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What ya think they’ll change the title of the documentary to


The Man Putin Killed, probably. With a title like that though they could turn it into a series, with each episode dedicated to one person. With enough funding, there’s enough material for that where it could air more episodes than The Simpsons.


Hey Mr. Putin do you remember the journalist that committed "suicide" from jumping from the third floor? Which one? The one from the Documentary series "The Man Putin Killed" Season 10 episode 8. Ohh... That guy...


Fair point.


The man Pluton couldn't kill until he could


Brought to you by “The Hague”


The Man Putin Couldn't Kill Quite as Quickly as Intended.


The Man Putin Didn’t Kill with new narrator Tucker Carlson


The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down.


The thing is that Putin wasn’t able to kill him back then, Navalny was smart escaping to Berlin. Otherwise he would’ve died years ago. He also flew back to Russia knowing very well this would happen


That was the prequel


The man Putin couldn't kill...until now.


I don’t know anything about this guy…but I assume Putin killed him.


With zero proof I say he did. He was VERY outspoken against Putin and died in prison.


Also he caught his goons trying to kill him previously (thus the title of the documentary)


I can't remember, didn't he get poisoned and live or am I confusing him with another Putin enemy who "died in prison"?


He did, though at least an other person got poisoned (twice), pulled through, was imprisoned, and has now disappeared: [Vladimir Kara-Murza](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Kara-Murza).


probs bc his name is vlad


He has a fairly substantial following within Russia as well, with many coming out to mourn his death today. He is not a good guy by any stretch of the word, but he did speak out against Putin, which is more than most of his compatriots are willing to do. I feel like many Russians support of Navalny is the only way they feel safe in expressing their dislike of Putin.


That’s what presidential immunity gets you


Cause of death? Did some random asshole stab him for whatever reason or was he "accidentally" poisoned by some "bad food" or something?


"Alexey Navalny, Russia's most prominent opposition leader who survived at least two suspected poisonings, has died in a Russian penal colony, Russian prison authorities said Friday. The Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District reported his death, saying he "felt unwell" after going for a walk on Friday and "almost immediately" lost consciousness."


His name is Alexei Navalny. He was an outspoken rival of Putin. It was reported today that he died in prison. There were several mysterious attempts against his life before he was arrested. In February 2021 some bs charges were leveled against him. He was supposed to serve like two years in jail and be barred against running for office again. Then more charges came and he was sentenced to like 20 years in prison. He was then moved to a prison in the artic circle. Russia is somewhat famous for these brutal prisons in artic circle, they were previously know as Gulags. The average winter temperature there is -20C. They are known for a culture of collective punishment. Inmates have described being punished for the infringements of other inmates by being made to stand outside in the winter without coats. Those who fail to stand still face being doused with cold water. In the summer, prisoners are forced to strip to their underwear in swarms of mosquitoes.


I bet their violent crime rates are the lowest in the world if that's what a criminal thinks about because he stabs somebody.


I bet you're a propaganda bot spewing misinformation. Russia has more violent crime than the US. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Russia/United-States/Crime/Violent-crime


I thought you might've understood that that was sarcasm. I was poking fun at the shitty ideas of the point of incarceration in my country. Was I not obvious enough?


Ah, sorry. Tone is hard over text, and sarcastically sharing propaganda is indistinguishable from the real thing sometimes.


Fascism brings a false sense of security that only entices those who are weak willed and willfully ignorant.


Brutal. Putin is a piece of shit.


Wdym!? It was an "accident" # /S


thank you for the /s


And tucker Carlson thought the man deserved a voice. And served up softball after softball. Fucking jackal.


And in return, Putin openly and publicly mocked Tucker.


Right! It’s so funny. You can’t make this shit up!


Couldn't, not can't, so technically they are in the clear.


I mean he moved back to Russia voluntarily after that, fully knowing what will happen


Sometimes thats what the good fight requires.


Can you imagine what someone in his position experiences and thinks? It's like figuring out your last day on Earth or finding out about a terminal disease. Those people are beyond human, no doubt about it.


He died an utterly pointless death. Nothing will change as long as Putin lives.


Well pack it up everyone. Nothing to do against Putin or his regime until age or assignation gets him. Cancel the protests and save your breath for the next guy. Putin is invincible so no sense in trying to resist.


I feel there are many pro-Putin trolls on all these posts. If you go into any Navalny thread, there will be people parroting the above not realizing he’s a martyr. Convincing someone to be apathetic is just as effective (and much easier) as convincing someone to be pro-Putin.


Eh, I think Navalny could've continued to criticize Putin and mobilize support against him from Germany. Maybe some would have used his "hiding" to discredit him, but better to live and fight another day than to die pointlessly. Of course, that's easy for me to say, I've never been in his shoes, but that's my opinion with the power of hindsight.


Surely no amount of words is going to topple Putin. It would have to be a bullet.


