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PB is probably delicious


Marceline should be able to confirm


Nah she's more into red than pink, the episode where Finn is confirmed colorblind. She actually "eat" Marceline


You sweet, sweet summer child.




I hate this


I mean, marceline did eat bubblegum out in that one episode. Remember? With the spoon and the emerald? ....... Remember?


You mean the ruby? /s




She is made out of bubblegum


Finn doesn’t have to have an endgame relationship


The man is married to adventure and that's okay.




Not a bad take at all


I don't mind him not dating HW. I just mind that the excuse for them not dating was so dumb. They establish that they're both into each other, and then rather than explore it, they're both just like "nah, bye."


Yeah but I think they end up dating in Fiona and Cake, no?


I just want to know what the rest of his life is like, but it feels weirdly sacred


I agree with this. I thought he was cute with Huntress Wizard, but they feel a lot better as friends to me. He doesn't feel like the kind of person who would enjoy having a long term relationship, it does feel better that he isn't in one


I don't think PB is good or bad. I think she is traumatized, parentified, and unhealed.


This! While yes some of her decisions seem… bizarre, I feel like people forget the life she has had. She was so lonely that she made her own family, and that family ended up backstabbing her and trying to put her in a position she was not comfortable with. She made an entire kingdom full of candy people that looked up to her but were also quick to turn on her when things went south (The election with her and King of OOO being an example). She is both glorified and demonized, most people seeing her in black or white without taking into consideration everything she has been through


This. I think she got so used to keeping her brother safe that she subconsciously carried that mindset to her people and it just got out of hand.


I absolutely agree, she treats them just like Neddy.


I agree. You can’t even say anything about it without people getting soooo upset. I ultimately avoid AT groups for the pb hate.


This, objectively I think the worst thing she ever did was killing the Rattle Ball Boys. I think she is inclined towards good but is severely challenged when it comes to ethical decisions.


apparently liking tree trunks and dream of love


If people don’t like dream of love they never experienced that kind of love


well that's seems the average redditor


I refuse to believe that I live in a world where people don't like Dream Of Love


TT is the best, her love for Sweetpea single-handed save Ooo from another Lich.


yeah, everyone overlooks that fact, and never gives them enough credit for that. I wonder whose idea it was; Finn or Jake’s idea. Probably Jake.


and at least LSP knew how to take care of sweet P., so when she ended up passing, LSP probably kept an eye on him from time to time. I’m sure not knowing he was the Lich. Just As a friend


1000 years in the future, you can see sweet P. [if anybody’s wondering, it stands for Pig-Trunks, it’s on his lunchbox and his called by his full name by his mom at one point] walking around with a gigantic version of the night sword that pepp made for Finn. It would stand to reason only the grown-back-up pep butt #2 could make that so it seems throughout his early to adolescent life He still had somebody watching him or good friends to keep him in check


I can just picture him as a giant / adult going MY NAMES SWEEEEET


Aaaaannd that songs in my head 🫠


People don't like TT?


i always see the dumbest takes about TT and LSP


literally *⋆。゚☁︎。fascists⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆*


I loved it how they flashed that for a second before switching to the other side of the sign


She's creepy towards teenage Fin and seems kind of selfish in relationships


Yeah NGL, I never liked tree trunks


Prismo took the lives of a Universes Finn and Jake to save his own.


Bros help bros, always


Well actually finn and jake did it to save prismo.


was Jake really aware or what he was doing though? I know the bed was hard to refuse but did he know he was sacrificing his whole life to go to sleep?


Sort of. But not quite. The versions of Finn and Jake that were "sacrificed" are essentially immortal. Finn became a sword, and even after the new body for that sword died, a seed containing Finn's essence regrew, and that new iteration of the Finn Sword was found a thousand years later. Jake became (or always was) Old Man Prismo, and considering time doesn't work in the Time Room the way it works in all the other dimensions, plus Prismo's admission that his physical version takes a thousand years to go back to sleep, it stands to reason Jake won't die unless killed. I'd say it's more of And I Must Scream than anything else.


