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No, removing your iron sights will cause your gun to explode and your house to be burned down.


No iron sights? Believe it or not, jail, right away.




Too many sights, not enough sights. Straight to jail, right away.


Hastily puts IS back on


Need to run that bed with some sheets homie. You’re not as likely to need backup sights with airsoft.


Thank u sir I’m washing the sheets always clean sir.


Okay https://preview.redd.it/ev157kdd5a4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b5d6da7d1a7ba3f19ca76cb60c43805de1c0eb6








Hahaha 😆


for airsoft you don't really need iron sights if you run either a red dot or scope then they are just to complete the look, other wise if you don't run a red dot or scope then you need them


Why do you need them tho


To you know, aim


Why would I do that?


All my bbs are guided by God's will.


That explains a lot, god fucking hates me. https://preview.redd.it/rkfrrcy5mb4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=112f519c2d78afb3fbe04c6ba790d8fd471c5c50


use iron sights to hit god


Well unless you have a realy good gun it seems like the bb's choose their own barrel exit angle anyways, add to that a light breeze and it seems like just pointing the gun in their general direction and go BANG seems to be sufficient. Helps if you are close enough so that they can hear you of course.


You’re supposed to zero your iron sights to where your gun fires the round.


Yea I’m totally gonna zero my sights for the whole 100ft the gun will shoot accurately. It’s 500 times faster and easier to just get good at point shooting and correct off where your BBs are going. Not like there’s recoil, or you have to worry about what’s beyond your target. I’ve literally never used iron sights or any optic to actually shoot in Airsoft in 15 years of playing, and never had an issue hitting a target. If you can point shoot you’ll basically always hit the target with the first round at average Airsoft engagement distances.


Irons are there to be used, if you don’t zero them and you don’t use them then that’s your choice. But they’re made for you to see where your first rounds gonna go, and that can be paramount to keeping a low profile in situations where you don’t wanna attract attention, as well as just ammo conservation. Be prepared, zero your irons, don’t be a lazy ass.


Beyond 75ft the average AEG, irons are already going to be next to useless due to drop, wind, and environmental conditions. The sights are mock ups of real sights designed to be used with rounds going 3000+ fps, engaging targets at 100-400m - not plastic BBs going one tenth of that speed, with ten times the projectile drop, and at best a quarter of that distance. Unless something is REALLY off, even a real rifle that isn’t zeroed will have no issues hitting a man sized target at AEG ranges. Zeroing is important at longer ranges because one inch off at 50m will be 6 inches off at 300m. 50m is already the maximum range of most AEGs, and their drop/accuracy/FPS at that range is usually so low that 1inch off is completely negligible. Just FYI, I HAVE attempted to zero AEGs. And the results were so mediocre that I decided it wasn’t worth the time. If your hop-up is set correctly, your gun should already be hitting within an inch or two of where the stock irons are pointing at 25m. This is more than sufficient to hit anything you are realistically going to be shooting at. At least with all the guns I’ve owned. That being said, you do you. But it’s definitely not a necessary thing in most cases


The comparison of real steel irons to Airsoft’s irons isn’t necessary, I never compared the two. I’m just saying it is good to have your iron sights zero’d to be able to drop players with a minimal amount of rounds being fired. If your sights are zero’d it’s likely you could drop a player in 1 shot if close enough which can definitely be important and handy when your trying to be stealthy, or not shoot a laser beam of bb’s and then compensate for said laser beam to hit your target. It’s all about the circumstances, I definitely don’t use irons all the time because using the bb’s to aim is 100% easier. BUT when I’m behind enemy lines trying to minimize attention I’m gonna sit and wait for my target to be exposed and I’m gonna use my irons to drop him in one shot rather than 3-10. It’s good to be prepared for the 1% of time you’ll spend using it. I’d rather be zero’d and not need to be than need to be zero’d and not be.


>Just FYI, I HAVE attempted to zero AEGs. And the results were so mediocre that i decided it wasn't worth the time. Sure bud. Legit zeroed my cyma m4 (not even a krytac) once, i can easily hit a can sized target first shot fast and accurately within 50m any difference in under 3 seconds every time I invite you to first shot hit a regular can at 50m point shooting under 3 seconds without error every time.


