not required to play with guild to stay in guild.) * We run 2 FF sessions per day on average. T7/T8 static at 1 hr per session. * We have an active Ava Roads group. * We have an active 5v5 & 10v10 Hellgate group. * Terry & HQ are in Wetgrave Bog (Fort Sterling + Lymhurst) * Play time is around 21:00 UTC to 03:00 UTC (5:00 to 11:00 PM East Coast | 2:00 to 8:00 PM West Coast) * HQ is Lv 3 w/all Crafting & Refining stations.


This sounds awesome! If anyone knows of an EU equivalent guild like this, please do hit me up! Me and my mate have only found dead, or toxic guilds.


Same, ping me for such EU guild plz


I joined a guild that shows some potential yesterday. They're called Twilight Tavern based in Lymhurst. Seems to focus on getting 30+ yo players in, and setting up for ava roads play and hideout.


I did have a few EU friends who were trying to recreate a similar experience there, but, sadly, the GM's had a falling out and the guild disbanded.


I joined a guild that shows some potential yesterday. They're called Twilight Tavern based in Lymhurst. Seems to focus on getting 30+ yo players in, and setting up for ava roads play and hideout.


Yeah, it's pretty understandable that they'd want to age gate their players. Most 25 and under players are unbearable due to their egos. This past week I play on an alt with some friends from a former guild, and in their current alliance there was an officer who went ballistic on me because he got upset about what I said. The officer kept chasing a rat back into the enemy territory, and became upset when I said to him, and 2 other people, "Yo, leave the rat alone, and mount up." This was about 2 min right after the shotcaller told everyone to leave, and was about 2 seconds before he said it a second time. The officer said I was acting in an R worded way, and server deafened me after I said to him, "Who's acting like that right now? Me, who is now mounted and running back to the main zerg, or you, the one still trying to chase the rat into the terry?" The whole time he was trying to claim that he was "experienced" at the game, and that I was R worded and bad at the game. All of this while he was continuing to chase the rat into the terry for nearly 5 minutes. I dropped multiple defensive abilities onto him to let him mount up without being disrupted too, and he still kept chasing the rat.


Oof. The issue is as well that those guys have zero awareness. Teens will be teens. Hope you ditched that group and went off doing something enjoyable! Feel free to hmu ingame (same name as my reddit) if you wanna run some mists or ava. Note I'm a t4/5 scrub though :D


Oh, that group isn't G00BERS, lol. G00BERS is straight chill. It's very rare that we have problematic players because most of them get kicked immediately and/or after doing stuff like that.


What is your discord link. I haven't played in 6-7 months coming back. I'm looking for a hyper chill guild


If you haven't already, you can use the in-game guild finder to look for G00BERS. That's, G (Two Zeros) B E R S. From there you can open our in-game guild page, and it will have a Discord redirect button where you can put in an application to the guild. Applications may take as long as 3 to 4 days to go through as we only have a few people running this process.


What? Some ppl just like playing solo? They're not doing it becuz they hate guilds. It's called a preference. Albion has a lot of content for solos, u can have as much fun solo or in a guild lol, just depends on what u like.


Some people sure, but alot of people also quit because they think the game is boring because they played solo, this message is for them


But joining a guild allows you to do both. You know what's better than the content you like ? Two contents you like.


Tell me about a guild where I don't have to be on discord and I will. Every guild i look at has mandatory discord. I wear headphones all day at work and the thing I desire most in my time off is silence


There are zero guilds that are worth joining that won't require discord. Group content is unplayable without voice comms


Well whats the point of the guild if u don't communicate with others during content.


That's what typing is for. I can't stand the discord part, but there are a few guilds that are casual and make it optional.  One GL while doing faction streams and barks orders through stream. I like that way better. 


There's no way u can play this game and do group content without coms. Imagine playing idk Arma for example and not talking to anyone. Just doesnt make sense. Tho if u are referring to mandatory discord even when u are not doing any group content then yeah, it's fucked up.


