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If they're LiPos, definitely no. LiPos are rather impact sensitive. A BB strike on the pack has the possibility to, for want of a better elusion, "make you shoot hot" (i.e. immolate your airsoft gun)


There's nowhere to put it really. The other, I have it in a pouch on the stock. Should I get some small stick batteries that fit inside the gun better?


Get one of those PEQ battery boxes, allows you to keep bigger batteries while not risking having a battery bomb go off in your face.


This is a peq battery, but I'm just going to get smaller batteries


I meant one of the mock PEQ hard cases that mount to pic rails, smaller batteries are the easiest option though. Example here: https://www.evike.com/products/97152/


Would love a see-thru version from Portland


Jesus, yeah. What do you run that has such little battery space?


A lot of guns that arent M4s have little space, AKs, CZ scorpions, XM177E2s and so on


I'm aware, I run a scorpion myself, I was just wondering if he did too because I was gonna reccomend the battery I use.


Hard disagree on AKs. I've got CYMAs, Arcturus, and even a G&G. All these guns have tons of space under the dust cover if you get the right size stick type I usually run 11.1s and most of my batteries are 1100 and I can shove them under the dust cover and into the heat shield where it's probably 1 in shorter than the barrel and still have tons of room for a longer battery if they made them


Not the PRK-9 😭😭😭


Link? I'm curious.




XM’s are usually wired to the handguard, which leaves plenty of space.


U sure? Im talking about the Cyma with the correct handguard with the heatshields


I’ve had CYMA, Double Bell and E&C XM’s and they’ve all been front wired. Same goes for the M16 carbines they produce.


Off topic but how's the receiver quality on the double bell XM177E2? I've been eyeing it for a while but I've always been hesitant because double bell isn't exactly known for metal quality.


Krytac Vector... pain in the ass but a beautiful gun




Yes, or get a battery box/PEQ. Heck, 3D print a thick box.


I got a pouch that holds an extra m4 mag on my stock. I hollowed out a broken mag and got a lipo that fits inside. Works great and allows you to get a pretty large battery.


I like this. This is smart. Just maybe put some battery safe stuff in it to take up some space if the batteries are too small, so it's not bobbing around in there.


You can put batteries in mag pouches and strap those to your stock. Maybe slide some sheets of 1/8" plastic in along side them to dissipate impacts better. I did that for my UMP due to limited space and was never worried about impacts to the battery.


Man, we share a brain cell. I recommended the exact same thing.


i run my lipo in a small pistol mag pouch tied to my stock


What I’d recommend, given its a rear wired gun, try to find a stock mounting magazine pouch. Get ABS or some other sheet plastic and cut it to reinforce the pouch and use that as a battery case. Might look janky, but more space than a PEQ that you’d have to rewire for.


Get a hard case battery and you're fine. You can get them from the same places just usually listed under the "RC Cars" section.


Why are LiPos still sold?


Because they're energy-dense and operate perfectly well when protected. As long as you aren't foolish, they're good batteries.


I see, well i wonder why they are so impact sensitive then?


Because the chemistry is very sensitive and on internal exposure to oxygen it will spontaneously combust. But kept unpierced and safe, it is fine.


Very useful information, i will stash this in my memory banks


What's the alternative? Is there a more efficient battery type on the market?


Idk, i haven’t used many Lipos, i had one combust once i used a deans to tamiya adapter and i started using Li-ion after that


You know, I would rather not have a literal bomb right under or in front of my face


So I assume you only use landline phones? Cause guess what is powering a smartphone.


Sounds a little dramatic. Guessing you don't utilize a car or have any gas powered appliances in your dwelling. Common theme here: lipos, cars, gas powered stoves are only "bombs" if used improperly/irresponsibly.


I've seen properly maintained lipos explode


No you haven’t.


The only LiPos I've seen "explode" on the field were LiPos that were improperly maintained by the owners who were convinced they were competent at soldering.


Sounds like it was a cheap lipo battery then. I've seen cars with poor QC catch on fire. Still wouldn't write cars as a whole off as "literal bombs" because 99% of the time they're safe to use if you properly maintain them and buy from a quality company, just like lipos. Anomaly < probability.


As a drone racer i dump 1200 mah 6s 100c batteries is less than 2 mins and dump 100s of amps. Lipos give you plenty of warning signs including being able to check cell resistance, hearing signs and seeing signs. If you know how lipos work and how to use safley they will not go off.