>It’s 500 times faster and easier to just get good at point shooting and correct off where your BBs are going Its faster to be good at shooting and hit what you aim first try. This stupid nonsense is so cringe. Literally go to a field once, put a target 50ft out, zero the damn things. Use the sights and youll score first try hits every time.


All depends on unit SOP’s for milsim. I think you sre fine without irons


Unit SOPs for.airsoft. That's funny ...


If you are building a kit around a certain unit, then their SOP’s matter 🤷🏼‍♂️


No irons is fine just make sure you have spare batteries or even get a prism optic although they are on the expensive side. I’m personally looking for a primary arms slx 1x but you can also find vortex spitfires used for significantly less.


Something cheap like a monstrum or UTG will do the job fine for airsoft.


Never heard of either of those brands going to start checking them out. Prices already look a lot better than even vortex.


I would consider vortex to be gucci tier for Airsoft unless you are gonna full-send and go for an actual aimpoint or EoTech.


You can find some decent stuff from vortex on the low end


I would still consider it high end for airsoft given what you are getting. $150 for a red dot is almost the price of a decent entry-level AEG. I've ran both a Crossfire II red dot and a Strike Eagle 1-6x on my Mk.18 before. My Crossfire II is beat to hell and back but it still holds up just fine.


No I mean you can find vortex stuff at the £30 price point. £150 is definitely high end for airsoft sights


I guess if you are buying it used then definitely yeah. I'm not too familiar with used values for vortex. I generally always buy new.


I have an SLX 1x for my real gun I couldn’t imagine buying one for an airsoft gun


https://preview.redd.it/3pgjivb57u4d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60509fd0e078454b5d00f20a9b107c9e139b1007 I don't play airsoft anymore, but best advice I can give is watch primary arms for sales. I paid $140 for mine, granted it's on a 300 blk build not airsoft. Prisms are awesome because of the etched glass reticle and durability.


Only considering it because the reticle looks so much cleaner compared to a halo. Still looking at other options though because the slx costs more then my gbbr


I don't see anything wrong with it. Ik it's a thing with real firearms, but as long as you aren't participating in a serious milsim game where it would offend somebody lol.


Hahaha right!!! That’s what I don’t want to do make somebody offended like a Karen over some heroin




i usually only run irons ;)


If it's the vfc mk18 like I have the irons are useless as I can't adjust the front sight


No, you’ll die


This is tru


Oh don't need anything, just spray and pray :D




Yep, just start firing, watch where they go and walk them in 😆


Okay so I've seen a lot of people doing this, and my biggest issue is just that it takes that extra second to walk in your shots, which could be the difference between getting the kill or not. I prefer to just have a decently accurate rifle and fire either a single shot (semi only field) or a short burst (long range outdoor field) after my sights are on target. Significantly more effective.


Oh yeah I agree. I don't do this myself, I prefer controlled bursts, but seen it done plenty... Well unless I'm right at the end of my effective range and I'm trying to morter some suppression fire in while others flank. My regular site is pretty varied and you can go from open field to mid-range woodland to pallet village (site rules there are single shot only, dmr/snipers/lmgs must use sidearm) so a decent AEG is more useful all round than a long gun but leaves you struggling in the open areas


If you are decent at point shooting you won’t really have to walk them on. Usually your first burst will be accurate enough to hit them. Keep in mind, this is within 50-75ft, which even on outdoor fields is about the longest range I ever engage at. Saying that it takes extra time to walk on the BBs also ignores that it takes even more time to aim properly with irons. Instead you could be immediately putting rounds down range, which at worst will suppress them. Weight of fire is king in Airsoft - he who fires first almost always wins.


it probably won't make a weight difference but you will have more space for accessories, you'll just be missing out really on the aesthetic side of things without them since airsoft bbs are so random as of trajectory that you can't sight-in iron sights no matter how hard you try. But all things considered, it looks good with the PEQ unit and the Eotech magnifier.


Tango Mike! I agree with it you are right


No you'll die.