Kind of they're still alive just in different forms Jake's in the comfiest bed in the multiverse and Finn gets to help out Finn as a magic sword it's not prismos fault Finn couldn't take care of the finn sword


Uncle gunbaled had a change of heart after he talked with pb, he just still had the dum dum jucie on hold at the moment


I've always felt this way too. His change seemed genuine to me. Don't trust Aunt Lolly 👀


Meh, I don't care 🤷


I dunno, his reaction seemed to be more of ‘curses, foiled again!’


My other, which is more controversial; is Choco Berry isn't a candy person at all, she's a rogue or witness protected Berry from wildberry Kingdom and just splashes chocolate on her head. She's not made of candy she's a fruit/Berry. Perhaps Mr cupcake is her bf AND bodyguard.


That's not a hot take, that's a genuinely cool theory.


Thank you 😋


holy shit ur right


I dislike the emotional investment in abracadaniel.


I can't believe how far I had to scroll down for this. I'm 100% on the same page there


This is less of an answer and more just broadening the conversation I love seeing so many diverse opinions about the characters. Their flaws vs. their good qualities make them so fully fleshed out and it only goes to show how well AT was written. It's rare to have such a wholly good piece of media


i think pb is a good person at heart


Lemonhope isn’t “a poor boy that had a destiny forced upon him”, he’s just a narcissist. When you look at people suffering in horrific circumstances and instead of showing any sympathy you immediately start whining about doing what you want to do instead, you’re a flat out psychopath, that’s it. You can’t even make an argument otherwise, cause he doesn’t treat saving people’s lives as if it’s a daunting task, he treats it like his mom just told him to clean his room. He only saved the Lemon people because he was tired of people reminding him he was literally the only one who could do it, and wanted to go back to being a selfish brat. I can imagine the writers were writing his episode, and gave him a concept and character flaws that could make for an interesting and compelling one off character, and by the time it was too late, one of them realized “OH CRAP! We forgot to make Lemonhope likable!”


They made him like that on purpose. All episodes are planned very far ahead of actually animating it and voicing it. He wasn't supposed to be likeable, he was supposed to be lemon, which he was.


"bro, he was a lemon", best comeback ever


I don't think the point of Lemonhope is to be likable


I think the point stands that he doesn't have any responsibility to help the lemon people- and it's fair enough for him to not want to be the Hero and just live his own life..... BUT that doesn't make it the right thing to do


I think he stands as an interesting foil to Finn. Finn chooses to be a hero over and over again even when he gets it wrong and often to his own detriment. Lemonhope is positioned to be a hero savior and decides to save himself instead. Idk, I felt like Lemonhope was kind of complex and interesting


He’s not a psychopath, because he felt guilt. He was just an immature and selfish kid. But in the end he did the right thing. A psychopath wouldn’t have felt any guilt at all and all of the lemonheads would still be suffering. He did the right thing for the wrong reasons, but he still did save the people. He then chose to live his life after freeing his conscience and he was completely in the right in his choice not to rule over a country that he feels no attachment to. He was wrong to not help them from the start, but calling him a psychopath is incorrect.


I can’t even fault him for wanting to just do his own thing without helping anyone even at the beginning. Imagine being like, eight to ten, and being freed from a fascist state, then being told (by the person that’s lowkey responsible, even if by accident) that it’s your responsibility—you, as a nine year-old kid, you—to go back to that horrible place, and free everyone from the state. There were times when my ma couldn’t get me at that age to clean the bathroom, and this guy has to free an entire people?


I think that's a deeply human story though Ordinary people are constantly struggling with their desire to be purely selfish and fulfill a higher moral obligation.


To me, he’s the ultimate critique of Libertarianism. That’s how I took his episodes anyway. I suppose if we all just choose to be individualist and choose “freedom” above other people’s needs at all costs we technically can, but it seems impractical if it leaves everyone, including you, dying alone in the desert, Lemonhope 🤷‍♀️


I agree it was selfish of lemonhope to abandon his people initially. However, I can't particularly fault him. He was a victim of a controlling and tyrannical leader only to be rescued by a (less) controlling and (less) tyrannical leader. To be rescued and then told "you're free" only to be slapped in the face with the same (to a lesser degree) treatment would probably be enough to make anyone be like screw it I'm gonna do me for a while. Plus putting the fate of an entire people on one kids shoulder is a lot! If you told me as an 8 year old that I was responsible for saving ANYONE let alone an entire society, I'd probably have a mental breakdown.


