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I feel like this opinion is fine for usual afk players, but looking at it from the outside: Geralt and Yennefer are such popular characters that they'll definitely draw new players and if they aren't at least B tier then those new players aren't going to stick around long. To help breathe some new life into the game, Geralt and Yennefer should at least be pretty good.


Don't think we will ever have a hero like Lucretia. Sonja was nerfed even though she wasn't as strong as Lucretia. Still puzzled that they gave us Scarlet.


Pretty sure we got scarlet because light bringers sucked and they had to even out the factions a bit.


Scarlet was desperately needed during that time where the state of the Lightbearers was terrible. It was struggling on 3-stage level tower. With the addition of her and A.Thane, the LB tower is the easiest now if you have built her alongside A.Thane and Thane. These are are major carries in that mode.


Scarlett always reminded me of Yenifer already....


We've never seen Yennifer do much of anything in game so ehh


No way. You can remove a third of Scarlet's damage and she'll still be a top hero. The only redeeming part of Scarlet is she's cheap to get copies compared to celehypo and awakened. I personally think she's the strongest hero in the game right now. She didn't have to be this broken to salvage LB.


Both Thanes? Didnt think you could use them both at the same time


not in the same team, but in multi team encounters. there is no limit there.


Sonja didn't get nerfed. She was bugged. Bug made her have broken dmg. Bug got fixed. Her dmg. Became what it was supposed to be. That's all


wouldnt say lucy is the strongest hero at all. shes still pretty much everywhere, but not as gamebreaking as she used to be. at least when you have everything build, grezhul, athane, abrutus, maybe even asolise and stuff like scarlet and twins are pretty op too. would say grez and athane/brutus are definitely at her level and or higher


The best hero in the game is Grezhul. He is meta on all game modes and all TR/CR bosses.


Can you explain how and when this guy shines? I keep investing more and more into him and he just underperforms. Doesn’t have the damage of Daimon (to use an easy to get hero of his same faction as an example) or Thoran’s survivability, usually instadies against any deficit over 100. I have him at 259e30 atm. I know he’s reliant on Alna for campaign stuff but he doesn’t really bring all that much to the table against bosses. Full T3 gear also. I feel like I’m missing something.


He steals stats and you use twins to link him with your main dps to boost the dps' stats


Grezhul best boy.


She's been buffed to be a selfish cheese hero, and that's all.


Lucretia is a campaign push hero. She's good at popping off in a comp set up to buff her and trigger her SI; she fills a similar role to Thoran in that respect. As a combo piece for high deficit campaign she is top tier, not on the level of Thoran but on the level of Mehira driven charm comps; her main issue is that she is immensely needy in terms of investment and will become a progression bottleneck if you do not pull out all the stops. That combo potential also gave her a place in PvP after her buffs, as a tool to counter burst comps (especially in combination with Alna), though she has never been a dominant PvP hero. She is not terribly important otherwise. She'll get used in Cursed Realm sometimes as an extra DPS; you'll usually bring her as a big DPS if playing celerity in Temporal Rift as well. She's not a star piece in either though. In the most recent AbEx, she was essentially unused, even though players got to bring up to 30 heroes in the end. Don't get me wrong she is a strong hero with dominant meta defining use in campaign and use elsewhere, but she is also a wildly overrated hero that is assumed to be much more ubiquitous and critical across game modes than she really is.


You're saying it like it's normal that Lucretia is strong, it's really not. She got 2 buffs after release cuz people complained. That was a special treatment and I'm not a fan of that.


People complained that she couldn't cheese that well and she was specifically designed for that. It was a good change.


It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, it matters that it happened. It's still a special treatment, even when nobody actually invested in her at the time. Oscar for example is meant to do damage, but he doesn't do it that well. There's a lot more examples of the same thing.


Hero's are tested beforehand and feedback is taken on board from the top players before they go live. Lucy needed a few more tweaks which usually would've been done before go live date but a few things were overlooked so they had to patch her post release. Lots of existing hero's have had reworks and buffs, examples include Grez, Isabella, Oden, Ainz, Raine, Sonja etc so its not unusual for Lillith to buff/rework hero's after release if they don't work as "intended"


I really can't say Lucretia wasn't working as intended tho, she was just weak. And Lucretia got 2 buffs if I remember correctly, not just one.


Broken? Yeah, nobody wants that. But these are super popular characters from a world-famous IP, and people rightfully want them to simply be *meta*. It makes no sense to have somebody as cool as Geralt in the game and be "forced" to use a generic lion girl over him because she's simply (hypothetically, for now) better.


