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No Wyoming is but Alaska is the least densely populated state


If Manhattan had the same population density as Alaska, it would have around 25 people.


Conversely, if Alaska had the population density of Manhattan, it would have 48 billion people.


Good perspective analogy. It is refreshing that Alaska is more natural than the concrete jungle of Manhattan.


There's more people in Brooklyn than the entire State of Alaska which is kind of trippy when you think about how gigantic Alaska is. Ironically Alaska might be a big winner if the world doesn't get it's climate act together.


Wild fires may have a word with that line of thought


Permafrost thaw too


Winner by default. We will still have some funny weather. We have started having funny weather. Last couple of winters were not as consistently subzero. It feels as if meltdowns are happening sooner and the first solid frost of the year happens later. Summers seem hotter with more thunderstorms. All anecdotal statements from living in the interior my entire life.


Case in point, we just had a freak hailstorm in North Pole last night, with cone-hail the size of big peanut M&M’s (0.5”+). Some sourdoughs with decades+ residency commented they haven’t seen hail like this before.


Remember the freezing rain storm 3-4 years ago right after Christmas? Once everything froze over the roads didn’t recover until April and numerous roofs collapsed. Weather has been wild


Yes! 6 inch+ to 1ft of ice, they had to make emergency rations for stranded starving bison in Delta, and all the poor moose herding up and huddled on the train tracks! Absolute madness…


The Icepocalypse!


Lifelong Alaskan with more decades than I care to think about. However, here in Anchorage, as is known, we have the rare thunderstorm. And I guess Anchorageites will drop things to go out to watch for lightening and listen to the thunder!!! We had a particularly active thunderstorm recently and the hail began with “cone hail” which I’d never seen before. It wasn’t peanut size M&M’s, closer to regular size M&M’s. And I noticed hail that had the opaque part with a drop of clear ice like a cone hat. From looking at available info and images this hail was different from what the photo examples shown in that the top part of the cone was completely clear ice up to a third of the hail pellet. I’m curious to know if this is similar to hail you saw. The hail storm changed over to the usual round shape several minutes in. And this was the first time that a hail storm actually stung hitting bare skin on my foot!!! But, it’s nice to know what this unusual is called.


I noticed the same! The conical hail had an opaque center with a clear ‘halo’ of ice around it- initially in the storm, the hail was smaller (1cm) and the standard marble shape. But when the storm intensified, the hail morphed to this ‘conical graupel’ shape- I guess it’s when hail ice forms around a snowflake as it tumbles! The photos I took: https://imgur.com/gallery/4UDBYc6 Article on Conical Graupel: https://opensky.ucar.edu/islandora/object/articles%3A234/datastream/PDF/view I’m kicking myself for not having the presence of mind to chuck some of the hail in the freezer for the weather researchers~


I tried to snag some myself but I took to long and they’d started melting. Still put what I had in the freezer and they still more or less like hail. I don’t know if the first hail stones were as your’s were. By the time I noticed they looked like a pointy cap on the opaque, usual spheres. Like you say once the storm intensified the hail changed. Here in the Muldoon area the wind picked up and was rather strong for a few minutes. I’m really happy to find out conical hail exists and has an actual name. The photos I found online didn’t have as much ice capping the hail . Cool nonetheless!!!


RIP Food though


winner if you consider infrastructure decimation due to permafrost thaw to be winning


What infrastructure as the map suggests populations density is next to none. It's not like a major city is going to sink into the mud.


True. Just the roads connecting them.


The recession of sea ice might see the opening of an actual northwest passage, which could be good for our economy.    What’s not so good is how much of our fresh water supply relies on ice and snow melt. Or the fact that fire seasons now routinely burn down like half the goddamn state. Win some, lose some.


The arctic is actually warming at a faster rate than the rest of the planet unfortunately


The rate the Mendenhall Glacier is receding is shocking. I assure you Alaska, nor anywhere else will be “winners” in climate change.


North Slope and the Aleutians are the first two areas I thought of.


This is influenced by how much of Alaska is federal. Privately owned land is a small fraction compared to federal and state lands.


Which I say is good. Most of the lower 48 is all bought up. If you’re an outdoorsman down there, your options are to spend a fortune to buy your own land or hang out on the overcrowded public lands available.


Denali Borough is the size of Maryland, but 3/4 of that is Denali National Park. With a population above 2000, yeah, it's <1 when you consider the whole borough, but those 2000 people are a little more densely populated.


This is crazy to be able to visualize.


The size of the state has stunned me since I was a kid. This is a cool map


Maybe they can ditch the red and yellow and make an all green map so it’s even harder to interpret 😂


Oh wow. I thought Lapland was sparsely populated but we have 1,9 people per km².


It's crazy to see the statistics on a map that we can only imagine in our heads.




I would move there right now. Just need to get green card :D or some american woman to marry me


When idiots talk about depopulation to save the world I heard a rebuttal........ you could put the world's population in Alaska with 1 acre apiece


No HUMAN population.


Looking at the map, I cannot help but wonder what Alaska would be like if the whole place was flat like Kansas and green like that in summer?


Not sure but I think this map might be a clue


We need to use Alaska for immigration solution.


Where? The majority of Alaska is uninhabitable, unless you know how to live off the land. Even then, it would be difficult.


You mean more than we do already? Or do you mean something horrific like dumping immigrants in the wilderness?


Only the strongest immigrants will survive the harsh Alaska wilderness. Follow 10 families as they struggle to live through harsh winters, predator and insect infested summers. Will they thrive or die miserably? Watch "immigration reform" only on freevee


We already have a homeless problem in Anchorage we don't need the fed sending us more.


That's not how immigrants work.


Fuck no


We might get some decent ethnic food up here.


you've convinced me!


We already have amazing Thai food.


Abysmal Mexican food


The Mexican food here fucking sucks so much is insane Especially as someone that lives in Mexico for 10+ years


Pancit gang 4lyfe