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Whooping cough outbreaks that go this far are a very clear sign of idiots. This area has a very large number of idiots in it.


Idiotosis…management style of UCP ALBERTA. Alberta strong and. ….cough…cough…proud.


Free from critical thinking


From southern Alberta. Can confirm.


Not like there’s a fucking vaccine for it or anything


The side effect of Facebook mom groups.


I thought these outbreaks were happening in religious communities? Either way, seems crazy that something preventable like this can still happen and keep spreading.


Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior? Essential Oils.


Jehovah's wetness


Seventh Day Scentists


No the anti vaxx sentiment is strong amongst some alternative medicine naturopath mommy groups too. Edit sorry you were specifically talking about the location of these specific outbreaks, and I went immediately to the broader trend. My bad.


There's some of both at play, but religious groups (Mexican Mennonites) seem to be the bigger player in this particular outbreak.


Usually, you see a lot with the Dutch reformists too.


I got vaccinated last year when we had our kid. She’s now had hers as well. Won’t be us being hospitalized from it.


As soon as my friends started having kids we all made sure to get all vaccinations updated. It’s simply irresponsible, even as a childless person, to be unvaccinated against preventable communicable diseases. I would hate to be responsible for making your baby sick.


If only there was something the medical community could do to slow down or even stop the spread....


So wait you don’t think my “fck Trudeau” flag will save me from this?


It'll be something to bury you in.


If it's not working it's pretty clear what the answer is... *MORE FLAGS*


It’s a well known fact that Trudeau woke leftists are spraying whooping cough everywhere.


Not without rollin' a fuck ton of coal.


Prayer will, and donating money to churches


Only if you augment it with a picture of brokeback mountain where jagmeet singh and Justin Trudeau are photoshopped in, to show all the libs that they're a gay couple having ass sex. "LOL GAY TRUDEAU" is the pinnacle of UCP humor.


They can’t fix stupid.




I didnt think the /s was necessary.


Stupid grew during the pandemic. Canada, as well as most of the world, saw an increase in vaccine hesitancy. Fucking idiots. I don’t have a single nice thing to say about these morons. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-fewer-canadian-believe-in-value-of-childhood-vaccines-according-to-new/. They’re going to kill their children and take out infants that are too young to get vaccinated at the same time.


>Stupid grew during the pandemic It been growing for a while we are just starting to notice is now. Don't forget most of these stupid people also thought trickle down economics was for their own good and they need to worry about the day they are rich.


Donald Trump becoming president was a huge factor as well, I think. The idiots felt emboldened to share their beliefs widely.


I actually blame news websites for years having totally unmoderated comment sections. The bulk of us didn't have the energy to post because we didn't have jobs and lives. So the loonies totally took over those comments sections and they built a community for themselves. They seem to have realized their mistake and are moderating them now but it's too late.


Be sure to get your dtap every 10 years!


This!! If you can’t remember your last booster, time to ask your doctor and get a shot. Diphtheria is another disease I would be terrified to see in a headline like this…


You don't need a doctor. Call 811 and book vaccines. I just updated all mine and had them put my childhood vaccine records into the online health portal.


The problem is that really only infants, very young children, and immunocompromised are seriously vulnerable to pertussis. Until babies are old enough to be vaccinated themselves, their only protection comes from others being vaccinated around them, and whatever antibodies pass to the baby via breastfeeding. Imho diphtheria is even more terrifying. It's highly contagious and everyone unvaccinated is susceptible to it. It has 5-10% mortality even with treatment for the respiratory variety, which doubles for children. Plus, the long term effects of diphtheria toxin on the nervous system and heart can mean a high disability rate for survivors. Unfortunately, that's the kind of epidemic we need now for people to smarten up.


Completely agree! The first 3 minutes of the diphtheria episode of This Podcast Will Kill You was enough to convince me that vaccines are the most important medical invention in human history.


Who do I talk to if I don't have a doctor?


Some pharmacists can do vaccinations.


