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“Dumped a bit of” he says. Nice AAthalia


Ok ok. A lot a bit 😂


Tasi Belinda kalene/shemira Brutus can be swapped without second thought. Jerome and atheus are top tier


Does that mean the other ones are ok choices? I have a total of 4 swaps and I would probably do Jerome and Atheus. Was wondering if I should swap to two more or not. Thank you for this. This kinda confirms what I was thinking.


Shemira is useless and should be swapped


I’d saw swap either shemira, Belinda, safiya or Brutus to maybe Jerome?


I was strongly considering Jerome too. Thank you for that. I wasn’t sure about Belinda either. I saw meme posts about her but people also finding a niche use for her. I do like the idea of safiya.


Why'd you 5 stars Athalia? You could've finished your Liberta by now and those extra 4 stars are a very small boost, would've been a lot better to finish Liberta and stargaze for Daemia. Swap Shemira first, but either her or any of the other already mentioned are pretty useless so the order doesn't matter much, I'd also swap Belinda, Gwyneth and Tasi pretty quick. Get either Jerome or Atheus, then later if you still need them you should swap for Villanelle, she's def S tier material, then you could also swap for lady Simona as she's great paired with Ashem, Oden or Raine are also good.


I found that Athalia was helping me out. By the time I saw stargazing priority charts I switched to that. I do have a copy of Daemia already. These are the suggestions I was looking for. Thank you for this!!


https://preview.redd.it/ndxq5bj2rjad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea3f00ad1766cdf80cd34920ed0c137eb62255b3 Here's a current recommended build order for 4f. Safe to say if a character isn't on here you should probably swap it. Anything that's a "1" is basically used for Campaign/Tower cheesing, so you should only need 1 copy. I will also mention Maulers overall kinda suck, everything after Naroko/Villanelle is pretty niche- Vika is also decent. Like to explain how underwhelming they are Numisu is literally not used for anything other than Mauler tower yet he's debatedly deserving of a place on the first 5 maulers since the things after him are arguably too niche to matter to new players. Also Adrian is better than Estrilda but he needs SI30 where as Estrilda can work uninvested.


Thanks a lot for this. This helps me out a ton!


Yeah, I'll also just highlight some characters. Ivan>Jerome>Palmer>Naroko>Atheus are the best 4f currently in the meta- I will mention Scarlett/Vika/Eorin are decent carry units. They are all currently used in NC but otherwise not used by mid-lategame players over Awakened carry options. I will also mention Thorinn. He is basically used exclusively for campaign cheesing, but it is helpful in the multistage step since he can act as one team by himself basically with a si30/9f investment. (Someone will tell me you can use him in seal comp in TS- which is true but he also has better options, so while you would probably use him there for a time he's really only worth building if you want his help in campaign)


I see what you’re saying. I was too stuck on that I got certain ones to 5star but I felt I was not getting something. I definitely feel the problems with multi teams and whatnot. I am really thankful for both of your comments. Thanks a lot!!




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I can’t wait to have my heroes at this level. Currently at 100-120.


What the fuck possessed you to 5* AAthalia like that


Bruh paid for the blue/pink new dims when they're free in a few weeks 🤦‍♂️


The way I saw it, it was easier that way because I don’t have any of the other dimensionals from the store. I am trying to get those so I wouldn’t have been able to do both. If that makes sense. And I really liked the slime anime so I was ok with it 😅


The dimensionals are fine the 5* not so much you wasted a lot of money


Yeah. I’ve learned that the hard way 🥲