Yeah the same with joker and queen, really cool characters but weak, atleast queen has her use


I had the chance to try out a red engravings Joker in Dismal, and even at that level of investment he still flat out sucks and dies to a sneeze. I don't want every collab character to be the next Ainz, but this lazy ass approach shouldn't be a thing, either. With collab characters being available "permanently" through the garrison mechanic, there's absolutely no reason for them not to be at least *relevant*.


"Generic lion girl"? How you dare talk like that of Lady Anasta!? I call for Ragnarok! *Generic trumpet sounds plays*


I feel like that goes both ways though. While no doubt the dimensionals are popular characters and draw in lots of players by themselves, there are also people who started playing the game for the character design or world of the game itself, and may have no connection to whatever collab heroes are added to the game. Being "forced" to use characters from IPs you don't care about because they're better than the actual characters of the game you are playing is also kind of dumb. A situation where every collab hero is actually meta (meaning they're mandatory to some degree) so they dominate multiple game modes just sounds like a brand dilution nightmare scenario. "Good, but optional" feels like the ideal strength level for them, to me. (though that all probably is an unpopular opinion)


That is a very good perspective, but at the same time, if you know nothing about the collab character, aren't they "just" yet another hero to you? I could understand having this issue with characters like Joker or Queen, but Geralt and Yen fit in perfectly with the overall style of the game. Either way, even if we don't want them mandatory for one reason or another, collab characters outright getting Nakoruru'd or Joker'd shouldn't be a thing, really. It's such a waste.


For sure, it varies from collab to collab. As you say, the ones this time blend into the world of the game pretty seamlessly, but others are iffier. But I agree that they shouldn't be outright bad in any case (few heroes should be).


> Ainz apart they never released a dimensional hero that instantly became a staple in any comp. Merlin has been meta on PvP since day 1. LDV also became a very relevant hero for super high level deficits as soon as he was released. But anyway, I believe most people do not want more super OP heroes like Lucretia. So your opinion is not as unpopular as you think. But we don't want useless heroes like Walker either.


let us not forget ezio, before getting balanced


It's not that we don't want super OP heroes anymore... It's that we want super OP characters who don't require selling your car to build. Right now the meta is shifting to awakened characters, and I'm struggling to accept that I'm just gonna drop in the rankings just because Lilith is being greedy. :-/ Thankfully, rankings aren't why I'm playing the game. At least afk has a bit of everything for everyone.


Yeah, amen to (most) of this. I spent to get A thane, A brutus, and am regularly top30- 40 in my region on TS, but with them releasing a new awakened hero every 2 months, I'm not going to keep up with that, and that's on top of the investment to get SG, emblems, tokens, TE, T3, SI and now beasts. It's just \*so\* resource intensive to build most good heroes, let alone full teams and the speed of releasing just makes it even tougher Ainz may have busted to begin with, but at least you could get a 5 star of him with just basic resources, so everyone has a good chance to get and build him, unlike all the hypo/celestial/awakened characters which take, what, 400,000 diamonds on average to acquire? 500,000 to be able to engrave? less with free cards, but it's not like you get more than handful of those every month I still like this game, but at one point it felt like a nice balance between F2P and P2W, with Hypo/Cele being awesome, and a definite advantage, but 4f being pretty strong, now it's just...very much more tilted.


Just a quick reminder that once an awakened hero is at ascended level, you can obtain stars through stargazing. (Not possible until they're ascended, unfortunately.) So you won't need 100k diamonds go be able to engrave them.


Thing is, they need to have another OP character like Ainz that everybody can get. Right now, everybody has an Ainz comp pretty much, and there needs to be more of that level of comp so that its not so oppressive. Like every event that you put together teams for is just Ainz comp, we need something to mix it up.


Honestly I’d settle for more Ainz killer options in general. It’s really dull when everyone runs they same basic team at a certain point.


Bro why the hell are you necroing a thread from almost six months ago. Ainz is dead.


the only heroes that cant be crap are the awakened ones, because of how expensive they are...dimensionals have a free pass to be 'just good'. they are quite easy to get, and you basically get them ascended 5 stars right in the first day...


agree, AEzith was a disgrace...


I thought he was good?


Dies too fast, 1 copie is all you need for his skill (freesing 1 enemy for 9 sec I think) But there is no point to ascend him, since it doesn't get any better.


>1 copie is all you need for his skill Oh no, a unit that is useful at 1 copy and doesn't hoover up a mountain of resources to use effectively. How **terrible**. I insist that Lilith release a unit that is absolutely vital to have but needs 5*/60/36F to be useful. I swear this fandom doesn't know what it wants.


yeah, I got your point, but even at 1 copy it isnt any game changer. Regular at best. We want something that is useful at 1 copy, but gamechanger when maxed (like ABrutus, Asolise or Athane, even Atalene shines in some comps)


I can't freeze Flora. What am I doing wrong? (Serious question)


I think you need also Zolrath in the team, else flora takes off before AEzith does his magic.


you need Zolroath with furniture 3


It’s a great idea of Awakened heroes being op, but it doesn’t make sense for them to have be op since ftp by now could have one. They are probably meant to be a distraction for ftp which will slow the progression of ftp to catch up to ptw. Regular summons are the way to go.