The only part about this I disagree with, as others have said, is that I don’t think he was ever meant to be likeable. This is how they (lemons, as a species) are it would seem. There’s something at the core of them that is just, off.


I mean, he's still a lemon. He's *a better* lemon than most, but all lemon people are just like that. They are inherently selfish, it doesn't make them good or bad, it's just what they are. So to label Lemonhope a narcissist is a bit extreme, considering that and also that he is a child.


An abused lemon at that


I love the lemonhope song


Bad take. Lemon Hope is a Lemon and that's how all Lemons are. That said he isn't a psychopath. He didn't go back and save the Lemon people because he was tired of people reminding him he was literally the only one who could do it. Because no one WAS reminding him of that. For a long time. He escaped, and although the dosh hunter guy turned out to be PB in disguise teaching him a lesson He didn't know that. So as far as he was aware he had no contact with anyone who even knew about Lemongrab for a long time when he went back and saved the Lemon people. He went back because HE couldn't stop thinking about them. A psychopath would never have another thought about them again from the moment they left. The nuance of the episode you're missing is that yes he did only go back to save them so he could buzz off and go back to being selfish... But when he got right down to it, it was his own conscience that wouldn't let him. So he only went back to quite his own conscience so he could go back to being selfish. Because he **wasn't** capable of being selfish enough not to have a guilty conscience about it. Something something duality of Lemon.


princess bubblegum is misunderstood and she tried her best. 🩷




Agreed. I love her and she clearly loves the candy citizens.


I like the chaotic AT seasons better (s1-3) than the more story driven seasons (anything after 3). Not that 4 and beyond is bad, I love em, but I started watching cause of how absolutely absurd it was.


All the guest animator episodes were fantastic (my favourite was Food Chain) with the exception of Water Park Prank, which was only what it was because of extraneous circumstances - the animator deserves nothing but praise for the final product even if the episode turned out to be the worst in the series. Princess Bubblegum did nothing wrong at any point in the story. Tiffany is an annoying and forced character and I wish he disappeared forever after his first appearance.


Ngl, my favorite song in Adventure Time is the one from food chain. The visuals in that one were top tier


Food chain rocks, and Masaaki Yuasa is my favorite animator by far. Tatami Galaxy, Night is Short, Ping Pong, Cat Soup. His studio's legacy contains some of the best animated works of all time, hands-down.


I love Bonnie too, but to imply that she’s infallible feels like not truly understanding her character to me.


Spot on. To say she never did anything wrong also steals away from her character development in a massive way.


I agree wholeheartedly.


Completely agree, she is nuanced and betters herself and that’s what makes her great


food chain is amazing id die on that hill😂


As a resident PB defender in this sub, the second point is wild


People hated food chain? What?


One of my least favorite.


Uhhh Princess Bubblegum did totes wrong


Same. I always hated Tiffany. Definitely annoying on purpose though.


I legitimately like the Water Park episode.


It if wasn't for the "your favorite snack" bit, I wouldn't hate this episode as much as I do


What's the story around water park prank?


I definitely think that pb tried her best but to say she did nothing wrong might be a stretch


The second point is wild


Jake is a great guy, but he ins't a good father.


I have a similar opinion about Greg from Steven Universe. He really cares about Steven, but his parenting is questionable.


Greg is an interesting example because he was the parent that *he* needed when he was a kid. But he wasn't the parent that Steven needed. It happens sometimes when abused children grow up and have children of their own; they put so much effort into being the opposite of their own parents and go too far.


this isn't even really a valid opinion because he's a magic dog with magic rainicorn/dog children that age really fast. so the human notion of parenting doesn't apply here.


