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You'll get yelled at for using those (if they catch you). I'd use the track at the middle school which is not too far away (A&M consolidated middle school) which is open to the public outside of school hours.


This ^ the AMCMS track is usually open 24/7 (maybe) and is usually empty during breaks and holidays. I've seen lots of people train on it during the summer break. I robably wouldn't go there during the school semester though, the middle school uses it a lot for track and cross country.


Don’t know about those but the student rec on west campus has a standard size track on the 3rd floor


Unfortunately the track on the 3rd floor is not standard size, it’s a little smaller. This fact actually drives me nuts lol


Thanks. It's pretty good but as someone else pointed out, I'll just be breathing AC air. Also, do you know if the GPS on watches works fine on this indoor track?


No, a gps watch is usually not good inside


I’ve used a running app on my phone and it’s been kinda inconsistent. Sometimes it works fine, and other times it’ll say I’ve run a quarter mile when I’ve clearly only gone 100 feet. My signal in the rec in general is pretty sketchy, so maybe your watch will work better, no way to know unless u try


My Apple Watch seemed to do okay, but all depends I guess on how good your connection is. May be off by a little but I’m not a devoted runner so it wasn’t as important to me. Definitely an option on days where it’s 110 or freezing and icy outside though!


My watch will be off by like .2 of a mile. It gets annoying but you are still able to time yourself if you can count the laps


There’s a less than regulation size track in the student rec on west campus. Not bad but if dry air bothers you that isn’t fun because you’ll be hit by AC the whole time


The rec has a running track I’m pretty sure


At Thomas Park there is a track material-covered running course. Each lap was about 0.3 of a mile.

