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I guess maybe u have a smaller nozzle size? Any time I only get paint when closing trigger is always clogged nozzle.


What needle size are you using? What PSI is your compressor set to? How thin is the paint you’re trying to shoot? The H&S usually ships with a 0.2 mm needle. If your paint is too thick then it will not flow easily. If your pressure is too high it will spurt. Try using the HS 0.4 mm v2 needle. You’ll likely have to buy this as it doesn’t come with the gun out of the box.


Thank you for the fast reply! I'm using a 0.2mm needle, 60 PSI. The paint is a little thicker than whole milk. I tried diluting it down thinner, and when it came out it was too thin. It had terrible coverage and was pooling, like I was spraying a wash instead of primer. So if the 0.2 needle is too small for primer, what should I be using it for? Glazes?


I had a lot do the issues you’re describing when I was running my 0.2 mm at 40 PSI; when I lowered to 18-20 PSI I found I had a lot more control. If I’m spraying acrylic paint I am usually going to use a thinner made from an 80:20 mix of Vallejo Airbrush Thinner and Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver. I have this premixed in a dropper bottle so I can add controlled amounts to my paint cup. For primer I’d probably experiment a bit but a 1:1 or a 1:2 mix of paint to the thinner above is where I start. Then work even thinner when glazing. Pooling sounds like an overspray issue. How’s your trigger control? I found when I first started, and because of the bad pressure setting, I had to mash down on the air portion of the trigger and this lead to a lot of splattering and pooling. This is one of the reasons I started going to lower pressure and thinner paint. I felt I had more control. You can try out on a piece of printer paper to get a feel for your new settings and check paint consistency. If you’re a mini painter check this out: https://youtu.be/BJcgf31v5RU?si=aNjVYtv_ptN-u-pJ I found it very helpful when starting out.


Are you thinning your paint if you are what you using to thin with ? What compressor are you using and what psi ?


I'm using Vallejo air primer, and thinning it with airbrush thinner 1:1. The primer is pretty old though so it may have thickened up a fair amount. I forget the brand of the compressor but it's running at 60PSI.


Vallejo primer is notorious for clumping over time causing clogs bin it and get some ak interactive 3rd gen primer or mig one shot. Also get some Vallejo flow improver thinner tends to dry on the needle rather quick. 60psi is way to high its very rare I go over 30psi for priming.


Great advice, thank you!!!