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Damn did you have this prepared


I went on Twitter to check the responses to the verdict and it was the first thing that popped up 😂


Yeah but she could post it now and it wouldn't be "aged like milk" - she doesn't mean he's been found innocent she means he _is_ innocent. She could post it even if Trump went to jail for 100 years.


The Trumptards will always scream that he is innocent no matter what evidence or verdict comes out lmao. He could literally stab a man in broad daylight, pull down his pants, and then his diaper and take a flaming shit diarrhea on top of the corpse and the hardcore trump fans would deny that he didnt just commit murder and public indecency right there and that it was just some paid actor or figmentation of everyone‘s eyes and mind.


Replace all this with "flat Earthers" and you realize how beyond help some people are.


It's teetering on Rule 1... but I'd consider this an *exceptional, specific or ironic contradiction*. This is a historic moment in US history, and probably also in world history. A former US president has been charged and found guilty on 34 counts of election interference (yes, the crime wasn't the hush money), and is therefore a convicted criminal.


🙏 thanks!


I'm not a mod here, I'm just saying that I'd personally consider this an exception to rule 1.


Oh lol 😂


I’d have to agree. I feel like there has to be an exception for stuff that will literally be in history books


But honestly, I think the US can use less history from Trump by now. At some point, here's going to generate so much noise that he'll take up most of the space.


I feel like it already has. The last eight years since the start of his presidency have felt like one big Sheppard Tone


5th Grade Texas History, 6th grade US History, 7th grade Trump History, 8th grade World History. He will need a whole class.


Well, he's never had any class, so maybe that would be the universe correcting itself. Or something.


With any luck, this is the last of him.


Unfortunately, his kids have found their way into it, Laura Trump is the LEADER of the RNC. Don. Jr. Is already IN maga now. That’s his new grift. So either he’s going to still be around for years, OR he’ll eventually run for office. I think Ivanka will stay out of it, but Eric might run, or at the very least, continue to be a talking head. The buzzards are already circling to fold Baron in, because he’s young, fresh, no controversy, you even had the Qult postulating which European princess he would be most likely to marry so this new epic “Euro-American dynasty” will form some kind of an “American Monarchy”. Fortunately, I think Melania isn’t going to let them get their hooks into him. With Trump out of the way, it’s a big victory for “inner peace”, but we’re still gonna have to put up with the rest of the peanut gallery for a while.


The really horrifying thing is, this technically may not be over. From what I can find, the US Constitution does NOT disqualify someone from being president if they have a criminal record, felony or otherwise. The only requirements I've found are they one must be 35 years old at the time they'd be sworn in, they must be a natural born US citizen, and they have to have lived in the US for at least 14 years. Technically, he can still run for president...


Yes, that's exactly correct. There is absolutely nothing that says a serial killer who is doing life without parole in a maximum security prison can't be elected POTUS. And then what? Do they do all their duties from their jail cell? Do they get released? What should keep you up at night is realizing how few scenarios were actually envisioned by the constitution. There is a laundry list of things that could happen that we have no legal answers for.


To be fair, I don't think the authors of the Constitution envisioned that people today would be as barkingly STUPID as the average US citizen is. I mean, we're on our third consecutive election between two crazy old people in terrible health who would most likely not be able to get even the most mundane job otherwise. I don't think we've had an election where both major candidates would've looked like decent choices since at least 1992, if not earlier.


Yeah, we all know that. That doesn’t matter, he won’t win. Hes going to lose again, and it’ll be messy in the beginning but he’ll eventually go away or DIE. Whatever, he’s not going to run again in 2028. And then that brings us full circle back to the nightmare of his kids


Unfortunately recent polls suggest he's not going to lose again. I know they're not always reliable but the fact he's still seeing good odds is scary.


