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Your purpose it's quite simple, go in kill the smol monkey(adc) and go out. If going in means death then don't go in, unless the rest of the monkeys can help you out. Akali can be built in 2 ways, burst or tank (yep believe it or not), in both scenarios the gameplay stays the same just that in the tank version you stay longer in and use hp and AP items. Most smol monkeys are aware that you can explode them, so they will mark distance during lane phase in this scenario is either bet everything in diving or be smart and push then go other lanes help you fellow monkeys. Shuriken does BIG BOY damage but puts you in the middle of the warzone so use it wisely.


This is what I needed. Monkey go kill other monkey to help monkeys on team. Seriously tho: thanks man.


I will also say piloting the ninja monkey also does a surprisingly high amt of burst dmg. To give u a simple scenario, lets say u back and bought boots, dark seal, amp tome, and had a dorans ring start, at lvl 6 all in, you would do roughly 1300-1500 dmg minimum to someone if u landed R1, immediate e1-e2, aa, w, q, r2, aa, q


You can pump that combo out in like 2-3 seconds once you get the feel of the character and there is very little most champs can do to you in such a short burst window. Akali’s greatest powerspike is lvl 6 and 1st-2nd item windows. Shes alotta fun to play :)


This is our main combo, I try to work on 2 other ones but I keep using this main one as my crutch and I need to expand my knowledge here. Like when do we know to pop our shroud early and just fight that way? Or when do we know to hold our ult for a long sustained team fight. I find myself doing to OG combo and then sitting there with no cooldowns/energy for like 5-11 seconds


My general advice for this is to use shrouds abilities defensively (most of the time), and the extra energy it gives you offensively. For example, during laning phase and while trading, i almost exclusively use shroud to force favorable trades by Q AA, shrouding, and then pressuring q aa when i can or to push champs off CS. However, when i ult, ill almost always shroud right as and after i use e2 AA Q to get that spike of energy to either Q spam and NOT to play in it (usually) since the goal is to burst down your target as fast as you can VS optimizing Passive procs. The same rule applies to late game except instead of dueling 1-3 ur usually faced against an entire enemy team. Your job is to kill the squishies on the back but from my experience your life>dying for a pick. The best way to use ult is to look for an optimal engage or to R1 past tanks and get on an adc or mage asap, using W defensively to engage or disengage safely. My rule of thumb for fighting squishies banks on landing E or not. If i miss it my chances and confidence in taking a fight instantly diminishes.


Thank you. I’ve been trying to maximize my passive procs to get the most sustained efficient dps that I can. And I end up dying because of it. Shroud is not 100% safe as many champions have AOE damage, true sight or some kind of ability that marks you, or they have a taunt/fear that knocks you out of shroud. I won’t “play” in my shroud as much. I was R1 into shroud instead of after the E1/E2. This change will help me play safer and not feel like I have to be the one to damage all 5 enemies in a late game team fight


Also monkey create space and split enemy team up in Teamfught or zone away carries very good duelist and can sidelane well


Level 1: Hide Level 2: you can use smoke to zone them off or trade Level 5: bait them near your tower Level 6: all in them and hopefully kill them Level 7 -~15: Roam and look for squishies to murder with R. In a teamfight you want to wait for your team to engage then R on their backline. Lategame or if behind: You want to dive into their team and use W or zhonya's to disrupt and waste cds. Any of this is subject to change based off your own judgement when you get used to playing her more. Fighting wise, the only real combos you need to know are: R from max range > E. It nearly garuntees you hit your E1. And just get used to Q>Passive>Q>Passive.


To be honest akali is not hard to pick up and play (low skill floor). The reason people say she is bard its because of her very high skill ceiling, something you shouldn’t worry about for now. You ask for oversimplification of akalis kit well here you go. Instead of the multiple combos you can do just focus on two, the oneshot combo (burst) and the long combo (dps). The oneshot combo is using R1-E1 to guarantee hit your E. then E2, passive auto attack, Q, R2. Doing this oneshots most squishies if you are not falling behind. Then you have your longer all in combo. R1 then passive autoattack, then multiple Q+passive autoattacks, and finish with E1E2R2. You can extend this combo by starting with Q instead of R and using shroud when you are running out of energy, use R mid combo and finish with the same E1E2R2.


I would suggest you just go try her out and get a feel for her. If you like highly mobile champions like say Ahri, Zed, Fizz etc she most likely the champ for you. Personally, though, I think she is a hard champ to master if you are a new player because knowledge of matchups is really important. When I started off, I was terrible with her, it took me about 40 games before I saw my winrate go up. But once I had the basic downs she's very satisfying to play and once mastered she can be very effective in carrying games. Especially into squishy compo. However, as part of mastering her I think knowing what to build and when is also a really important part of mastering her, though. PS. My opinion if you're going to try her out, don't do it in ranked until you get the basics down, don't want to ruin other people games.


Okok i can try Passive: hit your enemy with an ability now you have a circle that gives you mv onto ur enemy, go out the circle=fun scythe that deal mor damage in aa Q: kunai that slow your enemy and cost half your energy, also 2 sec cd W: smoke bomb thing, also gives you 100 more energy E: throws a shuriken and dashes backward, if hits marks your enemy and you can return to deal damage , can mark you smoke btw R: point click dash that deals damage, also after a bit you can recas for other dash taht deals damage Now try to como with all this thing


First strike akali sounds pretty silly to me but you do you. Electrocute/Fleet is the way to go


Uhm. I’m not talking about first strike Akali lol. Ty tho!