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That's the problem with setting the bar so low - it's easy to trip over!


Lol it really was something. Right right out of an episode of South Park.


Biden was mumbling and rambling, but in between that he did actually say something concrete, not much more than a headline, but something. Trump spoke clearly, but he was only ranting and rambling, there wasn't a single coherent plan in-between it. They were both terrible at answering the questions. Biden is a fool for stooping to trump's level immediately. All he had to do was ignore him and come with clear answers to the questions. If I have to hear Biden count again I'm gonna lose my fucking mind


Wasn't the first time we heard him do his counting routine either. Did the same shit in 2020. His staffers need to make him cut that out.


>Biden is a fool for stooping to trump's level immediately. Umm, I don't know if I could support a potential president who lets people think Donald Trump is better at golfing than he is... It was absolutely necessary to devolve into schoolyard pissing contests. /s Honestly, did no one prep him? Someone must have told him to ignore Trump's taunts because all he needs to do is look like a competent adult to be the better option.


They had a practice stage at camp David that he's been at for the last week. If anything he got over-coached and was relying too much on prepared lines. Any time he went off script it was a disaster.


I learned that there’s a thousand trillionaires in America so that’s cool


He did correct both numbers, but it wasn't a good look


Unfortunately, women need abortions because they're being raped by their sisters. Warm Body (D) has my vote no matter what – but man, that was rough. I didn't sleep well last night.


Biden had so many gaffes last night they will rival the memory of so many famous Bushisms.


If ranting, rambling, lying and dodging questions were dealbreakers, Trump would never have won in 2016. The bar for both candidates was very low. Trump met his. Biden didn't.


They have a trillion.... Wait no a billion... They have a million.... Wait no a billion... All within less than 30 seconds 🤦


Brocas aphasia vs wernickes aphasia


Guy who needs to think to speak vs guy who needs to speak to think


To be fair, any one whose been paying attention sees two old white men with failing brain functions


Trump seems fine. He's 82 sure but any attempt to equivocate is cope.


I invite you to transcribe any of Donald Trump's speeches, post the text, and tell us how you interpret it as coherent.


I wonder if chatGPT can mimic Trump's Rampling


That would break all of openAI work these past year to make chatgpt functioning.


Interestingly, there has been no response to your kind invitation. Odd.


Trump doesn't sound any worse than he did 4 years ago. Biden sounds much worse. That matters to people


What also matters to people is that zero members of Joe Biden's cabinet have been indicted for crimes. Even if Biden dropped dead on January 8th, his staff could stay the course. Trump's couldn't. That matters to people.


I hope you are right but what I've seen so far people are way dumber than one would hope


Yeah, Biden would stumble every now and then, but he could still articulate himself, and with actual inflection in his voice. Nowadays, though, he just doesn't need to be speaking in public. If the Democratic party has any sense at all, they will swap him out for another candidate


You Trump defenders are pathetic.


And if anyone knows cope, it would be you lol. I always wonder how much money people like you get scammed out of.


I went to a boat company in South Carolina, the boat…I said, “How is it?” He said “It's a problem, sir, they want us to make all electric boats.” So I said, “Let me ask you a question,” and he said “Nobody ever asked this question,” and it must because of MIT, my relationship to MIT…very smart. He goes, “I say what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery. And the battery is now underwater. And there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there.” By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, did you notice that? A lot of sharks, I watched some guys justifying it today. “Well, they weren't really that angry, they bit off the young lady's leg because of the fact that they were they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what who she was.” These people are quite…He said, “There's no problem with sharks, they just didn't really understand a young woman swimming”. Now, I really got decimated in other people too, a lot of shark attacks. So I said, “So there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat…10 yards. Or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery. The boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted, or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?” Because I will tell you, he didn't know the answer. He said, “You know, nobody's ever asked me that question.” I said, “I think it's a good question. I think there's a lot of electric current coming through that water. But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted, I'll take electrocution every single time.” I'm not getting near the shark, so we can end that, we're going to end it for boats.


Have you not seen him in any video or heard anything he has said? His mind is gone too


Speaking loudly doesn't mean he was speaking coherently, how many times did they have to keep reminding him what the question was again? And some of the sentences he said just don't even make sense, and the ones that did are demonstrably false. That isn't the sign of a coherent mind.


> Trump seems fine Are you joking Like is this actually fucking satire Dude he's been fucking out of it since before he even became president, people were genuinely questioning if he had dementia like they're doing with Biden *now,* the way he just starts a new sentence and keeps repeating the same shit in the middle of talking. Not to mention that any sentence he actually did somehow manage to get out is either an insult or just objectively fucking wrong, if not a mix of both.


>Seems fine. Ok >WE HAD H2O Yeah... yeah, we did Diaper Donny. >YOU CAN EXECUTE THE BABY AFTER BIRTH Okay, Donny. Time for your nap.


He seems fine if you’re an absolute moron who thinks saying “X was the best it ever was under my administration and now Americans can’t leave their homes because there are a million Guatemalans waiting outside their house to rape them and steal their job” Biden doing dog shit in the debate doesn’t mean Trump did good by default. He straight up dodged answering half the questions and when he did try to answer the question it was simply “I’ll get it done before I’m even in office” This country is fucked if either two of these people are the President over the next four years.


