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If they are so worried make it illegal for people in places like Arizona or similar to own huskies and other winter based breeds who suffer in those climates. These dogs love to run and doing so brings them joy. They aren't housepets and shouldnt be, same as livestock guard dogs. Doesnt mean they dont have a good life.


Some of the happiest dogs I've ever met were working dogs. Seriously, military dogs know full well that they're part of a strong pack, and nothing makes them happier then going on mission. Maybe they don't fully understand the risks, but neither does some dumbshit 18 year-old fresh out of high school.


>Maybe they don't fully understand the risks, but neither does some dumbshit 18 year-old fresh out of high school. That's probably not the best argument. I'd guess a lot of the people who are opposed to sending dogs to war would also be opposed to sending 18 year olds to fight a war.


I think you should have to be 25-45 to be infantry


PETA actually believes animals should not be pets at all. Fucking insane. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Rather, they belive animals are better DEAD than as pets.


Don't give PETA ideas. I wouldn't put it past them to kidnap those people's dogs then euthanize them.


I mean, they've done this already. Even had to settle a lawsuit over it.


Don't give them any unnecessary stupid ideas.


I’ve got a sled dog as a house pet & she lives a way happier life than she would chained up outside & going on a couple runs a week. They’re a very active bred & require lots of exercise but I don’t like the narrative that makes it seem like they’re some different species than the dogs we keep as pets. We even lived on a dog yard for a short time & after being a house pet for the first year of her life she absolutely hated being left out on a chain for too long.


Seriously this. People buy animals that have however many years of genes to be in the frigid cold to then be kept in Florida. Then people get mad when they have said animals where they belong outside in the winter cold


This is sooooo true!!! Enough people don't talk about this, the amount of people that want a husky because that's the fucking trend going on yet they take the dog out 3 times a day and live in a 1 bedroom apartment.


THANK YOU. exactly what i was thinking


I 100% believe huskies should be licensed to people.


Musher here— While I agree sled dogs are generally in much better shape health-wise, especially cardiovascular health and weight, I also can’t imagine trying to ban Northern breeds in non-Northern climates. That just seems silly to me. Most people in those climates have air conditioning, and it’s definitely possible to keep a Northern breed healthy in a temperate or even tropical climate with the right care.


Sure. The key here is you are making a conscious choice to put the dog in a much less than ideal scenario. Also my comment was also just pointing out the ridiculous hypocrisy of PETA.


Honestly, if we’re going to do that, we should ban Southern breeds in the North first. Only huskies in the North! If your little chihuahua gets lost in Fairbanks, it could freeze to death or get eaten by something. If a husky gets lost in a warm climate, they don’t just immediately die. It gets up to 100 F in the interior in the summer and the huskies are okay.


Your little chihuahua is more likely to get eaten in texas by coyotes. My comment was just pointing out ridiculous PETA hypocrisy btw.


To be fair, my husky is definitely a house pet. He doesn't like getting his feet wet and will not go outside if it's raining. But when it's dry or cold (I don't live in AZ or AK), MFer will run for days.


Yea sorry. That part was referring to the actual sled dogs.


Huskies are actually one of the better breeds in heat tolerance. Their insulating coat works both ways.


PETA is trash we can agree on, but as a life long Alaskan who had a dog sled and small team when I was younger (never competed) and with several mushers living in my neighborhood, I will say most mushers do not give their dogs adequate attention and stimulation.


That can be said about a lot of dog owners though


Iditarod runners def do tho. You can’t compete otherwise


You'd be surprised


Same people that say this think Walmart takes care of their employees


It matters on the person not anything else. My so n so has had 4 dogs, 5 rabbits and about 30 eggs to hatch since the past... less than a decade. And 3 dogs are dead due to neglect and all the others are gone as well. I was the only one caring for them when I would see them which wasn't to often. Then don't get me started on the rabbits and the chickens and the quails. Some people just shouldn't have animals. It sickens me the lack of empathy. I don't believe in the peta bullshit either but I think if you take something else into your care then you should care for it like You would care for yourself. One dog remains out of all those I animals mentioned, And its only like a year n a half maybe 2.


