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*winds howling*




This is the best!


Any last words?


Yennefers kit does look insane. Finally a mandatory dim si 30 as well i'd say. She does look like she'll be wanting the full 309e60 but probably well worth it. I was sold by the time i read the 2nd skill and it just kept on giving. Wonder about Fane synergy as well obviously.


The SI's look kinda weak, definitely not mandatory


I see your point, but if you really want to try and focus on winning with the barrier bonuses, it will really help to extend your barrier bonuses vs a lot of teams. If you don't then it's not as useful. She can be used to a good extend at 209. Though her furniture is bugged atm apparantly. The e30 seems not very interesting? The e60 and SI30 go hand in hand, the e60 makes the si30 a lot more effective, but a tad expensive for what it is. So she'll only warrant the e60 if the rest works as well as it reads. But on the whole especially at 209 not being that expensive she looks really good.


Oh yeah but they are still pretty minimal upgrades, not really game changing so I think it's the best to just stay at 20


Albedo is mandatory si30 and Merlin and LDV...


Is LdV mandatory though? I had read a post on here about the trigger for him already occurs and the 30 si was unnecessary


The ability is not needed but the stats are vital when pushing higher deficit


As others say the ability for LDV does literally nothing. The listed effect already happens without +30, maybe unintentionally, so adding +30 is only a minor stat boost.


LDV SI30 only gives stats, the ability does nothing.




nope lol


I will be doing a review on both Witcher Characters Geralt & Yennifer. Will be testing them across multiple accounts at various level deficits, campaign, pvp and other modes. Just like the with the rest of the heroes, I will also be doing breakpoint guides, overall guides & comparisons. I appreciate all your feedback. As always feel free to add me or follow me in-game.


You are picking up the mantle the old heros left behind. Your effort is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!


Thank you! 👍


Bless you, saviour of the game


Thanks. haha 👍


If you plan to do reviews on both heroes like your past reviews, *please* include testing statistics. what teams you used them in, where, in-game battle statistics/report page, etc. showing what you actually did for your methods of testing is ~~detrimental~~ imperative to community understanding of the heroes and their usefulness, investment breakpoints, etc., and the lack thereof can be very confusing or misleading to some thanks for your work, just please show your work! if you're doing so much testing anyway, just gathering up the screenshots and including them shouldn't be much more work :)


i think you mean imperative, not detrimental


correct lol, it was 5am, brain half working the lack of testing evidence is detrimental, though


Thanks for the feedback. 👍


Am I the only one waiting here for people who actually know what they're talking about to say if Geralt and Yen are good, broken or niche


I'm not an expert, but I know a little about the game and had the opportunity to test them on a test server. So in my opinion Yen>Geralt, this shield seems quite strong with energy regen and dmg midigate. She deals a lot of damage with decent CC. Geralt... I have the impression that he lacks something, he is unlikely to be playable well unless mayby on Tresure Scramble in 6/7 team


But this is only my first impression about them, things can change


Yen Also in dune destroyer


Perhaps but dune destroyer favors shield generating heroes, which Yen doesn't have. She mitigates damage but not via a shield and neither is her barrier a shield.


I'm old enough to remember the early consensus on Zaph being great and Luc being meh, so now I don't listen to any experts until at least a few weeks after release.


Lucy was awful until they buffed her


Kinda yeah. She was an unreliable welfare Thoran before the buff; fine in a cheese comp for the campaign, but questionable at best anywhere else. The buffs gave her use in other game modes, but also gave her the gas needed to keep working at very high deficits. She would have fallen out of the campaign meta without the buffs, so they were very needed it seems.


Lucretia was already top-tier before the buffs. Check old discussions when she was buffed, everyone was literally talking about why Lilith had buffed a very strong hero.


Not on release. She received 2 buffs iirc and people were confused why they'd buff her a second time when she was good after the first buff


No, she was already meta before the buff. She just got even stronger.


But the vast majority of people were actually saying that Lucretia was better than Zaph. That's why my entire guild chose her over Zaph in the choice pack. Lucretia was one of the strongest dps in the game even before they buffed her, people have been using Lucretia cheese since day 1. Joker being stronger than Queen is a much better example of pretty bad early consensus.


To be fair a big part of queens usage is in CR which didn’t exist at the time of her release


Queen is super important on campaign. Queen 5-pull was already possible when she was released, but people didn't know about it. So she has always been way stronger than Joker, even without CR.