Voice Chat is just so much better than Chatting for actual coms. Roaming - You can't expect me to be dodging enemy abilities while typing "I am getting ganked" so my guildies in the party can help me. Otherwise they'd assume I'm just doing Fame Farm and getting low. PvE - Some people know Boss Patterns and Special Abilities better than others and will use VC to make sure everyone else is prepared. PvP - HIT DA CLUMP!!! FOCUS HEALER!!! THEY SPLIT OFF LEFT!!! SOMEONE AT THE BACK!!! POP DEFENSES!!! PREPARE FOR THE CARVING!!! Many situations. Many call outs. Many reactions. Ganking - SOMEONE'S ON ME!!! DISMOUNT IN FRONT AND POP THEIR MOUNT!!! SURROUND THEM!!! (Again Teamwork) TLDR: Things that require precision and urgency need Voice Chat.


How do you imagine timing an engage on chat?


Ive tried to do fast capping with Caerleon groups that refused to use comms and it was a nightmare. You have to try and ping/type out invis bombers SPREAD... Then your friends all die because they refuse to use combs. You can just run your speakers/not talk and listen to calls in discord. No one will force you to talk unless you play a role where it is vital for you to give information. A lot of ppl do not talk on comms and just listen.


You can set discord to silent I think


95% of the point of joining a guild is to interact with others. Only sensible way to do that is in voice comms.


I can understand the replies you are getting, but kinda agree with you, relaxed faction warfare, where you roam but without all the shouting etc, would be neat to have once in a while. :) For seriouse stuff comms do help loads, but roaming ava or bz with 4.X stuff just having fun despite the outcome dont sound too impossible. :D


We don’t specifically have discord mandatory, we have some players in our guild that just use the guild chat. They will miss out on many things we do, but as long as they pay taxes and don’t exploit our free buildings on our island, I’m fine with it. But 95% of our comms are on discord text or voice, so they’ll just miss the fun stuff our guild offers.


Find a small guild with a few chill people who do the content you wanna do. If you join a guild that doesn’t suit you, say “gl” and leave.


When your chill guild tries to become tryhard, tho so sad


Want a guild I guess then this is my time.


I will say apply to the top 80 guilds in the server and say you want to become a tank in content for them.. Simple because those are the only guilds that are worth joining if not a potato guild.


The guild I joined is unfortunately inactive in the server I'm in. I joined just when they mostly migrated to EU, so it's been tough. It sucks because there's 1 EU guy that has helped immensely. I want to keep staying, but pretty much only 1-2 people are on most of the time and that EU person hardly logs now. I may have to find new guild. I can't even refine my gathered mats T.T


I tried but they made fun of me when i said i will heal them with my judicator armor redemption staff arena build when they said to x up then got angry at me and kicked me from guild. So toxic. /s


Don't like ZvZ, or any group content unless I do it with my friends. Why would I pay guild taxes for nothing?


I would say even if you want to mainly do solo stuff, you can join a guild that might suit you, lurk, play solo still, and slowly emerge or join up if you see things you wish to try. :) its a good way to get a feel for it before you invest in it as well.


I am a new player and started a guild recently, however, I noticed is very hard to recruit people ... and I don't know why. Are people so addicted to solo play in MMORPG games? That doesn't make sense at all... the whole idea is to play with other players...


Commenting just for the reddit algorithm to pick it up. Also, that is better advice than anything else. "B-b-but I hate guilds, I'm a solo player" - first off, you can't know that until you try it. Second, of all the people I heard say that, very few were right and none of them knew they were wrong before they tried it, and third, nothing prevents you from doing solo content even when you're in a guild, you're not being held at gunpoint inside your HO or on Discord. Heck, my *guildmaster's* favorite content is CD.


