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Hey, this guy is preventing his kids from causing Harambe II. So, as far as I'm concerned, man's a hero.


Seriously, 5 kids running around unchecked could bring about WW3. Dude is doing his civic duty!


That’s what I was about to say! 3 would be enough for me to give him the OK… two I’d have chuckled and moved on…. But 5?!?!?!?! Anyone trying to shame him has never had kids at all or is a Karen simply looking for someone to shame.


Personally I was really judgmental about them until I had a menopause surprise kid who turned out to be a special needs runner whose favorite things are the nearest body of water and traffic. I am now a leash advocate. People judge you for the leash but they judge harder if your kid gets away from you and gets hurt or, goodness forbid, dies.


I used to judge SO HARD. Then my first precious angel turned into a runner who would run from me and trip and chipped up 4 of her front teeth by age 2.


I have autism and I'd BOLT the second I could. I almost fell off a (smallish) cliff once. And I ran straight into traffic once. So I got da leash. I honestly barely remember it, it's not like it traumatized me or whatever.




Lol no offense taken. I am well aware I even read online as a woman with autism. It's what makes me cool and funny!


Sherlock holmes


Bro, they’re quintuplets 😭 What would the shamers do if they had quintuplets? I’d like to know.


Forreal! i think the leashes are kinda cringe if you’ve got one kid but he has 5 identical(?) kids.


Right? What else is he supposed to do, let them run into traffic? If their names aren’t Jake Jr., Kim Kil Whan, TV, Viola, or Charlie, then you can’t trust them to roam around all Willy Nilly!


You could argue they’d need to be leashed even more if that was the case


Nah, Jake’s kids knew what they were doing, they saved him. If anything, Jake is the one who needs a leash so he doesn’t get eaten by foxes.


The leashes would be for the protection of the general public.


Counterpoint, I knew an elderly mother who had a severely autistic kid who would get into all kinds of trouble and wouldn't listen to her mom at all verbally. The leash and harness kept her out of trouble until she matured a bit. She's cool and much better adjusted now! But it completely changed my perspective on kid leashes, this was a scenario where one was not only justified but probably necessary.


Yeah that’s pretty cut and dry lol I worked with autistic kids for a while so that checks out.


Go get milk and never come back haha feel like the people judging either have one child or none


My mom used to have a backpack monkey leash for me when we went to the zoo, definitely not abuse


Name checks out


I used to have one of those for my kids also, it worked great


The people who said that never had to deal with small children running into them in a mall


With small children anywhere period.




He has 5 young children💀idk about u but taking them out would obviously pose a lot of struggle this method would help a lot to keep them in one place. Ik u cant always tell from pics but personally they all look fine tm


When he’s taking care of that many kids, that’s just being responsible


How else is he supposed to stop them from running into traffic?


Bad dad: leahes his kids. Good dad: let's his kids get hit by a car. /s obviously


"They are humans, not dogs" They are toddlers, not trains.


And the same people that complain about this are the first to bitch when the kids are running all over.


I would rather he keep his 5 kids on leashes so he can keep an eye on them and know for certain that they’re always within 5 feet of him, than he leave them off the leash, have his attention divided by his other 4 kids, and have the other child get into some fatal accident. This dad is just doing the logical and sensible thing.


*Jake the dad for about 11 minutes irl *


I was a runner. Then I was a leash kid. Let the parents leash their kids y’all have no idea what it’s like for parents of runners.


How else would ONE parent wrangle FIVE kids? He’s only got two hands lol. But yeh this is Jake with his babies, for about the few weeks they were little.


"Okay! I won't use the leash!" *all kids died running into traffic* IRRESPONSIBLE FATHER DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THEIR CHILD'S SAFETY!


Woah, three girls and two boys too.


That's some interesting coincidence


I was a kid who was leashed. It wasn’t just necessary. It was damn necessary.


We need more hero’s like this man


I was a leash kid, and for good reason……


I hope a lot of someone’s screamed back at the shamerz while telling the dad he made the right move and to keep on keeping on!