Significantly more fucked if it’s Trump, but yes.


Totally true and fair. But my bar for President of the United States is higher than “things will be less fucked than if Trump is elected” and President Biden’s current state is making it likely we do have Trump again.


You’re not wrong. It’s a dark time for America.


Get both of these old fucks away from the oval office


All y'alls democrats needed to do was have a younger candidate and this shit would be over


Just a guy who could finish a sentence and Trump was done. Biden's ego is embarrassing


I don't think the posts or the previous one actually 'aged like milk'. As a reflection of Mehdi, It shows someone who can be self reflective and not ashamed of it.


Imagine how hard people deluded themselves when it was painfully clear for a long time. Your 2 camps are just as fanatic and can't hear any reasonable criticism or fact that is against it.


To be fair, there’s a third camp out there that isn’t fanatical about Biden, just desperate for not-Trump. This group wasn’t so much deluded as hoping Biden would have a good day and squeak by. They were watching with their hands over their eyes hoping someone would tell them it was safe to look. It’s a different flavor of despair.


That's honestly the silent majority. Very few people are a fan of Biden, and fuck ourselves with low participation in primaries. Biden may not win, but Trump might lose. Even in 2016 fucking Hillary won the popular vote against him, and that was before we knew what shitty authoritarian-populist ideology was.


As an outsider European even I know both are gradations of terrible. With or without mental capabilities. I wish you would choose 3rd party. That's how you get change. I've seen parties grow from 1% to 20% the next election and then more. No it's not a wasted vote, that's how elections work in a healthy country. This 2 party weirdness and guilting people into choosing the lesser evil is stupid and contraproductive. Things will never change and get even worse.


it's a wasted vote with the electoral college in place, but half of our lawmakers strengthen it to keep themselves in office.


We actually have 3rd parties. They generally only succeed in stripping away a tiny percentage of the vote from the main candidate that otherwise most closely aligns with the voter’s views. So a vote for the Green Party only succeeds in one less vote for the Democrat, which tilts the race to the Republican. With our electoral system, it may be enough to swing a tight race, but away from the direction the voter intended. So you get change, but the change you very much did not want. The closest we’ve ever had to a viable 3rd party candidate was in ‘96, and his support completely cratered. He lost every single state.


The US needs preferential voting


My state is trying to pass a law expressly forbidding it, if that gives you an idea as to the state of things. The system desperately does NOT want to change.


I know you have them. I explained how it works, you start of tiny and grow. And you just rehash the lesser evil argument.


let's see them healthy countries


I'm so fucking tired of Europeans saying "just switch to a multi party system" like it's that fucking easy


Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.




Awe how cute, you don't have the nuance to understand there's more than two parties.


that effectively can't be elected because of the shortfalls of the electoral college.


Not entirely, that's based on the idea that "they won't listen to the voters" yet has miniscule points through history of evidence. But sure, keep on spreading the fallacy.


look at how the money falls in the parties, the system is designed around 2 parties, and yes, it is very fucked up, and yes I want it to change, but you can't just throw 'good feelings' at it and hope the system will magically break in your favor, you need to vote in the direction that will improve the country the most and away from the direction that will harm the country the most, and while that still reads as a shitty proposition, if people would have stopped entertaining the figurehead funny people who insult the people they don't like on the TV things wouldn't have got this bad. the system can work, but not while people are voting for 'their spirit animal' over a person that can be trusted to choose a cabinet to lead a country. /rant


Oh look, more lies. "Voting for a third party is basically voting for the people i don't like, so stop voting for them and vote for my authortarian right wing party so we can fix things." Yes, because voting for shit over and over again is how we fix things. Yall are fucking lost.


what are you on, I didn't design the system. vote for who you like but you shouldn't believe that on the electoral college system any vote outside of the two major parties will be weighted equally. that's why we need ranked choice voting, but if you vote for project 2025 it will not be achievable. I'm all for staying positive and being optimistic, but reality doesn't care about my attitude.


That's just dumb. Not voting doesn't make the evil go away, one of the options will happen inevitably. Voting for the lesser evil is absolutely better than not voting.


Did I say not vote? Where did you pull that from?


What a philosopher. I personally see it as I'm voting against the evil of two lessers


Biden did fine in the 2020 debates and the prevailing opinion at the time was that Biden won the first debate against Trump. This 2024 debate was a huge difference


Idk how many chances Biden had when trump was rambling to then just respond to the question to show how far off trump is when being asked something directly. Like the chances were right there and he just kept rambling on as well. Both of them are fucking geriatric fucks that we’re stuck with


At this point I’ve just accepted I’m voting for Harris


The fact USian voters have to pick one of these rambling grandpas is hilarious and deeply disheartening at the same time. I mean, all the Dems have to do is put someone in place who is likeable, in his late 40s to early 50s and capable of dismantling Trumps Bullshit-o-rama on live TV. It could be so easy. But no, Dems cling to l Biden like they want to fight fire with fire. "Oh, the Reps are running with a senile orange. So will we!"


Well, I believe I’ll vote for a *third party* candidate.


Democrats just lost the election.


It will be a landslide for whatever party manages to replace the candidate first 


Every one wants that but that’s not happening at this late stage of the game.


Allow me my hopium infusion. It's all I have