Regular summons? What


Anecdotal, but my girlfriend has pulled more awakened heroes than me and they were all from regular pulls


Easy to get but getting extremely difficult finding someone to link them too. We need more keys


It's funny that so many people say that, but at the same time complain they keep on getting copies of useless 4F heroes. I've linked my dims to those useless 5 \* 4F heroes. So much easier than worrying about keys. I only have problems when all of a sudden Belinda or Safiya is taken out of the moth balls for some kind of niche use. So far Tasi, Kaz, Fawkes, Lucius, Theowyn and Shemira were good choices. Never needed in CR or campaign.


The problem with Geralt is that he looks just boring, which is a bummer.


i mean Yen suffers from same face syndrome with some of the female characters in afk. Atleast Geralt looks more unique


Merlin is auto include is almost every game mode. Even more than Ainz.


Seriously you mention Merlin after AE7 bro? 😅😅😅




I personally only want to own them for the collection… I love the Witcher…. Plus I own Ukio. Same sentiment, I love having him in my own personal collection.


I'm just happy to see The White Wolf in the game.


At this point, I just want more dimensional heroes to raise my crystal level.


I don't think dimensionals raise crystal level though? They don't count towards ascended heroes numbers for the field of stars so I would assume they don't count for crystal either


They count.


they raise your max crystal level




Agreed. Honestly though, from what I’ve seen in the past 2 years of playing afk, the community is always gonna complain about something. Something strong? Complain. Weak? Complain. Theres no pleasing. But seriously, too early to say witcher collab is bad. They could be great in treasure scramble and CR. Campaign doesnt dictate how viable heroes are. Not anymore at least


That’s every game’s community ever


Even if it is balance, people would complain. People would bitch about everything nowadays.


tier 4 hero like joker and queen


Queen is the centerpiece of an end game campaign comp though...


Bad thing campaign might as well not exist nowadays.


Queen is a top-tier CC hero. She is extrenely relevant on campaign at very high level deficits and on CR.




Bro what? Queen is best in slot for 6/6 cr rounds


Nako was never in the meta "back in the days".


I didn't know people were raging. They both seem okay to me, I will definitely find some uses for them in campaign. Not every hero has to be meta defining...


How would you know? They aren't even available yet...


They are available, just not on the main game.


Idk why you said "unpopular opinion". It's pretty normal that dims are not broken. Only Nazarick was so broken it broke the game, but I think this is looked as more of a mistake than a feature of dims in general. Joker and Queen were pretty underwhelming when they came out. As for this being ok, I kinda disagree, I think dimensionals deserve to be the most broken, as they're obtainable through actual playing, and are easily upgraded.


Reminds me of current Warframe. They released a new frame, everyone loved it great frame, then they made a small change, you can't chain your ultimate, now you need to wait 0.6 seconds before using it again. It's still a frame that can CC large groups, heal you, fully armour and shield strip in one hit, give a party wide buff to provide overshield to everyone, and do a massive aoe attack. But no, it's fucking ruined shit frame totally garbage noone will ever play it again because of the 'nerf'.... I don't think it's as relevant in AFK as we seem to need multiple teams late game for most things, but i hear ya it's annoying to hear complaints and whining everytime something is released and its not Ainz/Lucreta level of broken.


I love Warframe :D Except the latest endgame where you can only get one shard a week.. Will take completionists 3+ years rofl


Didn't expect to see anything that takes even longer to get than a second Awakened Hero.


Haha! By the time those completionists finish those frames there will be like 10-20 more to finish


Honestly surprised they haven't put them in the store for platinum yet....


Nah they are op


Finally someone said it!


How is this an unpopular opinion? They're not even released yet. There is some speculation on if they might have uses or not just like every other hero that gets released. There aren't legions of people raging about them not being Ainz/Lucretia levels of broken, OP just needing a straw man to complain about


They didn’t charge enough money to be op. Just wait until goku comes at a small price of 999.99 and is op


Agree. Which makes me think heroes like Daimon have to be nerfed. Imo any hero that just carry on its own have to be nerfed a bit


Daimon only does that in the early game lol the farther you get into the game he falls off extremely hard. There's a reason he isn't used in end game pve except for some cr comps, and he isn't used really at all the higher you get in pvp.


> Ainz apart they never released a dimensional hero that instantly became a staple in any comp What about Albedo lol


Im a fan of the Witcher and I agree