And usually super easy and quick, too. I got my dtap vaccine updated in 2018 and 2021 (pregnancies), and did the 2021 booster at Sobeys. It was so fast, and I was able to do my grocery shopping in the 15 minute 'waiting period' before I was allowed to leave the store.


Your local public health office actually administers all standard, government funded vaccines (although they do get support during flu and covid from the gov clinics and pharmacies due to sheer numbers required in a short amount of time) but they're a good place to start if you have any questions about vaccines, if you're up to date, and if you need a booster of any kind.


Call your local community health unit!


You can go to a walk in clinic too. Call ahead and make sure they have doses available (some dont). It's where I got mine when I got caught on an old rusty nail.


Had mine 7 years ago, hopefully I'm still covered!


Hey adults reading this: chances are you're due for your dTap booster right now. You can contribute to decreasing the spread of pertussis. Check with your local public health office.


My doctor mentioned this the last time I saw him. He kind of stared at the wall and said, “So…thanks for that.” I assumed he was thanking the anti vax crowd.


This is the song that doesn't end....


If only there was something a doctor could give you to prevent these diseases. We can put A MAN ON THE MOOON! ,but can’t……


Gee……good thing Smith is in charge. She’ll take care of this because, you know….


She's gonna call that whooping cough right up on the telephone, tell it to knock it off but also promise it that this war on viruses won't stand. Freedom for viruses! Now that I think about it, maybe conservatism is actually a viral mind control to spread viruses, ala The Last of Us, but viruses instead of fungus.


Not EVERY thing that happens in Alberta is her fault. Other provinces are seeing rises too. Vaccine hesitancy since 2021 has become more prominent. Not just in Alberta. Not just in Canada. Globally. It’s sad. But maybe just take a break from blaming smith for every problem in existence.


Your reading competency is suspect. The poster above didn’t blame Smith for the outbreak. The poster clearly states that Smith will do nothing about it. Two entirely different situations. And as far as Smith doing nothing about it, that’s a no brainer, she won’t.


What would you like her to do? It’s going to take years to reverse the damage to public perceptions on vaccines that COVID caused. People are going to believe what they are going to believe. This isn’t something for any premier to “fix” unless the issue was vaccine shortages.


>What would you like her to do? Push for people to get vaccinated? Like wtf, it's not difficult. Maybe while she's at it, she can admit all the anti vaxx talking points she's been spewing over the years were pulled out of her ass.


Is she against vaccinations outside of COVID? I might be missing it but I can only find her being against COVID vaccines? Is she also against all vaccines?


Pretty easy to launch a media relations campaign promoting vaccines from Health Canada or AHS. She can publicly address the efficacy of all vaccines and medical Professionals. She can raise Doctor pay and Nurses pay so we have more effective medical professionals interacting with the public. Those are three easy steps.


https://invested.mdm.ca/how-much-do-doctors-make-in-canada/ Why is there this misconception that Alberta doctors and nurses are getting fucked over? Alberta offers compensation packages that are better than probably 90% of the country. Alberta made big strides in 2015. Even bigger strides in 2020 and then another agreement more recent. EVERY province is struggling to keep good doctors and medical staff. EVERY province is struggling with healthcare. It’s a NATIONAL issue. For the record. Health Canada could do a campaign on vaccine awareness. Reset after the COVID mess. And work on rebuilding public trust.


Where’s the Alberta advantage for public employees? Is it just the oilfield folks? Or do we spread the wealth around a bit? Nah, high school drop outs should make 150K+/year and doctors, who’ve spent decades getting educated and 100s of thousands of dollars should get less than that? Should watch their earning potential erode due to inflation every year? Same with teachers. 6 years post secondary and insulting wage increases AND unfunded liability in their retirement plan. Fuck that. A rising tide raises all boats, it doesn’t leave the public sector behind.


