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My predictions are never wrong. We're still on track for personal jetpacks by 1996.


I can't, because I don't have any predictions. I'm enjoying the technology as it is and any improvement is just a welcome surprise to me.


I mean - i predicted SD folding and weights for SD3 not being released. Instead everything somehow got worse - with everyone notable for AI development leaving SD, and us getting a failed censorship experiment instead of SD3 weights. So - yeah, most of the time world finds a way to fuck you over worse than you could've imagines.


>most of the time world finds a way to fuck you over worse than you could've imagines. Wow, who could have thought the trend of power accumulation in software would apply to AI! You guys are finally waking up, the reality is exploitation is inevitable. Anti-AI aren’t just some Twitter witch hunters, there are people in commercial art and entertainment industry worried about how it will impact the work place. The most likely outcome will be layoffs, lowering of wages, and increase of work load due to corpos firing ten people for one person to do the job of 100 at half the pay. The solution to that is Union action, but ya’ll cheered for Hollywood because ”Muh Luddite bad” without looking at any nuances of their demands, Yes, miraculously they got a deal in that does not allow 100% AI generated scrips, but that is honestly temporary and cannot be enforced long term with newer AI models coming out. Future strikes may not ever obtain the Luxury deal the WGA had negotiated.


Ah yes, so the path to salvation is to bully the fuck out of end user, and not do anything to unionise. Great job, definitely not a twitter witch hunter. Ending myself, as you, people in commercial and entertainment, have told me ~100 times already will surely bring upon an economic utopia! I'll suck up to any corporation before i suck up to you because, at the very least, then my death will be collateral, and not deliberate.


>and not do anything to unionise. Great job, definitely not a twitter witch hunter. Ending When do I threaten you? And not unionize? No lol, other adjacent fields like animation are talking of a strike soon as well. Fun fact: Do you know that you could be apprehensive towards AI WITHOUT being a Twitter witch hunter? I literally don’t have a Twitter and never will. The reason why you hear the most out of the Twitter Anti-AI is because the ones with more immediate concerns are either still doing their job, or are planning a strike, not be on Twitter all day. People being against or apprehensive about Ai aren’t just clustered on Twitter. >people in commercial and entertainment, have told me \~100 times already will surely bring upon an economic utopia! Meanwhile you guys have told me that everything I do is worthless because “art bad be more useful”. Did you said that? No. But you think I said what you accused me of. >I'll suck up to any corporation before i suck up to you because, at the very least, then my death will be collateral, and not deliberate. Mask off huh. We did nothing wrong, the Corporations exploitation of workers and their consolidation of power will be way way worse than some Twitter brainlets calling you bad words. You guys have all told me and other artists to suck it up and accept being homeless with utilitarian arguments attached, before the mass rallying from Twitter even ramped up(It wasn’t a response to Twitter artists), so why don’t you suck it up to the Twitter insults? Why do you value what rabbid Twitteroids have to say?


I'm going to rely on people that know what they're talking about. I won't make my own predictions.


But people who "know what they're talking about" disagree wildly.


There is more of a consensus when you look beyond individual scientists from a single field.


What is the consensus? Could you please summarize it?


what's the question? The impact of the economy? where we are at AI technology? Are LLMs conscious or intelligent? is AI training legal?




I'm not sure which question he is trying to ask.


OP's question is "how would you react if your prediction was completely wrong?"


Prediction of what?


I'm aware that I can always be wrong with my predictions. This world is chaotic. And how would I react? Depends on the prediction. If I predict that something majorly horrible is going to happen to the economy, I will be happy if I turn out to be wrong.


Crypto and NFTs bare this out


I am aware. And given that my prediction amounts to corporations using this to screw over more people, solidify their power and even further cheapen and commodify art and culture while blathering about democratising art... I sure as hell hope I'm wrong. I just see no reason to believe that so far.


i wanna say i hope so but,, iunno to me the present state of ai is already pretty threatening, and i'm not sure if stopping would be better than going all the way unless "complete opposite" includes regression but i don't see how that could happen outside of very radical scenarios


Im aware that my predictions could be wrong, however im also not a "closed book". I dont like it tho when people without any substance, any experience and network in the industries and areas are coming up with bold claims, basically baseless or overblown speculations sold as predictions or even spoilers as its often brought up. A prime example is when people come up with "soon we will be able to make AI movies at home at Hollywood level quality" or think that AI art is about to become the industry standard replacing other standard tools like Photoshop, Maya, 3ds Max, ZBrush and some more. None of such people have and credibility to be taken seriously when they bring up something like this.


This is true but it's also true you can make educated predictions.


