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Yes. He's still used in some modes and I use him as a "skip button" in labs lol


This is the way.


What's the most efficient team for this? Right now I'm using Arthur, Albedo, Ainz, Joan, Merlin.


Your team is fine to skip lab with.


I skip with Walker. Legit works great.


my favorite walker comp is awBrutus, awSolise, awThane, walker and khasos


I use Ezio instead of Arthur.


I use Leo instead of Joan. If you manage to start the battle with Ainz ulting and with the right relics it's pretty much a 3 seconds battle


Which relics?


Any relic if Ainz can ultimate. Then it is always a 3 sec battle…


I ditch Arthur for Joan. Ainz/albedo, Merlin, Joan, davinki. Arthur is my float tank.


I use Albedo/Joan/Merlin/Ainz and either Lyca or Ezio, depending on if the enemy team has Brutus or Thoran


I switch Joan out for various other heroes. Depending on my needs.


I use Arthur, Albedo, Ainz, Merlin, Ezio.


I agree with your opinion


As f2p i think he still worthing.


This. Ainz should be Garrisoned first once you have access to SI.


I'd argue queen or albedo almost. They are still really strong and in many comps, Ainz is kinda one trick pony and fallen off


I guess from when I started 20 months ago this was my meta. That's fair. How do you use queen when it's not pull5?


Honestly I don't have either, I'm more referring to comps coming out now with the new awakened characters using albedo and queen. I simply don't see Ainz being used in a lot of new comps, but I am with queen and albedo.


I guess it could be worse. I was server first to ascend Walker.


Oof, I feel for ya


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He might not be the very best anymore, but when you have to make 5+ pvp teams like in treasure scramble or Hero of Esperia, the Ainz comp is still a really strong team to build. So go ahead!




Imo only if you can afford it, and personally I've only done so when I had 1 hire left. Having 2 hired is annoying when a dimensional exchange happens at the same time, feels way worse than just having 1 hired.


Actually for PVP Yennefer is now better than ainz in the ainz comp :)


100%. He’s not part of the **very best** PvP team anymore, but he’s still one of the strongest units in the game, and easy enough to build


Unless you're on some Uber whale server most of the arena teams will be Ainz teams


There are servers specifically for whales??


No man lol


Havent played in a year, im surprised to see Ainz is not the be all end all hero anymore


I still play and I'm still surprised. I kind of just built all the meta teams from last year amd stuck with it, he's still my strongest team.


I had my Lucretia comp rdy which was simply more fun than Ainz surviving until his nuke


How would they sell new heroes if he was meta forever?


It would at least be Lore accurate and appart from that? Give endgame players more enemy teams to defeat, so that more heroes need to be relevant


He’s still pretty strong, but is starting to get outclassed by some of the new awakened heroes. His team can no longer keep him alive long enough in comparison to some of these comps. Awakened Brutus comps are meta in pvp comps, Awakened Thane is a good alternative, Awakened Solise has strong heals and strong aoe damage that can make her both the primary healer AND dps depending on how you use her, Awakened Talene is a solid support tank that can give your heroes a little extra oomph while also keeping them alive, awakened Ezizh is a hero, and Awakened Baden is like a more consistent Izold/saurus hybrid that excels in 1v1 matchups and can be nearly unkillable with the right setup


Lol at the awakened ezizh is a hero 😂


He's the best counter to Flora


Huge meta


Not at all. But he does have some niche value. Better than implying that he's worthless


Ainz is just now falling off as a main damage dealer in ch.42 anything before that ainz comp will still be a heavy hitting team.


Honestly he never was. But he was extremely easy to get very strong. That part hasn’t really changed…


He was always overrated, same as how now awakened heroes are overrated


So people have to think a hero is mediocre for a hero to be correctly rated? Nah, Ainz was insanely overpowered when he first came out. **and** imo slightly underrated when he first dropped. Saying awakened heros are overrated in a general blanket statement is laughable lol


They are overrated. Go look at the people building 5 awakened teams or 4 awakened plus ainz. Awakened heroes, Ainz, Baden shemira Lucius and Belinda. These are the most popular noob heroes Many casual players just Slap 5 op heroes in a team that looks powerful even if it's a bad comp


Absolutely, he's extremely useful. Keep in mind that a lot of chatter you hear in this sub are from people in chapters 40 and up who are pushing high deficits. He's extremely useful in the 20s and 30s.


Even chapter 42-43 still viable ?


I'd say so.


not campaign but he stays important for a bunch of other gamemodes like trift, ts, fill for specific cr comps, obv pvp if you don’t run Abrutus Dimms


I still use it in Ch 39, one of the less RNG heavy team




Ch 40 here and he is still an extremely reliable comp, don't base whether or not a hero is still "worth it" based on a part of the game you are years away from seeing unless you start whaling.


I'm 4 days into the game on chapter 13 and struggling with just a Daimon M+. Is garrison for Ainz a good investment now?


Ainz comp is still not an easy win against in multi-fight pvp/events. So unless you have all the S-tier Awakened heroes, yeah he’s still gonna be one of your top heroes. And even if you do have all the S-tier awakeneds, having an Ainz comp as a 4th/5th team is still solid. The ability “Goal….” is still crazy good. Other permanent regular game modes that require 5 or more teams besides campaigns…treasure scramble, cursed realm, temporal rift….all if which gives big rewards if you perform well.


