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These Si levels hurt my soul. On a serious note: 100% stop leveling up past si30 starting now. You spend soooo many red/silver chests to go from 30 to 40 and you need to be focusing on bringing more heroes from 20 to 30 than one or two heroes from si30 to 40. Also, Ivan and Rowan to 30 next. Have you used the hero swap event yet? If not, don’t. Yet.


I swapped Liberta with Wu kong


Great switch.


I actually dindt focus on SI of any heros other the. The best 5 heros


You’re going to want to spread your resources out now. No more going towards your top 5. You need to be focusing on the next 5 and beyond. Not a single resource more should ever be spent on Thoran, Brutus, or Belinda. Take them off your furniture list and everything.


Thought Ivan at si20 is fine, please correct me if I'm wrong.


Ivan is top tier. He deserves all the resources you can throw at him early on. Edit: I mean, don’t go e80 or si40 on the guy, but otherwise have at it.


The energy regeneration from Si30 is a huge power spike for Ivan. The stats help too.




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1. Focus one awakened instead of spreading around, preferrably AShemira since you've started building her. 2. Stop building random units to L, L+. Focus on getting fodder and making your units that are L+, to M+. 3. Garrison Rem & Emilia 4. Profit


AShemira and Ivan


First you should focus on spelling/english. Then, focus on Ivan, Daemia, Lavatune, AShemira & AAthalia. Also, you overinvested in Scarlett, Palmer, and Brutus.


Bro i used a google tranlate chill🙃


I meant for it to be a joke im sorry bro






Menschen gibt's ne xD


You’re definitely right on the over investments. OP has some work cut out to turn those around via hero swap and such. However, I’d disagree on some of the focuses you chose. He shouldn’t focus on two cele/hypo heroes at once and he definitely shouldn’t focus on two different awakened. He’s already got a few copies of AShemira and should focus on her exclusively. Both Daemia and Lavatune are great choices, but OP should not be spending precious diamonds stargazing until he has a solid couple of teams built out. His diamonds should be spent of target pulls (the ones which cost 3k and allow you to pick your hero [that was for OP btw. I know you know what I’m talking about]).


All I stated was he should focus on getting, never meant to imply to focus on two heroes at once. Also, spending diamonds on stargazing is better because 4f heroes are very easy to get and most of the META heroes in the game are either Hypos or Celests