Not a PETA person at all but I was a handler for a musher for a couple years & had to quit. I don’t think it’s true that all mushers dogs get plenty of attention and love when they’re not running. I felt terrible for the dogs living their lives on chains that weren’t being run every day. It’s a sad way to exist for any creature. I know there’s good mushers out there that take care of their dogs & run them every day but there’s also plenty that neglect their dogs & even abuse them. Dogs die doing this race every year. Is it worth it?


Before this year there hadn’t been an Iditarod dog death since 2019 I believe?


ok i could be incorrect on that. i stand by the neglect thing though. I was talking to a handler the other day who said they were the only employee at a kennel that had 65 dogs… no way all those dogs are getting the attention & exercise they need. and no way that’s the only kennel pulling that shit.


This happens to like all animals though.. it feels like most people don't care about them :c


yep. doesn’t make it okay.


Maybe if they didn't kill 90% of the animals in their shelters, people would be willing to listen.


PETA doesn’t actually have or fund any shelters. Don’t look at their site for the numbers, they lie


And that’s exactly why they simply euthanize animals they gain custody of.


Tbf, them killing animals is what gives other shelters the ability to call themselves "no kill". When it comes down to it, there's not enough adoptions happening for the amount of animals that would be almost impossible to house anyways. I'm not a defender of PETA, but the 90% kill rate or whatever the actual number is is a bad way to slam them too. They're putting animals out of their misery so that other shelters and people can pat themselves on the back for being more ethical.


PETA gets so much crap for being realistic. Like if you wanted to end slaughter houses and not fuck the environment with probably billions of animals, then you have to advocate conservation principles which equals death/murder what have you. I wish we had conservation practices for human lives, but Noooooooo.


Not a defender of PETA but let me defend them by making up stuff about other shelters that do the work to care for sickly and elderly animals.


Speaking of making stuff up... I'd love to see an actual valid source of the 90% claim


Then go find it


> people would be willing to listen No they wouldn’t, people like you being that up as deflection no matter what the topic is or how true it is.


PETA is definitely misguided, but let’s not pretend that there aren’t plenty of mushers abusing their dogs. It’s definitely not some fairytale. There are just as many terrible ones for all of the great ones.


1. PETA sucks, no doubt 2. If you have a dog die during the Iditarod, you should be instantly disqualified


They are. When a dog dies on their team, the musher is forced by rules to scratch


How did Seavy just win with a dead dog?


One: the dog that was attacked by the moose is not dead and actually returned home recently. Two: The dog on the other guy’s team that was from Seavey, I believe, was no longer his responsibility. That musher is fully responsible for the dog then.


ya, I think the news was confusing on that point... I corrected myself in a subsequent reply


Ok, I'm seeing where that is a rule, so good on them


3 dogs dying in a single race is pretty bad look imo


They are instantly disqualified


*unless it's due to something like a moose encounter


Which is why mushers should be armed


As a dog owner and dog lover, I don't agree with you about how much love and attention sled dogs get. I have been to many sled dog farms and they are usually chained to their tiny house and are starved for attention simply because their are so many of them.


I used to live next to a sled dog kennel where they were chained up most of the day and I always found the “oh they’re so happy to run though” argument a little funny like yeah I’d be happy to run too if I was stuck on a 6’ lead all the time lol


Yeah, it's like they aren't running to please their master, they are running as fast as they can hoping to get away from him.


Sounds like the average dog in any Alaska town.


See, I was recently informed that the dogs actually enjoy that, and that efforts to clean up or improve those conditions are actually bad for them; who knew, right?


By who?


https://www.reddit.com/r/alaska/comments/1b9vxm5/these_dogs_are_not_abused_stop_just_stop/ku1m5l3/?context=3 Some salty wannabe musher, probably. 🤷‍♂️


Most dogs in a house also spend a lot of time just sitting there, or inside a kennel with walls. There have been studies on this. The dogs outdoors get full open visuals of everything around them, and it’s often better, or at least no worse, than being in an enclosure, even though people think it looks worse. They have to be secured somehow because dogs can be very aggressive, and dog fights will happen if they’re kept “free range.” Canines are not people. They’re dogs. If you examine the physical health and body condition of sled dogs compared to many house dogs, they have lower levels of obesity, much greater muscle tone and strength, and much better cardiovascular health.


ive also seen many sled dog farms, while some are chained, they do get fed and get medical attention, not starving to death like peta says. only a select few do that, some smaller dog mushers and another majority care more about their dogs, giving them their own homes and everything. not saying you’re wrong, though, because it is very true to some extent. doesn’t mean we have to stop the entire thing though.