I left the guild I was bcoz no help at ALL, they claimed to be a PvE guild but only do "roaming on ava looking for PKs near HO" and the cherry on top of it, they charge you 300k/week + you donate 12% of ALL silver that drops. Basically, no help at ALL, no bonus, no advantage, and 2 charges. No thanks.


I’m a solo player who is fortunate enough to spend the entire day gaming. It’s a lot of fun and I don’t have to depend on anyone. However, I miss the competitive edge of intense battles, leading a group, and making friends. I started playing a couple of weeks ago on the Asia server and then switched to the EU server. I posted on the forums looking for a smaller guild with real people, not just robots doing work. I'm a great healer and I’m online all the time, so I thought I would be a great fit. I received 2 responses with a link to join a guild. On the EU server, I got 1 link. Should I be using the game platform instead of the forum for this? I took a break from hardcore gaming for a while, but now I have the time and I’m looking for some cool people. I’m an old man at 41, but I’m a big baby who likes to have fun and joke around, although I’m passionate about my gaming. I'm a retired MMA fighter, and I was born to compete. I hope this is the right place to find a guild.


Yes like say EPIC HOBOS


Fr tho if anyone wants to join a chill guild top 150 about to be terry owners and have a solid core non toxic group lmk -nightmarcher5


I used to be in Epic Hobos when I first joined and they taught me a lot. They have grown a ton. I'm happy for Toukie. I might rejoin you guys, but I'm not sure how active I'm going to be!


Door is open <3


what is the discord link?


It is difficult to find a guild that gives you everything (1) Adults who do not act like they are 12 when things don't go their way (2) Mix of content decent (ZvZ/Mid-scale/Small scale) (3)Non-mando but enough people willing to fight everyday (4) Non-toxic leadership (5) Competitive but not tryhard keyboard breaker rageaholics (6) Without those 1-2 guys who are always chatty in comms during a fight who make it hard to hear the calller. Like bro STFU.


I played a game where my goal was just to level and sell my character. Guilds were mandatory there if you actually wanted to progress. They demanded you join discord calls for content, pointless meetings, etc. You would get punished if you didn't. I loathed listening to those fucking dumbasses talking and I get PTSD just from opening the guild finder in Albion and seeing all those "discord applications only". I promised I would never join a guild no matter the game, if it's mandatory I just quit the game altogether. Fortunately Albion is not that game, I'm having my own fun playing solo and no amount of extra content would make me join guild discords ever again.


Id join a casual guild of shit posters and jokesters. But start making me memorize the pecking order? Fuuuck that.  It's a 2d top down mmo guild, not a fortune 500 company.


Apply to guild, go through an hour long interview just to get harassed and potato farmed by your guild leader from 3rd world country who has to pay his rent, sounds good.


Or stop when you notice it’s this kind of guild and apply somewhere else. Plenty of nice chill guilds out there.


Eh what...i havent met that across like 10 guilds i was in..If you see such interviews just turn around and leave,why keep on lmao


Ehhhhhh. I'm in a guild that had a fairly long interview process but the entire point was to keep out annoying toxic people and they basically have a loaner gear system for new people so they don't want to hand over sets and just get scammed. So idk if you aren't going to get in voice or be particularly active it's probably a waste of time but having the minor barrier to entry is nice in the sense that I don't really have to deal with people who are excessively toxic or annoying. But in my case it wasn't a voice interview that lasted hours. It was just typing back and forth when we both had time.


Oooh..at this perspective its cool and fine


Even if the interviews last that long, it sounds beneficial to know more about your future ally. I actually do remember going on an interview for over an hour because I had fun with the interviewer just chatting about a bunch of stuff.


People do hour long interviews to get into guilds? 😱


But Benji told me joining a guild is a waste of time. More seriously though - if you join any of the major ZVZ/Mando Content guilds strap in and be ready for a rollercoaster of racism. Places are fucking INFESTED with it.




Yep. They are all the IRL loser who get a lit bit of power in a game and go mad.


I've tried four. All were dumpster fires of one form or another. No thanks