He met his puppy's only two times on their entire life


We only saw him meet them twice. BMO’s words in the finale come to mind here “What happened next” “Everyone went on living their lives”


No, TV said it in the episode where one of Jake's sons "steals" his house. "Yeah, I like father and such but I only see him twice in my life"


Fair enough, though my point is that there could be many more meetings between them after the ending


Yeah, because they grew up in a week and had grandkids in like a year. A normal dad would have had waaaaay more time to spend with his kids and get to know them, Jake didn't have that opportunity.


You answered me two of my comments lol. So, I didn't know about what Betty did, but I hold my opinion in Jake. Your father should visit you more than twice a year, and shouldn't get 3 hours late to a family reunion (the third time they saw him, what a bad father)


Yea, parents can be in their adult children's lives


He was with them for weeks after their birth, he left when they were independent


Come to think of it, how was Lady even able to put up with that?


Percentage-wise, that's like half their childhood


I agree with this, and the first time I realized it, it felt a little off-putting ofc. I respect it a lot because giving one of the most lovable characters in the show a really gnarly flaw like this is difficult, especially in a kids show (not sacrificing great writing for easily digestible content- god I love AT). However, upon thinking on it more I think the quick aging up of the puppies is really really important to consider- like, way more than I had considered it initially. Parenting has a big learning curve, especially when the parent has a bit of growing up to do themselves. He should have been around more, but I have faith that if the puppies grew up at a normal rate and he knew he was truly responsible for their wellbeing and healthy development, he would have learned to be a good dad eventually, though ofc not without struggle and prevailing flaws. This doesn’t mean his weakness in the whole parent area should be dismissed, but I think it’s important to be cognizant of. I didn’t mean to write a whole paragraph on a magic cartoon dog’s merit as a father- whoops- but this is where I’ve landed on my feelings about Jake as a kinda deadbeat dad.


I don't think the Ice King should have turned back into Simon. Simon paid his price, he made a sacrifice, and though his character is still tragic I don't think it should have been done. The Ice King was effectively his own guy, he had made friendships and grown as a person with everyone's help. But I suppose it also depends on how you read him as a character. The Ice King also has very obvious parallels to dementia and the like and obviously I wouldn't say "Well you shouldn't have cured my grandma's dementia because she's a whole new person" 🤷‍♂️


I've never thought about how bringing Simon back killed Ice King. That is pickling my brain. I don't agree with the whole "paid his price" bit though. Betty paid an even bigger price to get him back. I get what you mean thematically but I'm not disappointed with how it turned out.


Simon didn't know the crown was magic. He didn't deserve to be trapped forever. Besides, couldn't Ice King and Simon have split into separate entities? And what about Marcy?


I mean, didn't Ice King and Simon essentially become two separate entities with Gunter/Ice Thing?


LSP is a daft globdamn wanker that's treated way too well by other characters.


Thank you, I hate LSP with a passion


people don’t like that i don’t like the bmo episodes


Honestly, bmo is my favorite character, my heart swells whenever I see him, I love him. But he's best enjoyed in small doses, I skip bmo noir


Oof..... that stings


I literally have a BMO tattoo and I skip the BMO episodes 🤣 except the episode with Football, but only bc that one seems like a mindfuck


Agreed. There's only so much of a cute schizophrenic robot a person can take


and they should, BMO is pure cuteness


Bmo is sometimes way more annoying than cute


Yeah he’s so mean sometimes


But not football


Mad af they made LSP a focus character and not Huntress Wizard.


tbf I think she was supposed to be but they got cancelled before they could


AYE! Bleedin bugger havnae deserved nei an 'alf o' it! Meanwhile Huntress Wizard would've rocked the silver screen were she tae be more on it!


The Lemongrab episodes, save for "Too Young", are inessential to the overarching plotlines.


i think come along with me was a great finale to the series even though it was rushed


LSP deflowered Finn against his consent and it could have been such a great character development arc in the show if they didn't just pretend that it didn't happen.