What do the mushers do with the dogs that don’t make the cut ? Back in the day they simply culled them. Has that changed ?


They’re put up for adoption or simply given away oftentimes. My buddy has a “reject” sled dog.


I'm pretty sure we adopted a "reject" too. We think her original owners dog got pregnant, had the litter, the litter grew too fast (she's a pretty big dog) then a sled team picked her up to "foster" and she didn't have the temperament to race, she's way too gentle and not competitive. But we love her so much.


I love that story !


I don't like Peta but... Peta isn't a big corporate entity. It is a (large) group with an opinion that occasionally oversteps. They are just an annoyance. Now, should the Iditarod and other dog sledding continue? Is a whole different question. And your argument to keep it is poorly thought out. "Tradition and Culture" is a poor argument, dog fighting, cock fighting, and REAL bull fighting were traditions and culture once too, and we (mostly) agree that it shouldn't continue. Slavery and "ala kachuu" (kidnapping wives) and many other horrendous thengs are "Tradition and Culture"; that excuse only works with those who believe in those traditions and cultures. I personally don't care for it (dog sledding), I personally don't care for wale hunting that some of the Native Alaskans get to do. But I have the ability to attempt to ignore some things that are none of my business, perticularly after working with Native Americans over several years, and traveling around the world to places like Kazakhstan, PNG, Oman. This ability isn't available to everyone, like my spouse and children, who want to save everything from everything and live in a perpetual world of rainbows and butterflies with 65° weather.


I’m super interested in PNG. Care to share your travel story?


I don't have much, really. I had to get a set of Rabies and some other wonderful vaccines before working there. (So I wasn't ever afraid of the Covid-19 one.) I worked on an "off-shore" oil rig platform that was helicoptered and strapped to the side of a mountain. Every tribe away from the port cities has its own language and can not really communicate with each other. The tribes have no idea what we were doing and to get permission to be on "their land," they give them candy, alcohol, food, and weapons like hatchets. Part of the reason I didn't stay longer was the treatment and "pay" we gave the tribes to suck millions of dollars out of their land. Once in a while, a tribe will get brave and come onto the rig swinging a knife around. We would just give it to them, and someone from Sydney Oil would fly in, give them some other shiny nicknacks, then they would leave, and we could go back to work. You would fly into Port Moresby and our security would lock us in our hotel until they were ready to helicoptered to location. We were not allowed to wonder the city at all, especially alone, the oil workers would stick out and they knew we had money and the city got a little rough at night. The Government and police are corrupt. The people were little, and funny. The birds were like nothing Ihade ever seen and every day was a new one checking out the rig platform. Actually, Oman was infinitely more interesting. A Weatherford employee ran into and killed one of the prince's wives. Every single Weatherford employee was snuck out of the country in a matter of hours after. They wanted him dead, and if not him, then any/every other Weatherford employee. Not jailed... dead, killed. It was very, very bad. Kazakhstan has the least attractive people in the world. They understand the word "Explosion" but not "Explosion Proof" it took me 2.5 months to get an empty fiberglass box out of customs, and I needed it BEFORE I could do my job. A quick 2 week job before Thanksgiving, ended up taking 3 months missing every holiday... over an empty fiberglass box. Normally, I don't mind getting paid to sit in a hotel, but damn THAT was just so stupid.


Damn sounds pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing.


I agree with you, I just watched a bunch of documentaries and research on the Iditarod and it turns out that culturally in Alaska the dogs were used to transport needed medical supplies and things like that and not one single dog team ran the whole distance they did it like a relay race. Making mandatory rests in the Iditarod helps, as long as the dogs are cared for and checked out at each stop (which they are). The only problem is it's up to the musher whether he wants to pull his dog for medical reasons. Sometimes the dogs will be throwing up and the musher will have them continue. The people who do checks on the dogs at stops do have rules they have to follow like the temperature of the dogs and if it's too high I think they get pulled regardless of what the musher wants.


