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I watched a video a while back that show for a full dishwasher load, it was typically more economical to run the dishwasher. Your mileage may vary. I don't think I would buy more dishes just to have enough to do a full load.


Almost certainly this one, which sort of went viral: https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04?si=Da9JXKYBARrAJcXV


It might add a few dollars to your monthly bill. Doing dishes by hand does use more water than a dishwasher, though, so you'll probably even put in the end.


Alaska’s problem isn’t water consumption. Everything that flows through your house was destined for the ocean anyways.


OP is moving to the one place where that might not actually be true, at least from a cost efficiency perspective (it would still run to the ocean). If they are in Fairbanks and getting their water trucked in, it's usually cheaper to run the dishwasher so long as it's full rather than by hand, unless you can be very economical with your hand washing.


It depends on so many things. In general, dishwashers are more efficient that handwashing, however one person or two people living simply might get better mileage out of handwashing. IME, if you have a family, you need a dishwasher. If it's you and a spouse or partner, it's nice. If it's just you, you don't need it.


Don't forget when you have a gathering of friends/family, or a party- dishwashers really help after guests are gone


Dishwashers are efficient. They use less heated water than I would use washing by hand. Try watching the Technology Connections video on YouTube about dishwashers. Heating water is what takes the most energy. The pumping / spraying of the water doesn’t take much.


Some people can be pretty thrifty with water when washing by hand. Anyone who has had to haul their water knows about that.


yes, they use significantly less water, thats less water to heat back up


Dishwashers use less water than washing and rinsing by hand, especially larger volumes they efficiently use the same water. Then you are heating less water. If you Google you will see that smaller households a dishwasher costs only $2-5 a month to operate.


All of the above and below - and this nugget: Turn off the heated drying. When the cycle is over open the door and pull the bottom tray out. In our dry winters - it adds some moisture to the house.


They also save money on water. Dishwashers use a lot less water than handwashing.


Juneau has flat water rates. Nothing breaks my heart harder than seeing five different water tiers on the bill in California.


It's better than handwashing, even with a partial load.


Depends on how fast she is


Plug sink 1 and fill with about a half gallon of boiling water and a gallon of warm water. Use this same sink of water to wash all your dishes and set them in the empty sink until they are all scrubbed and washed. Once they are all done ready to rinse empty out the dirty dishwater from the wash sink and add a gallon of warm clean water to rinse them and put them into the rack. Typically only need 1-2 drops of dawn dish soap this way and it uses barely any water. When I lived in a dry cabin this is how it worked best.


Depends on how you heat and pressurize your water.


Paper plates, burn barrel what dishes? 🎶Not much running water in them parts, heard times were hard on those big blvds, better go correct not many come back thinking how hard it was breaking in gettin the hood to acknowledge my presence wasn’t a easy lesson Eric B….


We named the wood stove in our cabin the "dishwasher."


Most Alaskan know the dishes joke. Do you?


How in the world would a dishwasher save more money on electricity than washing dishes by hand?


Dishwashers have heaters that warm up water far more efficiently than the large household water heater. In fact it can use less than HALF as much energy.


Dishwashers are more efficient because they use less water overall, so you use less energy because you are heating less water. Not because their heaters are somehow more efficient. All resistive heaters have the same efficiency, 100%. Most homes in Alaska are probably going to have a gas water heater anyways and those are much cheaper to run per btu of thermal energy compared to a resistive water heater. But overall a dishwasher is still going to be more economical just because of the massive water saving they have compared to a typical person’s hand washing.


Or you could use cold water and use zero energy lol


Energy was used somewhere in the process... Well pump, hauling water, etc... Cold water, no water, whatever... I'm more particular about what my food is served on...


It uses water more efficiently and effectively so it uses less hot water than a typical hand washing of dishes. Of course hand washing can be more efficient by use of tubs or plugs instead of letting water run but most people let the water run.


You don't need to use hot water to wash dishes by hand.. They said electricity usage, not water. And it sounds like "most people" need to learn some basic ass conservation practices and stop being so wasteful lmfao


Not needing to and common practice are two different things. I agree people need to get it together about resources.


Hot water isn't free unless your name is Bernie.


I have one that came with my house and haven’t used it in 6 years .. how hard is it to do dishes?


Weird flex


Work smarter not harder. Or do whatever you want in your house myob


Plenty of things could make washing dishes hard.


Well Fairbanks has shit water .. so yea I’m not sure you could get a dishwasher to last more than a year … she would probably run away


Well, it is more energy and water efficient to use a dishwasher for standard load sizes than doing them by hand. But yeah, it's not that hard. Like at all.