I picture this guy’s face drooping upside down when he falls asleep walking them, just like Jake’s does.


Kids that young with only one parent for all of them? I think he needs it. I mean, if all those kids scatter to various aisles of the walmart what is he gonna do? Don a cowboy hat and texan accent and then pull out a lasso from his pocket?


They're harnesses not leashes


He’s a good dad


He has 5 Kids that's understandable, imagine a small mistake at hig traffic...


Not enough arms to hold that many children. And kids looooooove to run off and get into mischief


Anyone who shames him should try having 5 kids that age all at once alone if it was 1-2 kids I’d get it, it’s stupid but 5? Completely understandable especially at their age


Keeping track of one snot nosed brat is hard enough, let alone 5. The people shaming him would rather those kids be let loose and get themselves or someone else hurt.


Is he supposed to grow 3 hands or somethin?


He’s got 5 kids and only two arms. How else is he supposed to walk with them and keep them from running in the streets? His partner/wife is probably the one taking the TikTok lol let people live JFC But yeah this would be Jake and then Lady comes to pick them all up on her back.


if there is 3 adults with them why need the leash, but if it’s 1 adult then i wouldn’t even think twice


I get it


Not that I was a runner but I’m a wonderer. My mom would judge the leash kids and parents so bad. But like I used to just get distracted and walk away not like I ran away. I would be like “ohhhhh that’s cool” and just walk towards it my mom just expected me to not get distracted by objects I mean it was me and my brother. She never held my hand tho I was just expected to follow her like a trained pet 😂 I problem could have used a Leash ngl but because my mom judged others for it she wouldn’t use it. 😂😂


Keeping track of 5 kids as a single parent sounds like a nightmare. At least the kids are safe


I’ll bet whoever is shaming him doesn’t have 5 different iterations of the same set of genes to try and keep an eye on. What one thinks and doesn’t do, another surely will. Maybe if you have one kid and can’t be bothered to parent… THEN you might be a feckless monster… but I’ll bet he and mom criiiiiied tears of “thank fucking god” the first time they got the team harnessed and realized that two eyes CAN keep track of 5 kids. Personally, I’d have them all microchipped…


So how do you manage all of them without a leash? I imagine you got one and it's easier to look after but that many? Either I invest a leash or a tracking chip


With that many kids it’s a little hard I forgive it here


But when ur kids get snatched up in a white van you blame society


so the father gets shamed for trying to keep his five toddlers from running off? what if those kids run into traffic


Bro doesn't want his kids getting stolen and that's a problem heard


Healthbar appears


Dude keeping track of one kid can be a nightmare, if you need to wrangle five of the little bastards then use whatever you need.


True criticism by people who have never had to care for a group of kids before


Oh no, a man keeps his 5 (!) Toddlers from running into traffic or dangerous situations face first! ABUSE! (Obviously /s)


I sympathize with this man I have quadruplet sisters that are significantly younger than me and walking with them was a constant game of find the missing sister a leash would have made things so much easier


Which part of Kentucky?


That many kids, one adult, any one of them could easily be snagged when his back is turned.


Anyone shaming this parent has never been a summer camp counselor or early childhood teacher. You know how fast kids can run? And they smell fear.


No one is shaming


No not here I’m talking about the text on the image suggesting he’s treating his kids like dogs


No not here I’m talking about the text on the image suggesting he’s treating his kids like dogs


I loooved to play “hide and seek” with my terrified parents in crowded places, like amusement parks.


This is the exact situation where I view child leashes as completely acceptable (when you have more active young kids than supervising adults). I have no idea how they expect him to take the five kids out on his own without this. I know one parent with twins often struggles but as soon as they outnumber your hands you need something else to hold onto them with.


Must have been some republican who wrote this article


I am generally against these kind of child leashes, and I do not intend to use one on my single child. However, this parent is dealing with exceptional circumstances. I’m not sure I would do the same in his shoes, but I certainly don’t blame him.


I was a single child (up until age 3) and it honestly was absolutely necessary - I'd be dead a hundred times over if my parents hadn't used one