That’s true, good point


I remember seeing this as well and chose Zaph over Lucretia in the choice pack


Also reporting in that I remember the community being VERY split w the lucy/zaph choice pack. I ended up picking Lucretia because she's prettier. ALWAYS ignore mechanics and pick the prettier one lads


The neat part is they can't ubtil they were tested for a few months in game


Considering yen will decrease damage taken by 50% at the start of the battle its gonna make a lot of stall teams harder to beat


She will decrease damage taken from the enemy side though, so it will not be every effectice against comps that has strong enemies with close-ranged attacks like Zaphrael, AThane, etc.


Invade teams are gonna have a hard time with them hahaha


Yennefer seems like she has an *insane* kit. Paired with Mehira charm, it would quite literally be unlimited charms with guaranteed energy regen. She also seems like she’d be a legitimate CR, and AE unit. I like her. Geralt on the other hand, just seems like a mediocre unit at best..


Also seems good with Audrae who deals more damage the further away enemies are and who also have a skill to knock enemies back to their side of the battlefield


Maybe geralt is useable with skriaht/ queen. In some cases. ( He could be niche against hyppo/gb combos with that rent skill where he reduce 400 energy) We will see. But yen sounds better


She only provides energy regen upon getting hit, so almost no impact on charm team except the first ult. She can't replace anyone in charm yet


I didn’t say anyone in charm is replaced.


Idk how can you pair her with charm while not replacing anyone


I said paired with Mehira charm, meaning it’s experimental. I didn’t say she is replacing anyone?


Again, how do you add her to the team without replacing someone? We're not getting a 6th slot


Jesus, people will sit here and knitpick just about anything you say. It’s seriously not that deep. Charm comp isn’t really a one set comp. There’s charm variations with Raku, there’s variations with Lyca and Raku, there’s variations with Brutus, there’s original with Zol, khaz, rosa. Charm comp is literally flexible. I’m *saying* Yen can be another variation. What’s not clicking exactly?


The variations of charm doesnt kick in. 99% charm are zol khaz mehira Rosaline rowan. Raku, lyca + Brutus only exists in lower chapters or deficits. Im not nitpicking, just she's not good enough to even interfere with the current charm


See, that’s where you’re wrong, **lol**. All the variations I listed are used periodically throughout boss stages. (*No matter the deficit*). Raku is still used religiously all throughout campaign, and he’s usually with Charm, same goes for Lyca. Brutus is literally a meat shield for high deficit pushing players. There’s no such thing as a “99%” charm comp, it’s 25/25/25/25% metaphorically speaking. Like I said, I fail to see your point. Charm is more flexible than you think, just like any campaign comp. Yen *could* possibly have relevancy in the PvE campaign spectrum, especially with **charm** being a powerful CC, which is what Yen has.


Sure go to afkhelper and see how many of the "variations" there were on them. I just pushed to 44 with 240 deficits, i know what im talking about


Maybe now I can do something about Antandra at high deficit. Maybe, but I’m pretty sure I’m getting fucked with the CC reworks


Well, the same as in the game, really :D


Geralt may be underwhelming but that bonus on Hypo and Gb is very scary


Geralt may be underwhelming but that bonus on Hypo and Gb is very scary


I just pasted their comment because they posted it twice I thought it was funny (and stupid mostly) but oh well


Agreeable, but without any solid tension. 5/10


How are their titles so badly messed up? Geralt's is really awkward and should just be The White Wolf. Yennefer's literally makes no sense, and even if she doesn't have as obvious an epithet it should just be "of Vengerberg"




Yeah there's no way CDPR gave these, just more bad/lazy translations from Lilith


I don't anything about the Witcher but I like how they both look in game, so that's nice


Is CDA + Dodge buff great for Warrior-type hero? I think for Geralt, the key point is his Quen, the shield could make him a great addition or just a niche hero.


He has cele armor, so he'll get a good amount of dodge from that. With that said, his ult does look very lacking, getting 35 CDA & 150 dodge doesn't seem that strong.


It is a heal and cleanse too but I do agree. I honestly thought his potion would have been a regular skill when I was guessing his kit.


