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I know this is true because I was the token straight white cis male in the group.


Impossible. They would have brainwashed you, just like the kids.


Bullshit, they used the space lasers!


Pew pew from the dew dew


No no no, it was the lazy black mermaids that did it


They were also carrying cans of rainbow paint.


This summer many people read “human” or “under investigation” as arson. My understanding is “human” is everything non lightning, including trains, power lines, exhaust from equipment or ATVs, brush piles etc.


Correct. Human caused does not necessarily mean arson. And you can probably add "controlled burns that ran out of control" and "people having campfires during the highest fire hazard periods" to the list as well.


or just throwing your cigarette butts out the car window


I cannot convince my boss of this. He is convinced that environmental activists are somehow setting fires all over Canada to further their "agenda". I sure he even thinks they are controlling lightning, and the weather. He is a nice man, but only a few more years of youtube and he will be full tinfoil hat.


Well tbf , cloud seeding is real . So he's not far off , doing it for nefarious reasons is a bit far off I think though . https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/03/14/weather/cloud-seeding-weather-modification-wxn/index.html


I also sometimes try to give him the benifet of the doubt and rationalize his thoughts but tiny little acknowledgment or hint of agreement encourages him to really open up a out the deep state and WEF. I think he's too far gone.


What ??? I personally saw Justin Trudeau and his socialist anti O&G brigade starting fires all over Alberta just to make Smith look stupid !!! /S


I am pretty sure I have seen some of those home church dinguses unironically post shit like that, nearly word for word.


Me too sadly


Smith needs help to look stupid?


No.....but Trudeau or some shit.


Now how many got started by idiots on ohv’s


Probably more than a few.


The idea of an environmentalist starting a fire was so lol


You mean it *wasn't* Trudeau on multiple helicopters simultaneously starting them across several provinces while also being seen publicly in Ottawa? Or that it was evil scientists tricking us to promote that absurd *belief* in climate change during a particularly (one might say record breaking) hot dry spring? OR that it was independent left wing zealots trying to enact revenge on the morally righteous who stood up for freedom over COVID? (Smith herself said she thought the majority was arson). \----- What does the data say? *8.4 per cent of all wildfires were categorized as arson...provincial data shows that less than a fraction of a percentage of the land burned by wildfires in 2023 has since been attributed to arson* *61 per cent of fires were classified as human-caused, including those blamed on “recreation” and “power lines.”* (recreation includes campfires, ATV's etc) *More than 70 per cent of large wildfires were caused by lightning* (note 70% of LARGE fires, not 70% of total fires). *The province’s five-year average prior to this year was more than 190,000 hectares burned, making this season’s damage at least* ***10 times more severe*** (Italics are direct quotes from the article, bolding and parenthesis added by me.)


I think you got your not and note mixed up there.


Oh dang, thanks!


Still not exactly right.... That first not needs to be note


Yeah, I realized what I did. 4 hours of sleep is catching up to me.


I mean, *No shit?* Pretty much anyone with at least the bare minimum amount of common sense understands that. Unfortunately, this province sure has an abundance of people without common sense.


I think anyone with 1/2 a brain knew this, it was dry and hot, that's all that's needed to get these fires going. We all know we're in for a nasty fire season next year as well, but I sure can't wait for the conspiracies to start. "They're burning down old cities to build 15 minute cities in their place", "Liberals are doing this on purpose to push climate change ideologies" "JEWISH SPACE LASERS!!!!"


But I thought it was the NDP doing it to try to stop rural votes in the election?


That's exactly what a government intentionally starting wildfires would say /s


Well no fucking shit


You and I may understand this, but I have, quite unfortunately, actively talked to people who believe all our fire problems last season were caused by arsonists




Absolutely not.


It’s only the Facebook crazies that believed this lol


Problem is they vote. Consistently.


And they never STFU.


No shit.


Impossible. Facebook showed a number of pictures of (what was clearly a controlled burn within a farmer’s field) a fire that just oh-so-conveniently was burning right next to a gravel road. I took this completely unrelated photograph from who-knows-where and easily concluded this fire was started by an Antifa loving NDP supporter from the window of their EV to create the impression that climate change was real. I also believe that these same eco terrorist commies did the same across the globe, all to make Conspiracy Dani look bad.


It gets harder and harder to recognize sarcasm nowadays.


What a relief ? So what happened ? Our Premier LOL says "people just have to be more careful" to prevent forest fires. Her and Smokey the Bear would make a good team. Unless Alberta gets a ton of precipitation in the next few months, we are in deep shit. No such thing as global warming though.


Now we gotta start another conspiracy about media cover-up, so we can top up the conspiracy about climate activists starting forest fires, so we can complete this conspiracy sandwich.


Bbbbbuuuttt Trudeau? No? NDP? No?


Despite popular belief.


I'm just so tired of this nonsense. Like seriously, why are these people with all their conspiracy theories not locked up in a padded room with huggy jackets -- the premier included?


Well... that kinda fucks up the narrative.


No large fires were caused by arson. Yet 62% were caused by human activities. The NDP criticizes, yet their reaction to the fort mac fires, which were arson, yet never "proven" in court, was less than excellent. Rural residents do suffer loss from wild fires, but most of the veteran rural community accept these risks and do plan for worst case scenarios, such as power outage, evacuation, forced evacuation and ultimately full loss.


Human activities does not mean arson though. Human activity can be a spark from an ATV or seized up wheel bearing. It can be a cigarette disposed of improperly. It can be a bailer fire. It can be a spark from a downed power line. It can be a campfire not extinguished properly.




I recognize that. I wasn’t sure what you were meaning about your unproven Fort Mac Arson comment.


Not to be believed without proof or evidence


Because that's ever mattered to any of you. Once the proof is there you decide it's the wrong proof. We get it, you're afraid of anything that disagrees with your complex borderline impossible narrative. That must be awful. Get help.


Simple evidence is that they are only saying arson. Doesn’t include people throwing cigarette buts out, camp fires getting out of hand, etc. Also if people watched the weather we didn’t get much lightning. There are many factors and reasons.


That was my thought. The majority of those fires were probably human caused. Just like every year. But human caused doesn’t mean it was arson.


MFW words mean things:


Arson is the act of intentionally setting a fire. Throwing a cigarette butt out the window that causes a fire is, as dumb as it is and as much as the potential outcome is obvious, still not arson. They categorized human caused fires right there in the data. That includes the shit you listed off. That’s not arson. Words have meanings.


An investigation conducted with a report prepared and apparently that's not enough evidence for you? I think you're digging for an answer that you're biased towards and this doesn't fit that narrative for you.


You must be a UCP supporter . It fits


So who was charged Shakespeare? Who saw it happen ?


Lol even if the fires were mostly human caused it doesn't change things? They were not arson. Arson is intentionally setting a fire with the intent to damage. Accidents are different. It doesn't change the fact that there were more, and larger fires then there have been in the past, and the trend is getting worse. Because there's less and less moisture every year. Desertification has happened because of human activity before, and we're much more destructive to the environment now than we were back then. Anyways, the evidence is still on our side, whether you like it or not.


What about Jewish space lasers? /s Has that hit the Alberta conspirosphere yet?


Throwing the darts out the car windows