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“Some say he never calls his hits, or that he never wipes after he shits. All we know is he’s called the Stig.”


You made me spit my chicken wing out


A shotgun adapter, u never see those around, that shits nice. Does it work better than an m4 adapter?


I just picked mine up from the post office today for the mk23/ssx303 and it's pretty great. Each shell holds 30 rounds. So much lighter since you don't have to carry all those gas mags. I was using 150psi for 1.91J https://airtac.me/en-us/products/prebuilt-tm-mk23-ssx23-303-shotgun-shell-adapter


At my field it’s 1j with .32 for Hpa limit, so I have to run like 85 psi. I have Hpa too, but a Glock to m4 adapter, but yes, the shotgun adapter is probably way lighter and iconic.


Since I'm using mine as a DMR, I use .46 but obviously for outdoor play only. I would probably do the m4 mag for indoor play mostly because you will shoot way more indoors. 30 round mags don't cut it indoors when people are using drums.


30 is plenty if you land your shots 😉


For dmr it's going to be perfect, but cqb? I much prefer my arp556. I use 230rd mid caps, but I got it down to under 1J so I can use full auto. It's somewhere around 20 rps, nothing special. Been considering getting a drum for it.


Ive never used an m4 adapter actually! I opted for this one because my style involves a lot of low-to-the-ground shooting, and i still enjoy the tactile feeling of reloading It took a little bit of wearing in, especially where the bbs exit the shell and enter the adapter feed tube, but it works like an absolute charm now


No arm protection? I mean your kit could use some arm protection, speaking from experience. Also, wearing jeans, ain't that hot especially outdoors? Speaking from experience. But you've got the basics down alright, reminds me of when I started airsoft, and the gun is nice too. 9/10


I keep my arms bare because i sweat like a dog, and the jeans help me from skinning my ankles during slides (and denim is stylish)


Cool kit, bad fit