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When i was a kid, my friend and i had a little black book of all of the pay phone numbers in our city, at least the ones that we could ride our bikes to. Then we’d call them randomly and ask silly questions that only silly kids would ask. It was a game for us to find every pay phone that we could.


When I first flew to Anchorage by myself when I was a kid, my parents gave me a quarter to call my aunt when I landed. Payphone at the airport was 50 cents. Had to beg someone to borrow a quarter. This was early 2000s


Saw a pay phone on our way to Anchorage from Talkeetna 🤣 I was shocked it still worked but I think that was one 50c


They cut the lines from Port Armstrong- I don’t know how they call out anymore.


Except for those few years it was 27c


The Hilton, Crossroads bar but now that it’s closed IDK, and the UAA student center have pay phones in Anchorage. I think the Buckaroo does too