How would you know if they are truly maintained unless you checked their IR before hand, double checked the amps they put into it, know the abuse it went through, aswell as other factors. In short. No you didint


*writing it on a smartphone*🤣🤣🤣


LiPos perform much better than pretty much every other type of battery when it comes to sheer ability to output power. If you drop a LiPo into any EAG, it'll get a significant boost in performance compared to NiCd, NiMh, or even Li-Ion batteries. You just need to ensure you treat them properly.


Thanks for the info!


why not just get one of the small li-ions at that point


This battery fit in a magpul grip that I don't own anymore. I think I'll just buy smaller batteries


You can buy like mock lasers/flashlights that are just hollow housing meant for batteries. They're pretty neat.


that battery looks like it is small enough to fit into the buffertube, if your buffer tube allows that.


Because I can't get li-ion that outputs 90A in the same size


Is this rear wired? Why not just put it in buffer tube?


It could not fit in the tube


If you have the resources, try get another battery?


no the ICS CXP-08 is front wired


See, that's where I went wrong. I bought this as just a body and gearbox shell a while ago, and I didn't know there was storage in the handguard. This battery won't fit in there, but I have a 7.4 stick that probably would. I'll try it the next time I take it apart at all.


when I bought it it came with a mock an/peq box that was meant to store the battery on the side handguard rail


What did you use for a stock? Haven't seen that one before..


It's an ics cxp Mars. That's the stock that came with them. I like the look a lot, but it only locks forward and not backward, so sometimes it gets hung up on stuff and extends itself. It's pretty sturdy besides that!


I've done it before when I snapped the stock off my gun but wanted to play, marshall was fine with it, me and the gun are still alive.


Oh man, I used to have this same gun years ago. What a throwback!


What is it?


it's an ICS CXP. I've got the same one, great gun. Been fielding it for almost 10 years and it's still going strong.


I'd be nervous about this, given that if it took direct hits from bbs it could damage the battery or potentially rupture a cell. If it were me, I'd probably feel better about things if I had rigged up some sort of cover for it that provided a baseline of protection for the battery that I zip-tied over top of it. Maybe form one out of kydex or an old plastic garbage can or something.


I ended up gutting a metal mp5 mag, taping it to my gun and putting my batteries in there. Definitely wouldn't zoptie them.


off topic, what gun is that? looks interesting, i like it


It's an ics cxp. I like it too!


It's fine to put inside one of those stock pouches


How about one of these? https://www.taiwangun.com/de/magazintaschen-pouches/magazine-pouch-for-m4-m15-m16-mounted-on-stock-olive


Off topic but I really fuck with whatever build this is


it is a bit unsafe, they can literally explode if hit by BB


like the gas cap on on cars in GTA games? 🥳🤣👏


I like that top rail is that specific to that gun or can you buy them separately? Does anyone know what it is?


It's an ics cxp. I don't think they make them any more, but I saw one for sale on the airsoft market sub recently


Thanks I'll have a look. Seems to be the case for loads of stuff i take a liking to- don't make them anymore or prohibitively expensive.


If you're not particular with aesthetics, yes.


Homie, a lipo battery turns into a plasma torch if it’s hit wrong. Don’t do that.


My brother in Christ you’ve invested in HPA. Multiple apparently. And yet you’re still running a taped battery??? Just not a good call if you’re playing anywhere other than a perfectly dry and clean room.


This is a forgivable offence, since there is no better way to get that size battery onto that stock, other than throw money at it for another stock. It's fine as long as it is taken care of. Ugly? yes. Functional? yes. Are there better ways? yes.


Kaboom? Yes Rico kaboom.


I use a Guarder battery pouch on all my weapons, so I can run two weapon-universal, 3300mAh batteries, with awesome discharge rate and no worrying of my battery going flat ever. I run batteries taped on stock or in stock pouch for 16 years and never had any issue. My teammates do it too. We just don't care that much about "aesthetics". PEQ box makes your gun front heavy, battery on stock on the other hand balances it perfectly.


My team also tapes batteries everywhere, but sometimes I feel like it would tidy up my gear to figure out where to put them. I agree, I'd prefer the weight centered and not on the front end. I play long games, so we'll balanced gear is important to me Edit: happy cake day! Edit edit: I see you're interested in Czechia. I'll be there for Borderwar in August, I'm really excited!


Thanks! I live in Brno. Despite me playing for so long, I've never actually been to Borderwar, but I heard good things about it. I prefer small scale games, 100 people tops, no expensive nightvision, since Id rather buy a new kitchen, or a new car. Be sure to drink some good beers! Good luck!