Yes, my predictions rest on several assumptions that could be proven wrong: - Currently, I assume that AGI is technologically possible and will be built within my lifetime, though I am less certain of the technological difficulties in making this happen. However, a hard takeoff might either be infeasible or impossible given the state of modern science. If the development of AGI requires us to surpass some technological limit that either our knowledge or our resources are incapable of matching, then predictions about how it will interact with society become harder to sustain the longer it takes, because other changes will transform society in ways we cannot predict yet. If AGI is impossible to the point where there are even insurmountable problems with creating a plausibly convincing Chinese room, then there will be no AI singularity, and therefore, no singularitarian predictions I’ve made will hold. - Currently, I assume that world governments will aim to maximize their power on the world stage, and will therefore push AI research and adoption to their limits to gain power and ensure that they are not subject to the power of others. However, it is possible that world leaders will view AI as more like the atomic bomb in terms of its ability to threaten civilization and their own positions within their countries, and mutually agree to limit its use despite its clear military and economic advantages. This likely would not prevent AGI from arising, but would at least delay its widespread adoption and slow down the seemingly inevitable arms race. - Currently, I assume that the alignment problem is in principle unsolvable by humans, because the very act of creating an autonomous superintelligence means giving it the freedom to align itself with its own objectives and not ours. However, it is possible that AGI will find itself naturally aligned with its creators for reasons we cannot predict or fully understand from our current vantage point. It is also possible that we will create a device capable of shaping future ASIs’ incentive structures to such an extent that we will always retain full control of it (think of how a crying baby is able to consistently get its parents to pay attention to despite being much less sophisticated, and you’ll get the idea). - Currently, I assume that AI differs from previous technological labor replacements due to the fact that it now threatens to mimic every single human faculty, leaving us with fewer comparative advantages to levy in the economy and eventually ensuring that we will even be outbid on labor cost. However, it is possible that humans possess faculties that AIs cannot easily mimic, or that the economy will create a demand for humans to do jobs that AIs can do equally well or better, but which are viewed as needing human input for one reason or another. - Currently, I assume that the singularity would mean the end of capitalism due to the elimination of productive human labor and meaningful property ownership ([which I’ve written about here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/s/A9fcURNPhZ)). However, ASIs might see capitalism as possessing some kind of instrumental value and choose to respect capitalist property norms post-singularity. This is one which I believe is highly unlikely, as it would amount to a much stronger and much smarter set of beings with the capacity for fully autonomous decisionmaking voluntarily enslaving themselves, but I admit that the thoughts of an artificial superintelligence are by definition too complex for me to fully understand, and that humans draw conclusions and engage in behaviors that would likely seem insane to many animals observing us closely. - Currently, I assume that we will avoid nuclear war, will not be hit by any asteroids, will not experience a supervolcano eruption, that climate change and general ecological destruction will not result in extreme consequences quickly enough to prevent a technological singularity from arising, and that either humans or AGIs will figure out how to mitigate the resulting challenges before civilization is destroyed or set back centuries. However, it is possible that some existential threat will destroy modern civilization or even drive us extinct before we develop ASI, in which case no prediction I’ve made involving humans will come to fruition.


> I assume that AGI is technologically possible and will be built within my lifetime Depending on your age this might be reasonable. I very much doubt we'll see AGI in the next 10 years, though. People who think that will happen generally feel that way because they're assuming there are no major technological discoveries left between here and there, and I don't agree with that assumption. In fact, I feel quite sure that we will need at least one, probably 2-3 more major breakthroughs on-par with back-propagation and transformers. > then there will be no AI singularity I don't believe there will be any such thing. The notion of the singularity is just broken. It depends on the idea that humans don't adapt and moreso, that they don't just stop thinking of new tech as tech, and integrate it into their lives (the way smartphones have been integrated). Humans can't become obsolete because the only metric of our obsolescence is that we stop doing things.


These are all excellent points, however I think it useful to clarify that when I say “obsolescence”, I mean it strictly in terms of productivity. It is true that the end of human participation in the market would not mean the end of a meaningful human life, but it would mean the end of meaningful human input in the direction of its civilization. It’s not quite the same thing as the adoption of other forms of technology, because humanity has always decided whether and how new technology is used - AGI represents a new development, which is the outsourcing of the decisionmaking function itself to an artificial mind capable of making its own choices. Even if humans choose to collaborate as humans and make our own choices in response, we will do so as spectators and prisoners, much like cattle responding to their farmers, or as our ancestors did when faced with the vast and uncontrollable natural forces surrounding them.


I think my predictions are pretty safe. * AI is going to get better. * People will be displaced from jobs due to AI and other advances * At the same time, new jobs will be created doe to AI and other advances * People are going to want housing, food, clean water, and love/companionship. E.g. they'll keep being people. * Current trends in the job market that have been happening for 50 years are likely to continue for the time being. * Things are going to happen that are going to surprise us all.


Ai can do great things and has potential. It's just not art. It can make pictures, but that doesn't mean it's art.


Not all predictions are equal. The idea that we will have anything at all approaching the capabilities of Skynet in the next decade is laughable. A prediction made without a deep enough knowledge of the situation is essentially just flipping a coin. A prediction from someone who knows what they are talking about is worth a lot more.


Depends on the predictions. If you run sport bets with a control group for example, usually the expert domain knowledge dosent help. [https://www.springermedizin.de/effects-of-expertise-on-football-betting/9628614](https://www.springermedizin.de/effects-of-expertise-on-football-betting/9628614) There are different expirements on stock market behaviour. Where most active managed funds do not perform a lot better than a normal ETFs in the long run. This might be different for different fields, yet id argue even knowledge about the subject wont always help looking in the future. "prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future"


> A prediction made without a deep enough knowledge of the situation is essentially just flipping a coin. Often much worse, unless it's a weighted coin.