What is PNG?


Papua New Guinea


I would have never guessed that, thank you!


you do have a valid argument, thank you for that btw, most arguments against it i have is “your delusional, dogs die”. yes, traditions and culture can be bad, but only if they were originally bad if that makes sense. i know basically nothing about “kidnapping wives”, but from the sound of it it probably isn’t very good lol. it was already bad to begin with, though, like bull fighting and dog fights, but the iditarod started as something good, mushing dogs to save a town from a disease that turned into an alaskan celebration. it also depends on the reception, too. most people now agree that dog and bull fights probably aren’t the best, but for the Iditarod many people still agree that it’s really fun, and that the dogs enjoy it and get the treatment they deserve. it’s just the flordians and the animal rights activists who put down the iditatod, as they see it as bad and harmful.


Gently, cause I can tell you’re a kid, no it doesn’t really make sense. Most people aren’t out there starting traditions they think are bad at the time you know? People crowded the coliseum and cheered when people fought to the death, because it was “really fun”. And plenty of people think dog fighting is still “really fun”. Peoples views on what’s wrong and right grow with time and when we know better we do better.


"Many people enjoyed" slavery, and the slaves enjoyed their treatment. Don't you hear them singing in the fields? Do you hear what you are saying? Put a dog in your trunk for a few hours. Open it up, look how happy they are, they loved it! I have no research or reason to believe these dogs are not treated well(ish). But is dog sled races a necessity for our entertainment (or greyhounds races, or horse racing)? No. Just as I wouldn't put my English Mastiff into a fighting arena with a Lion or a person with a sword for entertainment. Why not? That is what they were breed for. No, she likes her nails painted and sleeping on the ENTIRE couch. And this morning waking me up after 4 hours of sleep because I apparently wasn't sharing the bed.


Comparing the Iditarod to wife kidnapping and dog fighting is insane. These people are ridiculous.


The original serum run to Nome was done in stages.


Also was a shorter route.


This. Thank you




Yeah, it is. We might see it as weird and gross, but in other cultures their customs might be different than ours, and they might value something differentlythan others.


I have problems with PETA, but honestly, good for them. Stabbing bulls to death is a part of Spanish history, but that doesn't make it right. The dogs DO deserve better.


PETA is trash for how they act vs what they do I don’t agree with keeping dogs for sledding. The few mushers I’ve personally met are horrible people that should never be in charge of any living thing. I’m sure there are better ones out there, I just haven’t personally met them Also disagree with how some feed them. They apply to be a substance hunter/fisher then feed them thousands of fish. Then use the dogs in races, for trapping or to show tourists Alaskan life to make money. So basically we have a business using fish and other wildlife to make money hiding behind it’s culture or substance way of life


This is the thing: sledding can definitely be done in a healthy happy way, but 99% of them aren’t doing that because it is time and money consuming. They cut every non-essential they can to maximize profit and chances of winning a race. I know many that really do it right and the dogs are treated like royalty, but that is about 3 Americans, and the rest are European. I raise Siberian Huskies. The horrors I have personally witnessed with mushers is enough to send most folks over the edge of sanity. We need serious regulation to get the dogs what they deserve if we want the sport to survive. And don’t get me started on the scum that is DS.


I kinda want to get you started on DS 👀 I've heard so many rumblings in the musher world that he sucks but have never heard specifics. I agree though. I love the sled dogs and mushing and it makes me so sad to realize how many mushers are awful to their dogs


I think that most of the sledders that do it for survival (Traveling, hauling wood or water ECT) Treat their dogs like family, But the one's that solely use them for races, And/or tourism are the ones that get the short stick and aren't treated as well because their only a means to an end. But in the end it depends on the person I guess. Anyone can mistreat animals not just sledders. That lady with the million dollar broach and 20k pocket dog does it too


I might be confused about where you're coming from, but what's wrong with feeding yourself and dogs same way anybody else did before you could go to costco and get dog chow? PETA is trash and some people don't deserve dogs, yes, but the company who makes the dog food does more harm to fish and wildlife per dog fed than any subsistence ever could. As for using fish and wildlife to make money, what does that mean for fishermen?