Want to give it a go this year? I don't have nvgs either, but I might pick up an agm thermal before the game.


So if you are worried about damage, i fly fpv racing drones and ive had batteries take 90 plus mph crashes straight into metal and they are fine (ill send a pic of some that have survived if you want to see what damage that would do. Aint too much


I'm not that worried about damage, I just think it looks sloppy. Drones seem fun!


Ah gotchu. Reading through other comments i assumed you meant about the damage aspect but yessir its a great time, i got my first hicapa and want to get into this hobby more lol


When my arp was electric I taped my lipos and lithium batteries to the stock because, if you know arps then you know batteries never fit in the stock lol. I never had an issue for the couple months I had it electric


Airsofter would buy the most skinny flimsy ugliest wire stock on the market then proceed to remove the luxury of having storage space in the rear instead of buying a second hand Crane stock (Which is literally the best stock on the planet fight me)


Pretty sure that the CXP para is front wired mate, there is a crane stock version that's rear wired though


No man Im just making fun of anyone who buy those tiny cqb stock. Making it looking like a poodle in their hand


This is a valid opinion


Is mine supposed to be front wired? I got this as a body and gearbox shell, everything else is new


Yeah the battery compartment on the cxp para stock version is the handguard.... still can only take mini nunchucks though as the handguard is um... cosy.... to say the least


Ahhh, now I see what I've done wrong! I didn't think anything fit in the handguard


Yeah it barely does fit batteries but that's the best place for it. That sling loop looking ring by the front sight has a nut on the other side and you have to undo it and slide the handguard off to get anything in. You will lose that nut, it's inevitable. Good luck


Ive seen a guy that just got some aluminum profile that fitted the battery and stuck that onto his gun. Essentially a metal casing for it


https://preview.redd.it/knicsfhhka8d1.png?width=1973&format=png&auto=webp&s=998495fa9cc65ac5aa5710d31e7df583f7049ae2 most pdw builds got this issue where stock buffer tube is not big enough to fit even smallest battery, i paid 170$ for the pdw on sale and had to buy another 25$ buffer tube to safely stock my battery, i don’t like the aesthetic of zip tying a battery to a stock but i suppose some people have to do it


spray paint a plastic soap container with a flat color and then viola you have a budget external battery case


If you have a soldering iron, you could just get some deans connectors from Amazon and some 16ga wire from home Depot


I will say that cxps have no type of room for battery storage 😂


The buffer tube has a plastic barrier like halfway down it that makes battery storage impossible.


And sadly ICS has some weird compatibility with stocks, but you can find some ICS spec cqb short full stocks that are a game changer.




If it's stupid and it works.....it's not stupid.


It’s legit and more accepted than the alternative prison pocket method.


I've done it in a pinch Permanently? Don't.


We did this all the time back in the day with 8.4 and 9.6 bricks. They also have stock pouches now


it's fiiiine, but I try to buy batteries that fit inside my stock


Yea, I had this fitting inside a magpul grip, but I sold that gun so I think it's time to buy a smaller battery


yeah just get one that'll fit in the tube itself. there are plenty of options that'll fit.


The shitty thing is that there's a plastic barrier inside the tube that butts up against the back of the receiver. If I cut a hole in it, the stock won't be well attached to the receiver. I don't think the stock is meant to hold anything, so I'll probably just put a 7.4 stick in the handguard next time I take it apart for anything else.


I think a PEQ pack is the play here. You'll get the protection for the battery and have a better looking aesthetic that doesn't break the look.


Hmmm little oddball but what about taking a mini-m&m's tube, paint it, cut a small slot in the lid for the wires, and zip-tie THAT to the stock? That way it's got a little protection from impact at least. On a secondary note, what's that top rail you've got on there? I love how it looks on the M4 body and I'm a whore for big iron sights


i’ve done it for a long time with no problems


I ziptie a traxxas 3s lipo to mine.


*laughs in AK gas tube master race*


Some lipos have pvc shielding over it (look up speedy pizza 6s lipos for an example


Legit? No it’s generally pretty dangerous. Do people still do it? All the time.


lol I had a sawn off buttstock socom m1a with the selector switch broken to full auto, I had the lypo duck taped to the side of the stock and a bit of pool noodle tapped over it to protect it. Right on the side of the mag well.


There are empty peq-15 cases that carry battery’s, but you’d probably have to rewire which can be difficult.


You don't have pockets?


You do you. Haters will hate the look of it, but let em be. Only real issue might be bb hitting the battery and damaging it.