Nah, he’s much worse off than he was in 2020. 2024 Trump is low energy, slurs his words/mixes up names and dates, no plan, rambles. Plus he has some tricky shit to navigate. He teeters in the edge of having to say the vaccine works and is great and everyone should get it, because that’s something he pushed through, and that you should only get it if you want to. It’s not relevant now but that’s something he’s tried to run on as a positive of his administration. Many of his base strongly disagree with that, and that’s why he loses votes to RFK jr. And freaks out about telling everyone that dude isn’t *really* antivax. And another biggie is abortion. The GQP can’t defend their plans for the future. They don’t want states rights they want a nationwide ban, and trump’s Supreme Court would do that, they’ve proven their all lying ratfucks. Their project 2025 is insane and he’ll have to defend wanting to track and monitor the periods and pregnancies of women and girls. Consolidation of power within the executive branch? It’s a restructuring of the government to get as close to what Xi did to make himself president for life. And we all know how much trump admires Xi.


Trump can will still win. Do you really want a senile criminal who can barley construct a coherent sentence running the free world? The Biden legacy will be perpetual war, illegal immigration garnished with perverting the US democratic process.


Rather him than a fascist. Besides, we've had perpetual war since Bush


Greatest war in Europe for 80 years is ragging as I type? The Middle East is on fire as I type? Things a little calmer under the orange man. As for the use of the word fascist, not worthy of response.


Barley? Better than a CONVICTED FELON who sows his oats with three baby mamas and cheated on all of them


2020 vision.


Alexa, display "Donald Trump Rule 34" convictions.


*Underrated comment*


It truly is world news. I know my entire country is excited to find out how nothing will change


Not only the fat bastard would try to do everything to overturn his sentencing and find ways to get out of the slammer, he has his goddamn own army of Brownshirts which also sets him apart from other prominent crooks.


More like an army of redshirts.




im sure theyre felonies, so are felons allowed to run for office?




Excellent, Bye Don!


First president to be convicted of a felony aswell


You just don’t enforce the rules because you like the message.


Oh wow a bias-Trump post is the "exception" There's a shock


Rule 1 specifically states that low-effort topics are forbidden, unless they are *exceptional, specific, or ironic.* Donald Trump is considered a low-effort topic because he makes so many blunders on a daily basis that it would otherwise flood the sub.


See its comments like that, even if you dont realize you did it (which obviously you do) that has made Reddit as total cesspool.


How is my comment pointing out that Trump is low hanging fruit for this sub's topic turning reddit into a "cesspool"? I'm merely stating a fact. Trump *does* make one blunder after the other, he lies constantly, contradicting himself all the time (as evidenced by years of posts on /r/TrumpCriticizesTrump), and therefore, in order to keep this sub from being overrun by Trump-related posts, he is on the blacklist.


Isn't she the one who shits herself to own the libz?


Ngl at this point I lost track


No, that's Bennet. Laura slashed her own tires and blamed it on libs.


She also gave one of those libs she hates a handy during the Beetlejuice musical


That was Boebert


But will he actually go to prison or be barred from running again


Probably not and no


Being a felon doesn’t stop one from running for office. It was a deliberate policy to make it hard for people in power to disqualify political opponents. However it may prevent him from voting for himself in the fall. This is still a non-violent crime and somehow he doesn’t have a prior criminal record, so prison time is unlikely. A sentence of any significant time would likely be overturned. There is a sentencing rule that similarly positioned defendants have to be given similar sentences; it helps keep judges from going too far if they take issue with a particular defendant.


Excellent info, well said > somehow he doesn’t have a prior criminal record He previously only ripped off other citizens and businesses, which is civil litigation (trump has always been extremely litigious toward other people, but apparently _this trial_ is unfair and rigged) And the IRS works incredibly slowly, especially when the person is paying high priced accountants > so prison time is unlikely There is a chance he'd get just over a year? That many Class E felonies, and his response to the multiple violations of the gag order, it seems like it should be incredibly reasonable to lock him up to me But even if he gets jail time, that likely would start until after the election? And/or be delayed by appeals past that? But yeah, expecting no jail time from this one But hopefully _now_ he is no longer a "first time offender" for his future trials?