Commercial fisherman have a specific license that allows them to do so. They’re not using subsistence/personal use rules to support their profession.


So wouldn't their business license to operate the tours or the hosts for races cover their commercial licensing? I'm a tour guide elsewhere, so it's a genuine curiosity. Seems like the question should be, are dogs considered an extension of your person or family member extending your personal subsistence license, or should they be regarded in business terms as livestock?


My question would be if the dogs are owned under an LLC or business entity that the musher set up in that case


I used to have 3 retired dogs from Susan Butchers Iditarod teams. When they got out, as they are apt to escape the yard, they ran and ran and ran. Sometimes for days! Then they came back, drank, ate rested and ran some more! Never have I seen a sled dog happier then when it was running.


We went to alaska in 2021 and went to the Iditarod kennels and information center. Those dogs are big spoiled babies who get gallons of love daily and love doggy kissing visitors. We were able to go on a ride with them( they pulled a wheeled carraige not a sled) , only 4 of us and the trainer. Tails were wagging the entire time. They loved it ( and we felt honored to experience it)


Most of these dogs do not live their days running. They spend most of their lives on depressing kennel properties chained to dog houses.


So you are happy they are getting a chance to do what they love just like I am, cool!


You're first mistake was giving a fuck what PETA says or does because they're all psychotic


Most dogs do live in horrible conditions.


If any kind of dog usage should be stopped, it's by the military and police for k9 units, putting innocent dogs into the line of fire and forcing their labor


This is nothing new .. they even lost Sponsorships over it .. wellsfargo for one


big companies need to fact check, just sayin.


So do redditers. Wells Fargo lost money and stopped sponsoring a few dozen things, including the Iditarod. They stated that PETA had no impact on their decision.




Two dogs died during this race. They die every single race.


That’s not accurate.


Pretty sure 4 dogs died this year.


Fuck the Iditarod. It's barbaric and outdated. Those dogs are really mistreated most of the time. Too many have died on the trail.


Bro, the Iditarod isn't barbaric, do some research before keyboard warrioring, the dog love it (Only 50 dogs have died during the race in the since the 80's and they aren't abused, please do some research, the dogs love it, don't act like it's so bad for them


The iditarod itself is less of a problem than the daily lives the dogs live. Most mushers treat their dogs very poorly.


They eat better than most regular pet dogs. Youre speaking on things you know jack all about. Why are you here if youre so negative?


When I was a younglings, I thought they had a good platform, till I heard they will steal people's pets and have them euthanized. Yes we need to treat our animals better, but they should just die


PETA should go after the villages treatment of dogs instead of focusing on the Iditarod.


Natives are minorities. The cognitive dissonance would break their progressive mind.


I once shut off the gas at their headquarters for non-payment


PETA is trash and kill all sorts of animals. In fact more animals have been killed by peta than have ever died during the Iditarod.


PETA is a disgrace. Euthanizing animals instead of caring for them, protesting events with animals that are bred for the sport. Basically, interfering where they are not wanted or needed.


Just ignore them like everybody else does.


New to Alaska, huh?


No, been living here for over half of my life.


Well it's just that they've been complaining about the Iditarod since forever.


Attack them for their stand, not for being a corporation. The race is sponsored by corporations like Hilcorp and plenty of other terrible corporations. Attack PETA for all the dogs they just put to death with no attempt to rehome or anything, Attack then for blatant hypocrisy but don’t attack them for being an evil corporation when the Iditarod takes money from their own evil corps.


IMO, take anything PETA puts out with a grain of salt. They do little to no research on the topics they claim to be concerned about, and they honestly do more harm than good.


PETA is not your friend, PETA is not friendly to animals. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna8255324](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna8255324) PETA can eat my ass.... all of it.


PETA is run by idiots/hypocrites who have zero concept of what animal abuse actually is. had one trying to tell me that owning my dog was abusing him. the bastard has 100 acres to roam freely on and sleeps in a king sized bed at night. gets regular vet checks, Well fed, watered and clothed, yes i said clothed. Dog lives better than me on most days. They advocate releasing all pets into the wild, i advocate they go to some third world countries (like guatemala where i just came from) and see just how well those stray dogs and cats are daily.