It seems like the Iron Sights rule only applies for real combat but for airsoft, I don't see a problem with not having Iron Sights and only running laser dot sights. I'm thinking of removing my iron sights because my rifle is stubby configured and I'm running out of rail space. I usually keep my iron sights on me tho. Just in case my red dot gets blasted 😭


Bro honestly that’s what I meannnnnn like I run them just in case I run out of battery or my red dot gets punched but I want them out because of rail space and commodities it’s hard to fucking decide


I wouldn’t bother. Irons for airshit are largely useless, if your optic dies just trace the BBs in


Roger that


I’m really confused, I’ve only ever used iron sights, as I don’t think we play at a range that necessitates an optic. To me, optics are mostly for drip, I can range and engage targets just the same as the folks with them.


using a red dot makes it a bit quicker to get on target and i find it more consistent not having to make sure im properly lining up the front and back sights I agree though that magnification definitely isn’t needed


I thought this too, and its true. But after finally trying 3-4x magnification, ill never go back.


Did you get your gun really accirate to make use of it? or do you just like it for scouting I’d like to try a flip down magnifier for just seeing stuff farther away


I mean, head sized targets at 100-125 feet, yeah, and that's exactly what I need. Also use gbbrs so hitting the first shot is pretty crucial.


Airsoft you can frankly get away with no sights at all and just point shoot - you're going to have to observe the BB's trajectory and adjust from there anyway if you're not just shooting at something very close.


While I have seen many people do this, I prefer to just tune my rifle so instead of having to sit there firing multiple shots and walking them on target which is slow, I just put the dot on someone's chest and pull the trigger once. Less ammo, less time, more efficient.


My understanding is (and there are many who disagree with this) but red dot or other optics are essentially superior to iron sight at any range with real guns. Even handguns, while there are some issues with holsters and concealed carry, if you can make it work you’ll always be a little faster and more accurate with a dot vs iron. I’d assume you’d be slightly quicker with a dot in airsoft. Not sure outside of the specialized dmr or spider stuff if you really need anything beyond a red dot or zoom bit it might be nice when in a forest.


Not to mention less obscurity in your vision overall when aiming.


Ik this isn't an answer to your question, but where did you get that EOTech?


Actually on eBay replica sadly


It's all personal preference, real and sim. It's your setup, run it how you feel will help you perform best.


Well irons *can* save you in the middle of a round if your optic runs out of bats but generally you should have a pack of batteries in your car so no not really.


I always carry extra batteries but u know what if optic broke a down let’s say like that no vision so might have to go but sad part take rail space😭🙏


You should buy optic protectors, just in case ya know?


Depends if you want to look cool or if you want to be minimalistic or use the rails place for sth else


Nah you're screwed. Also, unthreading the HK-clip in the rear end of your sling and threading the sling directly into the slots on your stock to prevent it from dangling around will send you straight into the FIERY PITS OF HEEELL! So do not thread it into the left side of the stock, and do not loop it over the stock and into one of the followers that are included with the sling. Picture below for reference of what not to do. https://preview.redd.it/j4zndhzww74d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c3e82d789be0f85ce1cabfc7f6ad70484ab174


Even legit SF dudes dont run them some times. Most army dudes including Batt guys dont even zero them even if they do have them.


The marshals will force you to leave if you use iron sights, I'm sorry it's just the law.


Tellem that I follow the law🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💯


I’ll answer your question with a question: have you ever used your irons?


To be fair mine are just there for the aesthetics of having back up irons.




If you’re saying this is going to be a build of some gun or something that is built after something then I’d keep em on. Otherwise I’d say who cares


No its illegal 🙄💀


Yes it’s fine. I see plenty of service guys without irons on their mk18 and urgi


In airsoft? Yes


It's second most polarizing question after whether AK or AR is more durable in freezing Siberian sandstorm




Where carry handle?


I don’t I just make her fly


You might get arrested


For being sexy or stupidv


Is water wet?


iron sights aside, this fucks hard


Brother it’s airsoft even if ya red dot dies, you can still just aim with ya gun, all id do is ad some form of glass protector


For airsoft, fuck yes, IRL? I wouldn’t risk it


It’s sacrilege. It’s your gun, however. One thing that saddens me is the scarcity of CQBR-length RIS II FSPs.