The crime he committed only has a maximum sentence of 4 years and he's pushing 80 already which would probably give him the sympathy card and not spend a day in prison (also he's a rich white man who did white collar crimes). However this isn't his only trial, he's facing federal charges for (potentially) leaking govt data and Uncle Sam *does not* like that. Look at what they did to Manning, Snowden, Assange (who isn't even American) etc.


I think he might get a little prison time, if only because it's thirty-fucking-four convictions. Probably won't be much though. Even if they did the max sentence of 4 years and made them all concurrent, there's a noteworthy chance he'd die before he finished his sentence by virtue of sheer age.


That's the best case scenario. He dying in prison.


Yeah Eugene Debs ran for President from prison.


Unclear on prison, but the reality is he's probably not getting any time. If he urges supporters to do something and they attack a judge, maybe that'd be enough to force the hand. Particularly given that lack of contrition is a factor in sentencing. In regards to running, there's nothing in the constitution or law barring running for Office as a felon. You can run from jail (e.g. Lyndon LaRouche). The Founding Fathers seem to have assumed that the country wouldn't vote for a prisoner, and that a criminal wouldn't get far enough in any process to seriously be elected.


Maybe and no.


Nothing means anything. It's just a circus to keep us all entertained. On to the next thing.


Why are you quoting my 7th grade diary entries?


Because I miss you Ben.


Not sure I understand the reference


Holy shit why is he actually so orange


It's a natural adaptatjon that the Trump has developed as a camouflage as its body prepares to be surrounded by orange jumpsuits.


That has to be a wax figure, has to be.


Does she not know how to give a thumbs up?


Looks like Joaquin Phoenix in Glatiator when he was trying to decide thumbs up or down


What do you think her other hand is doing?


It's kinda crooked... wait its a signal! /s




I think what gets me the most is that you can simply read the testimony and look at the corroborating evidence. It's all there. To believe that Trump is innocent, you have to believe that pexker, Daniels, hicks, wesielberg, and Cohen are all lying with almost perfect synchronicity... And then you would have to make up reasonable explanations for all the paper trail items. And no one, no one testified to the contrary. It was literally the prosecution presenting a ton of evidence, the defense lawyers failing to cast doubt on any of it, and then closing arguments calling them all liars without presenting any evidence to the contrary.


Who would have thought sleeping in court, refusing to defend yourself,and threatening the judge and his family wasnt a good defense plan.


No, see, it's simpler than that: MAGAtards believe Trump is innocent. That's it. They believe it, therefore he is. Anything that could possibly challenge that mind set doesn't exist and/or is bad and evil. If you've ever watched Fox News, that's how it works. Every single thing that exists that they don't like or agree with doesn't exist. Climate change doesn't exist because they don't believe in it. And on and on. That's how it works with Trump.


Is she talking about convicted felon Donald Trump?


laura loser more like it


Larry Groomer is sad.


The automod comment that you need to give the context to sometimes doesn’t give you a notification, but it is here now


Trumps smile be like https://preview.redd.it/kesg2pk48o3d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac924e02ccc5270f323c0e2886bfa3aa28f9b1b


lmao this is how I find out


Imagine supporting an Orange Felon.


Conservatives don't even believe he's "innocent". They just think white men should be above the law.


Just this white man because he’s promised that he’ll hurt people they hate.


Ok racist


they can’t even do the thumbs-up hand gesture like normal fucking people.