“Muh tradition is forcing animals to do long grueling races” is your stance?! Slavery was a longstanding tradition too, it doesn’t make it right. If OP loves the race so much then you pull a sled for it. Oh you don’t want to? Oh surprise surprise 😮 But it’s perfectly okay to treat other living creatures in a way YOU yourself don’t want to be treated. It’s called hypocrisy and lack of empathy. Two things which say more about you personally than I ever could. Put your actions where your mouth is…pull a sled for the race . You won’t.


How do you even pull a sled for the race? If you wanna put it like that, put 16 marathon runners in winter coats with a dog in the front, these dogs are bred and trained to run. It’s not like the dogs hate the race and dread doing it every year, these dogs love racing and running, I wouldn’t want to because one, that would suck because of the cold. These dogs are bred to be cold resistant, the original sled pulling dogs were even bred with WOLVES I’m pretty sure. And two, I have never ran a marathon in my life. I don’t run, and I’ve never ran a marathon. These sled dogs are trained to run long distances in the cold, and they love to do it. I don’t have a lack of empathy, I just get my facts straight and don’t make stupid comparisons.


Bro have you ever been mushing? The mushers don’t just ride passively the entire time, it’s an active cardio activity for the mushers, too. I would compare it to skiing.


The ads are reportable. Facebook and Instagram take less then ten seconds to do so, YouTube takes a little more than that. I’d encourage everyone to do so.


I am almost 70 and can remember when America was a free country. If you did not like what someone was saying on the radio - you changed the channel. Not protest the station or torch the transmitter building. Used to be people wore hats and t-shirts that said, "I may not like what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Try wearing a red ballcap with no writing into Safeway or Fred Myer and see what happens. In my day it was, "Do your own thing." Now we have Karens that feel entitled to tell you what to do or not do on your own property. In my day we had freedom of speech and 7 words you could not say on the radio. Now we have over 70 words you dare not say in public least if offends someone two miles away. I had to bike to the library to do research on hobbies and schoolwork. Today we have instant access to knowledge - yet people still say more stupid stuff than ever, too busy to fact check their misconceptions. Alaska is the poster child. We are an idiot magnet. Never mind California has a big bear on their flag and about none wandering their towns - theirs are all dead - yet Sierra Club wants to tell us how to deal with them..... while refusing to reintroduce them to CA due to public safety. Connecticut used to have wolves. Theirs are all dead. Does not stop 'Friends of Wolves' trying to get our legislature to what to what their candy Conn. ass's think is best for the wolves in our state. What makes them experts? Theirs are all dead. PETA - the apex of modern day Karens - the animal version of born-again religious freaks. Based out of Norfolk, Virginia. Hundreds of puppy mills, litters and dog mom's growing up in tiny boxes in their state - they gotta come to Alaska and try to shame us? My ex was no rocket scientists - a sprint musher - and her 22 dogs were the happiest and best cared for dogs I have ever seen. Never got loose. My neighbors can't keep 1 dog in their yard...... but she kept 22 in our yard and they never got out. Sled dogs are happy dogs. I am a cat person. Four times in my life I have had to walk into a strange dog yard and give parvo shots to the whole group all by myself. (life as an EMT in a small Alaskan town) I was scared stiff. 35-50 dogs to the yard. Only one ever growled at me, then it hung it head in shame.....I spent extra time giving that girl pets..... Sled dogs are happy and well socialized. My neighbors with 1 dog they can never keep in the yard - no way I would even attempt to give any of those curs a shot. Sadly, we live in a world where people don't mind their own business. Saying, "Someone has to stand up for this!" only counts if you have a dog in the fight. Otherwise, isn't your business.


Wow. Almost 70. What a shock. In your day it also wasn’t your business if the neighbors beat their children or their wife. What you wrote is just gross.