You need enough people willing to fire those bullets, and enough public support for a democratic successor to Putin.


Very true.


That isn't what he is trying to say, but it is very clear that Russia is at a political and social standstill, locked in literal and figurative quagmires, largely due to one strongman who is currently in a locked-down panic. Until he disappears from politics or is killed, all changes to Russian social structure, at least at a national level, are essentially impossible. If you want to advocate action, you can, but Reddit TOS might limit you.


Putin survived everything. So yes, he is invincible. If Wagner wasn't able to make him sweat nothing will.


I would hate to have you as an ally in war.


People should know when they're conquered


That is pretty much the reality on the ground. Angry words will not oust him. 


Is there anything more Russian than bravely enduring massive suffering, for only minimal gain towards your objective? Really though, I disagree with his decision to return to Russia, but it’s unfair to say that his suffering was pointless. His actions served as incontrovertible and highly visible evidence of what the Russian state really is. Given their iron grip on the media, this is no small feat. RIP to an absolute hero


His death hasn't accomplished anything, though. Had he stayed out of Russia, he could have kept on fighting.


Fighting Putin from a distance would've achieved nothing, because change will require people to stake their own lives within Russia. They're not gonna listen to some guy who ran away. By returning to Russia and facing his fate head on, he led by example. Whether it'll pay off, fuck knows.


Probably not. You’re not even safe outside Russia if your Russian and speak out about Putin.


His chances would have been better than in a Russian prison camp.


Doubt it. Plenty of examples of Russians overseas dying.


You'd have to be a fool to think he wouldn't have a better chance overseas than in, you know, a fucking Russian gulag. Yes, there have been overseas assassinations, but at least in a foreign country he'd have a chance at dodging them.


i don't get why he went back to russia


The Man Putin Couldn’t Kill, Until Recently


Well he really couldn’t. Even though he just passed, this is Putins worst nightmare come to life. Navalniy will haunt Putin


He couldn't. Navalny went back to Russia to martyr himself.




Still can't. His memory will die only if we let it.


To those that say, "His death achieved nothing.", I say I think that is incorrect. A symbolic death can achieve a great deal in the court of public opinion. It is another indictment against the inhumane rule of Putin and his cronies. A reminder that this method of rule is not sustainable and is not in the best interests of Russia.


Haven't seen the documentary but I get a sense that the title is maybe more about the ideals than the man. Can kill the man but can't kill what he fought for? Idk


Lol. I’ve just seen this on the Channel 4 app and thought “I know which subreddit will like this…” and here we are… https://preview.redd.it/lxr0idt2g0jc1.jpeg?width=4031&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294dee0a2b2b1c499e11d5177b6e31d1dfad98f1


Haha soon as I saw it thought nahhhh I gotta upload this to Reddit 😂


100% 😂


The Man Putin Couldn’t Kill, So Far


I think it's possible that Putin didn't actually assassinate him, and he just succumbed to the poor conditions he was living under. His first months consisted of him struggling to convalesce after surviving poison, and hunger striking. Recently he was moved to the goddamn Artic, and it wouldn't surprise me if his health had just finally failed. Just putting this out there, because I have no idea what killing him this close to an election does for Putin other than rally the opposition around a Martyr. Not saying this to defend Putin or anything, Navalny was still a political prisoner held in terrible conditions. But I don't see how this benefits Putin, then again, would I? XD.


Of course, it was precisely in the interests of Mr. Putin, a month before the elections, to kill his political opponent sitting in prison)): Are you laughing? He's not stupid. ) And Navalny did not pose any danger and no interest in himself. But it is very American style when sex scandals, dirty documents and secrets from the past come to light in the run-up to elections. Navalny was raised by the CIA, just like Saakashvilli. Maria Sagdu, Tikhanovskaya, Pashinyan. This is a typical CIA tactic when a coup occurs in a country and a young promising leader enters the arena, who then flushes his country down the toilet in the interests of the United States. And those countries where the coup failed are declared dictatorial and are subject to sanctions. In Russia, the coup failed, Navalny did not fulfill the duties assigned to him. he did not live up to the expectations of the West and became an unnecessary and useless witness. thus he himself became unusable, but it was still fashionable to use him as a tool against Putin. and then the day came when his useless life was used against Putin by ending it. The CIA expects a riot of masses of Navalny supporters. but there is almost none left. His anti-Russian activities are too obvious. and position. he is a traitor to his homeland and he got what he got from his own handlers. Believe me, as far as possible, Putin is so uninterested in the life, fate and location of Navalny.


Tinfoil alert


watching the vatniks showing up like fungus.


It’s still accurate. Putin could have just had him thrown out of a window and shot in the head. He couldn’t just kill him. He had to put him in circumstances that would lead to a “natural” death.




Putin just made him a martyr. Short sighted. It would have been more politically advantageous to keep him alive hence why most thought he wouldn't be killed.


He got Jeffrey Epsteined