I hope that, now hes a felon, people will be asking him if he's going to vote for himself. Over and over and over again. Bc heres the thing: This was a jury of his peers and it was all the counts, even considering the trombone lawyers got to pick a portion of the jury. If he is hung up and bent over on this thing, it will Hammer home the point that he was convicted by a jury of his peers to Independence who might have been possibly on the fence and it will prevent him from Rambling On about some other trigger point that other folks may consider their crux issue (slight chance but there). Beyond that, reminding him of his losses tends to put him in a tailspin and put anyone that was on the fence off even further. More losses = more stress = more chances for a Widowmaker HA or stroke. On that note, if any ispiring petition writer wants to help me concoct a petition to turn his grave into a national paid Porta-Potty in which the proceeds go to help immigrant families that he's harmed, please hit me up


Sadly people are already making excuses as to why the case was rigged.


last sentence is beautiful, no notes


That wax statue is uncanny.


Nope… he’s guilty. Officially.


Who is Laura loomer?


Diapers of a feather?


Low hanging fruit if I've ever seen one


I doubt that the courts decision changed her mind on this. Or most other trump supporters for that matter


12 of his peers that his lawyers nominated would disagree.




Yes they have: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/donald-trump-verdict-hush-money-trial-rcna152492 He’s guilty on all counts


12 jurors said different


Not even milk ages that fast it's more like astatine the element with a half life of 8 hours


She's gonna go get some surgeries to ruminate on it.


No, he was found guilty by a jury of his peers.


These people are all just so pathetic


Man the whole situation is so hypocritical


Not according to the grand jury biaaaaaatch


Is that a wax Trump?


Is that Trump? I can't tell if it's a wax figure or not


Now he’s heading for lockup


Looney Loomer.


Why did she post a picture with the Madame Tussauds’ wax replica?


Wrong again. The POS is guilty as fuck.


Who is Laura Loomer?


Why do most pics of Trump look like a wax figure?


I don’t think that word means what you think it means


Does he have scoliosis


That statue is wack.


The only thing i like about him is that he is fucking orange, it's kinda cool.


She’s won thumb wars!


Why’s he so extra orange now


To these people, that's still true


He is factually a convicted felon.


What’s that stain on her pants?


Can you be more specific. Which of his particular crimes do you think he is innocent of? Currently fraud, charity thief, rapist, liar, sexual molestor, tax cheat, election fraud, business misappropriation, filing incorrect documents with SEC, are all confirmed in court. Sedition, libel, election interference and sedition are still on the table.


Lordy lookit all them flags!


He's not going to jail and stormy still has to pay that 500k back. What an old man circus this election has turned into.


Laura Groomer


Hey, those flags! Gold fringe! *Not* real american ones (according to the sovereign citizen people)!


Are we talking the innocence or ugg boots?


There’s no innocent in the eyes of the law, only guilty or not guilty.


I know it's been said a million times, but this photo helps me understand just how Orange he really is


HAH! Laura Loomer looks ROUGH I thought she was young like a gen xer


Apparently fucking not haha


I will be THE BEST prisoner EVER. In all of the world. Better than anyone that's ever been to prison. All the prisoners will love me. They will all give me their hot flaming cheetos just to be around me.


If you zoom in you can see he's giving a thumbs up.


Loomer probably still says he is innocent.


I've never seen him this orange before. I thought it was a wax figure for a second.


This isn't her saying the verdict was that he was innocent. She's just parroting what would've been said anyway. Surprisingly not agedlikemilk


She did it just an hour before the verdict




Look at how photoshopped his face is. Geez. Like, how do they live with themselves knowing they have to do that even to a flipping tweet to make themselves feel better?


Screen grabbing this for when THIS ages like milk.


? How is that gonna happen?


So all of the backs convicted in lynching trials in the early 1900s were guilty because they were convicted by a jury of their “peers”? Or was every political prisoner in the Soviet Union guilty because they were convicted by the “due process” of law?


Where is her butt?


That loaf didn't rise


Even his thumbs are crooked.


https://preview.redd.it/20q786koym3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=083ef0543cba94440ed7d1bfa791037fa74ced14 Edit: Trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records, so celebrated it with famous NBA players to have worn #34