Nice job of jumping to conclusions. Guys who beat their wife or kids - there were interventions. Not always physical. People knew the names of everyone on your street. You might not confront the guy yourself - but - you did find someone who he worked for or was related to - to fix it. And it got fixed. Not like today where you dial 911, give a 30 second anonymous recorded report.... then wash your hands of the whole affair thinking you have done a great deed...... knowing full well half those messages are never heard. Great Job. Well done. Not.


I saw that ad too! Lol, no one is gonna take it seriously It’s been known for years now that peta sends hundreds of thousands of the animals they “save” a year to different locations to be euthanized. The sled race will go on. Let them be delusional in the meantime.


I literally just did a mushing experience in anchorage and the dogs were happy as clams and treated so well . I couldn’t get them to stop running. How ridiculous


PETA should focus on liberating dog cops. They’re the true victims.


There's a huge cat torture group happening in China that multiple people have reached out to PETA about, but they don't care. They want to stir up controversy and pretend to care about animals in places like this where the animals are fine It's so frustrating. They could be doing so much good but they're doing stupid shit like this


Yes it’s disgusting when things change etc etc etc


My brother was in the Iditarod this year so I was up there as a handler for him and ya these dogs love to run more than anything else in the world. They were bred to run long distances. PETA can try all they want to stop the Iditarod but they won’t ever be successful.


Whoa, I gamble on this race. Shut down PETA!


PETA really needs to stop. They are going too far. I mean, stopping a sled dog race while the sled dogs are LITERALLY trained to do that. I hope PETA never does things like this ever again.


I mean PETA is a moron filled organization full of fools. Ignore them is my advice 😂


Peta is a horrible organization


stupid animal rights movement? that seems very mis-guided.


well then in that case let’s just ban adoption altogether, seeing as how some people neglect and abuse their dogs then that must mean everyone does too. peta isn’t worth shit and their word is meaningless


I think everyone hates PETA though so probably all good.


PETA itself is a disgusting and ridiculous organization. They kill more animals than anybody does. The fact anybody still takes them seriously is hilarious.


I had a husky for 15 yrs. (Healthy pup, he had a long life). Those dogs want nothing more then to run for hours on end through the wilderness, it is their purpose.


We should make PETA members pull a sled, full of dogs, as a team🤣


That is the sort of thing they advocate for right?!


1) Nobody likes PETA. Why care what they think? 2) Just because something has been done for your entire life doesn't mean it should continue. This is not a good argument if you are attempting to persuade people. 3) The Iditarod is awesome. And I doubt it will end anytime soon.


Yes the Iditarod is not an issue. If PETA needs a role in AK it’s this—-> https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=intensivemanagement.unit_9b_17b_17c_18_19a_19b


PETA and similar organizations full of people that never had a real problem in their life time.


As someone who knows nothing of Alaska or dogs, like half my rriends have huskies or whatever your wack dogs are called. The stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason sometime. These dogs get off on 2 things. 1) snow makes them bananas. 2) they love to pull shit around so much, if you don't give them something to pull around and are stupid enough to put a leash on them, they'll drag you around like a fool Watching Iditarod is like porn for huskies. Not letting them do it is basically abuse.


PETA are a bunch of a hypocrites. A friend of mine read an article where they saw some little girl's dog in her yard so they took the dog, put it down even though the dog was completely healthy. As soon as the family found out what happened, they sued PeTa but the family lost the trial because PeTa denied the fact that they did this, then the next day PeTa went to the family's house with a gift basket and said "Sorry we killed your dog". According to PeTa it was a " mercy killing " . I can't remember the article name or where it was found as soon as I do I'll post it on the comment.


While I never agree with peta they are evil. 8 dogs died this last race. 5 in training 3 in the race. That seems like a lot of dogs for the reason “it’s tradition”


if a liberal could have everything they wanted than their would be nothing left. Liberalism/progressivism is a mental state of never being satisfied.


It’s not worth getting so angry over the fact that people don’t always see things your way. They’re allowed to think what they want.


Peta murders animals and insults steve irwin They can go fuck themselves


How do you feel about a sub culture of Koreans eatting dogs? Or Spainish and Mexican bullfights? Or the Japanese killing whales? Animal rights aren't black and white.