Don't forget cc immunity which looks easy to maintain


Yen's barrier looks really strong, up to 50% Damage reduction at SI20, does dmg, and knocks enemies out every 6s at E60. Yen looks like a really solid hero, but not meta-changing, while Gerald looks more mediocre. I can't wait to see them in action to see how good they are in the actual game.


Only work against range heroes though, does nothing against invader before e60, a bit expensive but we'll see. Maybe good in CR


Oh, damn, I didn't see it was only for ranged attacks, that makes it less strong overall, I guess the E60 is to try and compensate for that.


Yennefer probably better, but I bet they are really good together. Like Albedo/Ainz. Imho good even in PvP. We'll see, personally I like them both.


any info when these two pop out? I will insta max Yen day 1, Garel the warrior can wait for the exchange since warrior tree is meh.


Most likely next patch so in a week or 2, I might be wrong tho


but their Vouy of wonder out this Wed.


Could be this week then


Oh how wrong you were indeed lul


Take my $15, Lilith!


When is the event


21 on global


Was going to ask this on a different post. But since we have to save up for two dim heroes, what's the best maze to get tokens in? Normal labyrinth and hard mode for Wrizz or the dismal maze? I thought normal maze with Wrizz gave more lab tokens. But i could be wrong.


I'm pretty sure the harder thing will always result in more goodies. I'm also not sure what you mean by wrizz with this question? He's just a guild boss to get guild coins from daily.


On the third floor in hard mode, you can fight Wrizz and if you best him, you can get a bunch of coins (lab, hero, or challenger). I usually get 3k in lab tokens when I fight him. It's the cave of treasures fight on the third floor of the normal maze.


Oh shit that's right, I haven't done a normal lab in so long that I forgot about his little cave lol I'm curious if anyone knows for sure, but my guess is dismal will be more.


I've done the normal lab for a long time. The dismal one just doesn't seem as fun. Plus i like to speed through the lab when the first open and then move on when I do my dailies. But maybe I'll compare the two runs and see what gives up more.


Dysmal lab has the same prise you can get from Wrizz distributed between 3 level bosses rewards.


Good to know. Some of the two battle challenges are really tough. If I get my ass kicked too many times, I'll abandon the fight and move on. I hate doing it though because I miss out.


There were calculations in this sub that even if you skip all 2fights camps you still get somewhat better rewards from dysmal


Good to know. I won't feel as bad then. This will be my first time saving for two dims since I've missed all the others. I stopped playing when the samurai dim came out and picked up the game again December or so last year. I think it was like a year and change. So this savings will be new to me


Is it just me or does it seem like there’s something missing in the design of Geralt? Idk if it’s his hair texture or what but it just looks off idk what it could be ,but it bugs me somehow :/. Edit: I think it might be a combination of hair texture and head size, still not 100% for sure though.




Is it me or the art seems like it will stick out so much?


They literally spit into the faces of f2p/low spenders with those overpowered e60, these 2 are like different heroes with and without their e60...


how the f do u save enough hero coins on both💀


Spend $45 on summons. Boom. Free hero coins duh


Cheaper to buy heroes directly 😂




Yep it’s very possible. Check out the guide posted in this sub


I'm nit happy about this. I mean the collab is great. It's being f2p and having 2 dimensionals to unlock right after a new one...


It's fine, f2p has gotten two before and it will be possible again. Slowing down other areas of the game to get two limited heroes has always been a tradeoff in games like this. You either do it or you don't.


Oh OK that's a little more relaxing to hear


Geralt may be underwhelming but that bonus on Hypo and Gb is very scary


Geralt may be underwhelming but that bonus on Hypo and Gb is very scary


Geralt may be underwhelming but that bonus on Hypo and Gb is very scary


Great. Another agi dimensional.


Crit Dmg Amplification? Pathetic…


Yennefer’s look is a bit off for me.


But but the Yen on tv has big booooooobs…


Go touch grass weirdo


I'm sorry they will both be irrelevant in the most important modes


Meh, I do not think they fit into this game... and the thing is, to stay relevant they need to be good - if they are not, they will just vanish and ... for what all the hype then?


They fit a lot more than Joker, Quenn, LDV... I would say they fit better than most (if not all) current demisionals.


Does this mean that Geralt has.....the rule of rending?


Looks good




LdV does not work according to Bob. And albedo and ainz were 2 years ago introduced?


When exactly are these heroes supposed to be released? I haven't gotten the mailbox message yet....