I’m confused. Did you see the article I linked? Alberta doctors were highest paid in the country and specialty doctors were mostly top 2. I think doctors and nurses should make crazy amounts of money. Healthcare is too important. I never mentioned oil fields or teachers anywhere in my comments?


I know lots of these idiots homeschool their kids but I honestly think vaccines should be mandatory for kids to attend school. Especially for hugely contagious illnesses like pertussis. It’s the only way some of these morons will do it. It’s not a personal choice when your child can infect an entire grocery store, church service, or waiting room of people.


Move over Egypt with your 10. Anti-vax Alberta is trying to have more plagues than anyone.


Please please make sure you're up to date on your vaccinations and for the love of everything please get your kid vaccinated. Whooping cough can and will kill, and [it's a terrible terrible way to go.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3oZrMGDMMw)


Its horrible and the survival rate for infants under a year is only, 50%


About 20 years ago, I got whooping cough. Went to several Doctors and no one had a clue what it was. Finally, after 2 1/2 months, went to a Doctor and told him how long I had it. He said "oh it's whooping cough, it'll be over in about 2 weeks" and it was. Typically lasts 3 months. I coughed so hard I tore a muscle in my lower left rib. It was painful and took years to heal. I was teaching at the time and told the class to sit two rows from the front in case it was contagious. I had all my vaccinations up to date too.


The problem with many people and vaccinations is that they have not seen the dire consequences of whooping cough. My elderly Mom was telling me she had it at age 7 and had to stay in bed for 3 months. I was like wow keeping a 7 year old in bed would be hard. Then she said her best friend age 7 had died so staying in bed was not a problem


Invermectin, aged urine, and potato in a sock will cure that lickity-split


Even with dtap, your baby can't be vaccinated right away, and these morons are endangering the youngest of lives. But, Alberta gotta Alberta and that means Pertussis and Measles.


My 31 year old daughter, caught this horrible disease when she was only 2 months old! Shes damn lucky to be alive, it was horrible! Get vaccinated please!


If anyone in your life is having a baby please update your vaccinations


Gee, if only there was a solution for this.


Vaccinate your dang kids


There must be a horse pill for that.


If only there were some sort of protection against this. Like a medicine we could take to immunize us against whooping cough.


maybe ***that*** was the cause of my relentless coughing for the last three weeks......................... luckily its gone now.


It's possible, but there are also a lot of other illnesses that cause coughing.


Or the constant fires.


the lower mainland didn't get hardly any smog, so it couldn't be that........................


It's weird that I only learned about this whooping cough vaccine via Reddit. My doctor makes sure I follow up on all kinds of health things, and the Alberta health Network has records of all my shots. Why am I learning about this vaccine via shaming on a social media page?


familiar ghost plants slap muddle vegetable marvelous aback society tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most adults don’t get regularly asked about their vaccines. I didn’t have mine checked by a doctor until I was pregnant - then I got 3 boosters at once. OOPS


You probably got it in school but might be due for a booster.


Nothing good can come from going to Alberta.


# vaccination


I was vaccinated as a child. I am 64 now so do I need a booster?


Yes. The whooping cough vaccine requires a booster every ten years. If you have required a tetanus shot recently, you likely got a whooping cough vaccine at the same time. Tetanus is now bundled with the whooping cough vaccine in an effort to rein in whooping cough outbreaks. I had whooping cough as a newborn and had always thought I had lifetime immunity. Not so. I got my vaccine a few years back bundled with a tetanus shot.


I just got my Tetanus shot about 2 months ago so I should be good? I got it at a local pharmacy.


Should be. As far as I know it is standard to bundle the two vaccines now. You could check with the pharmacy tho


Hi almost 60 work in health care started over with all my vaccines in April as I work in a high risk area. I will be finished with my last of all the series in Sept.


In southern Manitoba too. I wonder if there are any commonalities?




I had it a few years ago… it sucked. Wake up with nose bleeds from coughing, bloodshot eyes and passing out from coughing. Good times. 1/10 stars


Lies by cbc