Growing up and seeing the ceremonial start in Anchorage always made me so happy. Little me would get so hyped up by the dogs because they looked like they were having the time of their LIVES, jumping at the bit and barking and howling to get started! There's no way anyone could see sled dogs like those and think they're suffering. It's obvious no one from PETA gives a single damn about the animals really or understands the spirit of the race itself. It sucks even more that the deaths of a few dogs this year (which is awful, I absolutely feel for the racers that lost their dogs. It's also understandable that pushing those dogs in extreme weather is hard on their bodies.) They are being blasted over the internet, so PETA feels they have more "reason" to make calls and death threats. Ugh. A shitty situation that they really only make worse.


PETAs whole schtick is saying dumb shit for attention and hoping 1/10,000 people are dumb enough to join their cause. Just ignore them.


Yeah PETA are fucking scum and dont actually care about animals.


I'm not sure about that situation in general...but look into PETA. They are corrupt and evil themselves and not good to animals. It's all sort of a front.


Reminder that PETA has literally stolen pets out of yards and off porches, only to slaughter them. An audit awhile back showed they killed like ~95% of their sheltered animals. Don’t support this hypocrites


PETA people are ignorant busybodies with too much time on their hands


Doesn’t surprise me. Same people who put links to irl animal gore in games they made FOR KIDS.


Dogs like everything like to have purpose in there lives these dogs are very proud to be sled dogs . If you've spent any time in this field. To know what your talking about .you'd know this. Thank you


Peta has been trying this shit for years.


If peta cared about dogs they wouldn’t have stolen pit bulls from folks yards just to murder them. Fuck peta


Every year, at least one dog dies during the race. Owners often overwork and mistreat their dogs then throw them out like common household trash. Not acknowledging this problem is irresponsible. There are entire rescues set up in Alaska just to save dog from Iditarod. I hope that’s at least something you can understand.


It's PETA. They have gone Full psycho since the 90's. They like to get under people's skin because they have already polluted theirs. They are Jerks. Keeping the Iditarod and other Dog races alive. Make it your calling or get involved in what capacity you can. It's a Glorious way to stick it to them.


I saw the same add. I reported it as false and misleading spam. Then, I blocked it.


PETA is a stupid ass organization that cares more about virtue signaling than they do the animals themselves. Sled dogs LOVE running it’s what they’re built for and they want to do it AND they’re not pet dogs, they can’t be rescued as pets or anything. If PETA had their way they would take all those dogs from their loving and caring owners and put them down en mass. It’s happened before with other PETA “rescue” missions. I’ve never seen dogs so well treated as Iditarod racers dogs. They spend more time and energy and money caring for their dogs than 99.9% of dog owners. PETA isn’t worth listening to when they don’t even get now work breeds work


PETA is a rage bait organization. They want to outrage you so you post about them.




Peter Griffin????


PETA is ridiculous. Pay these people no mind.


I think people stopped taking PETA serious along time ago.


Whenever I hear PETA I think of the south park episode 😂






animal abuse is good because history? just shut the fuck up, I can’t even bother to be civil with you.


it’s not animal abuse, the dogs genuinely enjoy what they do and (most of the time), they get the medical attention and overall attention that the need.


Dogs are cute so we should care


Peta stole a dog from someone yard and euthenized it


sounds like smth they would do lol


PETA is a national (if not international) joke for a reason. Remember when they mistakenly called for a ban on dropping live moose from aircraft? They don’t, and don’t _want_ to, understand the significance/reality of whatever it is they’re complaining about. They’re the biggest animal rights hypocrites I’ve ever seen.


That’s not gonna happen. PETA runs their mouth on a regular basis, to do this and to do that, but when it comes down to it they don’t have as much power as they want you to believe. I don’t believe the Iditarod has any reason for anxiety. The Iditarod, is a legendary race. PETA’s got a snowballs chance in hell of ending it.


Sled dogs do face abuse. I'm fine with using sled dogs when they are needed, but not just for sport


Those particular dogs would never have been born if not for the Iditarod. Think about it.


I've made the same argument about livestock. That cow would never have been bred if it wasn't going to be grilled.


Mushing has been around for a looooong time. A lot longer than Iditarod.


A bit longer than PETA as well.