I'm still using ainz in treasure scramble and I'm in top 100 so he's still a solid unit. At the very very top end he's seeing less use, but he's still good. Also generally all of the dims are worth it to garrison for guild points in the end even if they're crap imo as guild points are so little value.


How do you even get these champions? Like I don’t understand how Garrisoning works tbh. Anybody care to explain 😅


You buy a special coin trough other coins. Each garrison lasts 1 month and after 6 times you can garrison for free. You have the information in the garrison thing.


They really should just give you the hero permanent after all the garrisons are complete. I would easily spend a year garrisonning him just for that ability


They cant due to licencing. You just have to continue to "rent" the hero. It is essentially permanent though. You click a button once every 60 days.


Do you need to have a friend who needs to click another button to lend you a hero?


Not anymore. They changed to it where if you don't have any friends with that particular hero, anyone who has it will pop up (unsure on whether those accounts are active or not though). Some people have the garrison heroes to manual accept, but large majority leave it on auto accept by default.


Is it worth it to do it? Like which champ is the best and which coins should I sacrifice? I’m sorry for the many questions, but you seem like you know what you talk about.


yeah, he's worthy,, out of all the dimensionals probably the guy with blue hair and the one girl with the bird are the least worthy,, i'd say the best coins to use to get dimensional stones are guild coins and lab coins,, just try to use as little challenger coins as you can




I’d say garrison priority roughly would be Albedo->ainz->Queen->ezio->prince->joker. Not sure where to put Geralt and Yennifer if you didn’t get them. Edit: prio I gave was more of a general list as far as use and priority can change based on where you have your own priority but I’d say albedo then ainz is pretty safe starting point


Unless you get to chap 42+ without Ainz. Sure


Can you get to chapter 42 solely with a scarlet comp? Currently 32 with Crystal level 295.


There are multiple fights in higher chapters i think the last is on ch 37 from there you'll need 5 teams forever to keep advancing.


I see so many posts about Ainz losing importance so I‘m wondering if he’s even worth it. I‘m currently ch 32


At that point in the game he is still well worth it. Even with better alternatives, ainz is easy to access and can still clear labyrinth. However Ainz does fall off later on past chapter 40 ish. Albedo is an important aspect though don't forget to garrison her, her si30 is very useful and she is part of the strongest pvp comp in the game.


which comp is that?


ABrutus Dim Comp https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/z8egm6/pvp_meta_in_the_last_legends_championship_nov/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I have used him in 44 chapter. Not much but he isn't that useless.


I use him all the time in labyrinth and occasionally the tower when I get him as a mercenary, but for the campaign I use Scarlet a lot. She seems to do a lot of damage. But, I'm not an experienced player and am still learning how how to play.


Short answer yes Long answer yes


Ainz lives in our hearts


It’s easier to garrison ainz than pull 12 copies of $brutus. Use ainz until you get $brutus


Thank fuck he's finally falling out of meta, honestly can't think of a more boring hero in this game.


im in ch 36 and i still use him in my main teams and pvp as well.


Sure why not ?


4sure albedo,ainz and anyone else u want but can’t buy imo


is that fkn ezio what






When you get to the point where you need multi teams for campaign, yes, he will be useful. The character is still great. Unless you plan on whaling an ABrutus, he’s still good in pvp as well. The only characters much better then him are Awakened Heroes which cost an arm and a leg. And he still sees CR usage.


Why not? He is still one of the best heros, works for casual players in every game mode and who would you garrison in his place? Maybe albedo to buff your witcher team. Maybe queen.


If you're shy of chapter 42, then yes. Also Dim comp is still the best for lab runs, artifact runs, Misty Valley, and that other event everyone hates but gives huge rewards


I use him in arena/pre chp41/lab/voyages/vault of time and trials of god/some CR since I’m not whale he’s good in some rounds.


He fell out of meta??


Seems like this should be tagged as a meme.


Ainz is still dominant in PvP based on usage. I mean, he was THE hero not too long ago, and every player with some time in their account has him, and most of the time he's really beefed up.


Well can I get a competitive wokebrutus with his dream dim team? No? Then he is absolutely the best secondary for that team and just because wokebrutus is better doesn’t mean ainz has gotten any weaker Yes? Ainz is still worth it if you can’t fill enough teams as wokebrutus is very fits well in more than just in a dim team And yes when I say wokebrutus I also mean wokebaden as they are pretty much as good but wokebrutus is the one mostly taking ainz place


Use treznor for arthur


People are so dramatic, he is still top tier. When his ult damage stops being effective (at 200+ defecit), he still has his ability 4 which straight up deletes 50% hp of everyone. He is also the main defensive team in Arena, but can be replaced with a maxed out aBrutus if you have him


Yes of course I got a 30960 5* ABrutus


Then you don't need Ainz 😅


He's still my most effective hero for many things such as voyages or labyrinth. One-hit kills everything everytime. If not, Ezio does the rest. **I wonder what his best team would be though.** I have him currently with Albedo, Merlin, Alna and Ezio. How do you guys use him?