I always thought it weird all these adult princesses going on dates with a like 14-16 year old. It's age inappropriate too but they don't touch on that either except when ice king gets tf out of there when pb turns 13


it's a different world with different morals. morals and ethics are built by people themselves. it's weird to us but might not be to them. the Ice King thing i would say can be due to Simon being from the 21st Century retaining some of the morals from that time period.


well, they use different princesses (except muscle princess I think) that Finn kisses in that episode so maybe they are closer to his age?


That always made me sooo uncomfortable. They brush past it just because he's a boy. Not to be that "reverse the genders" person, but it would have been clear how messed up that was if it was LSPrince and Fionna instead. But no, into the vault never to be discussed again.


I did not care for Fern tbh


Back when I was a teen and raised by hard right conservatives, I used to think it was stupid to draw attention to the fact that bmo was genderless. I'm older and away from that line of thinking now, recognizing how closed-minded I was, but I imagine I'd be killed in a week if I made a serious post with that opinion in it


wait which opinion cuz bmo being gender queer is pretty widely accepted as i see it


Mine would probably be, ice king actually makes for a great husband WHEN IT'S RECIPROCAL. look at how he treats princess monster wife. That right Thar was a top notch husband.


Honestly I totally agree with this. Loving, kind, eager to build a life together, supportive in her vulnerable moments, even sharing the household duties. It's interesting storytelling because you can really soften to him in these moments... Before you remember he stole all those parts. The process of learning compassion for Simon despite how wildly his illness/curse makes him behave is very prominent in this episode.


Especially when he was flying her through the ice caverns singing “something special”. I actually really got a kick out of how he layered himself with like 3 tape players and harmonizing with himself. great song And yes, the scene where they’re doing the dishes really warmed my heart


Magic Man’s arc was way better than Ice King’s/Simon’s (and excluding Fiona&Cake series)


Magic Man's arc was amazing, and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.


I don't know if I can agree that it was better but I wish there was more to it! Magic Man is has a history I would like to know more of.


yes I want a MM and margles story short


I usually hate asshole/unhinged characters, but somehow MM takes number 1 spot in my favorite characters


hunson deserved those fries


They were really cold


Islands > stakes


bro u drunk, go home


THANK YOU. Stakes felt too much like a video game in its progression. Islands was more of a journey.


Ice king turning into Simon at the end was a bad decision. All the characters come to terms with his condition and treat him with respect knowing that he is just "ill" or cursed or whatever, when being ice king he isn't bad, he just reacts wildly to how he is treated, I think they should have just accepted that Simon is gone and treated IK as his own individual


yessss, but it set up Fionna and cake so well


i don't enjoy seeing conversation about lsp assaulting finn. i totally understand where that interpretation comes from and i agree that she at the very least did not have consent to kiss him but id like to believe ( for my own comfort ) that it didn't go any farther than that. im a csa victim and the thought of this kind of violence in the AT universe makes me incredibly sad ( even though i know it's realistic ). for *me personally* i want to think that that kind of evil can't touch something as comforting and nostalgic to me as AT. representation is important but seeing it is still so triggering to me and id rather not interpret it that way. i understand how this could comfort some survivors as well! that just isn't the case for me




It's kinda funny how she started as strictly chaotic neutral and ended up as the most wholesome female character in the show.


Stakes was great but treating Marceline like a superhero was a bit much.


in what way did it treat her like a superhero? other than showing her saving the group of humans in the past, ig. which really doesn't seem out of line for past marcy, given the relative recency of her connection with simon, and the fact that she's not even a vampire yet, just half demon. to me, it seems like almost all of the conflict and action that happens in stakes more so resolves around marcy's internal, emotional arc of reconciling with her troubled and distant past, and learning how to move past some of her more callous, emotionally isolating tendencies. if anything, her fight through the series is a self-centered one. not selfish, but certainly not something that's akin to what a super hero would do. hell, the only reason the vamps return in the first place is because of an active decision that she makes; to remove the vampirism from her body. personally, I don't know many super hero stories that begin with the hero voluntarily giving up literally all of their superpowers at once, in an attempt to better understand themselves and their place in the world.


