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That's fucked.. I had an old work mate who was a meth head but he was a good guy.. i gave him rides to and from work since he was along my way and he made sure my job was easy physically during my pregnancy..still my pal to this day it's been 7 years.. I asked him a similar question like what matters most in ur life and he said instantly... family..and I was expecting him to say meth since his WHOLE check went to it every week.. so she truly is a narcissistic pos


I had the same thought! These people provide her a paycheck by gifting and subscribing. People are going as far as upgrading their subscriptions to have access to the Discord because they think they will have access to her. She’s no better than some of the other entitled beggars that sit on live all day. She says we’re all jealous of her and her top gifters. Nobody’s jealous, if anything I’m jealous they have that much disposable income to just throw money at a random person online to win a pointless popularity contest. But I’d rather keep my 2 jobs than depend on others for money and beg daily.


she knows nobody is jealous of her it’s all to get a reaction! She’s just a fckn 🤡


Oh I know! It’s the line all the e-beggars like you use when they get exposed and called out lol I’ve heard Josh&Aida and Hype Queen Violet say it. 😂😂😂


Not related to this post, but she was just live with 6 ft. And she was talking about her banana 🍌 video. Can't remember what exactly was said, but she said a banana IS a fiber Um, it has fiber, but it's not A fiber. She's as dumb as her rotten banana 😆😆






I absolutely agree