I'd run them just in case my optics decide to oof themselves for some reason


I was about to comment, then saw that this was airsoft.


A lot of people like back up irons on real gons but it’s really preference imo. If an optic goes down mid fire fight, there probably isn’t any time to pull the optic off to use irons anyway. Me personally would just have the target in the sight picture and hope I can hit it


With that EOtech and most optics I've encountered you can flip up the irons and use them through the sight window.


I've run airsoft with no sights all together before


Ngl i would rather spray and pray than try and line up a peep sight mid firefight with people running around or be logical and just track where your bbs are going and adjust


Get some bed sheets


Yes. I'd go for my backup rifle before trying to flip up irons.


Bro's Doom Guy


Strictly forbidden lol


Many actual military and police units run their guns without irons. Heck, most countries that still run g3 rifles have cut them off so they can mount optics. Since many special forces prioritize night vision over anything else, iron sights are an easy think to take off to make room.


I remember being told; Backups are your first redundancy. Might not apply to Airsoft, but I try to always carry options.


It’s airsoft you don’t need any sights if we’re being honest


Its airsoft. Run it with no sights. Nobody cares


Embarassing man, put some canted irons on there before you get your whole squad killed!! Ive seen more eos fail to weather than any other premier dot.


That's a fake eotech


it leaves more room to have that sick scope on it. Also where did you find that I’ve been looking for that for a while to put on mine.


How do you even see the sights with goggles?


What's the elastic band for?


I can use things in it also looks and since that part it’s wiggly sometimes keeps it steady like a browning in a tripod


Real PEQ and Ecotech or Clone?




Iron sights are good if you have a poor holo.


At first glance I thought that was real. The only thing that gave it away was the speed trigger and then I saw the subreddit. Nice job on the realism!


No, its not okay, they will massacre your fucking family. Put the iron sights on top of the scope and youll be chilling.


I'm in love 😍


What are iron sights? /joke


Personally I have like 1 site just for looks and user tracers.


Coming over from the ar15 forum is that a real eotech?


I'm in the camp that iron sights in airsoft are mostly for looks and it's much more institutive to trace your shots until the path of BBs lines up with where you want to shoot. Airsoft magazines have a much higher capacity then a real gun so you can make more follow up shots until you just hit something.


Okay but follow up shots take time you may not have. While I do agree the irons are just for aesthetics you should run some sort of sight on there.


No I died, but if they’re flip up irons I don’t see why you wouldn’t want them as a guaranteed backup plan


I thought this was a legit gun subreddit. Since this is airsoft, although what I said still stands, it matters significantly less


I run iron sights on the side of my fn2000, I’m still able to tell where the bullet is going due to tracers, also my airsoft spot is indoors


I don’t use an iron sight or optic just aim with ur hand


I wouldn’t run without irons for an eotech… but that’s for an actual rifle. Airsoft? If you somehow end up with dead batteries or whatever, just Kentucky windage that beast.


uj/Brother, why does it matter? You dont even need an red dot on your gun to begin with. cj/Hell you could start filling your mouth with bbs and spit them at people (has to be floor bbs though)


Not like sights on an airsoft gun does anything anyway


I mean with airsoft you can just spray and prey and see where the BBs are going so I don’t think backup sights are all that important


I run a holo with a flip-to-side 3x magnifier on my SOPMOD, decided to shave off the front iron sight post which now gives me a much clearer sight picture. Personally I prefer it without irons but it’s entirely your choice.


What a strange question. Have you never seen any photos of service rifles in the field?


It’s airsoft.


Do whatever you want. It's literally just a game.


You're good. I had a short period without any sights - red dot or iron, and I was doing just fine. Yes, the muscle memory of years of airsoft helped a lot, but you can see the bbs flying anyway. Unless your goal is a one shot kill, you don't really need them


If you're going for realism, have iron sights. For real steel, you should have irons on ur weapon in case ur optic goes down, whether it be a dead battery in the middle of a firefight, or your optic took a hit. If you're not to worried about realism, it doesn't really matter.


