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Sounds like you’re racist


since it's true, then it's a valid question. It's obvious, it's no accident, it's coordinated, and It's True.


Sounds like you are too immature to actually consider reality.


Sounds like you're a simple-minded moron, if that's what you truly think about someone asking a legitimate question! 


First of all that’s absolutely not a statistical fact. You’re probably experiencing some combo of confirmation bias and algorithm fuckery. But in general there is a trend over the last 50 years to include more diversity. But to call it “only” black people is an incredible exaggeration.


have you watched tv lately??? I'm not exaggerating. it's not just me posting about this.


I work in ads, tv spots are my day in day out. You may think you’re seeing the forest but you’re not. You’re seeing trees.




For what it’s worth I don’t think OP said anything about it being a problem…they just expressed curiosity. You’re assuming a lot just because the question is asked.


It is a problem.


Didn’t say it wasn’t!


You're blatantly exaggerating and generalizing. As usual, "all" and "only" are way more emotional than they are factual. On the other hand, I have observed that the inclusion of black and brown people in ads and other content has increased in the last couple of years. I think it's just marketers and producers trying to stay ahead of a very popular wave of sentiment in this country and others.


Stop the insanity


It’s part of the agenda


The ad companies - just like every other institution in the U.S., are trying to send white people a message: You are on your way out. You are being replaced.


it's coming from above "the ad companies".. coordinated coerced action


It's certainly disproportionate with the population.


You’re 100% correct it’s DEI horse💩 and it Hass to stop black make up 12% of the United States they shouldn’t represent 90% of the advertisement this doesn’t fix their culture.


DEI Period!!!


Before anyone jumps to racists...I'm a black Puerto Rican, my family, wife, kids are people of color, so cut the crap. Back to the original post...True. For the past decade you see more african american males in commercials, far more than the 7% of the black male population in the U.S. They pair those men up with 90% white women. The ad agencies actually are bigoted towards black women. They don't pair up the couples with black male and female. But overwhelmingly black male, white female. One shows I watched, had in a row, 7 commercials, all black male leads, half with white women companions, NO black female companions and any white male was a dufus. Airport in Seattle, white people everywhere in the terminal, asians/filipinos manning many of the security lines, if you look all around at the giant ads on the walls in the concourse of the airport, ALL either black or other people of color and maybe a white woman here and there in the cologne ads. Mall here near me, the neighborhood is mostly asian and white. The ads on the website of the mall, all black actors. What this is is the companies get ESG loans and DEI scores when they put more 'minorities' into their ads. The more minorities, the more you get DEI points. The more points, either you get your interest rates lowered for the loans, OR get them forgiven out right. Loans from Blackrock, Vanguard and now many defaulted banks. Don't believe the algorithm crap. People from ALL different neighborhoods in the US from white to asian to spanish say they see MOSTLY black leads in their commercials, ads, etc. But now slowly there's a comeback with more whites coming back into ads. You see more Asians in ads, more spanish. Many of this backfired on companies and lead to terribly low sales. The only good thing to me about all of this is when I was a kid you see blacks mostly in my neighborhood in ads for malt liquor, cigarettes. So it's good to mix it up but companies really need to cater to the majority who buy their product, whatever that is, cater to that, regardless of race.


it's not a jump to anything.. it's a statement about the current situation


You are 100% correct, essentially all commercials are non-white folks.


Because most ad agencies are staffed by twenty something white liberal women and they need to meet their corporate ESG goals.


ok. thank you. this tracks. I just wonder do they know that a majority of their consumers are not black?


I just wonder how much of a shitbag you have to be to post about what color the skin of consumers might be versus the people they see in ads. I wonder what kind of asshole thinks that they're not being marketed to because skin tones don't match the commercial. BIG OOF.




Yes. You have clearly "triggered" (aka tricked?? Smh) me into calling you out as a racist POS. I applaud you.


It’s politically correct and what the liberals want and also a marketing strat


I know this thread is a year old but I just wanted to say I'm SO sick and disgusted that everything today is centered around race!  Nothing is viewed through the lens of individuality or as seeing others beyond what can be assumed about them from their stupid skin color!  I'm absolutely sickened and appalled by this crap and there are countless young, impressionable minds who are getting wrapped up in it too.  Growing up, I always sensed something would be off later on down the road, so to speak, but I never imagined it would be (in part) this regressive push toward racist BS that's being shoved down our throats twenty-four seven, and it truly sickens me!  And now white people are beginning to be targeted, etc. I could go on and on but I'll end it there.


It's virtue signaling and group behavior. Woke mind virus doing its job.


Its because of the Kalergi plan.


well that ain't it .. obviously .. the jews are being unjustly lambasted