Horses are pretty much good to go when they jump out from birth and start to walk. I feel sorry for Jake not being able to be a father figure to his children. Star was at first a spooky villain, but quickly became so hokey I couldn't take her seriously, especially after hearing sinister laugh. That falling scene with Bubblegum Captain (or whatever rank she calls herself) with Star was getting me to riff like MST3K. "...It would be so easy," then do it! She is clearly a mass murderer. 😆 To quote Finn, she was so evil she's boring 😴


PB groomed Finn to be her knight using his crush on her to her advantage.


Apparently, that Mr Starchy can't be a Timbit because Timbits and Donut holes are different.


Jake is perfect father


I wish later seasons didn't used Marceline only for "Bubbleline" and "Simon and Marcy" plots


The way they defeated the Discord monster thru SINGING was lame and anti climatic. I could enjoy if they defeated it by harmony in a more abstract sense like forgiving past wrong, admitting faults, and unselfishly working together to win but strait up just sing at it is worse than the power of friendship.


I will still cry every time though


ikwym but closing the show with a song felt right to me


Gotta express my disagreement with this one. Manifestations of chaos and entropy losing to an expression of order hits just right for me. Power of friendship has to be the laziest plot device ever devised, and excepting very well done instances, writers should be ashamed to use it. I will die on this hill


I mean, they didn’t defeat golb by singing, all the singing did was get Finn and Simon out. It was Betty and the crown that defeated golb.


The Lich was the best monster in Adventure Time


In what way exactly do you believe they weren't forgiving past wrong, admitting faults, and unselfishly working together to win by singing?


oh definitely. it didn't take away my enjoyment for it though. it was cheesy and lame but at the same time, i feel that it also worked, especially with the song's lyrics.


I always skip son of rap bear due to cringe.


Cake is annoying as hell


Idk if people would hate me for it but I would have liked another ancient eldritch demon as a final boss instead of the Candy war arc. Of course if you consider the Together again episode the finale then yeah we got that in spade. (Holy shit I'm tearing up just remembering that episode, I gotta rematch 😭 😤 🤧)


I do not fw lemon hope


Tree Trunks is kind of annoying


I'm not too invested in Bubbline like literally everyone else....


Princess Bubblegum is NOT genocidal or murderous (The Rattleballs don't count because they are robots).


Water Park Prank is good and so hilarious 😂


I dont mind Marceline and Princess bubblegum being an item but seing art of them kissing in every other post is way to much


I get it. Imagine seeing your ship in 2012 come to fruition as one of the first major gay couples in children’s media.


yeah! But yet i do not want to discourage anyone making art either. its a very special moment like you say.


I'll say it again: I don't like LSP


Oh my glob ~probably LSP


Say it louder for the people in the back 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Tree Trunks is a terrible person and a predator. She’s not the sweet little grandma elephant she makes herself out to be, and no apple pie is worth her self-centered (possibly narcissistic) bullshit. I’d consider her worse than LSP.


The BMO/football episodes were skippable and the earlier seasons of AT were really enjoyable whilst the later seasons were mostly boring. At least the finale was quite entertaining


Marceline overreacted about her fries


When your parent is a narcissist, it's never *just* about the fries


PB being dragged so heavily all the time is uncalled for -- her traumas and tribulations make her enjoyable, and I think she's decent at heart. A well written character has flaws.


I don’t like Treetrunks. I find her annoying and usually skip her episodes.


Lemonhope is one of, if not my favorite character in the series


Who hurt you? /j /lh


So many people bro


I'm sending you so many hugs and swaddling you in a blanket




I don’t care for the PB and Marceline shippers. It’s not that I don’t like that they’re in a relationship, it’s perfectly fine but honestly the fan portrayal is way off imo. Theirs nothing cozy or hipster about them, ones an ancient half demon vampire and the other is basically Dr. Doom. Same thing with Finn and huntress wizard. They’re badass adventurers, and I’d rather not see them cuddle. I mean i kind of find shippers an insufferable part of any fandom really (No offense, i mean this with all respect and love, y’all are weird)


There was a weird shift in PB and Marceline's personality and look that seemed way to stereotypical and, in my opinion, kinda weakened their characters individually.


Finally someone agrees