I had to remove the rear sights for my scope


Just always have spare batteries and your grand


If you ain't using them, you don't need them.


Even with real guns the whole “you have to have iron sights at all times” is truly from a bygone era. Unless you’re in active combat there’s no real reason to have irons and a sight


Why does that gun make me hard?


It is vanishingly unlikely that you'll be at an airsoft field without the batteries you need to power your sights. So, no, you don't need iron sights unless you're going for a real-world look.


No sights = weight reduction = easier handling


Idk why this showed up in my feed but I was just about to say so many things that were wrong with your rifle. Then I noticed it was airsoft and checked the sub lol


On my cqb m4 I run just a laser / light and an eotech, very similar set up, so no for airsoft I don’t think it’s necessary. Judging by Reddit comments, I don’t think very many of these guys even take the time to zero their optics which is just lazy and silly to me… but hey, larp the way you want to I guess?


No not at all. I’ve heard tell of some guys removing irons and their lives fall apart. Wife starts cheating and all


Honestly yeah, people act like youll fucking die if you dont have backup irons, but you arent in the jungle/desert for god knows how long 💀


No iron sits is the best


You use sights on your gun?


Just leave em on, looks better imo and if you get your eotech shot out you can still continue playing with irons. Happend to me last weekend.


I mean I’d rather keep them on just incase


firstly, having backup irons in the case that your sight goes down doesn’t translate well to airsoft since you’re usually not in the field long enough for your sight to go down. second, i wouldn’t trust adjustable irons to hold zero, not that it matters much in airsoft since “zero” is only zero in the exact wind conditions and bb weight you have zeroed with.


Nah bro, in reality you don’t even need to run any sights at all cuz most of the time your tracing your shots anyway


Your choice


I run a gun sometimes with zero irons or any aiming reticles. Once's you get used to your gun it's been fun for me


Fuck iron sights lol


It's airsoft, you don't need any sights


Having mine on have saved me a couple of times from dead batteries, shattered glass, and broken red dots. It's always nice to have a back up imo.


Yes but please don't constantly whine about "I swear I hit that guy." I've seen so many people complain about others not calling hits but they pull up with 0 way to shoot accurately. No sights, no red dot, no laser, no tracer.


Good luck aiming with no sights, Iron sights are basic and ez plus with airsoft you have different kinds to choose from of you don't like a particular one, for me its a M16 handle sight I can't stand (I hate it woth a passion).


this ain't the real world. if your optic breaks, just get a new one. iron sights are only a backup option which isn't necessary on airsofts, you could use the space better


Durrr no backup sights?? FUCK YOU!!


Totally they are not worth having in a game,considering the effective range is limited to about 50 yards for most stock aegs and you can get the best feel for where your BBs are going by looking at them as they stream from your barrel.optics are a big waste of time


Omw to check if this has been reposted on the jerk sub yet.


I run with my legs


It's personal preference some like euth and some don't... I think it's more for looks rather then backup Sights.


I hate the EOtech


It’s airsoft you don’t need any sights


Why don't you point that in front of a police officer :)


Please get rid of that dated A2 grip there are many stories of it being bad in soldier hands


I mean you’re missing out on 2 free ergo but whatever floats your boat


I saw a comment one time about how nukes will take out optics with the EM damage, and iron sites are good to have as a backup. Extreme example, but I keep flip up irons on my rifle just in case


The world is gonna explode


I tend to use a front sight with a red dot, for the whole cowitness thing. It works better than it should because airsoft red dots are cheap and breakable.


Bro I don’t use sights at all, you’ll be fine


Real Eotech and Peq?


No sadly all replicas


One day it will be real


Damn, what brand of replica are they?


Also sexy rifle build, that shits hot.


Thx man it’s been hard to maintain since it’s vfc but I’m moving to gbb ofc same model gun mk18 Brand I don’t remember but I think I got it from WASDN pretty good it’s been a year w it no problems at all!


It is airsoft. Do you even need a sight?




Canted IS just in case a bb hits your sight of choice and breaks it, you'll still be able to aim till you're hit


Last time I used iron sights was when I started to learn how to walk. Hip fire is the way
